780 resultados para implementazione ERP, MRP, Lean Production, BPR, Change Management
Nos últimos 30 anos, a Cultura tem exercido um papel cada vez mais determinante nas esferas políticas, econômicas e sociais. A indústria dos bens culturais demonstra uma força crescente, mesmo perante crises, e agências multinacionais, juntamente com Estados-Nação, têm utilizado de projetos culturais com o objetivo de desenvolvimento econômico e social de diversas regiões do mundo. Porém, ao mesmo tempo que a cultura exerce papel tão predominante, ela vem sendo moldada segundo os ditames da lógica de mercado. Por isso órgãos como a UNESCO apontam para a necessidade dos países de fomentarem uma produção cultural heterogênica, que fuja dos modelos únicos das indústrias culturais. O presente trabalho põe em análise o programa Cultura Viva, implementado no Governo Lula, que tem nos Pontos de Cultura sua principal ação. A partir de conceitos de Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari e Antonio Negri, esse trabalho visa discutir de que maneiras o Cultura Viva se constitui como uma alternativa ao modelo de fomentação de cultura regido por esses ditames mercadológicos. Ao propor uma diferente forma de produção, organização e gestão do meio cultural, o programa Cultura Viva se inscreve em uma política mais aberta a diferentes grupos e movimentos de nossa sociedade brasileira.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar os impactos ocasionados pelo processo de internacionalização sobre o sistema de controle gerencial em duas empresas brasileiras: a Lupatech S/A que atua no ramo de Metal-mecânica e a Di Solle Cutelaria no ramo de Aço inox. Deste modo, o estudo compara a relação entre os sistemas de controle gerencial utilizado pelas empresas, com a estrutura teórica apresentada, buscando evidenciar as modificações causadas em função do processo de internacionalização. Na revisão de literatura procurou-se discutir inicialmente as principais características do sistema de controle gerencial, as perspectivas contemporâneas relacionadas ao ambiente, ciclo de vida das organizações e alguns instrumentos utilizados no controle gerencial. Em seguida, foram abordadas as teorias que analisam o processo de internacionalização das empresas e por fim, o sistema de controle gerencial em ambiente internacionalizado. Foi definido um plano de referência para nortear o estudo. Em virtude das características e propósitos desta pesquisa utilizou-se na metodologia aplicada a pesquisa exploratória do tipo exploratório-descritiva, por meio do método de estudo de caso, por possibilitar um alcance maior no nível de profundidade sobre o tema e permitir maior poder de análise de uma ou mais organizações, através da comparação destas com os modelos idealizados nas literaturas existentes. O método de coleta utilizado foi à entrevista aplicada: ao Controller, ao gerente de exportação e ao gerente comercial das empresas pesquisadas. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa constataram que a internacionalização não foi à única variável responsável pela mudança do sistema de controle gerencial utilizado pelas empresas. No mais, o controle gerencial das empresas em muitos aspectos aproximam-se do que foi apresentado na revisão de literatura.
Fisheries continue to be important in the national economy, especially as an export commodity. Fish exports increased from 15,876 tonnes valued at 34.4 million US$ in 2000 to 28,153 tonnes valued at 79.0 million US$ in 2001. Consequently information for sustainable exploitation and management of fish stocks is a priority. In order to fulfill this requirement, FIRRI has been implementing two research projects. The first project focuses on sustaining and increasing capture fisheries production through management of fish stocks, biodiversity and environment of aquatic systems. The second project focuses on increasing fish production through improved fry production and pond management and feeding of cultured species.
The purpose of this output was to use the results of the baseline and participatory diagnostics analysis to develop alternative innovations for agricultural production, natural resource management and food security. The farming systems in the project areas were analysed to identify the innovations that communities had been using for agricultural production, natural resource management and food security. The innovative strategies were examined for their contribution to sustainable agriculture, food security and natural resource management. Comparative analysis of the agricultural productivity, food security and natural resource management in the different areas where the innovations have been put in place was undertaken. The best practices would be identified, which should be scaled-up, modified or sustained. The willingness and perceptions of the farmers to adopt the innovations would then be assessed.
