484 resultados para lamina
Salmonella typhimurium can colonize the gut, invade intestinal tissues, and cause enterocolitis. In vitro studies suggest different mechanisms leading to mucosal inflammation, including 1) direct modulation of proinflammatory signaling by bacterial type III effector proteins and 2) disruption or penetration of the intestinal epithelium so that penetrating bacteria or bacterial products can trigger innate immunity (i.e., TLR signaling). We studied these mechanisms in vivo using streptomycin-pretreated wild-type and knockout mice including MyD88(-/-) animals lacking an adaptor molecule required for signaling via most TLRs. The Salmonella SPI-1 and the SPI-2 type III secretion systems (TTSS) contributed to inflammation. Mutants that retain only a functional SPI-1 (M556; sseD::aphT) or a SPI-2 TTSS (SB161; DeltainvG) caused attenuated colitis, which reflected distinct aspects of the colitis caused by wild-type S. typhimurium: M556 caused diffuse cecal inflammation that did not require MyD88 signaling. In contrast, SB161 induced focal mucosal inflammation requiring MyD88. M556 but not SB161 was found in intestinal epithelial cells. In the lamina propria, M556 and SB161 appeared to reside in different leukocyte cell populations as indicated by differential CD11c staining. Only the SPI-2-dependent inflammatory pathway required aroA-dependent intracellular growth. Thus, S. typhimurium can use two independent mechanisms to elicit colitis in vivo: SPI-1-dependent and MyD88-independent signaling to epithelial cells and SPI-2-dependent intracellular proliferation in the lamina propria triggering MyD88-dependent innate immune responses.
The Al Shomou Silicilyte Member (Athel Formation) in the South Oman Salt Basin shares many of the characteristics of a light, tight-oil (LTO) reservoir: it is a prolifi c source rock mature for light oil, it produces light oil from a very tight matrix and reservoir, and hydraulic fracking technology is required to produce the oil. What is intriguing about the Al Shomou Silicilyte, and different from other LTO reservoirs, is its position related to the Precambrian/Cambrian Boundary (PCB) and the fact that it is a ‘laminated chert‘ rather than a shale. In an integrated diagenetic study we applied microstructural analyses (SEM, BSE) combined with state-of-the-art stable isotope and trace element analysis of the silicilyte matrix and fractures. Fluid inclusion microthermometry was applied to record the salinity and minimum trapping temperatures. The microstructural investigations reveal a fi ne lamination of the silicilyte matrix with a mean lamina thickness of ca. 20 μm consisting of predominantly organic matter-rich and fi nely crystalline quartz-rich layers, respectively. Authigenic, micron-sized idiomorphic quartz crystals are the main matrix components of the silicilyte. Other diagenetic phases are pyrite, apatite, dolomite, magnesite and barite cements. Porosity values based on neutron density logs and core plug data indicate porosity in the silicilyte ranges from less than 2% to almost to 40%. The majority of the pore space in the silicilyte is related to (primary) inter-crystalline pores, with locally important oversized secondary pores. Pore casts of the silica matrix show that pores are extremely irregular in three dimensions, and are generally interconnected by a complex web or meshwork of fi ne elongate pore throats. Mercury injection capillary data are in line with the microstructural observations suggesting two populations of pore throats, with an effective average modal diameter of 0.4 μm. The acquired geochemical data support the interpretation that the primary source of the silica is the ambient seawater rather than hydrothermal or biogenic. A maximum temperature of ca. 45°C for the formation of microcrystalline quartz in the silicilyte is good evidence that the lithifi cation and crystallization of quartz occurred in the fi rst 5 Ma after deposition. Several phases of brittle fracturing and mineralization occurred in response to salt tectonics during burial. The sequences of fracture-fi lling mineral phases (dolomite - layered chalcedony – quartz – apatite - magnesite I+II - barite – halite) indicates a complex fl uid evolution after silicilyte lithifi cation. Primary, all-liquid fl uid inclusions in the