377 resultados para kulturelle Adaption
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have emerged as a key technology for the next generation of wireless networking. Instead ofbeing another type of ad-hoc networking, WMNs diversify the capabilities of ad-hoc networks. There are many kinds of protocols that work over WMNs, such as IEEE 802.11a/b/g, 802.15 and 802.16. To bring about a high throughput under varying conditions, these protocols have to adapt their transmission rate. While transmission rate is a significant part, only a few algorithms such as Auto Rate Fallback (ARF) or Receiver Based Auto Rate (RBAR) have been published. In this paper we will show MAC, packet loss and physical layer conditions play important role for having good channel condition. Also we perform rate adaption along with multiple packet transmission for better throughput. By allowing for dynamically monitored, multiple packet transmission and adaptation to changes in channel quality by adjusting the packet transmission rates according to certain optimization criteria improvements in performance can be obtained. The proposed method is the detection of channel congestion by measuring the fluctuation of signal to the standard deviation of and the detection of packet loss before channel performance diminishes. We will show that the use of such techniques in WMN can significantly improve performance. The effectiveness of the proposed method is presented in an experimental wireless network testbed via packet-level simulation. Our simulation results show that regardless of the channel condition we were to improve the performance in the throughput.
John Maynard Keynes als »Retter des Kapitalismus« hat die westlichen Demokratien grundlegend verändert und die Grundlagen für eine neue und erneut aktuelle Wirtschaftspolitik geschaffen. Im Fall der »Rassenhygiene« haben Wissenschaftler als Vordenker der Vernichtung kulturelle und politische Ressourcen genutzt, um ihre Wissensansprüche durchzusetzen – mit fatalen Folgen. Der Klimawandel schließlich ist ein von Wissenschaftlern, Politikern und Experten intensiv diskutiertes Thema, gleichwohl haben die diesbezüglichen Erkenntnisse einen überraschend geringen Einfluß auf die praktische Politik. Anhand dieser drei Beispiele untersucht das Buch das prekäre Verhältnis von Wissen und politischer Macht.
A recently proposed colour based tracking algorithm has been established to track objects in real circumstances [Zivkovic, Z., Krose, B. 2004. An EM-like algorithm for color-histogram-based object tracking. In: Proc, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 798-803]. To improve the performance of this technique in complex scenes, in this paper we propose a new algorithm for optimally adapting the ellipse outlining the objects of interest. This paper presents a Lagrangian based method to integrate a regularising component into the covariance matrix to be computed. Technically, we intend to reduce the residuals between the estimated probability distribution and the expected one. We argue that, by doing this, the shape of the ellipse can be properly adapted in the tracking stage. Experimental results show that the proposed method has favourable performance in shape adaption and object localisation.
In an increasingly hygiene concerned society, a major barrier to pet ownership is the perceived role of companion animals in contributing to the risk of exposure to zoonotic bacterial pathogens, such as Salmonella. Manifestations of Salmonella can range from acute gastroenteritis to perfuse enteric fever, in both humans and dogs. Dogs are heavily associated with asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella as the microorganism can persist in the lower intestines of this host which can be then excreted into the environment. Studies in to the asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella in dogs are somewhat dated and there is limited UK data. The current UK carriage rate in dogs was investigated in a randomised dog population and it was revealed that the carriage rate in this population was very low with only one household dog positive for the carriage of Salmonella enterica arizonae (0.2%), out of 490 dogs sampled. Salmonella serotypes share phenotypic and genotypic similarities which are captured in epidemiological typing methods. Therefore, in parallel to the epidemiological investigations, a panel of clinical canine (VLA, UK) and human (Aston University, UK) Salmonella isolates were profiled based on their phenotypic and genotypic characteristics; using API 20E, Biolog Microbial ID System, antibiotic sensitivity testing and PFGE, respectively. Antibiotic sensitivity testing revealed a significant difference between the canine and human isolates with the canine group demonstrating a higher resistance to the panel of antibiotics tested. Further