867 resultados para historic sites
Although geographically the River Wyre lies between two rivers containing major migrations of adult salmon and sea trout, its rod & line fisheries have for a number of years produced exceptionally low catches. In order to determine the causes of this the Wyre Salmon and Sea trout Restoration Group (WSSRG) was conceived in 1994 as a partnership between the then National Rivers Authority (now Environment Agency), local landowners, angling clubs and interested parties. Two studies of 1994 and 1995 stated that there is a shortage of useable spawning gravels on the river. This is compounded by Abbeystead Reservoir acting as a gravel trap, the siltation of gravels on several side becks and problems with access to available gravels by returning adults. There was also perceived to be a need for accurate fishery data from the river encompassing redd counts, catch data and surveys of fry populations. The 1995 report suggested a number of management proposals which might be adopted in order to improve and create available spawning habitat for migratory salmonids. Funding was made available to create three spawning gravels on each of two side becks (Grizedale Beck and Joshua's Beck) and the addition of gravels to a site oh the main river below Abbeystead Reservoir. Modifications were also made to the fish pass at Abbeystead to allow easier passage of fish. These improvements were made in the autumn of 1995. Salmonid spawning redd counting was undertaken on the whole Wyre catchment in 1995/1996 and specific surveys by electric fishing on the gravel enhancement sites in the summer of 1996. This report details the current state of the improvement works that were undertaken and presents the results of electric fishing surveys in September 1996. A number of lessons have been learnt which will be of great benefit to the Fisheries Function in other parts of the Wyre catchment and the Central Area in general.
Surveys with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) at four mudhabitat sites with different histories of ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) trawling showed measurable effects of trawling on macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity. Densities of the sea whip (Halipteris spp., P<0.01), the flat mud star (Luidia foliolata, P< 0.001), unidentified Asteroidea (P<0.05), and squat lobsters (unidentified Galathoidea, P<0.001) were lower at heavily trawled (HT) sites, as was invertebrate diversity based on the Shannon-Wiener index. Sea cucumbers (unidentified Holothuroidea) and unidentified corals (Hydrocoralia) were observed at lightly trawled (LT) sites but not at HT sites. Hagfish (Eptatretus spp.) burrows were the dominant structural feature of the sediment surface at all sites and were more abundant at the HT sites (P<0.05), a result potentially related to effects from fishery discards. Substantial heterogeneity was found between the northern and southern site pairs, indicating high site-to-site variability in macroinvertebrate densities in these deep (146–156 m) mud habitats. Two of the study sites were closed to trawling in June 2006. The data from this study can be used in combination with future surveys to measure recovery rates of deep, mud, seaf loor habitats from the effects of trawling, thus providing a critical piece of information for ecosystem-based management.
Fishery managers are mandated to understand the effects that environmental damage, fishery regulations, and habitat improvement projects have on the net benefits that recreational anglers derive from their sport. Since 1994, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has worked to develop a consistent method for estimating net benefits through site choice models of recreational trip demand. In estimating net benefits with these models, there is a tradeoff between computational efficiency and angler behavior in reality. This article examines this tradeoff by considering the sensitivity of angler-welfare estimates for an increase in striped bass (Morone saxatalis) angling quality across choice sets with five travel distance cutoffs and compares those estimates to a model with an unrestricted choice set. This article shows that 95% confidence intervals for welfare estimates of an increase in the striped bass catch and keep rate overlap for all distance-based choice sets specified here.
Multibeam sonar mapping techniques provide detailed benthic habitat information that can be combined with the data on species-specific habitat preferences to provide highly accurate calculations of populations in a particular area. The amount of suitable habitat available for the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) was quantified to aid in obtaining an accurate estimate of the number of remaining individuals at two offshore banks and one island site off the coast of southern California. Habitat was mapped by using multibeam sonar survey techniques and categorized by using rugosity and topographic position analysis. Abalone densities were evaluated by using a remotely operated vehicle and video transect methods. The total amount of suitable habitat at these three sites was far greater than that previously estimated. Therefore, although present estimates of white abalone densities are several orders of magnitude lower than historic estimates, the total population is likely larger than previously reported because of the additional amount of habitat surveyed in this study.
