863 resultados para knowledge management barriers


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The number of large research networks and programmes engaging in knowledge production for development has grown over the past years. One of these programmes devoted to generating knowledge about and for development is National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North–South, a cross-disciplinary, international development research network funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Swiss National Science Foundation. Producing relevant knowledge for development is a core goal of the programme and an important motivation for many of the participating researchers. Over the years, the researchers have made use of various spaces for exchange and instruments for co-production of knowledge by academic and non-academic development actors. In this article we explore the characteristics of co-producing and sharing knowledge in interfaces between development research, policy and NCCR North–South practice. We draw on empirical material of the NCCR North–South programme and its specific programme element of the Partnership Actions. Our goal is to make use of the concept of the interface to reflect critically about the pursued strategies and instruments applied in producing and sharing knowledge for development across boundaries.


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Web-scale knowledge retrieval can be enabled by distributed information retrieval, clustering Web clients to a large-scale computing infrastructure for knowledge discovery from Web documents. Based on this infrastructure, we propose to apply semiotic (i.e., sub-syntactical) and inductive (i.e., probabilistic) methods for inferring concept associations in human knowledge. These associations can be combined to form a fuzzy (i.e.,gradual) semantic net representing a map of the knowledge in the Web. Thus, we propose to provide interactive visualizations of these cognitive concept maps to end users, who can browse and search the Web in a human-oriented, visual, and associative interface.


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Software-maintenance offshore outsourcing (SMOO) projects have been plagued by tedious knowledge transfer during the service transition to the vendor. Vendor engineers risk being over-strained by the high amounts of novel information, resulting in extra costs that may erode the business case behind offshoring. Although stakeholders may desire to avoid these extra costs by implementing appropriate knowledge transfer practices, little is known on how effective knowledge transfer can be designed and managed in light of the high cognitive loads in SMOO transitions. The dissertation at hand addresses this research gap by presenting and integrating four studies. The studies draw on cognitive load theory, attributional theory, and control theory and they apply qualitative, quantitative, and simulation methods to qualitative data from eight in-depth longitudinal cases. The results suggest that the choice of appropriate learning tasks may be more central to knowledge transfer than the amount of information shared with vendor engineers. Moreover, because vendor staff may not be able to and not dare to effectively self-manage learn-ing tasks during early transition, client-driven controls may be initially required and subsequently faded out. Collectively, the results call for people-based rather than codification-based knowledge management strategies in at least moderately specific and complex software environments.


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Our research project develops an intranet search engine with concept- browsing functionality, where the user is able to navigate the conceptual level in an interactive, automatically generated knowledge map. This knowledge map visualizes tacit, implicit knowledge, extracted from the intranet, as a network of semantic concepts. Inductive and deductive methods are combined; a text ana- lytics engine extracts knowledge structures from data inductively, and the en- terprise ontology provides a backbone structure to the process deductively. In addition to performing conventional keyword search, the user can browse the semantic network of concepts and associations to find documents and data rec- ords. Also, the user can expand and edit the knowledge network directly. As a vision, we propose a knowledge-management system that provides concept- browsing, based on a knowledge warehouse layer on top of a heterogeneous knowledge base with various systems interfaces. Such a concept browser will empower knowledge workers to interact with knowledge structures.


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Ensuring sustainable use of natural resources is crucial for maintaining the basis for our livelihoods. With threats from climate change, disputes over water, biodiversity loss, competing claims on land, and migration increasing worldwide, the demands for sustainable land management (SLM) practices will only increase in the future. For years already, various national and international organizations (GOs, NGOs, donors, research institutes, etc.) have been working on alternative forms of land management. And numerous land users worldwide – especially small farmers – have been testing, adapting, and refining new and better ways of managing land. All too often, however, the resulting SLM knowledge has not been sufficiently evaluated, documented and shared. Among other things, this has often prevented valuable SLM knowledge from being channelled into evidence-based decision-making processes. Indeed, proper knowledge management is crucial for SLM to reach its full potential. Since more than 20 years, the international WOCAT network documents and promotes SLM through its global platform. As a whole, the WOCAT methodology comprises tools for documenting, evaluating, and assessing the impact of SLM practices, as well as for knowledge sharing, analysis and use for decision support in the field, at the planning level, and in scaling up identified good practices. In early 2014, WOCAT’s growth and ongoing improvement culminated in its being officially recognized by the UNCCD as the primary recommended database for SLM best practices. Over the years, the WOCAT network confirmed that SLM helps to prevent desertification, to increase biodiversity, enhance food security and to make people less vulnerable to the effects of climate variability and change. In addi- tion, it plays an important role in mitigating climate change through improving soil organic matter and increasing vegetation cover. In-depth assessments of SLM practices from desertification sites enabled an evaluation of how SLM addresses prevalent dryland threats. The impacts mentioned most were diversified and enhanced production and better management of water and soil degradation, whether through water harvesting, improving soil moisture, or reducing runoff. Among others, favourable local-scale cost-benefit relationships of SLM practices play a crucial role in their adoption. An economic analysis from the WOCAT database showed that land users perceive a large majority of the technologies as having benefits that outweigh costs in the long term. The high investment costs associated with some practices may constitute a barrier to adoption, however, where appropriate, short-term support for land users can help to promote these practices. The increased global concerns on climate change, disaster risks and food security redirect attention to, and trigger more funds for SLM. To provide the necessary evidence-based rationale for investing in SLM and to reinforce expert and land users assessments of SLM impacts, more field research using inter- and transdisciplinary approaches is needed. This includes developing methods to quantify and value ecosystem services, both on-site and off-site, and assess the resilience of SLM practices, as currently aimed at within the EU FP7 projects CASCADE and RECARE.


