405 resultados para inprimaketa digitala


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Pain, beauty, and socio-matter. An interview with Dag Østerberg concerning the concepts of form, process, and sociality. Professor Dag Østerberg (born 1938) is one of the most prominent Nordic sociologists and the author of many influential books. In this interview he discusses the concept of form in sociology and social thinking and relates it not only to change, but to sociality, pain, beauty, and socio-matter as well. In order to contextualise Østerberg’s discussion, the interview is prefaced by a brief introduction to the traditional understanding of form as related to matter and content.


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Research on humor in Swedish organizational and working life contexts: a literature review The objective of this study was to provide a more coherent picture of research on humor in Swedish organizational and working life contexts, where even non-strictly organizational studies were included due to their high relevance in the research area. A systematic review of the literature published during the last 15 years was used to summarize an obviously undeveloped research area in Sweden. Published peer-reviewed articles that primarily examine humor were analyzed. Seventeen representative articles have been found and systematically reviewed and compared focusing on four questions: purposes and contexts of the studies, theoretical approaches, methods and main results. The analysis identifies four focal points that describe current state of humor research in Sweden: 1) positive function of humor appears to be a predominant research issue while humor’s subversive function, power relations and negative functions are less represented, 2) limited comparative studies of different contexts 3) biased theoretical approaches and limited studies of theory developing approach 4) overrepresented qualitative research approach. The above issues were discussed in relation to relevant international humor research.


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”You are not welcome in our lovely Malmo”: Conditions for belonging in mobilization against organized crime Several murders occurred in the Swedish city of Malmö between 2011 and 2012. Against this backdrop, the municipality and the police initiate a public campaign. The aim is to mobilize the city’s population against organized crime. In this study the ideology of the initiative is analysed. It is argued that the representation of organized crime as nurtured by the black economy can be read as an example of neoliberal revanchist city agenda, albeit an ambivalent one. The role of groups working in the low-price sphere of the economy becomes that of a threatening projection, while a consumption ideology regulates the boundaries of belonging


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Definitions of violence in stories of survivors from the Bosnian war Previous research on violence during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina presents a one-sided picture of the phenomenon ”war violence.” Researchers have emphasized the importance of narratives but they have not focused on stories about war violence, nor have they analyzed the stories of war violence being a product of interpersonal interaction. This article tries to fill this knowledge gap by analyzing the narratives told by survivors of the war in northwestern Bosnia in the 1990s. The aim is to analyze how the survivors describe violence during the war, and also to analyze those discursive patterns that contribute in constructing the category ”war violence.” The construction of the category ”war violence” is made visible in the empirical material when the interviewees talk about (1) a new social order in the society, (2) human suffering, (3) sexual violence, and (4) human slaughter. All interviewees define war violence as morally reprehensible. In narratives on the phenomena ”war violence” a picture emerges which shows a disruption of the social order existing in the pre-war society. The violence practiced during the war is portrayed as organized and ritualized and this creates a picture that the violence practice became a norm in the society, rather than the exception. Narratives retelling violent situations, perpetrators of violence and subjected to violence do not only exist as a mental construction. The stories live their lives after the war, and thus have real consequences for individuals and society.


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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Huvudsyftet med denna empiriska studie har varit att undersöka om och hur några lärare på Åland praktiskt arbetar med multimodalt skrivande i årskurs 4-6, samt deras upplevelser av och inställning till det multimodala skrivandet i skolan. Det multimodala skrivandet har i denna studie definierats som att skriftlig, visuell och auditiv teckenvärld kombineras på ett eller annat sätt. Skrivuppgifter där text kombinerats med bild och ljud är exempel på detta. Genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer visar studien att det multimodala skrivandet förekommer relativt ofta, främst det som innefattar text och bild. Dessutom förekommer både analoga och digitala multimodala skrivuppgifter i undervisningen. Det visar sig att möjligheterna är många med lärare som generellt är positiva till det multimodala skrivandet i skolan. Det är snarare lärarna själva som begränsar den multimodala skrivundervisningen på grund av egen osäkerhet. Den digitala tekniken kan stundtals också ställa till med bekymmer. Vidare visar studien att lärare behöver utveckla och förstå att den multimodala skrivprocessen är en integrerad process där helheten är det centrala. Lärare behöver även utveckla den multimodala skrivkompetensen eftersom den granskande aspekten av texters budskap är lika viktig som att låta olika teckenvärldar samspela. Trots en obekanthet med begreppet så inkluderar lärare multimodalt skrivande i sin undervisning.


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Gästredaktör för denna volym: docent Ulla Melander Marttala, Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet