936 resultados para fish auction in bermeo
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) has been evaluated in breast cancer patients to identify those most likely to benefit from herceptin-targeted therapy. HER2 amplification, detected in 20-30% of invasive breast tumors, is associated with reduced survival and metastasis. The most frequently used technique for evaluating HER2 protein status as a routine procedure is immunohistochemistry (IHC). HER2 copy number alterations have also been evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in moderate immunoexpression (IHC 2+) cases. An alternative procedure to evaluate gene amplification is chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH), which has some advantages over FISH, including the correlation between HER2 status and morphological features. Other methodologies have also been used, such as silver-enhanced in situ hybridization (SISH) and quantitative real-time RT-PCR, to determine the number of HER2 gene copies and expression, respectively. Here we will present a short and comprehensive review of the current advances concerning HER2 evaluation in human breast cancer.
Following previously published observations that a conditioned response (CR) was lost more quickly by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exhibiting a high responsiveness to stressors than by low responding individuals this study was designed to investigate the effects of exogenous cortisol on the retention of a CR in unselected rainbow trout. Fish held in isolation were conditioned over a 10-day period by pairing an innocuous signal (conditioned stimulus, CS: a water jet played on the surface of the tank water) with a mild stressor (unconditioned stimulus, US: 30 min of confinement). This resulted in a brief elevation of plasma cortisol levels (the CR) when the fish was exposed to the CS only. The effect of exogenous cortisol on the retention of the CR was evaluated by comparing the performance of fish that received cortisol-containing slow-release intraperitoneal implants, with fish receiving vehicle-only implants. Retention of the CR was assessed at intervals up to 35 days after conditioning ceased. The CR was considered to be evident when 30 min following presentation of the CS, mean plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher in conditioned than untrained fish. on day 1 both cortisol-implanted and vehicle-implanted conditioned fish exhibited a CR. However, from day 5 onwards the CR was observed only in the vehicle-implanted and conditioned group. This finding indicates that administration of cortisol accelerated the extinction of the CR in the cortisol-implanted fish, suggesting that elevated plasma cortisol levels can impair memory processes in rainbow trout. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biotechnology can currently be considered of importance in aquaculture. The increase in the production of aquatic organisms over the last two decades through the use of biotechnology indicates that in a few generations biotechnology may overtake conventional techniques, at least for the commercially more valuable species. In the last few years, genetics has contributed greatly to fish culture through the application of the more recent techniques developed in biotechnology and in genetic engineering. At present, the most commonly used methods in fish biotechnology are chromosome manipulation and hormonal treatments, which can be used to produce triploid, tetraploid, haploid, gynogenetic and androgenetic fish. These result in the production of individuals and lineages of sterile, monosex or highly endogamic fish. The use of such strategies in fish culture has as a practical objective the control of precocious sexual maturation in certain species; other uses are the production of larger specimens by control of the reproductive process and the attainment of monosex lines containing only those individuals of greater commercial value. The use of new technologies, such as those involved in gene transfer in many species, can result in modified individuals of great interest to aquaculturists and play important roles in specific programmes of fish production in the near future.
Repetitive DNAs have been extensively applied as physical chromosome markers on comparative studies, identification of chromosome rearrangements and sex chromosomes, chromosome evolution analysis, and applied genetics. Here we report the characterization of repetitive DNA sequences from the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) genome by construction and screening of plasmid library enriched with repetitive DNAs, analysis of a BAC-based physical map, and hybridization to chromosomes. The physical mapping of BACs enriched with repetitive sequences and C(o)t-1 DNA (DNA enriched for highly and moderately repetitive DNA sequences) to chromosomes using FISH showed a predominant distribution of repetitive elements in the centromeric and telomeric regions and along the entire length of the largest chromosome pair (X and Y sex chromosomes) of the species. The distribution of repetitive DNAs differed significantly between the p arm of X and Y chromosomes. These findings suggest that repetitive DNAs have had an important role in the differentiation of sex chromosomes. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim: To analyze the composition, species richness and spatial distribution of the fish fauna in the area under influence of the Salto Grande Reservoir; Methods: Fish were caught every two months from November/05 to October/06, using gill nets, seining nets and sieve; Results: It was registered 67 fish species, 1,964 individuals and 146.2 kg, representing CPUEn of 1,964 and CPUEb of 278 kg. The most representative orders were Characiformes, with 29 species, Siluriformes (21 species) and Perciformes (11 species) Nine non-native species were registered. The most abundant species in the reservoir were Astyanax altiparanae, Steindachnerina insculpta and Acestrorhynchus lacustris, indicating the predominance of medium and small fishes in this reservoir. The dendrogram of similarity separated the Dam and Pedra Branca stretches from Pardo River Mouth, indicating differences in the assemblages. The species turnover among the stretches was demonstrated by the beta diversity, which may be related to the diversity of habitat; Conclusions: Although being a small reservoir, it displays great habitat diversity, reflecting in the composition and structure of fish assemblages.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The effects of habitat complexity, induced by construction of artificial reefs, on the fish assemblages in the Barra Bonita reservoir, Brazil, and in the lotic zone immediately below the dam were studied. Four artificial reefs were constructed in each habitat at variable distances from the shore. Multiple correspondence analysis showed that the factors distance from the shore and type of habitat were determinants for the group formation, and artificial reefs had a lesser effect. Fish species composition was about the same at locations with and without reefs.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar sazonalmente a dieta de Cichla kelberi em um lago artificial em Leme-SP, determinando os itens alimentares e as relações com os sexos e com a maturação gonadal dos exemplares amostrados. A dieta de C. kelberi apresenta uma dinâmica em três diferentes períodos: os meses de inverno foram caracterizados por baixa atividade alimentar e alta concentração de peixes indeterminados, durante a primavera ocorreu um aumento na atividade alimentar, sendo Tilapia sp. o item alimentar dominante e durante o verão e início do outono foi evidenciada alta taxa de canibalismo. A plasticidade na composição da dieta foi marcada pela quantidade de presas disponíveis durante os períodos do ano e pelo período reprodutivo.
The Mogi Guacu River is one of the largest rivers in state of São Paulo, belonging to Parana hydrographic system. A study about fish composition in the Mogi Guacu reservoir and four oxbow lakes downstream the reservoir is showed. A total of 2,367 individuals from six orders, 17 families, and 46 species were collected during August 2005 to July 2006, using gillnets, traps and hand nets. In the reservoir were found 31 species and in the oxbow lakes 24, in which Curimatidae and Characidae were the most abundant families, respectively.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)