987 resultados para in vitro growth


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Avaliou-se, neste experimento, a eficácia in vitro e in vivo do diflubenzuron a 25% para uso em bovinos, no controle da infestação por Haematobia irritans. Para o teste in vitro, ovos de moscas-dos-chifres foram mantidos em recipientes contendo fezes de animais não-tratados ou tratados com diflubenzuron a 25%, e acompanhados até emergência dos adultos. No teste in vivo, foram utilizadas 40 fêmeas aneloradas, divididas em dois grupos: controle (C) e tratado (T) com intensidade parasitária equivalente. Durante o experimento, o grupo C recebeu apenas suplementação mineral, enquanto o grupo T recebeu suplementação mineral e diflubenzuron a 25%. A contagem de moscas nos animais foi realizada na região dorsal, desde a nuca até as pontas da anca de cada animal, no início e ao final de um período de cinco meses. Na avaliação in vitro, o grupo controle apresentou média de emergência de 86% (± 8,4%), enquanto o grupo cultivado em fezes de bovinos tratados com diflubenzuron a 25% apresentou taxa de emergência média de 1% (± 0,2%), sendo a eficácia calculada de 98,83%. No teste in vivo, não foi observada redução significativa na contagem de moscas no grupo C, porém, no grupo T houve significativa redução da infestação por H. irritans (t = 16,46, p < 0,0001). A eficácia do produto, em condições de campo, foi de 99,20%. O diflubenzuron a 25% adicionado ao sal mineral mostrou-se eficaz contra H. irritans, sendo indicado para esse fim.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Neste trabalho foi investigada a assepsia para obtenção de explantes oriundos de tubérculos e a ação das poliaminas espermidina e espermina exógenas associadas aos reguladores vegetais AIA e BA no desenvolvimento, na tuberização in vitro e nos níveis endógenos de putrescina (Put), espermidina (Spd) e espermina (Spm) de taro (Colocasia esculenta). Plantas crescidas em meio contendo espermidina e espermina mostraram tuberização e a associação dessas poliaminas com AIA e BA induziu aumento do número de brotações. Para o estímulo da rizogênese, não foi necessário o uso de reguladores vegetais. Altos teores de putrescina foram encontrados durante a emissão de brotações, enquanto que altos teores de espermidina foram observados durante a formação de rizomas in vitro.


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A cultura in vitro é uma técnica controlada que proporciona estudar os processos nutricionais, fisiológicos e bioquímicos de embriões em vários estádios de desenvolvimento. O objetivo foi avaliar a relação entre estádio de desenvolvimento do fruto e concentração de sacarose, no meio, durante o desenvolvimento, in vitro, de embriões de cafeeiro. Frutos de Coffea arabica cv. Acaiá foram colhidos, lavados, desinfestados, seus embriões excisados e inoculados em meio de cultivo MS, com pH ajustado para 5,8. Os tratamentos consistiram em combinação de concentrações de sacarose (0, 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 g L-1) e estádios de desenvolvimento do fruto (chumbinho, chumbo, verde, verde-cana, cereja e passa). Após a inoculação, os embriões foram incubados em sala de crescimento, a 27 ± 1 ºC, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e 35 µ mol m-2 s-1 de intensidade luminosa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 6 x 6, com seis repetições constituídas por quatro tubos cada. Após 60 dias de desenvolvimento, as plântulas foram avaliadas com base no comprimento da parte aérea, massa de matéria fresca total da parte aérea e das raízes. Observaram-se influências das concentrações de sacarose e dos estádios de desenvolvimento do fruto no crescimento e desenvolvimento das plântulas. Resultados satisfatórios para todas as variáveis estudadas foram obtidos com embriões excisados no estádio verde, inoculados em meio de cultivo suplementado com 51 a 70 g L-1 de sacarose.