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Abstract Idea Management Systems are web applications that implement the notion of open innovation though crowdsourcing. Typically, organizations use those kind of systems to connect to large communities in order to gather ideas for improvement of products or services. Originating from simple suggestion boxes, Idea Management Systems advanced beyond collecting ideas and aspire to be a knowledge management solution capable to select best ideas via collaborative as well as expert assessment methods. In practice, however, the contemporary systems still face a number of problems usually related to information overflow and recognizing questionable quality of submissions with reasonable time and effort allocation. This thesis focuses on idea assessment problem area and contributes a number of solutions that allow to filter, compare and evaluate ideas submitted into an Idea Management System. With respect to Idea Management System interoperability the thesis proposes theoretical model of Idea Life Cycle and formalizes it as the Gi2MO ontology which enables to go beyond the boundaries of a single system to compare and assess innovation in an organization wide or market wide context. Furthermore, based on the ontology, the thesis builds a number of solutions for improving idea assessment via: community opinion analysis (MARL), annotation of idea characteristics (Gi2MO Types) and study of idea relationships (Gi2MO Links). The main achievements of the thesis are: application of theoretical innovation models for practice of Idea Management to successfully recognize the differentiation between communities, opinion metrics and their recognition as a new tool for idea assessment, discovery of new relationship types between ideas and their impact on idea clustering. Finally, the thesis outcome is establishment of Gi2MO Project that serves as an incubator for Idea Management solutions and mature open-source software alternatives for the widely available commercial suites. From the academic point of view the project delivers resources to undertake experiments in the Idea Management Systems area and managed to become a forum that gathered a number of academic and industrial partners. Resumen Los Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas son aplicaciones Web que implementan el concepto de innovación abierta con técnicas de crowdsourcing. Típicamente, las organizaciones utilizan ese tipo de sistemas para conectar con comunidades grandes y así recoger ideas sobre cómo mejorar productos o servicios. Los Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas lian avanzado más allá de recoger simplemente ideas de buzones de sugerencias y ahora aspiran ser una solución de gestión de conocimiento capaz de seleccionar las mejores ideas por medio de técnicas colaborativas, así como métodos de evaluación llevados a cabo por expertos. Sin embargo, en la práctica, los sistemas contemporáneos todavía se enfrentan a una serie de problemas, que, por lo general, están relacionados con la sobrecarga de información y el reconocimiento de las ideas de dudosa calidad con la asignación de un tiempo y un esfuerzo razonables. Esta tesis se centra en el área de la evaluación de ideas y aporta una serie de soluciones que permiten filtrar, comparar y evaluar las ideas publicadas en un Sistema de Gestión de Ideas. Con respecto a la interoperabilidad de los Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas, la tesis propone un modelo teórico del Ciclo de Vida de la Idea y lo formaliza como la ontología Gi2MO que permite ir más allá de los límites de un sistema único para comparar y evaluar la innovación en un contexto amplio dentro de cualquier organización o mercado. Por otra parte, basado en la ontología, la tesis desarrolla una serie de soluciones para mejorar la evaluación de las ideas a través de: análisis de las opiniones de la comunidad (MARL), la anotación de las características de las ideas (Gi2MO Types) y el estudio de las relaciones de las ideas (Gi2MO Links). Los logros principales de la tesis son: la aplicación de los modelos teóricos de innovación para la práctica de Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas para reconocer las diferenciasentre comu¬nidades, métricas de opiniones de comunidad y su reconocimiento como una nueva herramienta para la evaluación de ideas, el descubrimiento de nuevos tipos de relaciones entre ideas y su impacto en la agrupación de estas. Por último, el resultado de tesis es el establecimiento de proyecto Gi2MO que sirve como incubadora de soluciones para Gestión de Ideas y herramientas de código abierto ya maduras como alternativas a otros sistemas comerciales. Desde el punto de vista académico, el proyecto ha provisto de recursos a ciertos experimentos en el área de Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas y logró convertirse en un foro que reunión para un número de socios tanto académicos como industriales.


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This paper describes a particular knowledge acquisition tool for the construction and maintenance of the knowledge model of an intelligent system for emergency management in the field of hydrology. This tool has been developed following an innovative approach directed to end-users non familiarized in computer oriented terminology. According to this approach, the tool is conceived as a document processor specialized in a particular domain (hydrology) in such a way that the whole knowledge model is viewed by the user as an electronic document. The paper first describes the characteristics of the knowledge model of the intelligent system and summarizes the problems that we found during the development and maintenance of such type of model. Then, the paper describes the KATS tool, a software application that we have designed to help in this task to be used by users who are not experts in computer programming. Finally, the paper shows a comparison between KATS and other approaches for knowledge acquisition.


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En las últimas dos décadas, se ha puesto de relieve la importancia de los procesos de adquisición y difusión del conocimiento dentro de las empresas, y por consiguiente el estudio de estos procesos y la implementación de tecnologías que los faciliten ha sido un tema que ha despertado un creciente interés en la comunidad científica. Con el fin de facilitar y optimizar la adquisición y la difusión del conocimiento, las organizaciones jerárquicas han evolucionado hacia una configuración más plana, con estructuras en red que resulten más ágiles, disminuyendo la dependencia de una autoridad centralizada, y constituyendo organizaciones orientadas a trabajar en equipo. Al mismo tiempo, se ha producido un rápido desarrollo de las herramientas de colaboración Web 2.0, tales como blogs y wikis. Estas herramientas de colaboración se caracterizan por una importante componente social, y pueden alcanzar todo su potencial cuando se despliegan en las estructuras organizacionales planas. La Web 2.0 aparece como un concepto enfrentado al conjunto de tecnologías que existían a finales de los 90s basadas en sitios web, y se basa en la participación de los propios usuarios. Empresas del Fortune 500 –HP, IBM, Xerox, Cisco– las adoptan de inmediato, aunque no hay unanimidad sobre su utilidad real ni sobre cómo medirla. Esto se debe en parte a que no se entienden bien los factores que llevan a los empleados a adoptarlas, lo que ha llevado a fracasos en la implantación debido a la existencia de algunas barreras. Dada esta situación, y ante las ventajas teóricas que tienen estas herramientas de colaboración Web 2.0 para las empresas, los directivos de éstas y la comunidad científica muestran un interés creciente en conocer la respuesta a la pregunta: ¿cuáles son los factores que contribuyen a que los empleados de las empresas adopten estas herramientas Web 2.0 para colaborar? La respuesta a esta pregunta es compleja ya que se trata de herramientas relativamente nuevas en el contexto empresarial mediante las cuales se puede llevar a cabo la gestión del conocimiento en lugar del manejo de la información. El planteamiento que se ha llevado a cabo en este trabajo para dar respuesta a esta pregunta es la aplicación de los modelos de adopción tecnológica, que se basan en las percepciones de los individuos sobre diferentes aspectos relacionados con el uso de la tecnología. Bajo este enfoque, este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de los factores que influyen en la adopción de blogs y wikis en empresas, mediante un modelo predictivo, teórico y unificado, de adopción tecnológica, con un planteamiento holístico a partir de la literatura de los modelos de adopción tecnológica y de las particularidades que presentan las herramientas bajo estudio y en el contexto especifico. Este modelo teórico permitirá determinar aquellos factores que predicen la intención de uso de las herramientas y el uso real de las mismas. El trabajo de investigación científica se estructura en cinco partes: introducción al tema de investigación, desarrollo del marco teórico, diseño del trabajo de investigación, análisis empírico, y elaboración de conclusiones. Desde el punto de vista de la estructura de la memoria de la tesis, las cinco partes mencionadas se desarrollan de forma secuencial a lo largo de siete capítulos, correspondiendo la primera parte al capítulo 1, la segunda a los capítulos 2 y 3, la tercera parte a los capítulos 4 y 5, la cuarta parte al capítulo 6, y la quinta y última parte al capítulo 7. El contenido del capítulo 1 se centra en el planteamiento del problema de investigación así como en los objetivos, principal y secundarios, que se pretenden cumplir a lo largo del trabajo. Así mismo, se expondrá el concepto de colaboración y su encaje con las herramientas colaborativas