756 resultados para island exploration
While studies on triggers and outcomes of Psychological Momentum (PM) exist, little is known about the dynamics by which PM emerges and develops over time. Based on video-assisted recalls of PM experiences in table tennis and swimming competitions, this research qualitatively explored the triggering processes, contents, and the development of PM over time. PM was found to be triggered by mechanisms of dissonance, consonance, or fear of not winning. During the PM experience, participants reported a variety of perceptions, affects and emotions, cognitions, and behaviors, and PM was found to develop through processes of amplification that sometimes ended with a reduction of efforts when the victory or defeat was perceived as certain. These findings are discussed in light of theories on self-regulation and reactance-helplessness. From a practical standpoint, achievement goal-based strategies are suggested, since mastery-approach goals were found to be endorsed to maintain positive PM and overcome negative PM
This naturalistic cross-sectional study explores how and to what extent cannabis dependence was associated with intrapersonal aspects (anxiety, coping styles) and interpersonal aspects of adolescent functioning (school status, family relationships, peer relationships, social life). A convenience sample of 110 adolescents (aged 12 to 19) was recruited and subdivided into two groups (38 with a cannabis dependence and 72 nondependent) according to DSM-IV-TR criteria for cannabis dependence. Participants completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-Y), the Coping Across Situations Questionnaire (CASQ), and the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) interview investigating psychosocial and interpersonal problems in an adolescent's life. Factors associated with cannabis dependence were explored with logistic regression analyses. The results indicated that severity of problems in social life and peer relationships (OR = 1.68, 95% CI = 1.21 - 2.33) and avoidant coping (OR = 4.22, 95% CI = 1.01 - 17.73) were the only discriminatory factors for cannabis dependence. This model correctly classified 84.5% of the adolescents. These findings are partially consistent with the "self-medication hypothesis" and underlined the importance of peer relationships and dysfunctional coping strategies in cannabis dependence in adolescence. Limitations of the study and implications for clinical work with adolescents are discussed.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa and Illinois Departments of Transportation (Iowa DOT and IDOT) have identified the Selected Alternative for improving Interstate 74 (I-74) from its southern terminus at Avenue of the Cities (23rd Avenue) in Moline, Illinois to its northern terminus one mile north of the I-74 interchange with 53rd Street in Davenport, Iowa. The Selected Alternative identified and discussed in this Record of Decision is the preferred alternative identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The purpose of the proposed improvements is to improve capacity, travel reliability, and safety along I-74 between its termini, and provide consistency with local land use planning goals. The need for the proposed improvements to the I-74 corridor is based on a combination of factors related to providing better transportation service and sustaining economic development.
We launched a cryptoendolithic habitat, made of a gneissic impactite inoculated with Chroococcidiopsis sp., into Earth orbit. After orbiting the Earth for 16 days, the rock entered the Earth's atmosphere and was recovered in Kazakhstan. The heat of entry ablated and heated the rock to a temperature well above the upper temperature limit for life to below the depth at which light levels are insufficient for photosynthetic organisms ( approximately 5 mm), thus killing all of its photosynthetic inhabitants. This experiment shows that atmospheric transit acts as a strong biogeographical dispersal filter to the interplanetary transfer of photosynthesis. Following atmospheric entry we found that a transparent, glassy fusion crust had formed on the outside of the rock. Re-inoculated Chroococcidiopsis grew preferentially under the fusion crust in the relatively unaltered gneiss beneath. Organisms under the fusion grew approximately twice as fast as the organisms on the control rock. Thus, the biologically destructive effects of atmospheric transit can generate entirely novel and improved endolithic habitats for organisms on the destination planetary body that survive the dispersal filter. The experiment advances our understanding of how island biogeography works on the interplanetary scale.
The O 1s x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectrum for Al(111)/O at 300 K shows two components whose behavior as a function of time and variation of detection angle are consistent with either (a) a surface species represented by the higher binding-energy (BE) component and a subsurface species represented by the lower BE component, or (b) small close-packed oxygen islands with the interior atoms represented by the lower BE component and the perimeter atoms by the higher BE component. We have modeled both situations using ab initio Hartree-Fock wave functions for clusters of Al and O atoms. For an O atom in a threefold site, it was found that a below-surface position gave a higher O 1s BE than an above-surface position, incompatible with interpretation (a). This change in the O 1s BE could arise because the bond for O to Al may have a more covalent character when the O is below the surface than when it is above the surface. We present evidence consistent with this view. An O adatom island with all the O atoms in threefold sites gives calculated O 1s BE's which are significantly higher for the perimeter O atoms. Further, the results for an isolated O island without the Al substrate present also give higher BE¿s for the perimeter atoms. Both these results are consistent with interpretation (b). Published scanning-tunneling-microscopy data supports the suggestion that the chemisorbed state consists of small, close-packed islands, whereas the presence of two vibrational modes in high-resolution electron-energy-loss spectroscopy data has been interpreted as representing surface and subsurface oxygen atoms. In light of the present results, we suggest that a vibrational interpretation in terms of interior and perimeter adatoms should be considered.