fracturefi lling quartz are good evidence of growth beginning at low temperatures, i.e. ≤ 50ºC. Continuous precipitation during increasing temperature and burial is documented by primary two-phase fl uid inclusions in quartz cements that show brines at 50°C and fi rst hydrocarbons at ca. 70°C. The absolute timing of each mineral phase can be constrained based on U-Pb geochronometry, and basin modelling. Secondary fl uid inclusions in quartz, magnesite and barite indicate reactivation of the fracture system after peak burial temperature during the major cooling event, i.e. uplift, between 450 and 310 Ma. A number of fi rst-order trends in porosity and reservoir-quality distribution are observed which are strongly related to the diagenetic and fl uid history of the reservoir: the early in-situ generation of hydrocarbons and overpressure development arrests diagenesis and preserves matrix porosity. Chemical compaction by pressure dissolution in the fl ank areas could be a valid hypothesis to explain the porosity variations in the silicilitye slabs resulting in lower porosity and poorer connectivity on the fl anks of the reservoir. Most of the hydrocarbon storage and production comes from intervals characterized by Amthor et al. 114488 preserved micropores, not hydrocarbon storage in a fracture system. The absence of oil expulsion results in present-day high oil saturations. The main diagenetic modifi cations of the silicilyte occurred and were completed relatively early in its history, i.e. before 300 Ma. An instrumental factor for preserving matrix porosity is the diffi culty for a given slab to evacuate all the fl uids (water and hydrocarbons), or in other words, the very good sealing capacity of the salt embedding the slab.
Chordoid glioma of the third ventricle is a rare neuroepithelial tumor characterized by a unique histomorphology and exclusive association with the suprasellar/third ventricular compartment. Variously interpreted as either astrocytic- or ependymal-like, and speculatively ascribed to the lamina terminalis/subcommissural organ, its histogenesis remains, nevertheless, unsettled. Here, we report on a suprasellar chordoid glioma occurring in a 52-year-old man. Although displaying otherwise typical morphological features, the tumor was notable for expression of thyroid transcription factor 1, a marker of tumors of pituicytic origin in the context of the sellar region. We furthermore found overlapping immunoprofiles of this example of chordoid glioma and pituicytic tumors (pituicytoma and spindle cell oncocytoma), respectively. Specifically, phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6, a marker of mTOR pathway activation, was expressed in both groups. Based on these findings, we suggest that chordoid glioma and pituicytic tumors may form part of a spectrum of lineage-related neoplasms of the basal forebrain.
The phloem mobility of heavy metals is relevant to the redistribution of micronutrients and pollutants and, ultimately, to the quality of harvested plant parts. The relative mobility in wheat may vary considerably between different cations. In the study reported here, radio-labeled nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) were introduced into either intact young winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) via a leaf flap, or detached maturing shoots via the cut stem. Elements fed into the lamina of the second leaf of 21-day-old plants were translocated to the younger (expanding) leaves and to the roots but not or only in trace amounts to the first (already fully expanded) leaf. The 63Ni and 65Zn were exported more rapidly compared with the other heavy metals. Most of 54Mn was retained in the originally labeled leaf. The peduncle of some maturing shoots was steam-girdled below the ear to distinguish between xylem and phloem transport. This phloem interruption reduced the content of 63Ni in the ear to about 25%. Intermediate effects were observed for 65Zn, 57Co, and 109Cd. Total 54Mn accumulation in the ear was hardly affected by steam-girdling, indicating a transport of this element within the xylem to the ear. These results suggest that the relative phloem mobility of Ni and Zn in young wheat plants and in maturing wheat shoots is higher than the mobility of Co and Cd, whereas the mobility of Mn is very low.