Following the global stringent legislations regulating the wastes generated from the drilling process of oil exploration and production activities, the management of hazardous drill cuttings has become one of the pressing needs confronting the petroleum industry. Most of the prevalent treatment techniques adopted by oil companies are extremely expensive and/or the treated product has to be landfilled without any potential end-use; thereby rendering these solutions unsustainable. The technique of stabilisation/solidification is being investigated in this research to treat drill cuttings prior to landfilling or for potential re-use in construction products. Two case studies were explored namely North Sea and Red Sea. Given the known difficulties with stabilising/solidifying oils and chlorides, this research made use of model drill cutting mixes based on typical drill cutting from the two case studies, which contained 4.2% and 10.95% average concentrations of hydrocarbons; and 2.03% and 2.13% of chlorides, by weight respectively. A number of different binders, including a range of conventional viz. Portland cement (PC) as well as less-conventional viz. zeolite, or waste binders viz. cement kiln dust (CKD), fly ash and compost were tested to assess their ability to treat the North Sea and Red Sea model drill cuttings. The dry binder content by weight was 10%, 20% and 30%. In addition, raw drill cuttings from one of the North Sea offshore rigs were stabilised/solidified using 30% PC. The characteristics of the final stabilised/solidified product were finally compared to those of thermally treated cuttings. The effectiveness of the treatment using the different binder systems was compared in the light of the aforementioned two contaminants only. A set of physical tests (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)), chemical tests (NRA leachability) and micro-structural examinations (using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD)) were used to evaluate the relative performance of the different binder mixes in treating the drill cuttings. The results showed that the observed UCS covered a wide range of values indicating various feasible end-use scenarios for the treated cuttings within the construction industry. The teachability results showed the reduction of the model drill cuttings to a stable non-reactive hazardous waste, compliant with the UK acceptance criteria for non-hazardous landfills: (a) by most of the 30% and 20% binders for chloride concentrations, and (b) by the 20% and 30% of compost-PC and CKD-PC binders for the Red Sea cuttings. The 20% and 30% compost-PC and CKD-PC binders successfully reduced the leached oil concentration of the North Sea cuttings to inert levels. Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
We study three contractual arrangements—co-development, licensing, and co-development with opt-out options—for the joint development of new products between a small and financially constrained innovator firm and a large technology company, as in the case of a biotech innovator and a major pharma company. We formulate our arguments in the context of a two-stage model, characterized by technical risk and stochastically changing cost and revenue projections. The model captures the main disadvantages of traditional co-development and licensing arrangements: in co-development the small firm runs a risk of running out of capital as future costs rise, while licensing for milestone and royalty (M&R) payments, which eliminates the latter risk, introduces inefficiency, as profitable projects might be abandoned. Counter to intuition we show that the biotech's payoff in a licensing contract is not monotonically increasing in the M&R terms. We also show that an option clause in a co-development contract that gives the small firm the right but not the obligation to opt out of co-development and into a pre-agreed licensing arrangement avoids the problems associated with fully committed co-development or licensing: the probability that the small firm will run out of capital is greatly reduced or completely eliminated and profitable projects are never abandoned.
This paper reflects on the motivation, method and effectiveness of teaching leadership and organisational change to graduate engineers. Delivering progress towards sustainable development requires engineers who are aware of pressing global issues (such as resource depletion, climate change, social inequity and an interdependent economy) since it is they who deliver the goods and services that underpin society within these constraints. In recognition of this fact the Cambridge University MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development has focussed on educating engineers to become effective change agents in their professional field with the confidence to challenge orthodoxy in adopting traditional engineering solutions. This paper reflects on ten years of delivering this course to review how teaching change management and leadership aspects of the programme have evolved and progressed over that time. As the students on this professional practice have often extensive experience as practising engineers and scientists, they have learned the limitations of their technical background when solving complex problems. Students often join the course recognising their need to broaden their knowledge of relevant cross-disciplinary skills. The course offers an opportunity for these early to mid-career engineers to explore an ethical and value-based approach to bringing about effective change in their particular sectors and organisations. This is achieved through action learning assignments in combination with reflections on the theory of change to enable students to equip themselves with tools that help them to be effective in making their professional and personal life choices. This paper draws on feedback gathered from students during their participation on the course and augments this with alumni reflections gathered some years after their graduation. These professionals are able to look back on their experience of the taught components and reflect on how they have been able to apply this key learning in their subsequent careers.