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A influência de estresse induzido por cloreto de sódio (75 e 150 mM) sobre o conteúdo de carboidratos solúveis e atividade da peroxidase, foi estudada em plântulas de mandioca cultivadas in vitro. Os resultados mostraram que a atividade da peroxidase diminuiu gradualmente durante o crescimento de plântulas em todos os tratamentos. O conteúdo de açúcares redutores foi menor em plântulas submetidas a 75 mM de NaCl, nas fases mais adiantadas do desenvolvimento, em comparação com a dose mais elevada do sal (150 mM de NaCl) ou sua omissão. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o NaCl alterou o metabolismo de carboidratos, atividade da peroxidase e o crescimento de plântulas cultivadas in vitro.


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A cultura da figueira é afetada pelo vírus-do-mosaico e a cultura de tecidos é uma alternativa para se proceder à limpeza clonal. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estudar o efeito da cinetina e GA3 na multiplicação in vitro da figueira. Segmentos nodais foram inoculados em meio de cultura WPM contendo as seguintes combinações de cinetina (0; 0,5; 1; 2 e 4 mg.L-1) e GA3 (0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 mg.L-1). Avaliaram-se número e comprimento dos brotos, peso da matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea, número de raízes, peso da matéria fresca e seca do sistema radicular e de calos. A utilização de 0,5 mg.L-1 de cinetina promoveu melhor taxa de multiplicação in vitro de Ficus carica. O GA3 reduziu a formação e multiplicação dos brotos e induziu ao estiolamento, à hiperidricidade, clorose e necrose apical das plântulas.


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Although mineral nutrition affects maize (Zea mays L.) yield by controlling starch deposition in kernels, the mechanisms involved are largely unknown. Our objectives were to examine this relationship by nutritionally and genetically altering starch production in the endosperm. Kernels of W64A and two starch-deficient mutants, shrunken-1 and brittle-2, were grown in vitro with varying supplies of N (0-50 mM) or P (0-6 mM) to produce different degrees of endosperm starch production, and the levels of enzyme activities and metabolites associated with carbohydrate and N metabolism were examined. In vitro grown kernels exhibited the expected starch phenotypes, and a minimum level of media N (25 mM) and P (2 mM) was required for optimal growth. However, increasing the availability of N or P could not overcome the genetically induced decrease in starch deposition of the mutants. Nitrogen deficiency enhanced sugar accumulation, but decreased amino acid levels, soluble protein, enzyme activity, starch synthesis, and endosperm dry weight. Phosphorous deficiency also decreased starch production and endosperm dry weight, but with only a minimal effect on the activities of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and alanine transaminase. Genotypic differences in endosperm starch, and the increases induced by N and P supply, Here closely associated with the level of endosperm N, but not endosperm P. Thus, while both N and P are crucial for optimal yield of maize grain, they appear to act by different means, and with different importance in governing starch deposition in the endosperm.


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Rhizoctonia foliar blight (RFB) of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] occurs in many tropical and subtropical regions, causing yield reductions of up to 70% and in Brazil, up to 60%. The disease is caused by Rhizoetonia solani AG1-IA and AG1-IB, and by AG2-3 in Japan. RFB occurs in the North, Northeast and Mid-west regions of Brazil. Chemical control remains the only effective method of controlling RFB, but its efficiency depends upon environmental conditions. In this study, 18 fungicides, salicylic acid (SA) and acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM) were evaluated on R. solani AG1-IA in vitro, by mycelial growth rating and estimating effective concentration for 50% (EC 50) and 90% (EC 90) inhibition of mycelial growth, and in vivo by reduction of disease severity on soybean plants in greenhouse conditions. Mycelial growth was strongly inhibited by the fungicides pyraclostrobin + boscalid and fludioxonil. Preventive fungicide applications were the most effective. Strobilurins were more efficient both in preventive and curative applications. Best results with plant resistance activators were obtained with SA (2.5 mM) sprayed at 20 d before inoculation and with ASM (12.5 mg a.i. l(-1)) 10 d before inoculation. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work was carried out at FCAV-UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil, to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 50 kg N/ha/cut), three sucessive periods of growth (December 21st 1987, January 25th 1988 and February 29th 1988)) and three cutting ages (28, 35 and 42 days) on composition in crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility of two cultivars of Panicum maximum Jacq. i.e., Coloniao and Tobiata. Plants were harvested in five vertical layers above soil level (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and over 80 cm). The samples were divided in: green leaves, green stems and dry material. Generally, values of in vitro dry matter digestibility and the levels of crude protein of both cultivars were greater in the higher layers of the vegetation, with a decrease, however, for the other layers and more advanced phases of plants development, mainly with no N fertilization.