metabolic capabilities of the strains were tested using the Biolog Microbial ID System, which reveal no clear association between the two host groups. However, coupled with Principle Component Analysis two canine isolates were discriminated from the entire population on the basis of a high up-regulation of two carbohydrates. API 20E testing revealed no association between the two host groups. A PFGE harmonised protocol was used to genotypically profile the strains. A dendrogram depicting PFGE profiles of the panel of Salmonella isolates was performed where similarities were calculated by Dice coefficient and represented by UPGMA clustering. Clustering of the profiles from canine isolates and human isolates (HPA, UK) was diverse representing a natural heterogeneity of the genus, additionally, no clear clustering of the isolates was observed between host groups. Clustering was observed with isolates from the same serotype, independent of host origin. Host adaption is a common phenomenon in certain Salmonella serotypes, for example S. Typhi in humans and S. Dublin in cattle. It was of interest to investigate potential host adaptive or restricted strains for canine host by performing adhesion and invasion assays on Dog Intestinal Epithelial Cells (DIECs) (WALTHAM®, UK) and human CaCo-2 (HPA, UK) cell lines. Salmonella arizonae and Enteritidis from an asymptomatic dog and clinical isolate, respectively, demonstrated a significantly high proportion of invasion in DIEC in comparison to human CaCo-2 cells and other tested Salmonella serotypes. This may be suggestive of a potential host restrictive strain as their ability to invade the CaCo-2 cell line was significantly lower than the other serotypes. In conclusion to this thesis the investigations carried out suggest that asymptomatic carriage of Salmonella in UK dogs is low however the microorganism remains as a zoonotic and anthroponotic pathogen based on phenotypic and genotypic characterisation however there may be potential for particular serotype to become host restricted as observed in invasion assays
Ulrich Peltzer ist einer der profiliertesten und markantesten Autoren der Gegenwartsliteratur. Seine vielgelobten Romane liefern präzise Porträts einer zersplitterten Gegenwart im Kontext urbaner Räume. Mit einer Poetik radikaler Gegenwärtigkeit, die den Verästelungen post-fordistischer Prozesse im Bewusstsein der Romanfiguren nachgeht, registriert Peltzers Literatur sensibel soziale, politische und kulturelle Entwicklungen. Dieser Materialienband mit Einzelstudien internationaler Beiträger/-innen verschafft einen umfassenden Überblick über Ulrich Peltzers Werk. Ein aufschlussreiches Interview sowie eine ausführliche Bibliografie runden die Gesamtdarstellung ab.
In this work we present a quality driven approach to DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) for segment selection in varying network conditions. Current adaption algorithms focus largely on regulating data rates using network layer parameters by selecting the level of quality on offer that can eliminate buffer underrun without considering picture fidelity. In reality, viewers may accept a level of buffer underrun in order to achieve an improved level of picture fidelity. In this case, the conventional DASH algorithms can cause extreme degradation of the picture fidelity when attempting to eliminate buffer underrun with scarce bandwidth availability. Our work is concerned with a quality-aware rate adaption scheme that maximizes the client's quality of experience in terms of both continuity and fidelity (picture quality). Results show that the scheme proposed can maintain a high level of quality for streaming services, especially at low packet loss rates. It is also shown that by eliminating buffer underrun completely, the PSNR that reflects the picture quality of the video is greatly reduced. Our scheme offers the offset between continuity-based quality and resolution-based quality, which can be used to set threshold values for the level of quality desired by clients with different quality requirements. © 2013 IEEE.
Self-adaptive systems (SASs) should be able to adapt to new environmental contexts dynamically. The uncertainty that demands this runtime self-adaptive capability makes it hard to formulate, validate and manage their requirements. QuantUn is part of our longer-term vision of requirements reflection, that is, the ability of a system to dynamically observe and reason about its own requirements. QuantUn's contribution to the achievement of this vision is the development of novel techniques to explicitly quantify uncertainty to support dynamic re-assessment of requirements and therefore improve decision-making for self-adaption. This short paper discusses the research gap we want to fill, present partial results and also the plan we propose to fill the gap.
