858 resultados para flock-level risk factors


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BACKGROUND: Serosorting is practiced by men who have sex with men (MSM) to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. This study evaluates the prevalence of serosorting with casual partners, and analyses the characteristics and estimated numbers of serosorters in Switzerland 2007-2009. METHODS: Data were extracted from cross-sectional surveys conducted in 2007 and 2009 among self-selected MSM recruited online, through gay newspapers, and through gay organizations. Nested models were fitted to ascertain the appropriateness of pooling the datasets. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed on pooled data to determine the association between serosorting and demographic, lifestyle-related, and health-related factors. Extrapolations were performed by applying proportions of various types of serosorters to Swiss population data collected in 2007. RESULTS: A significant and stable number of MSM (approximately 39% in 2007 and 2009) intentionally engage in serosorting with casual partners in Switzerland. Variables significantly associated with serosorting were: gay organization membership (aOR = 1.67), frequent internet use for sexual encounters (aOR = 1.71), having had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) at any time in the past 12 months (aOR = 1.70), HIV-positive status (aOR = 0.52), regularly frequenting sex-on-premises venues (aOR = 0.42), and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with partners of different or unknown HIV status in the past 12 months (aOR = 0.22). Approximately one-fifth of serosorters declared HIV negativity without being tested in the past 12 months; 15.8% reported not knowing their own HIV status. CONCLUSION: The particular risk profile of serosorters having UAI with casual partners (multiple partners, STI history, and inadequate testing frequency) requires specific preventive interventions tailored to HIV status.


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Objective: Resection of lung metastases (LM) from colorectal cancer (CRC)¦is increasingly performed with a curative intent.Most series report small groups¦of patients, and it is currently not possible to identify those CRC patients who¦may benefit the most of surgical management. It is clinically relevant to assess¦risk factors for prolonged survival after this type of procedures.¦Methods: A meta analysis of 24 series published between 2000 and 2011¦which focused on surgical management of LM from CRC and included more¦than 40 patients each, with or without prior resection of in transit liver¦metastases. Random effects were calculated for five variables considered as¦potential prognostic factors.¦Results: A total of 2815 patients who underwent surgery with a curative¦intent were considered in this analysis. Four parameters were associated with¦a decreased survival: 1) a short disease-free interval between primary tumor¦resection and development of LM (HR = 1·59, 95% CI 1·27-1·98); 2) multiple¦LM (HR = 2·04, 95%CI 1·72-2·41); 3) positive hilar/mediastinal lymph nodes¦(HR = 1·65, 95% CI 1·35-2·02); and 4) a high prethoracotomy CEA value (HR¦=1·91, 95% CI 1·57-2·32). By comparison, a history of resected liver metastases¦(HR = 1·36, 95% CI 0·92-2·03) did not achieve statistical significance.¦Conclusion: Risk factors for poor clinical outcome after surgery for lung¦metastases in CRC patients include: 1) synchronous lung metastases; 2) high¦pre-thoracotomy CEA; 3) hilar nodes involvement; and 4) multiple pulmonary¦lesions.


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BACKGROUND: Screening tests for subclinical cardiovascular disease, such as markers of atherosclerosis, are increasingly used in clinical prevention to identify individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Being aware of these test results might also enhance patient motivation to change unhealthy behaviors but the effectiveness of such a screening strategy has been poorly studied. METHODS: The CAROtid plaque Screening trial on Smoking cessation (CAROSS) is a randomized controlled trial in 530 regular smokers aged 40-70 years to test the hypothesis that carotid plaque screening will influence smokers' behavior with an increased rate of smoking cessation (primary outcome) and an improved control of other cardiovascular risk factors (secondary outcomes) after 1-year follow-up. All smokers will receive a brief advice for smoking cessation,and will subsequently be randomly assigned to either the intervention group (with plaques screening) or the control group (without plaque screening). Carotid ultrasound will be conducted with a standard protocol. Smokers with at least one carotid plaque will receive pictures of their own plaques with a structured explanation on the general significance of plaques. To ensure equal contact conditions, smokers not undergoing ultrasound and those without plaque will receive a relevant explanation on the risks associated with tobacco smoking. Study outcomes will be compared between smokers randomized to plaque screening and smokers not submitted to plaque screening. SUMMARY: This will be the first trial to assess the impact of carotid plaque screening on 1-year smoking cessation rates and levels of control of other cardiovascular risk factors.