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The follicular growth and oocyte maturation knowledge are very important to the development and improvement of new biotechnologies such as in vitro fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer. In order to the necessity of clarify the basic mechanisms related to canine oocyte maturation, this investigation focuses on the evaluation of the effect of insulin-like growth factor-i (IGF-I), added to synthetic oviductal fluid medium (SOF) on the in vitro maturation of domestic dog oocytes. Thirty-seven bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy for castration or due to pathological conditions of the uterus were selected as oocytes' donors (n=875). The oocytes were allocated in the following groups: MO (stained in the collection's time), Control (72h in SOF) and Experimental (72h in SOF plus 100 ng IGF-I). After 72 hours of maturation the oocytes' nuclear status were assessed by Hoechst 33342 dye. The best results in terms of oocyte harvest were observed in those juvenile donors,, females in estrus, nuliparous and pure breeds. No significant differences were observed between treatments control (SOF) or experimental (IGF-I).


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Extracts and pure amenthoflavone isolated from Byrsonima crassa (Malpighiaceae), a shrub growing in the semi-arid region of Brazil Cerrado, were evaluated in vitro, at different doses, for their effects on tomato seed germination and subsequent growth of seedlings. A hydromethanolic extract showed general stimulatory effects. The EtOAc extract stimulated root elongation and root weight of tomato; shoot elongation was inhibited, while shoot weight was not altered. The pure amenthoflavone isolated from the plant, stimulated shoot elongation at concentrations ranging between 10(-4) M and 10(-6) M.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Gummosis is among the main fungal diseases of the citrus. It is caused by Phytophthora sp. and usually shows up in the lap of the plant, provoking rottenness and gum exudation, and expands causing the plant death for constrictions in the cambium or phloem which interrupts the descending flow of sap. The objective of this work was to evaluate the antagonistic in vitro activity of Trichoderma spp. to the fungi Phytophthora citrophthora. Phytophthora citrophthora was exposed to five environments of antagonism (without antagonist and with four strains of Trichoderma viride, T. virens, T. harzianu and T stromaticum), The in vitro essay was accomplished through the method of paired cultures. A completely randomized desing was used with five treatments and three replications, and each plot was represented by three petri dishes. The isolates of Trichoderma demonstrated significant effect in the inhibition of the mycelial growth of the fungi Phytophthora citrophthora, and the fungi Trichoderma stromaticum presented larger antagonism to the fungi P. citrophthora while the T harzianum presented antagonism smaller.


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Calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) is appreciated as cut flower and for the composition of gardens. However, many pathogens affect this species. By the traditional method of propagation, some units of new seedlings can only be produced annually. Tissue culture allows fast large-scale clonal propagation and provides healthy uniform plants. During the in vitro process, type and concentration of growth regulator could affect the growth of seedlings. Thus, the aim of this work was to determine sucrose and GA(3) concentrations to increase the efficiency of the in vitro multiplication of calla lily. After 60 days, the length of the above ground part and the roots, the number of sprouts, roots and leaves, above ground part and root fresh weight of seedlings were evaluated. The experimental design was entirely randomized with four replications. It was necessary the addition of 60.5 g L-1 sucrose associated to 5 mg L-1 GA(3) to obtain hight sprouts number. For higher length of the above ground part the addition of 45.3 g L-1 sucrose and 10 mg L-1 GA(3) was enough. Better results in the root length and number of roots were observed only in the sucrose presence, in concentrations in the range of 51.13 - 56.5 g L-1.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)