A segment selection method controlled by Quality of Experience (QoE) factors for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is presented in this paper. Current rate adaption algorithms aim to eliminate buffer underrun events by significantly reducing the code rate when experiencing pauses in replay. In reality, however, viewers may choose to accept a level of buffer underrun in order to achieve an improved level of picture fidelity or to accept the degradation in picture fidelity in order to maintain the service continuity. The proposed rate adaption scheme in our work can maximize the user QoE in terms of both continuity and fidelity (picture quality) in DASH applications. It is shown that using this scheme a high level of quality for streaming services, especially at low packet loss rates, can be achieved. Our scheme can also maintain a best trade-off between continuity-based quality and fidelity-based quality, by determining proper threshold values for the level of quality intended by clients with different quality requirements. In addition, the integration of the rate adaptation mechanism with the scheduling process is investigated in the context of a mobile communication network and related performances are analyzed.
The purpose of this study was to develop a series of workshops designed to raise the environmental literacy of a community college faculty and facilitate infusion of an environmental perspective into the courses they teach. Data was gathered on the effect of the workshops on the level of environmental literacy of the participants as well as the persistence of any observed effect. How faculty infused an environmental perspective into their courses was also explored.^ The workshop model was developed by reviewing adult learning and change theories, case studies of workshops at other colleges, environmental education research, and results of a pilot study. Content, organization, and delivery methods from these sources were selected and integrated to create the 14 components of the model employed by the workshops in this study.^ Forty-two faculty from the North Campus of Broward Community College participated in the study. The 20 workshop participants from seven academic departments attended seven two hour workshops during the fall term of 1996, and implemented projects to infuse environmental topics into their courses the following term. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest-delayed posttest nonequivalent control group design was employed in which the 22 members of the control group who did not attend the workshops were administered the Wisconsin Environmental Survey at the same time as the workshop participants (immediately before the first workshop, immediately following the last workshop, and four months following the completion of the workshop series). This instrument, an adaption of the Wisconsin High School Student Environmental Survey, yielded three measures of environmental literacy: Affective, Behavior, and Cognitive Subscale scores.^ The repeated measures MANOVA performed using the scores of the two groups on the three administrations of WES revealed a significant interaction for group by time, so repeated measures ANOVA were performed for each of the three subscales to investigate the interaction. Tukey-HSD post hoc comparisons indicated that for all three subscale scores, the two groups were not significantly different on the pretest, but on the posttest and the delayed posttest, the workshop participants demonstrated significantly higher levels of environmental literacy. All statistical tests were performed at $\alpha$ =.05. ^
Social capital, or social cohesion or group connectedness, can influence both HIV risk behavior and substance use. Because recent immigrants undergo a change in environment, one of the consequences can be a change in social capital. There may be an association among changes in social capital, and HIV risk behavior and substance use post immigration. The dissertation focused on the interface of these three variables among recent Latino immigrants (RLIs) in South Florida. The first manuscript is a systematic review of social capital and HIV risk behavior, and served as a partial background for the second and third manuscripts. Twelve papers with a measure of social capital as an independent variable and HIV risk as the dependent variable were included in the analysis. Eleven studies measured social capital at the individual level, and one study measured social capital at the group level. HIV risk was influenced by social capital, but the type of influence was dependent on the type of social capital and on the study population. Cognitive social capital, or levels of collective action, was protective against HIV in both men and women. The role of structural social capital, or levels of civic engagement/group participation, on HIV risk was dependent on the type of structural social capital and varied by gender. Microfinance programs and functional group participation were protective for women, while dysfunctional group participation and peer-level support may have increased HIV risk among men. The second manuscript was an original study assessing changes in social capital and HIV risk behavior pre to post immigration among RLIs in South Florida (n=527). HIV risk behavior was assessed through the frequency of vaginal-penile condom use, and the number of sexual partners. It was a longitudinal study using secondary data analysis to