This is the first report describing a case where prolonged, severe malabsorption from brown bowel syndrome progressed to multifocally spread small bowel adenocarcinoma. This case involves a female patient who was initially diagnosed with chronic jejunitis associated with primary diffuse lymphangiectasia at the age of 26 years. The course of the disease was clinically, endoscopically, and histologically followed for 21 years until her death at the age 47 due to multifocal, metastasizing adenocarcinoma of the small bowel. Multiple lipofuscin deposits (so-called brown bowel syndrome) and severe jejunitis were observed microscopically, and sections of the small bowel showed dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the lamina propria as well as blocked lymphatic vessels. After several decades, multifocal nests of adenocarcinoma cells and extensive, flat, neoplastic mucosal proliferations were found only in the small bowel, along with a loss of the mismatch repair protein MLH1 as a long-term consequence of chronic jejunitis with malabsorption. No evidence was found for hereditary nonpolyposis colon carcinoma syndrome. This article demonstrates for the first time multifocal carcinogenesis in the small bowel in a malabsorption syndrome in an enteritis-dysplasia-carcinoma sequence.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES Obesity contributes to telomere attrition. Studies focusing on short-term effects of weight loss have been unable to identify protection of telomere length. This study investigates long-term effects of pronounced weight loss induced by bariatric surgery on telomere length. SUBJECTS/METHODS One hundred forty-two patients were recruited in a prospective, controlled intervention study, follow-up investigations were done after 10.46±1.48 years. A control group of normal weight participants was recruited and followed from 1995 to 2005 in the Bruneck Study. A total of 110 participants from each study was matched by age and sex to compare changes in telomere length. Quantitative PCR was used to determine telomere length. RESULTS Telomere length increased significantly by 0.024±0.14 (P=0.047) in 142 bariatric patients within 10 years after surgery. The increase was different from telomere attrition in an age- and sex-matched cohort population of the Bruneck Study (-0.057±0.18; β=0.08; P=0.003). Significant changes in telomere length disappeared after adjusting for baseline body mass index (BMI) because of general differences in BMI and telomere length between the two study populations (β=0.07; P=0.06). Age was proportional to telomere length in matched bariatric patients (r=0.188; P=0.049) but inversely correlated with telomere length in participants of the Bruneck Study (r=-0.197; P=0.039). There was no association between percent BMI/excess weight loss and telomere attrition in bariatric patients. Baseline telomere length in bariatric patients was inversely associated with baseline plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. Telomere shortening was associated with lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and higher fasting glucose concentration at baseline in bariatric patients. CONCLUSIONS Increases in relative telomere length were found after bariatric surgery in the long term, presumably due to amelioration of metabolic traits. This may overrule the influence of age and baseline telomere length and facilitate telomere protection in patients experiencing pronounced weight loss.
Detached wheat shoots (ear with peduncle and flag leaf) were incubated for 4 d in a solution containing 1 mM RbCl and 1 mM SrCl2 as well as 10, 40 or 160 µM NiCl2 and CoCl2. The phloem of some plants was interrupted by steam-girdling the stem below the ear to distinguish between xylem and phloem transport. The phloem-immobile Sr flowed mainly to the leaf lamina and to the glumes via the xylem. The Sr transport was not sensitive to steam-girdling. In contrast, the phloem-mobile Rb accumulated during the incubation time mainly in the stem and the leaf sheath. The Rb transport to the grains was impaired by steam-girdling as well as by elevated Ni and Co concentrations in the incubation solution indicating that Rb was transported via the phloem to the maturing grains and that this transport was affected by the heavy metals. Ni was removed more efficiently from the xylem in the peduncle than Co (but far less efficiently than Rb). It became evident that the two heavy metals can also be transferred from the xylem to the phloem in the stem of wheat and reach the maturing grains via the phloem.
Cobalt, nickel and strontium were introduced via flaps into leaf laminas or into the stem of maturing, intact winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. `Arina') grown under natural conditions in a field. Long-distance transport of these elements and the influence of the application date and of different application positions were investigated. The dry-matter accumulation in the grains was not markedly affected by the treatments as compared to untreated control plants. The phloem-immobile strontium served as a marker for the distribution of the xylem sap in the plants. After foliar application, nickel accumulated more rapidly and in higher quantities in the grains than cobalt. Therefore, nickel has a slightly better phloem mobility than cobalt. Regardless of the application date, a higher percentage of the two elements was transported from the flag leaf lamina than from the second or third lamina from the top to the grains. These results indicate that the leaf position is highly relevant for the transfer of the heavy metals investigated to the ear. Introduction into the stem led to a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains than introduction into one of the leaves. An earlier feeding date caused a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains when introduced into the stem. In contrast, no major differences between earlier and later feeding dates were detected when the elements were introduced into the leaves. Losses of the applied elements were detected during maturation and can be explained by leakage in the rain.
Gut was studied as a prototypical mucosal membrane in the murine BDF-1 syngeneic bone marrow transplant model. Measures of jejunal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) and crypt cells were obtained by standard techniques and a method of quantifying gut lamina propria plasma cells (PCs) was developed. The degree of ablation of gut PCs and IELs after 900 rads total body irradiation with ('60)Co, and their repopulation effected by transplantation with 2.0 x 10('5) or 1.0 x 10('6) bone marrow cells demonstrated a prolonged period of profound depression in population levels of these cells which was not reflected by the extent of damage sustained to the epithelium. Differences in the depopulation and recovery of gut PCs and IELs revealed a tendency towards initial differentiation of effector cells. A positive dose response to high bone marrow cell innocula was obtained. Subsequent studies determined that gut IEL and PC repopulation was potentiated by the addition of IELs or buffy coat cells (BCs) to the bone marrow transplant. A method of isolating 1.4 - 4.0 x 10('7) viable IELs per gram of murine small bowel was devised employing intralumenal hyaluronidase digestion of the epithelial layer and centrifugation of the resulting suspension through discontinuous Percoll gradients. Irradiated mice received 2.0 x 10('5) bone marrow cells along with an equal number of IELs or BCs. The extent and duration of depression of numbers of IELs and PCs was markedly reduced by the addition of the IEL isolate to the transplantation innocula, and to a lesser degree by the addition of BCs. The augmentation of repopuation far exceeded that expected by simple lodging of cells suggesting that the additionally transplanted cells contained a subpopulation of mucosal membrane lymphoid stem cells or helper cells. Correlation analysis of PC versus IEL levels suggests a possible feedback mechanism governing the relative size of their populations. Normal ratios of IgA, IgM, and IgG bearing PCs was maintained post transplantation with all of the regimens. ^
Vorlage d. Digitalisats aus d. Besitz d. Theol. Hochschule St. Georgen
Growth and regeneration of postnatal skeletal muscle requires a population of mononuclear myogenic cells, called satellite cells to add/replace myonuclei, which are postmitotic. Wedged between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina of the skeletal muscle fiber, these cells function as the stem cells of mature muscle fibers. Like other normal diploid cells, satellite cells undergo cellular senescence. Investigations of aging in both rodents and humans have shown that satellite cell self-renewal capacity decreases with advanced age. As a consequence, this could be a potential reason for the characteristically observed age-associated loss in skeletal muscle mass (sarcopenia). This provided the rationale that any intervention that can further increase the proliferative capacity of these cells should potentially be able to either delay, or even prevent sarcopenia. ^ Using clonogenicity assays to determine a cell's proliferation potential, these studies have shown that IGF-I enhances the doubling potential of satellite cells from aged rodents. Using a transgenic model, where the mice express the IGF-I transgene specifically in their striated muscles, some of the underlying biochemical mechanisms for the observed increase in replicative life span were delineated. These studies have revealed that IGF-I activates the PI3/Akt pathway to mediate downregulation of p27KIP1, which consequently is associated with an increase in cyclin E-cdk2 kinase activity, phosphorylation of pRb, and upregulation of cyclin A protein. However, the beneficial effects of IGF-I on satellite cell proliferative potential appears to be limited as chronic overexpression of IGF-I in skeletal muscles did not protect against sarcopenia in 18-mo old mice, and was associated with an exhaustion of satellite cell replicative reserves. ^ These results have shown that replicative senescence can be modulated by environmental factors using skeletal muscle satellite cells as a model system. A better understanding of the molecular basis for enhancement of proliferative capacity by IGF-I will provide a rational basis for developing more effective counter-measures against physical frailty. However, the implications of these studies are that these beneficial effects of enhanced proliferative potential by IGF-I may only be over a short-term period, and other alternative approaches may need to be considered. ^
