972 resultados para hepatic sinusoid
AIM: To study the antineoplastic efficacy of 10% aspirin intralesional injection on VX2 hepatic tumors in a rabbit model. METHODS: Thirty-two male rabbits (age: 6-9 wk; body weight: 1700-2500 g) were inoculated with VX2 hepatic tumor cells (104 cells/rabbit) via supraumbilical median laparotomy. On day 4 post-implantation, when the tumors were about 1 cm in diameter, the rabbits were randomly divided into the following groups (n = 8 each group) to assess early (24 h) and late (7 d) antineoplastic effects of intratumoral injection of 10% bicarbonate aspirin solution (experimental groups) in comparison to intratumoral injection of physiological saline solution (control groups): group 1, 24 h control; group 2, 24 h experimental; group 3, 7 d control; group 4, 7 d experimental. The serum biochemistry profile (measurements of glycemia, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase) and body weight measurements were obtained for all animals at the following time points: D0, before tumor implant; D4, day of treatment; D5, day of sacrifice for groups 1 and 2; D11, day of sacrifice for groups 3 and 4. Gross assessments of the abdominal and thoracic cavities were carried out upon sacrifice. The resected liver tissues, including hepatic tumors, were qualitatively (general morphology, signs of necrosis) and quantitatively (tumor area) assessed by histopathological analysis. RESULTS: Gross examination showed no alterations, besides the left hepatic lobe tumors, had occurred in the thoracic and abdominal cavities of any animal at any time point evaluated. However, the features of the tumor foci were distinctive between the groups. Compared to the control groups, which showed normal unabated tumor progression, the aspirin-treated groups showed imprecise but limited tumor boundaries and a general red-white coloration (indicating hemorrhaging) at 24 h post-treatment, and development of yellow-white areas of a cicatricial aspect at 7 d after treatment. At all time points evaluated, all except one biochemical parameters tested within the reference range (P > 0.05); a significant increase was detected in the alkaline phosphatase level of the control group 3 on D11 (P < 0.05). At 24 h post-treatment, the aspirintreated groups showed extensive coagulation necrosis accompanied by a remarkable absence of viable tumor foci; at 7 d after treatment, the tumors had completely disappeared in these animals and fibrous necrotic nodules had developed. In contrast, throughout the study course, the tumors of the control groups remained unchanged, showing tumor nodules without necrosis at the time point corresponding to 24 h post-treatment and increased amounts of tumor nodules at the time point corresponding to 7 d post-treatment. Quantitative analysis of the remaining tumor area revealed that the aspirin-treated groups had significantly smaller tumor foci at 24 h post-treatment (8.5% ± 0.7%) andat 7 d after treatment (11.0% ± 4.2%), compared to those in the control groups (24 h: 98.5% ± 1.5% and 7 d: 94.0% ± 2.7%; both, P < 0.005). CONCLUSION: Intralesional injection of a 10% aspirin solution causes destruction of VX2 hepatic tumors in rabbits without evidence of relapse at 7 d after treatment administration. © 2013 Baishideng.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar em um modelo experimental de isquemia-reperfusão hepática os efeitos da injeção intraluminal de glutamina na capacidade anti-oxidante total em equivalência ao trolox (TEAC) do plasma, verificando a aplicabilidade de modificações ao método original de dosagem. MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos Wistar foram submetidos a laparotomia e confecção de uma alça fechada de 20 cm de comprimento envolvendo o intestinal delgado distal seguido do clampeamento do hilo hepático por 30 minutos e reperfusão por 5 minutos. Na alça fechada foi injetada glutamina (grupo glutamina; n=10) ou água destilada (grupo controle; n=10). Em dez animais (grupo sham) não foi realizado clampeamento hilar. Coletou-se sangue para dosagem da capacidade antioxidante total em equivalência ao trolox em condições modificadas de temperatura, proporções relativas dos reagentes e tempo de leitura sob espectrofotometria. RESULTADOS: A capacidade antioxidante total foi significantemente maior (p<0.05) no grupo glutamina que no grupo controle (1,60[1,55-1,77] vs 1,44[1,27-1,53]) e grupo sham (1,60[1,55-1,77] vs 1,48[1,45-1,59]). Não houve diferenças estatísticas entre o grupo controle e o grupo sham. CONCLUSÃO: A glutamina melhorou a capacidade anti-oxidante total plasmática. O método de dosagem refletiu consistentemente alterações na defesa anti-oxidante nesse modelo experimental.
PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of copaiba oil on the hepatic damage induced by paracetamol. METHODS: Thirty six rats were distributed into six study groups (N=6): control group, that didn't receive the acetaminophen; Acetaminophen Group, that only received the acetaminophen; Prophylactic Copaiba Group 1, that received copaiba oil two hours before the acetaminophen; Prophylactic Copaiba Group 7, that received copaiba oil seven days, once by day, before the acetaminophen; Therapy Copaiba Group, that received the copaiba oil two hours afther the acetaminophen; and N-Acetyl-Cysteine Group, , that received the N-Acetyl-Cysteine two hours afther the acetaminophen. Euthanasia was performed after 24 hours. The serum levels of AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, GT, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin and histological analisis were analized. RESULTS: The prophylactic copaiba group 7, therapy copaiba group and N-Acetyl-Cysteine Group showed amounts of AST and ALT similar to the control group; and the prophylactic copaiba group 1 showed similar levels to the acetaminophen group. There was no significant difference between the groups regarding the amount of alkaline phosphatase and GT (p>0.05). The therapy copaiba group showed the highest levels of bilirubin and was statistically different from the other groups (p<0.01) and this increased the costs of direct bilirubin. Regarding histopathology, the oil of copaiba administered prophylactic or therapeutic form for 7 days could decrease the amount of necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate. CONCLUSION: Copaiba oil administered prophylactically for seven days, and therapeutic could reduce liver damage caused by paracetamol similarly N-Acetyl-Cysteine, however, when treated with copaiba therapeutically showed increases in bilirubin, costs increasing fraction indirect.
Um total de 40 exemplares do peixe teleósteo Gobioides grahamae Palmer & Wheeler, 1955 foram obtidos a partir do município de Salvaterra na Ilha de Marajó, no estado brasileiro do Pará. Os fígados foram removidos e processados para a microscopia de luz. De modo geral, 90% das amostras apresentavam algum grau de esteatose hepática, a qual foi invariavelmente associada com a presença de Microsporidium sp. O presente estudo confirma a ocorrência de esteatose em G. grahamae associada a infecções parasitárias por Microsporidium. Os resultados indicam que as condições de peixes saudáveis em ambiente natural podem ser afetadas negativamente por parasitas.
Descreveram-se as alterações anatomopatológicas provocadas pelo parasitismo por Calyptospora sp. em 40 espécimes de Aequidens plagiozonatus, provenientes do município de Peixe-boi, Pará, Brasil. Foram encontradas formas imaturas e oocistos característicos do gênero Calyptospora, nos exames frescos por compressão e cortes histológicos, além de um grande número de centros melanomacrofágicos dispersos por todo o órgão. Digna de nota foi a ausência de inflamação significativa no tecido hepático. Centros melanomacrofágicos e compressão dos hepatócitos estão envolvidos na resposta do hospedeiro ao parasito. Este é o primeiro registro de ocorrência de parasitismo por Calyptospora sp. na espécie estudada.
OBJETIVOAnalisar os efeitos de 20 semanas de treinamento concorrente sobre as variáveis de composição corporal, perfil lipídico e diagnóstico da esteatose hepática em adolescentes obesos.MÉTODOSRealizou-se um ensaio clínico aberto com 34 adolescentes obesos com idades entre 12 e 15 anos. Foram analisados gordura corporal total e de tronco, colesterol total e suas frações (HDL, LDL e VLDL) e triglicérides, sendo realizado exame de ultrassonografia de abdome superior para diagnosticar esteatose hepática. Os participantes foram submetidos ao treinamento concorrente (associação de treino com pesos e exercício aeróbio) três vezes por semana, com duração de uma hora-aula durante 20 semanas. Para o tratamento estatístico, foram realizados o teste t de Student pareado e a análise de frequência, a fim de verificar as reduções relativa e absoluta do diagnóstico da esteatose hepática, adotando-se p<0,05.RESULTADOSOs adolescentes estudados apresentaram melhoras significativas da composição corporal, com diminuição do percentual de gordura total, da massa gorda total, da gordura de tronco e do aumento da massa magra, além de redução do tamanho dos lóbulos do fígado, dos índices de prevalência da esteatose hepática, do colesterol total e LDL-colesterol.CONCLUSÕESO treinamento concorrente foi efetivo por promover melhorias significativas de variáveis da composição corporal e do perfil lipídico, além de reduzir a prevalência da esteatose hepática.