O declínio hormonal masculino relacionado ao envelhecimento tem sido cada vez mais objeto da medicina, em especial da urologia. Nos últimos anos, pode-se observar a promoção e divulgação da categoria diagnóstica DAEM (Distúrbio Androgênico do Envelhecimento Masculino) por essa especialidade médica, tanto na esfera leiga quanto na médico-científica. A hipótese deste trabalho é a de que existe uma relação entre a classe médico-científica e a indústria farmacêutica no processo de desenvolvimento, promoção e divulgação de categorias e terminologias diagnósticas empregadas para caracterizar o declínio hormonal masculino relacionado ao envelhecimento. Assim, foi objetivo deste estudo caracterizar o modo como é definido e tratado tal declínio, nos sites de laboratórios farmacêuticos e associações médico-científicas, analisando o processo de medicalização da sexualidade e do envelhecimento masculinos. Com a finalidade de realizar tal objetivo, foi feito um levantamento dos sites de laboratórios farmacêuticos que comercializam medicamentos para a saúde sexual masculina. Delimitamos a busca nos problemas de saúde disfunção erétil e declínio hormonal masculino relacionado ao envelhecimento. Considerou-se relevante a pesquisa dos sites de laboratórios que comercializam medicamentos para disfunção erétil porque tal problema, referente à esfera sexual masculina, é um dos sintomas mais enfatizados do declínio hormonal masculino relacionado ao envelhecimento, nos discursos médico-científicos. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio da busca de material relacionado ao tema pesquisado, nas seguintes seções dos sites: Saúde Masculina, Saúde do Homem, Saúde Sexual, Saúde Sexual Masculina, Urologia, Saúde Urológica, Endocrinologia, Andrologia. Em seguida, caracterizou-se o material textual encontrado em cada site pesquisado, com o auxílio do software Openlogos, gerenciador de dados textuais, utilitário para organizar e recuperar informações de textos não estruturados. Em relação às imagens encontradas foi preparado um roteiro, buscando descrever as personagens, gestos, símbolos, ações e movimentos nelas observados. Quanto ao único vídeo encontrado, transcreveu-se toda mensagem falada, com posterior destaque e listagem de algumas expressões e classes gramaticais encontradas nos discursos. Além disso, foram observados e analisados detalhes, como diferenças de entonação de voz, imagens veiculadas aos discursos, postura, ações e gestos dos locutores. Finalmente, procedeu-se a sistematização das inferências sobre as ideias subjacentes aos argumentos apresentados sobre o declínio hormonal masculino relacionado ao envelhecimento, nos sites pesquisados. Após a análise de conteúdo de todo material encontrado pôde-se observar que esse declínio tem sido promovido através de uma relação de parceria entre a esfera médico-científica e a indústria farmacêutica, em que a terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH) com testosterona é apresentada não só como solução para esse problema, mas também como um meio para se recuperar a felicidade, a produtividade, a qualidade de vida e o bem-estar perdidos.
Dedicated at-sea surveys for marine birds and mammals conducted in lower Cook Inlet in late July and early August from 1995–99 failed to locate any belugas, Delphinapterus leucas. Surveys covered a total of 6,249 linear km and were conducted in both nearshore and offshore habitats. Sightings included 791 individual marine mammals of 10 species. Both historical data and local knowledge indicate that belugas were regularly seen in summer in nearshore and offshore areas of lower Cook Inlet up until the early 1990’s. Diminished presence of belugas in lower Cook Inlet may be a direct function of reduced numbers but may also indicate changes in habitat quality that may inhibit recovery.
The bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, is currently listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and as depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. Literature on the species is updated since 1984, and elements are reviewed that may contribute to the evaluation of the status of bowhead whale stocks.
This is a report on the Analysis of Data and a Prioritisation of Sites at the Cheshire Meres by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology. The report addresses data collected by the Agency for 24 basin sites in Cheshire. At least two samples were collected from each site, though not simultaneously. Sites were visited in May/June and in November. The determinands are standard and they included: water, temperature, conductivity, pH, DO, fractional white light penetration, TSS, chlorophyll, TP, ortho-phosphate, nitrate-, nitrite-, ammonium and silicate. Though concentrations were often higher than for other lakes in the region, rather exceeding criteria for classification as eutrophic lakes, the results confirmed that the series of lakes is, naturally, highly eutrophic and nothing in the present data differs so far from expectation that is persuasive that the ecosystems are reacting adversely to environmental stress. The data set is review and summarised, site-by-site, in an appendix. The grounds for prioritisation are discussed. Whether or not this preferred prioritised option is adopted, the Agency is recommended to review the way it carries out monitoring. The determinands and the sampling frequency need to be geared to the information that is required.