Zooplankton plays a vital role in marine ecosystems. Variations in the zooplankton species composition, biomass, and secondary production will change the structure and function of the ecosystem. How to describe this process and make it easier to be modeled in the Yellow Sea ecosystem is the main purpose of this paper. The zooplankton functional groups approach, which is considered a good method of linking the structure of food webs and the energy flow in the ecosystems, is used to describe the main contributors of secondary produciton of the Yellow Sea ecosystem. The zooplankton can be classified into six functional groups: giant crustaceans, large copepods, small copepods, chaetognaths, medusae, and salps. The giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods groups, which are the main food resources for fish, are defined depending on the size spectrum. Medusae and chaetognaths are the two gelatinous carnivorous groups, which compete with fish for food. The salps group, acting as passive filter-feeders, competes with other species feeding on phytoplankton, but their energy could not be efficiently transferred to higher trophic levels. From the viewpoint of biomass, which is the basis of the food web, and feeding activities, the contributions of each functional group to the ecosystem were evaluated; the seasonal variations, geographical distribution patterns, and species composition of each functional group were analyzed. The average zooplankton biomass was 2.1 g dry wt m(-2) in spring, to which the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods contributed 19, 44, and 26%, respectively. High biomasses of the large copepods and small copepods were distributed at the coastal waters, while the giant crustaceans were mainly located at offshore area. In summer, the mean biomass was 3.1 g dry wt m(-2), which was mostly contributed by the giant crustaceans (73%), and high biomasses of the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods were all distributed in the central part of the Yellow Sea. During autumn, the mean biomass was 1.8 g dry wt m(-2), which was similarly constituted by the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods (36, 33, and 23%, respectively), and high biomasses of the giant crustaceans and large copepods occurred in the central part of the Yellow Sea, while the small copepods were mainly located at offshore stations. The giant crustaceans and large copepods dominated the zooplankton biomass (2.9 g dry wt m(-2)) in winter, contributing respectively 57 and 27%, and they, as well as the small copepods, were all mainly located in the central part of the Yellow Sea. The chaetognaths group was mainly located in the northern part of the Yellow Sea during all seasons, but contributed less to the biomass compared with the other groups. The medusae and salps groups were distributed unevenly, with sporadic dynamics, mainly along the coastline and at the northern part of the Yellow Sea. No more than 10 species belonging to the respective functional groups dominated the zooplankton biomass and controlled the dynamics of the zooplankton community. The clear picture of the seasonal and spatial variations of each zooplankton functional group makes the complicated Yellow Sea ecosystem easier to be understood and modeled. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Equipe multidisciplinar: Ademir Hugo Zimmer, CNPGC; Armindo Neivo Kichel, CNPGC; Bela Grof; Carlos Maurício Soares de Andrade; Celso Dornelas Fernandes, CNPGC; Francisco Assis Rolim Pereira; Haroldo Pires Queiroz, CNPGC; Hortência Maria Abranches Purcino; Jaqueline Rosemeire Verzignassi, CNPGC; José Alexandre Agiova da Costa, CNPGC; José Marcelino Sobrinho (in memorian); José Marques da Silva, CNPGC; José Raul Valério, CNPGC; Leônidas da Costa Schalcher Valle; Manuel Cláudio Motta Macedo, CNPGC; Maria José D´Ávila Charchar; Maria do Socorro Bona Nascimento; Marta Pereira da Silva; Rosângela Maria Simeão Resende; Roza Maria Shunke. Histórico e descrição da cultivar. Principais atributos do estilosantes-campo-grande. Fixação biológica de nitrogênio e valor nutritivo. Desempenho animal. Ssutentabilidade de sistemas. Adaptação ao clima. Exigência de solo e adubação. Estabelecimento do estilosantes-campo-grande. Preparo da área para semeadura. Preparo mínimo ou plantio direto. Semeadura. Manejo de plantas daninhas nas pastagens consorciadas com o estilosantes-campo-grande. Manejo do pastejo para o estabelecimento do consórcio. Manejo da pastagem visando à persistência do consórcio. Pragas. Doenças. Outros usos do estilosantes-campo-grande. Uso correto do estilosantes-campo-grande.