Genomic islands (GEIs) are large DNA segments, present in most bacterial genomes, that are most likely acquired via horizontal gene transfer. Here, we study the self-transfer system of the integrative and conjugative element ICEclc of Pseudomonas knackmussii B13, which stands model for a larger group of ICE/GEI with syntenic core gene organization. Functional screening revealed that unlike conjugative plasmids and other ICEs ICEclc carries two separate origins of transfer, with different sequence context but containing a similar repeat motif. Conjugation experiments with GFP-labelled ICEclc variants showed that both oriTs are used for transfer and with indistinguishable efficiencies, but that having two oriTs results in an estimated fourfold increase of ICEclc transfer rates in a population compared with having a single oriT. A gene for a relaxase essential for ICEclc transfer was also identified, but in vivo strand exchange assays suggested that the relaxase processes both oriTs in a different manner. This unique dual origin of transfer system might have provided an evolutionary advantage for distribution of ICE, a hypothesis that is supported by the fact that both oriT regions are conserved in several GEIs related to ICEclc.
The Upper Cretaceous volcanic succession of Hannah Point is the best exposure of the Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Group on L ivingston Island. The aim of the present paper is to contribute to the characterisation of the stratigr a p hy and petrogr a p hy of this little studied succession, and briefly discuss some aspects of the eru p t ive style of its volcanism. The succession is about 470 m thick and is here subdivided into five lithostratigraphic units (A to E from base to top). Unit A, approximately 120 m thick, is mainly composed of polymict clast-supported volcaniclastic breccias and also includes a dacitic lava laye r. Interstratified in the breccias of this unit, there is a thin laminated devitrified layer which shows some degree of welding. Unit B, approx imately 70 m thick, is almost entirely composed of volcaniclastic breccias, and includes a volcaniclastic conglomerate laye r. Breccias in this unit can be subdivided into two distinct types; polymict clast-supported breccias, and monomict matrix-supported breccias rich in juvenile components and displaying incipient welding. Unit C, about 65 m thick, is mainly composed of basaltic lavas, which are interlayered with minor vo lcaniclastic breccias. Unit D, approximately 65 m thick, is lithologically similar to unit B, composed of an alternation of polymict clasts upported breccias and matrix-supported breccias, and includes a volcaniclastic conglomerate laye r. Unit E, about 150 m thick, is mainly formed of thick andesitic lava layers. Minor basaltic dykes and a few normal faults cut the succession, and the contact betwe e n units A and B can be interpreted both as an unconformity or a fault. The matrix-supported breccias included in the succession of Hannah Point have high contents of juvenile components and incipient welding, which suggest that part of the succession is the result of pyroclastic fragmentation and emplacement from pyroclastic flows. In contrast, the polymict clast-supported breccias suggest reworking of previous deposits and deposition from cool mass flows. The lavas indicate eff u s ive volcanic eruptions, and the absence of features indicative of subaqueous volcanism suggests that at least these portions of the succession were emplaced in a subaerial environment .
A five year program of systematic multi-element geochemical exploration of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges has been initiated by the Geological Survey of Autonomic Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Department of Geological and Geophysical Exploration (University of Barcelona). This paper reports the first stage results of this regional survey, covering an area of 530 km2 in the Montseny Mountains, NE of Barcelona (Spain). Stream sediments for metals and stream waters for fluoride were chosen because of the regional characteristics. Four target areas for future tactic survey were recognized after the prospect. The most important is a 40 km* zone in the Canoves-Vilamajor area, with high base metal values accompanied by Cd, Ni, Co, As and Sb anomalies. Keywords: Catalanides. Geochemical exploration. Stream sediments. Base metal anomalies. Principal Component Analysis.
IRM hépatique avec produit de contraste hépato-spécifique dans l'exploration des tumeurs hépatiques.
Messages à retenir: Connaître la pharmacocinétique du produit de contraste hépato spécifique Gd-EOB-DTPA.Apprendre la valeur diagnostique supplémentaire du Gd-EOB-DTPA comparée à celle des produits de contraste purement intravasculaires pour l'exploration destumeurs hépatiques.Connaître les situations cliniques typiques dans lesquelles l 'utilisation du Gd-EOB-DTPA est recommandée. Résumé: Le produit de contraste Gd-EOB-DTPA, un sel de l'acide gadoxétique, est un agent de contraste intra vasculaire et hépato-spécifique. Environ 50% de la doseinjectée par voie intraveineuse (IV) sont captés par les hépatocytes en phase veineuse, suivie d'une excrétion biliaire à environ 20 minutes après l'injection IV enbolus. En phase tardive, il en résulte donc un renforcement de contraste entre le parenchyme hépatique et toutes les lésions intra-hépatiques focales qui sontcomposées d'autres cellules que d'hépatocytes sains. La détection de métastases hépatiques est ainsi rendue plus facile, notamment celles de petite taille,même infra-centimétrique, en permettant de connaître exactement leur nombre total, ce qui est essentiel en cas de bilan pré-opératoire. La caractérisation destumeurs bénignes, telle que de l'hyperplasie nodulaire focale et de l'adénome hépatique, est également améliorée, en raison de leur contenu cellulaire différent.En cas de remaniement fibrotique ou cirrhotique sous-jacent, le Gd-EOB-DTPA s'est révélé supérieur que d'autres agents de contraste hépato-spécifiques enraison d'une meilleure imprégnation du parenchyme hépatique.