Laminated sediments are unique archives of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoceanographic conditions, recording changes on seasonal and interannual timescales. Diatom-rich laminated marine sediments are examined from Dumont d'Urville Trough, East Antarctic Margin, to determine changes in environmental conditions on the continental shelf from 1136 to 3122 cal. yr BP. Scanning electron microscope backscattered electron imagery (BSEI) and secondary electron imagery are used to analyse diatom assemblages from laminations and to determine interlamina relationships. Diatom observations are quantified with conventional assemblage counts. Laminae are primarily classified according to visually dominant species identified in BSEI and, secondarily, by terrigenous content. Nine lamina types are identified and are characterized by: Hyalochaete Chaetoceros spp. resting spores (CRS); CRS and Fragilariopsis spp.; Fragilariopsis spp.; Corethron pennatum and Rhizosolenia spp.; C. pennatum; Rhizosolenia spp.; mixed diatom assemblage; Stellarima microtrias resting spores (RS), Porosira glacialis RS and Coscinodiscus bouvet; and P. glacialis RS. Formation of each lamina type is controlled by seasonal changes in sea ice cover, nutrient levels and water column stability. Quantitative diatom assemblage analysis revealed that each lamina type is dominated by CRS and Fragilariopsis sea ice taxa, indicating that sea ice cover was extensive and persistent in the late Holocene. However the lamina types indicate that the sea ice regime was not consistent throughout this period, notably that a relatively warmer period, ~3100 to 2500 cal. yr BP, was followed by cooling which resulted in an increase in year round sea ice by ~1100 cal. yr BP.
Continental rise Site 905 yielded upper Miocene and Pliocene uniform hemipelagic mud (a contourite) from approximately 215 to 540 meters below seafloor. The nannofossil biostratigraphy of this interval was reexamined using closely spaced samples from core interiors. Additionally, total nannofossil abundances and dominant species and species group abundances were determined to evaluate the potential of this section for extracting sequence stratigraphic information. The data indicate that the putative hiatuses at the end of the late Pliocene (Zones NN17 and NN18) and in the early Pliocene (Zones NN13 and NN14) probably are condensed intervals, but the base of the late Miocene is almost certainly marked by an unconformity. Judging from carbonate content and sedimentation rate both, nannofossil abundance may be governed by carbonate dissolution or by siliciclastic dilution. Consequently, condensed sections cannot be identified by the abundance of pelagic component in the sediment alone, as is possible in equivalent age Gulf of Mexico sediments. Where nannofossil preservation is adequate in consecutive samples, as in the early Pliocene and latest late Miocene, total nannofossil abundance fluctuates regularly and with a periodicity of less than 105 yr, which suggests that dilution of the pelagic component occurred with a frequency probably related to astronomical forcing.
During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 149, five sites were drilled on the Iberia Abyssal Plain in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Both Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments were recovered. Oligocene to Miocene sediments were cored at deepwater Sites 897, 898, 899, and 900. Except for a few intervals, occurrences of generally abundant and well-preserved calcareous nannofossils suggest that the deposition of the turbidite-type sediments occurred above the calcite compensation depth (CCD). One major unconformity in the middle late Miocene is present. Detailed quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossils are used to determine the changes occurring among the nannoflora in relation to sea-level variation. A succession of 89 biohorizons from the early Oligocene to the late Miocene are defined by combining the biostratigraphic results of the four sites studied in the Iberia Abyssal Plain. One new genus and eight new species are described: Camuralithus, Camuralithus pelliculatus, Ericsonia detecta, Helicosphaera limasera, Sphenolithus akropodus, Sphenolithus aubryae, Sphenolithus cometa, Reticulofenestra circus, and Syracosphaera lamina. Two new variations and seven new combinations are also introduced.