Web 2.0 que se plantean en la investigación y una introducción a los modelos de adopción tecnológica. A continuación se expone la justificación de la investigación, los objetivos de la misma y el plan de trabajo para su elaboración. Una vez introducido el tema de investigación, en el capítulo 2 se lleva a cabo una revisión de la evolución de los principales modelos de adopción tecnológica existentes (IDT, TRA, SCT, TPB, DTPB, C-TAM-TPB, UTAUT, UTAUT2), dando cuenta de sus fundamentos y factores empleados. Sobre la base de los modelos de adopción tecnológica expuestos en el capítulo 2, en el capítulo 3 se estudian los factores que se han expuesto en el capítulo 2 pero adaptados al contexto de las herramientas colaborativas Web 2.0. Con el fin de facilitar la comprensión del modelo final, los factores se agrupan en cuatro tipos: tecnológicos, de control, socio-normativos y otros específicos de las herramientas colaborativas. En el capítulo 4 se lleva a cabo la relación de los factores que son más apropiados para estudiar la adopción de las herramientas colaborativas y se define un modelo que especifica las relaciones entre los diferentes factores. Estas relaciones finalmente se convertirán en hipótesis de trabajo, y que habrá que contrastar mediante el estudio empírico. A lo largo del capítulo 5 se especifican las características del trabajo empírico que se lleva a cabo para contrastar las hipótesis que se habían enunciado en el capítulo 4. La naturaleza de la investigación es de carácter social, de tipo exploratorio, y se basa en un estudio empírico cuantitativo cuyo análisis se llevará a cabo mediante técnicas de análisis multivariante. En este capítulo se describe la construcción de las escalas del instrumento de medida, la metodología de recogida de datos, y posteriormente se presenta un análisis detallado de la población muestral, así como la comprobación de la existencia o no del sesgo atribuible al método de medida, lo que se denomina sesgo de método común (en inglés, Common Method Bias). El contenido del capítulo 6 corresponde al análisis de resultados, aunque previamente se expone la técnica estadística empleada, PLS-SEM, como herramienta de análisis multivariante con capacidad de análisis predictivo, así como la metodología empleada para validar el modelo de medida y el modelo estructural, los requisitos que debe cumplir la muestra, y los umbrales de los parámetros considerados. En la segunda parte del capítulo 6 se lleva a cabo el análisis empírico de los datos correspondientes a las dos muestras, una para blogs y otra para wikis, con el fin de validar las hipótesis de investigación planteadas en el capítulo 4. Finalmente, en el capítulo 7 se revisa el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados en el capítulo 1 y se presentan las contribuciones teóricas, metodológicas y prácticas derivadas del trabajo realizado. A continuación se exponen las conclusiones generales y detalladas por cada grupo de factores, así como las recomendaciones prácticas que se pueden extraer para orientar la implantación de estas herramientas en situaciones reales. Como parte final del capítulo se incluyen las limitaciones del estudio y se sugiere una serie de posibles líneas de trabajo futuras de interés, junto con los resultados de investigación parciales que se han obtenido durante el tiempo que ha durado la investigación. ABSTRACT In the last two decades, the relevance of knowledge acquisition and dissemination processes has been highlighted and consequently, the study of these processes and the implementation of the technologies that make them possible has generated growing interest in the scientific community. In order to ease and optimize knowledge acquisition and dissemination, hierarchical organizations have evolved to a more horizontal configuration with more agile net structures, decreasing the dependence of a centralized authority, and building team-working oriented organizations. At the same time, Web 2.0 collaboration tools such as blogs and wikis have quickly developed. These collaboration tools are characterized by a strong social component and can reach their full potential when they are deployed in horizontal organization structures. Web 2.0, based on user participation, arises as a concept to challenge the existing technologies of the 90’s which were based on websites. Fortune 500 companies – HP, IBM, Xerox, Cisco- adopted the concept immediately even though there was no unanimity about its real usefulness or how it could be measured. This is partly due to the fact that the factors that make the drivers for employees to adopt these tools are not properly understood, consequently leading to implementation failure due to the existence of certain barriers. Given this situation, and faced with theoretical advantages that these Web 2.0 collaboration tools seem to have for companies, managers and the scientific community are showing an