Cette thèse présente les résultats d'une démarche comparatiste en histoire des religions. Elle poursuit un double but, à la fois thématique et méthodologique, en explorant une variété de représentations des transactions entre des figures féminines et des dieux. Elle en fait ressortir la diversité à partir d'un certain nombre de dossiers tirés de corpus de sources sélectionnés et constitués dans ce but. L'un de ces corpus est formé du Padavali (traduit sur la base de l'édition de P. Caturvedï), une collection de chants-poèmes dévotionnels krishnaïtes attribués à Mïràbàï (composés principalement entre le 16e et le 18e siècle en Inde du nord). L'autre corpus consiste en une sélection d'extraits de la littérature grecque d'auteurs et de styles différents. Au sein de cette sélection, la tragédie attique (5ème siècle avant l'ère commune), en particulier celle d'Euripide, et plusieurs traités de Plutarque (1er siècle de l'ère commune) figurent parmi les sources les plus importantes. La catégorie de « figure féminine » permet de prendre en considération des figures de statuts différents (mythologique, hagiographique ou historique) et de se focaliser sur les représentations des transactions avec des dieux, sans se restreindre à l'étude des pratiques historiquement attestées ou à leur reconstitution. Mirabai, en tant que figure hagiographique et emblématique du mouvement dévotionnel de la bhakti, les gopis et d'autres figures de la mythologie ou de l'hagiographie hindoue comptent parmi les figures féminines considérées sur la base du corpus indien de cette recherche ; les dossiers grecs incluent des sources variées mettant en scène les bacchantes, Ariane, la pythie, Cassandre, Créouse et d'autres figures féminines dans leur rapports avec des dieux, principalement Dionysos, Apollon et Hadès. Pensée comme une traversée des différences plutôt que comme une construction d'universaux, l'exploration thématique met en relief la grande variété des modalités des transactions de figures féminines avec des dieux et la mise en jeu du corps avant, pendant ou après celles-ci. Cinq axes thématiques transversaux, compris comme des faisceaux de questions, forment les comparables de cette recherche. Ils portent principalement sur (1) l'ajout au corps (ou le corps marqué, paré et équipé), (2) le retrait au corps (ou le corps dépouillé et dénudé), (3) la mise à disposition du corps féminin pour le dieu et ses conséquences, notamment en termes d'emprise attribuée au dieu, (4) la violence contre la figure féminine dans le cadre de sa relation au dieu et (5) les dissolutions, transformations, disparitions et dispersions du corps féminin. En plus du travail préalable de traduction et de contextualisation des sources, la mise en regard comparatiste de certains éléments des dossiers permet de dégager des axes de questionnement qui se veulent valables à plus large échelle pour une histoire des religions s'intéressant à la question des représentations du corps en intégrant une perspective de genre. La démonstration méthodologique consiste en une évaluation sur la base d'un exercice concret des limites et des apports d'une démarche de comparaison différentielle. Celle-ci comporte certes quelques défis dans sa mise en oeuvre et sa restitution, mais elle rend possible un processus de recherche souple et créatif qui permet d'envisager des dossiers connus sous de nouveaux angles ainsi qu'une redéfinition ou une création de catégories de recherche dynamiques et flexibles en histoire des religions.
The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the risk factors associated with school burnout, which has recently been described as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion due to school demands, cynical and detached attitude towards school and feelings of inadequacy as a student (Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Pietikainen & Jokela, 2008a). The research focuses on students in the last years of compulsory schooling, period in which burnout has not received much attention yet. A total of 342 adolescents (Mean age = 14.84) were asked to complete questionnaires about school burnout, school-related stress and background variables. The results showed differences in school burnout by gender, grade level and school track, with girls, last grade of compulsory school and high-track classes, showing the highest scores. No difference was observed with respect to grade retention. Several types of school stress were identified, with stress type Success related to pressures to succeed and concerns about the academic future being the highest. Finally, stress and burnout were strongly and positively correlated, and the type of stress Success was the best predictor of overall Burnout, Exhaustion and Inadequacy dimension scores. The results are discussed in relation to their theoretical relevance and implications for the prevention of school burnout in adolescents.