A regiao do Cerrado com 205 milhoes de hectares, em menos de tres decadas, transformou-se na principal area agricola do Brasil. Essa rapida transformacao foi possivel devido a investimentos expressivos do governo em infra-estrutura e programas de desenvolvimento para ocupar esse ecossistema aliados aos avancos tecnologicos em manejo de solo e selecao de cultivares adaptadas as condicoes edafoclimaticas da regiao. O crescimento da agricultura nessa regiao teve influencia positiva na geracao de riquezas e de empregos. No entanto, tem gerado impactos ambientais negativos como: compactacao, erosao e perda de materia organica do solo nos sistemas de cultivos anuais. Ao mesmo tempo, os problemas de degradacao de pastagens agravaram-se, sendo especialmente severos em mais de 50% dos 49 milhoes de hectares implantados na regiao. Para manter os solos do bioma Cerrado produtivos de forma sustentavel, e necessario desenvolver sistemas agricolas que permitam manter ou melhorar as propriedades fisicas, quimicas e biologicas do solo. A rotacao de culturas anuais com pastagens e indicada como uma das alternativas para atingir esse proposito. A sustentabilidade economica e ecologica dos sistemas de producao agropecuaria, no Cerrado, podera beneficiar-se mais da integracao lavoura-pecuaria do que de qualquer outra inovacao. Desde 1991, a Embrapa Cerrados e o Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) tem trabalhado com outras instituicoes para desenvolver sistemas agropastoris, baseados em leguminosas forrageiras, adaptadas a diferentes niveis de uso de corretivos e fertilizantes, quantificando, no tempo, os impactos na produtividade e nas propriedades fisicas, quimicas e biologicas do solo. Praticas de manejo como: calagem, adubacao, preparo de solo e manejo animal influenciam na contribuicao das culturas e das pastagens na producao dos sistemas integrados lavoura-pecuaria. Para medir esses efeitos, um experimento de longa duracao foi estabelecido num Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro na Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina (DF). Esse experimento tem por objetivos avaliar o efeito da integracao lavoura pecuaria na produtividade de graos e carne e identificar parametros-chave fisicos, quimicos e biologicos, relacionados a melhoria ou a degradacao do solo. Os tratamentos foram constituidos pela combinacao de sistemas, niveis de fertilidade e preparo do solo. Os sistemas utilizados são os seguintes: pastagem continua de graminea pura; pastagem consorciada continua; rotacao de lavoura/pastagem consorciada; lavoura continua; cerrado nativo. O experimento foi complementado com prototipos localizados em Uberlandia (MG). Esses prototipos foram estabelecidos em 1992 em solos arenosos e argilosos em dois sistemas de producao: pastagens em processo de degradacao e lavouras continuas. Os resultados obtidos nesses trabalhos demonstram que os sistemas agropastoris tem potencial para aumentar a produtividade e reduzir os riscos de degradacao, melhorando as propriedades quimicas, fisicas e biologicas do solo. O impacto positivo desses sistemas e ainda maior quando se incluem as leguminosas.
Urquhart, C. (editor for JUSTEIS team), Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Armstrong, A., Lonsdale, R. & Fenton, R. (2003). JUSTEIS (JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services) Strand A: survey of end users of all electronic information services (HE and FE), with Action research report. Final report 2002/2003 Cycle Four. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth with Information Automation Ltd (CIQM). Sponsorship: JISC