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a cognitive disturbance characterized by neuropsychiatric alterations. It occurs in acute and chronic hepatic disease and also in patients with portosystemic shunts. The presence of these portosystemic shunts allows the passage of nitrogenous substances from the intestines through systemic veins without liver depuration. Therefore, the embolization of these shunts has been performed to control HE manifestations, but the presence of portal vein thrombosis is considered a contraindication. In this presentation we show a cirrhotic patient with severe HE and portal vein thrombosis who was submitted to embolization of a large portosystemic shunt. Case report: a 57 years-old cirrhotic patient who had been hospitalized many times for persistent HE and hepatic coma, even without precipitant factors. She had a wide portosystemic shunt and also portal vein thrombosis. The abdominal angiography confirmed the splenorenal shunt and showed other shunts. The larger shunt was embolized through placement of microcoils, and the patient had no recurrence of overt HE. There was a little increase of esophageal and gastric varices, but no endoscopic treatment was needed. Since portosystemic shunts are frequent causes of recurrent HE in cirrhotic patients, portal vein thrombosis should be considered a relative contraindication to perform a shunt embolization. However, in particular cases with many shunts and severe HE, we found that one of these shunts can be safely embolized and this procedure can be sufficient to obtain a good HE recovery. In conclusion, we reported a case of persistent HE due to a wide portosystemic shunt associated with portal vein thrombosis. As the patient had other shunts, she was successfully treated by embolization of the larger shunt. (C) 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the aquatic environment, biotransformation enzymes are established biomarkers for assessing PAH exposure in fish, but little is known about the effect of 17β-estradiol (E2) on these enzymes during exposure to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP). In this study, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were exposed for 3, 5, and 10 days to BaP (300 μg L(-1)) and E2 (5 μg L(-1)). These substances were applied isolated or mixed. In the mixture experiment, fish were analyzed pre- and postexposure in order to better understand whether preexposure to the hormone masks the responses activated by PAH or vice versa. Phase I enzymes ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), pentoxyresorufin-O-depenthylase (PROD), and benzyloxyresorufin-O-debenzylase (BROD) activities as well as the phase II enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) were analyzed. Isolated E2 treatment decreased EROD activity after 3 days, but this enzyme activity returned to control values after 5 and 10 days of exposure. Isolated BaP treatment significantly induced EROD activity after 3 and 5 days, and the activity returned to control levels after ten exposure days. Combined treatment (E2 + Bap) significantly increased EROD activity, both in the pre- and postexposure. This increase was even higher than in the isolated BaP treatment, suggesting a synergism between these two compounds. When E2 and BaP were used singly, they did not change BROD and PROD activities. However, combined treatment (E2 + Bap) significantly increased PROD activity. Isolated BaP treatment increased GST activity after 10 days. However, this response was not observed in the mixture treatment, suggesting that E2 suppressed the GST induction modulated by BaP. The results put together indicated that E2 altered the biotransformation pathway regarding enzymes activated by BaP in Nile tilapia.
Chronic and excessive alcohol consumption is an established risk for hepatic inflammation and carcinogenesis. Luteolin is one of the most common flavonoids present in plants and has potential beneficial effects against cancer. In this study, we examined the effect and potential mechanisms of luteolin supplementation in a carcinogen initiated alcohol-promoted pre-neoplastic liver lesion mouse model. C57BL/6 mice were injected with diethylnitrosamine (DEN) [i.p. 25 mg/kg of body weight (BW)] at 14 days of age. At 8 weeks of age mice were group pair-fed with Lieber-DeCarli liquid control diet or alcoholic diet [ethanol (EtOH) diet, 27% total energy from ethanol] and supplemented with a dose of 30 mg luteolin/kg BW per day for 21 days. DEN-injected mice fed EtOH diet displayed a significant induction of pre-neoplastic lesions, a marker associated with presence of steatosis and inflammation. Dietary luteolin significantly reduced the severity and incidence of hepatic inflammatory foci and steatosis in DEN-injected mice fed EtOH diet, as well the presence of preneoplastic lesions. There was no difference on hepatic protein levels of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) among all groups; however, luteolin supplementation significantly reversed alcohol-reduced SIRT1 activity assessed by the ratio of acetylated and total forkhead box protein O1 (FoXO1) and SIRT1 target proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1 alpha (PGC1α). Dietary intake of luteolin prevents alcohol promoted pre-neoplastic lesions, potentially mediated by SIRT1 signaling pathway.