increasing interest in answering the following question: Which factors contribute to the decision of the employees of a company to adopt the Web 2.0 tools for collaborative purposes? The answer is complex since these tools are relatively new in business environments. These tools allow us to move from an information Management approach to Knowledge Management. In order to answer this question, the chosen approach involves the application of technology adoption models, all of them based on the individual’s perception of the different aspects related to technology usage. From this perspective, this thesis’ main objective is to study the factors influencing the adoption of blogs and wikis in a company. This is done by using a unified and theoretical predictive model of technological adoption with a holistic approach that is based on literature of technological adoption models and the particularities that these tools presented under study and in a specific context. This theoretical model will allow us to determine the factors that predict the intended use of these tools and their real usage. The scientific research is structured in five parts: Introduction to the research subject, development of the theoretical framework, research work design, empirical analysis and drawing the final conclusions. This thesis develops the five aforementioned parts sequentially thorough seven chapters; part one (chapter one), part two (chapters two and three), part three (chapters four and five), parte four (chapters six) and finally part five (chapter seven). The first chapter is focused on the research problem statement and the objectives of the thesis, intended to be reached during the project. Likewise, the concept of collaboration and its link with the Web 2.0 collaborative tools is discussed as well as an introduction to the technology adoption models. Finally we explain the planning to carry out the research and get the proposed results. After introducing the research topic, the second chapter carries out a review of the evolution of the main existing technology adoption models (IDT, TRA, SCT, TPB, DTPB, C-TAM-TPB, UTAUT, UTAUT2), highlighting its foundations and factors used. Based on technology adoption models set out in chapter 2, the third chapter deals with the factors which have been discussed previously in chapter 2, but adapted to the context of Web 2.0 collaborative tools under study, blogs and wikis. In order to better understand the final model, the factors are grouped into four types: technological factors, control factors, social-normative factors and other specific factors related to the collaborative tools. The first part of chapter 4 covers the analysis of the factors which are more relevant to study the adoption of collaborative tools, and the second part proceeds with the theoretical model which specifies the relationship between the different factors taken into consideration. These relationships will become specific hypotheses that will be tested by the empirical study. Throughout chapter 5 we cover the characteristics of the empirical study used to test the research hypotheses which were set out in chapter 4. The nature of research is social, exploratory, and it is based on a quantitative empirical study whose analysis is carried out using multivariate analysis techniques. The second part of this chapter includes the description of the scales of the measuring instrument; the methodology for data gathering, the detailed analysis of the sample, and finally the existence of bias attributable to the measurement method, the "Bias Common Method" is checked. The first part of chapter 6 corresponds to the analysis of results. The statistical technique employed (PLS-SEM) is previously explained as a tool of multivariate analysis, capable of carrying out predictive analysis, and as the appropriate methodology used to validate the model in a two-stages analysis, the measurement model and the structural model. Futhermore, it is necessary to check the requirements to be met by the sample and the thresholds of the parameters taken into account. In the second part of chapter 6 an empirical analysis of the data is performed for the two samples, one for blogs and the other for wikis, in order to validate the research hypothesis proposed in chapter 4. Finally, in chapter 7 the fulfillment level of the objectives raised in chapter 1 is reviewed and the theoretical, methodological and practical conclusions derived from the results of the study are presented. Next, we cover the general conclusions, detailing for each group of factors including practical recommendations that can be drawn to guide implementation of these tools in real situations in companies. As a final part of the chapter the limitations of the study are included and a number of potential future researches suggested, along with research partial results which have been obtained thorough the research.


