885 resultados para intelligent bin


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Continuous advancements in technology have led to increasingly comprehensive and distributed product development processes while in pursuit of improved products at reduced costs. Information associated with these products is ever changing, and structured frameworks have become integral to managing such fluid information. Ontologies and the Semantic Web have emerged as key alternatives for capturing product knowledge in both a human-readable and computable manner. The primary and conclusive focus of this research is to characterize relationships formed within methodically developed distributed design knowledge frameworks to ultimately provide a pervasive real-time awareness in distributed design processes. Utilizing formal logics in the form of the Semantic Web’s OWL and SWRL, causal relationships are expressed to guide and facilitate knowledge acquisition as well as identify contradictions between knowledge in a knowledge base. To improve the efficiency during both the development and operational phases of these “intelligent” frameworks, a semantic relatedness algorithm is designed specifically to identify and rank underlying relationships within product development processes. After reviewing several semantic relatedness measures, three techniques, including a novel meronomic technique, are combined to create AIERO, the Algorithm for Identifying Engineering Relationships in Ontologies. In determining its applicability and accuracy, AIERO was applied to three separate, independently developed ontologies. The results indicate AIERO is capable of consistently returning relatedness values one would intuitively expect. To assess the effectiveness of AIERO in exposing underlying causal relationships across product development platforms, a case study involving the development of an industry-inspired printed circuit board (PCB) is presented. After instantiating the PCB knowledge base and developing an initial set of rules, FIDOE, the Framework for Intelligent Distributed Ontologies in Engineering, was employed to identify additional causal relationships through extensional relatedness measurements. In a conclusive PCB redesign, the resulting “intelligent” framework demonstrates its ability to pass values between instances, identify inconsistencies amongst instantiated knowledge, and identify conflicting values within product development frameworks. The results highlight how the introduced semantic methods can enhance the current knowledge acquisition, knowledge management, and knowledge validation capabilities of traditional knowledge bases.


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This project develops K(bin), a relatively simple, binomial based statistic for assessing interrater agreement in which expected agreement is calculated a priori from the number of raters involved in the study and number of categories on the rating tool. The statistic is logical in interpretation, easily calculated, stable for small sample sizes, and has application over a wide range of possible combinations from the simplest case of two raters using a binomial scale to multiple raters using a multiple level scale.^ Tables of expected agreement values and tables of critical values for K(bin) which include power to detect three levels of the population parameter K for n from 2 to 30 and observed agreement $\ge$.70 calculated at alpha =.05,.025, and.01 are included.^ An example is also included which describes the use of the tables for planning and evaluating an interrater reliability study using the statistic, K(bin). ^


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von Edmond Fleg. Ins Deutsche übers. von Mimi Zuckerkandl


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Bibliograph. Nachweis: Wolf, Sylvia: Politische Karikaturen in Deutschland 1848/49. Mittenwald 1982. – vgl. 1.52 Nr. 1


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Boberach: Zu unterscheiden sind sieben Parteien, von denen fünf in Parteilokalen organisiert sind. Nur die Wilden unter den Abgeordneten haben so wenig politische Bildung, daß sie nicht wissen, wo sie hingehören, und von Werbern der Fraktionen umlagert werden


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Das Ziel der Wohlfahrt des Volkes kann nicht durch blinden Parteienkampf erreicht werden. Aufruf zur gegenseitigen Verständigung an die ministerielle und die antiministerielle Fraktion und zur Abstimmung nach Vernunftgründen statt nach fraktioneller Zugehörigkeit. Der Ehre der Volksvertretung läuft es zuwider, unter den Bedingungen des Belagerungszustandes mit der Regierung zu verhandeln


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Ablehnung der für den 6. August 1848 geplanten Huldigung des preußischen Militärs vor dem Reichsverweser. Diesem stünde es besser an, seinerseits vor dem Monument des Großen Kurfürsten zu huldigen. " ... seit den Ollen Fritzen seine Zeit is des Preußsche Milletär des ausländsche Huldjen nich mehr jewohne". Die Einigung Deutschlands ist ohne Preußen nicht zu denken, Österreich dagegen ist diesem Prozeß eher hinderlich


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Abrechnung des Vorsitzenden des 'Vereins für Radikalreform' Held mit seinen Rivalen von der Demokratischen Partei, denen er eine gegen ihn gerichtete Intrige zum Vorwurf macht


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Cäsar Wenzel Messenhauser gibt seine Ernennung zum provisorischen Oberkommandanten der Nationalgarde bekannt. Aufruf zu Friede, Ordnung, Achtung des Gesetzes sowie zur Verteidigung des "constitutionellen Thrones unter dem Banner volksthümlicher Freiheit"