assess changes in social capital and HIV risk behavior pre immigration to two years post immigration, and to determine if there was a relationship between the two variables. There was an 8% decrease in total social capital (p < .05). Reporting of 'Never use' of condoms in the past 90 days increased in all subcategories (p < .05). Single men had a decrease in number of sexual partners (p < .05). Lower social capital measured on the dimension of 'friend and other' was marginally associated with fewer sexual partners. The third manuscript was another original study looking at the association between social capital and substance use among RLIs in South Florida (n=527). Substance use with measured by frequency of hazardous alcoholic drinking, and illicit drug use. It was a longitudinal study of social capital and substance-use from pre to two years post immigration. Post-immigration, social capital, hazardous drinking and illicit drug use decreased (p<.001). After adjusting for time, compared to males, females were less likely to engage in hazardous drinking (OR=.31, p<.001), and less likely to engage in illicit drug use (OR=.67, p=.01). Documentation status was a moderator between social capital and illicit drug use. 'Business' and 'Agency' social capital were associated with changes in illicit drug use for documented immigrants. After adjusting for gender and marital status, on average, documented immigrants with a one-unit increase in 'business' social capital were 1.2 times more likely to engage in illicit drug use (p<.01), and documented immigrants with one-unit increase in 'agency' social capital were 38% less likely to engage in illicit drug use (p<.01). 'Friend and other' social capital was associated with a decrease in illicit drug use among undocumented immigrants. After adjusting for gender and marital status, on average, undocumented immigrants with a one-unit increase in 'friend and other' social capital were 45% less likely to engage in hazardous drinking and 44% less likely to use illicit drugs (p<.01, p<.05). Studying these three domains is relevant because HIV continues to be a public health issue, particularly in Miami-Dade County, which is ranked among other U.S. regions with high rates of HIV/AIDS prevalence. Substance use is associated with HIV risk behavior; in most studies, increased substance use is associated with increased chances of HIV risk behavior. Immigration, which is the hypothesized catalyst for the change in social capital, has an impact on the dynamic of a society. Greater immigration can be burdensome on the host country's societal resources; however immigrants are also potentially a source of additional skilled labor for the workforce. Therefore, successful adaption of immigrants can have a positive influence on receiving communities. With Florida being a major receiver of immigrants to the U.S, this dissertation attempts to address an important public health issue for South Florida and the U.S. at large.
Virtual machines (VMs) are powerful platforms for building agile datacenters and emerging cloud systems. However, resource management for a VM-based system is still a challenging task. First, the complexity of application workloads as well as the interference among competing workloads makes it difficult to understand their VMs’ resource demands for meeting their Quality of Service (QoS) targets; Second, the dynamics in the applications and system makes it also difficult to maintain the desired QoS target while the environment changes; Third, the transparency of virtualization presents a hurdle for guest-layer application and host-layer VM scheduler to cooperate and improve application QoS and system efficiency. This dissertation proposes to address the above challenges through fuzzy modeling and control theory based VM resource management. First, a fuzzy-logic-based nonlinear modeling approach is proposed to accurately capture a VM’s complex demands of multiple types of resources automatically online based on the observed workload and resource usages. Second, to enable fast adaption for resource management, the fuzzy modeling approach is integrated with a predictive-control-based controller to form a new Fuzzy Modeling Predictive Control (FMPC) approach which can quickly track the applications’ QoS targets and optimize the resource allocations under dynamic changes in the system. Finally, to address the limitations of black-box-based resource management solutions, a cross-layer optimization approach is proposed to enable cooperation between a VM’s host and guest layers and further improve the application QoS and resource usage efficiency. The above proposed approaches are prototyped and evaluated on a Xen-based virtualized system and evaluated with representative benchmarks including TPC-H, RUBiS, and TerraFly. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy-modeling-based approach improves the accuracy in resource prediction by up to 31.4% compared to conventional regression approaches. The FMPC approach substantially outperforms the traditional linear-model-based predictive control approach in meeting application QoS targets for an oversubscribed system. It is able to manage dynamic VM resource allocations and migrations for over 100 concurrent VMs across multiple hosts with good efficiency. Finally, the cross-layer optimization approach further improves the performance of a virtualized application by up to 40% when the resources are contended by dynamic workloads.