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While dementia affects 6-10% of persons 65 years or older, industrialized countries have witnessed an alarming rise in obesity. However, obesity's influence on dementia remains poorly understood. The conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis. PUBMED search (1995-2007) resulted in 10 relevant prospective cohort studies of older adults (40-80 years at baseline) with end points being dementia and predictors including adiposity measures, such as body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). There was a significant U-shaped association between BMI and dementia (P= 0.034), with dementia risk increased for obesity and underweight. Pooled odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for underweight, overweight and obesity compared with normal weight in relation to incident dementia were: 1.36 (1.07, 1.73), 0.88 (0.60, 1.27) and 1.42 (0.93, 2.18) respectively. Pooled ORs and 95% CI for obesity and incident Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular dementia were 1.80 (1.00, 3.29) vs. 1.73 (0.47, 6.31) and were stronger in studies with long follow-up (>10 years) and young baseline age (


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A hemodialysis population from a dialysis unit in the city of Recife, Northeastern Brazil, was screened to assess the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and to investigate the associated risk factors. Hemodialysis patients (n = 250) were interviewed and serum samples tested for anti-HCV antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All samples were also tested for HCV RNA by reverse transcriptase nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nested-PCR). Out of 250 patients, 21 (8.4%) were found to be seropositive by ELISA, and 19 (7.6%) patients were HCV RNA positive. HCV viraemia was present in 90.5% of the anti-HCV positive patients. The predominant genotype was HCV 1a (8/19), followed by 3a (7/19), and 1b (4/19). None of the anti-HCV negative patients were shown to be viraemic by the PCR. Univariate analysis of risk factors showed that time spent on hemodialysis, the number of blood transfusions and a blood transfusion before November 1993 were associated with HCV positivity. However, multivariate analysis revealed that blood transfusions before November 1993 were significantly associated with HCV infection in this population. Low prevalence levels were encountered in this center, however prospective studies are necessary to confirm these findings.


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Over the past two decades, nosocomial infections caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella spp. have become a major problem all around the world. This situation is of concern because there are limited antimicrobial options to treat patients infected with these pathogens, and also because this kind of resistance can spread to a wide variety of Gram-negative bacilli. Our objectives wereto evaluate among in-patients at a publicuniversity tertiary-care hospital with documented infection due to Klebsiella spp., which were the risk factors (cross-sectional analysis) and the clinical impact (prospective cohort) associated with an ESBL-producing strain. Study subjects were all patients admitted at the study hospital between April 2002 and October 2003, with a clinically and microbiologically confirmed infection caused by Klebsiella spp. at any body site, except infections restricted to the urinary tract. Of the 104 patients studied, 47 were infected with an ESBL-producing strain and 57 with a non-ESBL-producing strain. Independent risk factors associated with infection with an ESBL-producing strain were young age, exposure to mechanical ventilation, central venous catheter, use of any antimicrobial agent, and particularly use of a 4th generation cephalosporin or a quinolone. Length of stay was significant longer for patients infected with ESBL-producing strains than for those infected with non-ESBL-producing strains, although fatality rate was not significantly affected by ESBL-production in this cohort. In fact, mechanical ventilation and bacteremia were the only variables withindependent association withdeath detected in this investigation.


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Hemodialysis patients are at high risk for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. A survey was conducted in the hemodialysis population of the state of Goiás, Central Brazil, aiming to assess the prevalence of HBV infection, to analyse associated risk factors, and also to investigate HBV genotypes distribution. A total of 1095 patients were interviewed in 15 dialysis units. Serum samples were screened for HBV serological markers by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive samples were tested for HBV DNA by polymerase chain reaction and genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Global HBV infection prevalence was 29.8% (95% CI: 27.1-32.5). Multivariate analysis of risk factors showed that male gender, length of time on hemodialysis, and blood transfusion before 1993 were associated with HBV positivity. HBV DNA was detected in 65.4% (17/26) of the HBsAg-positive samples. Thirteen of 17 HBV DNA positive samples were genotyped. Genotype D (61.5%) was predominant, followed by A (30.8%), while genotype F was detected in only one (7.7%) sample.


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Background: Cardio-vascular diseases (CVD), their well established risk factors (CVRF) and mental disorders are common and co-occur more frequently than would be expected by chance. However, the pathogenic mechanisms and course determinants of both CVD and mental disorders have only been partially identified.Methods/Design: Comprehensive follow-up of CVRF and CVD with a psychiatric exam in all subjects who participated in the baseline cross-sectional CoLaus study (2003-2006) (n=6'738) which also included a comprehensive genetic assessment. The somatic investigation will include a shortened questionnaire on CVRF, CV events and new CVD since baseline and measurements of the same clinical and biological variables as at baseline. In addition, pro-inflammatory markers, persistent pain and sleep patterns and disorders will be assessed. In the case of a new CV event, detailed information will be abstracted from medical records. Similarly, data on the cause of death will be collected from the Swiss National Death Registry. The comprehensive psychiatric investigation of the CoLaus/PsyCoLaus study will use contemporary epidemiological methods including semi-structured diagnostic interviews, experienced clinical interviewers, standardized diagnostic criteria including threshold according to DSM-IV and sub-threshold syndromes and supplementary information on risk and protective factors for disorders. In addition, screening for objective cognitive impairment will be performed in participants older than 65 years.Discussion: The combined CoLaus/PsyCoLaus sample provides a unique opportunity to obtain prospective data on the interplay between CVRF/CVD and mental disorders, overcoming limitations of previous research by bringing together a comprehensive investigation of both CVRF and mental disorders as well as a large number of biological variables and a genome-wide genetic assessment in participants recruited from the general population.