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Discourse about knowledge-based economies rarely moves beyond the commercialization of science and engineering, and is locked in the discursive limits of functionalism. We argue that these discourses limit the scope of what knowledge-based economies might achieve because they are uninformed by an adequate conception of knowledge. In particular, knowledge management and knowledge-based economy discourse has not included the axiological dimension of knowledge that leads to wisdom. Taking an axiological perspective, we can discuss policy frameworks aimed at producing the social structures needed to bring fully formed and fully functioning knowledge societies into being. We argue that while the dominant discourse of industrial modernity remains rationalist, functionalist, utilitarian and technocratic, knowledge-based economies will resemble a savant rather than a sage. A wisdom-based renaissance of humanistic epistemology is needed to avoid increasing social dysfunction and a lack of wisdom in complex technological societies.


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Knowledge sharing is an essential component of effective knowledge management. However, evaluation apprehension, or the fear that your work may be critiqued, can inhibit knowledge sharing. Using the general framework of social exchange theory, we examined the effects of evaluation apprehension and perceived benefit of knowledge sharing ( such as enhanced reputation) on employees' knowledge sharing intentions in two contexts: interpersonal (i.e., by direct contact between two employees) and database (i.e., via repositories). Evaluation apprehension was negatively associated with knowledge sharing intentions in both contexts while perceived bene. it was only positively associated with knowledge sharing intentions in the database context. Moreover, compared to the interpersonal context, evaluation apprehension was higher and knowledge sharing lower in the database context. Finally, the negative effects of evaluation apprehension upon knowledge sharing intentions were worse when perceived benefits were low compared to when perceived benefits were high.


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This paper explores the theme of strategic planning in a State Tourism Organization (STO) from a knowledge management perspective. It highlights the value of knowledge in strategy making and the importance of an organisation's knowledge management agenda in facilitating a strategic planning process. In particular, it considers the capability of an STO to implement knowledge management as the key to a successful strategic planning exercise. In order to develop greater insight into the factors that impact on planning competence, the key aim of this paper is to develop a framework on which the capability of a STO to implement a knowledge-based agenda in strategic planning can be assessed. Research on knowledge management in the field of tourism is limited and there is little practical account of the application of knowledge management principles in tourism planning. Further, there is no apparent tool or instrument that allows for the assessment of an STO's capability to implement knowledge management in planning initiatives. Based on a literature review, a three-point framework of assessment is developed. The three elements of the framework are identified as: 1. Integration of knowledge management objectives with strategic imperatives; 2. A planning approach that balances top-down (outcome focused) with bottom-up (process focused) planning processes; and 3. Organisational capacity, including leadership, people and culture, process, technology, content and continuous improvement. The framework is tested through application to a practical case study - a planning initiative undertaken by a leading tourism STO in Australia. The results demonstrate that the framework is a useful means to evaluate organisational capability in knowledge-led strategic planning exercises and would be of practical value as a point of reference for future knowledge- based strategic planning projects. Copyright © by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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AKT is a major research project applying a variety of technologies to knowledge management. Knowledge is a dynamic, ubiquitous resource, which is to be found equally in an expert's head, under terabytes of data, or explicitly stated in manuals. AKT will extend knowledge management technologies to exploit the potential of the semantic web, covering the use of knowledge over its entire lifecycle, from acquisition to maintenance and deletion. In this paper we discuss how HLT will be used in AKT and how the use of HLT will affect different areas of KM, such as knowledge acquisition, retrieval and publishing.


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Knowledge maintenance is a major challenge for both knowledge management and the Semantic Web. Operating over the Semantic Web, there will be a network of collaborating agents, each with their own ontologies or knowledge bases. Change in the knowledge state of one agent may need to be propagated across a number of agents and their associated ontologies. The challenge is to decide how to propagate a change of knowledge state. The effects of a change in knowledge state cannot be known in advance, and so an agent cannot know who should be informed unless it adopts a simple ‘tell everyone – everything’ strategy. This situation is highly reminiscent of the classic Frame Problem in AI. We argue that for agent-based technologies to succeed, far greater attention must be given to creating an appropriate model for knowledge update. In a closed system, simple strategies are possible (e.g. ‘sleeping dog’ or ‘cheap test’ or even complete checking). However, in an open system where cause and effect are unpredictable, a coherent cost-benefit based model of agent interaction is essential. Otherwise, the effectiveness of every act of knowledge update/maintenance is brought into question.


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Ontologies have become a key component in the Semantic Web and Knowledge management. One accepted goal is to construct ontologies from a domain specific set of texts. An ontology reflects the background knowledge used in writing and reading a text. However, a text is an act of knowledge maintenance, in that it re-enforces the background assumptions, alters links and associations in the ontology, and adds new concepts. This means that background knowledge is rarely expressed in a machine interpretable manner. When it is, it is usually in the conceptual boundaries of the domain, e.g. in textbooks or when ideas are borrowed into other domains. We argue that a partial solution to this lies in searching external resources such as specialized glossaries and the internet. We show that a random selection of concept pairs from the Gene Ontology do not occur in a relevant corpus of texts from the journal Nature. In contrast, a significant proportion can be found on the internet. Thus, we conclude that sources external to the domain corpus are necessary for the automatic construction of ontologies.