This dissertation consists of three independent studies, which study the nomological network of cultural intelligence (CI)—a relatively new construct within the fields of cross-cultural psychology and organizational psychology. Since the introduction of this construct, CI now has a generally accepted model comprised of four codependent subfactors. In addition, the focus of preliminary research within the field is on understanding the new construct’s correlates and outcomes. Thus, the goals for this dissertation were (a) to provide an additional evaluation of the factor structure of CI and (b) to examine further the correlates and outcomes that should theoretically be included in its nomological network. Specifically the model tests involved a one-factor, three-factor, and four-factor structure. The examined correlates of CI included the Big Five personality traits, core self-evaluation, social self-efficacy, self-monitoring, emotional intelligence, and cross-cultural experience. The examined outcomes also included overall performance, contextual performance, and cultural adaption in relation to CI. Thus, this dissertation has a series of 20 proposed and statistically evaluated hypotheses. The first study in this dissertation contained the summary of the extant CI literature via meta-analytic techniques. The outcomes of focus were significantly relevant to CI, while the CI correlates had more inconclusive results. The second and third studies contained original data collected from a sample of students and adult workers, respectively. In general, the results between these two studies were parallel. The four-factor structure of CI emerged as the best fit to the data, and several correlates and outcomes indicated significant relation to CI. In addition, the tested incremental validity of CI showed significant results emerging in both studies. Lastly, several exploratory analyses indicated the role of CI as a mediator between relevant antecedent and the outcome of cultural adaption, while the data supported the mediator role of CI. The final chapter includes a thorough discussion of practical implications as well as limitation to the research design.^
This dissertation consists of three independent studies, which study the nomological network of cultural intelligence (CI)—a relatively new construct within the fields of cross-cultural psychology and organizational psychology. Since the introduction of this construct, CI now has a generally accepted model comprised of four codependent subfactors. In addition, the focus of preliminary research within the field is on understanding the new construct’s correlates and outcomes. Thus, the goals for this dissertation were (a) to provide an additional evaluation of the factor structure of CI and (b) to examine further the correlates and outcomes that should theoretically be included in its nomological network. Specifically the model tests involved a one-factor, three-factor, and four-factor structure. The examined correlates of CI included the Big Five personality traits, core self-evaluation, social self-efficacy, self-monitoring, emotional intelligence, and cross-cultural experience. The examined outcomes also included overall performance, contextual performance, and cultural adaption in relation to CI. Thus, this dissertation has a series of 20 proposed and statistically evaluated hypotheses. The first study in this dissertation contained the summary of the extant CI literature via meta-analytic techniques. The outcomes of focus were significantly relevant to CI, while the CI correlates had more inconclusive results. The second and third studies contained original data collected from a sample of students and adult workers, respectively. In general, the results between these two studies were parallel. The four-factor structure of CI emerged as the best fit to the data, and several correlates and outcomes indicated significant relation to CI. In addition, the tested incremental validity of CI showed significant results emerging in both studies. Lastly, several exploratory analyses indicated the role of CI as a mediator between relevant antecedent and the outcome of cultural adaption, while the data supported the mediator role of CI. The final chapter includes a thorough discussion of practical implications as well as limitation to the research design.
In 2004, the National Institutes of Health made available the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System – PROMIS®, which is constituted of innovative item banks for health assessment. It is based on classical, reliable Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and includes advanced statistical methods, such as Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Test. One of PROMIS® Domain Frameworks is the Physical Function, whose item bank need to be translated and culturally adapted so it can be used in Portuguese speaking countries. This work aimed to translate and culturally adapt the PROMIS® Physical Function item bank into Portuguese. FACIT (Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy) translation methodology, which is constituted of eight stages for translation and cultural adaptation, was used. Fifty subjects above the age of 18 years participated in the pre-test (seventh stage). The questionnaire was answered by the participants (self-reported questionnaires) by using think aloud protocol, and cognitive and retrospective interviews. In FACIT methodology, adaptations can be done since the beginning of the translation and cultural adaption process, ensuring semantic, conceptual, cultural, and operational equivalences of the Physical Function Domain. During the pre-test, 24% of the subjects had difficulties understanding the items, 22% of the subjects suggested changes to improve understanding. The terms and concepts of the items were totally understood (100%) in 87% of the items. Only four items had less than 80% of understanding; for this reason, it was necessary to chance them so they could have correspondence with the original item and be understood by the subjects, after retesting. The process of translation and cultural adaptation of the PROMIS® Physical Function item bank into Portuguese was successful. This version of the assessment tool must have its psychometric properties validated before being made available for clinical use.