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Few investigations have been conducted on risk factors for Cryptosporidium infection in communities from developing countries. A study was conducted to determine the prevalence and risk factors for cryptosporidiosis in San Carlos island, Venezuela. A sample of 515 subjects (mean age ± SD: 21.4 ± 17.8 years) was surveyed. Single fecal specimens were collected and modified Ziehl-Neelsen carbolfuchsin staining of formalin-ether concentrate stools were examined for identification of the parasite. Infections with Cryptosporidium (67 of 515, 13%) were common. Prevalence of the parasite varied among sectors of the community; 34 of 67(50.7%) cases of cryptosporidiosis clustered in two sectors with extreme poverty. Variables strongly associated with a higher risk for the infection (p < 0.01) were residing in these sectors versus the remainder, living in a hut or small residence versus a brick or larger house, using an area of backyard rather than a toilet or latrine for defecation, and having contact with soil contaminated with human feces. Crowding was also a risk (p < 0.05). Contact with human feces contaminated-soil may be an important mode of transmission and poverty a predisposing factor for the infection.


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A survey was conducted among the hemodialysis units of the city of Campo Grande, located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in the Mid-west region of Brazil, with the aim of investigating the prevalence, risk factors, and genotypes of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. A total of 163 patients were interviewed in five dialysis units. Serum samples were screened for anti-HCV. Positive samples were tested for HCV RNA and genotyped. The prevalence of anti-HCV was 11% (95% CI: 6.8-17.1). A history of transfusion with blood that was not screened for anti-HCV and length of time on hemodialysis were associated with HCV infection. HCV RNA was detected in 12 samples: ten were of genotype 1, subtypes 1a (75%) and 1b (8.3%), and two were of genotype 3, subtype 3a (16.7%).


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Rapport de synthèse : OBJECTIF: évaluer l'impact cumulatif des facteurs individuels et environnementaux associés au mésusage d'alcool chez les adolescents et leurs corrélations avec ses conséquences perçues. METHODE : enquête scolaire transversale d'un échantillon représentatif de la population nationale, incluant 7548 apprentis et élèves ayant terminé l'école obligatoire âgés de 16 à 20 ans, en Suisse, en 2002. Le mésusage de l'alcool est fondé sur les réponses aux questions portant sur la fréquence 1) de sa consommation, 2) des épisodes d'ivresse et 3) de la conduite d'un véhicule sous son emprise. RÉSULTATS : quinze facteurs de risque significatifs ont été identifiés pour les adolescents des deux sexes. Un score individuel de facteurs de risques cumulés a été calculé en les additionnant. L'association entre ce score et la probabilité d'être engagé dans le mésusage d'alcool s'est révélée hautement significative et dose dépendante (p<0.001). Une proportion importante des adolescents rapporte des conséquences subjectives néfastes liées à leur consommation d'alcool. Il existe une corrélation linéaire (p<0.001) entre le score de facteurs de risque et la proportion d'adolescents rapportant des problèmes liés à la consommation d'alcool tels que mauvaises performances scolaires, comportements à risque, problèmes relationnels et comportements sexuels à risques. CONCLUSION : les facteurs de risque du mésusage d'alcool chez les adolescents sont cumulatifs et peuvent être synthétisés par un score individuel corrélé à la tendance à ce mésusage. La relation linéaire de ce score avec des problèmes subjectifs consécutifs à ce mésusage est un indicateur supplémentaire de sa validité.


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BACKGROUND: Three different burnout types have been described: The "frenetic" type describes involved and ambitious subjects who sacrifice their health and personal lives for their jobs; the "underchallenged" type describes indifferent and bored workers who fail to find personal development in their jobs, and the "worn-out" in type describes neglectful subjects who feel they have little control over results and whose efforts go unacknowledged. The study aimed to describe the possible associations between burnout types and general sociodemographic and occupational characteristics. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a multi-occupational sample of randomly selected university employees (n = 409). The presence of burnout types was assessed by means of the "Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire (BCSQ-36)", and the degree of association between variables was assessed using an adjusted odds ratio (OR) obtained from multivariate logistic regression models. RESULTS: Individuals working more than 40 hours per week presented with the greatest risk for "frenetic" burnout compared to those working fewer than 35 hours (adjusted OR = 5.69; 95% CI = 2.52-12.82; p < 0.001). Administration and service personnel presented the greatest risk of "underchallenged" burnout compared to teaching and research staff (adjusted OR = 2.85; 95% CI = 1.16-7.01; p = 0.023). Employees with more than sixteen years of service in the organisation presented the greatest risk of "worn-out" burnout compared to those with less than four years of service (adjusted OR = 4.56; 95% CI = 1.47-14.16; p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to our knowledge that suggests the existence of associations between the different burnout subtypes (classified according to the degree of dedication to work) and the different sociodemographic and occupational characteristics that are congruent with the definition of each of the subtypes. These results are consistent with the clinical profile definitions of burnout syndrome. In addition, they assist the recognition of distinct profiles and reinforce the idea of differential characterisation of the syndrome for more effective treatment.