976 resultados para first language reading


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This research re-investigated the claim that beginning readers exploit information from the orthographic rime of clue words to help them to decode unfamiliar words. In Experiment 1, first-grade children were equally able to use orthographic information from the beginning, middle, and end of clue words to identify unfamiliar target words. Moreover, the improvement in reading end- (or orthographic rime-) same target words following clue word presentation reflected phonological priming. In second-grade children, with correction for retesting effects, improvement following clue word presentation for end-same and beginning-same target words was equivalent, although end-same target words improved more than middle-same target words. In Experiment 2, both first- and second-grade children were able to use orthographic information from the beginning, middle, and end of clue words to identify unfamiliar words. Clue word presentation enhanced the reading of beginning-same and end-same target words more than middle-same target words. Improvement was the same for beginning-same and end-same target words. Target word improvement following clue word presentation was greater than that for phonologically primed words only in children reading target words sharing the beginning sequence of the clue word. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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One hundred university students completed tests of spelling production, vocabulary, reading comprehension, reading experience, and reading accuracy (ability to distinguish a previously read word from a similar distractor). Reading experience, as measured by an adaptation of the Author Recognition Test, and reading accuracy contributed to the prediction of spelling beyond the joint contribution of reading comprehension and vocabulary. The results are more consistent with a uni-process model of spelling based on the quality of word-specific orthographic learning, rather than with a dual-process account relying on both word-specific knowledge and rules.


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After discussing the meaning of the word politics, this paper shows that there are four possible approaches to the issue of the relationships between language, discourse and politics: a) the intrinsic political nature of language; b) the relations of power between discourses and their political dimension; c) the relations of power between languages and the political dimension of their usage and; d) linguistic policies. This paper addresses only the first two of these items. Languages have an intrinsically political nature because they subject their speakers to their order. The acts of silencing operationalized in discourse manifest a relation of power. The spread of discourses in the social space is also subject to the order of power. The use of language may be the space of pertinence, but is also that of exclusion, separation and even the elimination of the other. Therefore, language is not a neutral communication tool, but it is permeated by politics, by power. Because of the dislocations that it produces, literature is a form of swindling language, unveiling the powers that are imprinted on it.


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With the purpose of approximating two issues, oral narrative and constructive memory, we assume that children, as well as adults, have a constructive memory. Accordingly, researchers of the constructive memory share with piagetians the vision that memory is an applied cognition. Under this perspective, understanding and coding into memory constitute a process which is considered similar to the piagetian assimilation of building an internal conceptual representation of the information (hence the term constructive memory. The objective of this study is to examine and illustrate, through examples drawn from a research about oral narrative with 5, 8 and 10 years old children, the extent to which the constructive memory is stimulated by the acquisition of the structures of knowledge or ""mental models"" (schemes of stories and scenes, scripts), and if they automatically employ them to process constructively the information in storage and rebuild them in the recovery. A sequence of five pictures from a book without text was transformed into computerized program, and the pictures were thus presented to the children. The story focuses on a misunderstanding of two characters on a different assessment about a key event. In data collection, the demands of memory were preserved, since children narrate their stories when the images were no longer viewed on the computer screen. Each narrative was produced as a monologue. The results show that this story can be told either in a descriptive level or in a more elaborated level, where intentions and beliefs are attributed to the characters. Although this study allows an assessment of the development of children`s capabilities (both cognitive and linguistic) to narrate a story, there are for sure other issues that could be exploited.


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The present study evaluated the benefits of phonological processing skills training for children with persistent reading difficulties. Children aged between 9-14 years, identified as having a specific reading disability, participated in the study. In a series of three experiments, pedagogical issues related to length of training time, model of intervention and severity of readers' phonological processing skills deficit prior to intervention, were explored. The results indicated that improvement in poor readers' phonological processing skills led to a dramatic improvement in their reading accuracy and reading comprehension performance. Increasing the length of training time significantly improved transfer effects to the reading process. Children with particularly severe phonological processing skill deficits benefited from art extended training period, and both individual and group intervention models for phonological processing training proved successful. Implications for speech and language therapists are discussed.


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Objectives: Depression and dementia are highly prevalent in the elderly. Language impairment is an inherent component of Alzheimer`s disease (AD), which can also be encountered in depressed patients. The aim of this study wasto compare the profiles of language abilities in late-onset depression and mild AD groups. Methods: We studied 25 patients with late-onset depression (mean age 73.6 +/- 6.6 years; schooling 9.1 +/- 5.7 years) and 30 patients with mild AD (77.6 +/- 5.4 years; 7.5 +/- 7.1 years) using the Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia (ABCD), compared to a group of 30 controls (73.8 +/- 5.8 years; 9.1 +/- 5.4 years). Cut-off scores to discriminate between Controls x Depression and Depression x AD were determined. Results: Depressed patients` scores were similar to AD in confrontation naming, concept definition, following commands, repetition and reading comprehension (sentence). Episodic memory and mental status subtests were useful in differentiating depressed patients from AD, a result that was reproduced when using analysis of covariance to control for the effect of age in the same subtests (p = 0.01 and 0.04, respectively). Conclusion: Language impairment resembling AD was found in the aforementioned language subtests of the ABCD in elderly depressed patients; the mental status and episodic memory subtests were useful to discriminate between AD and depression. The ABCD has proven to be a suitable tool for language evaluation in this population and should aid in the differentiation of AD and pseudodementia (as that of depression).


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This chapter contests the current practice of Japanese language teaching which perpetuates and reproduces gender stereotyping and gendered language norms. It is the first of its kind which examines this question from both learner's and teacher's perspectives.


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A longitudinal study investigated the claim that phonological memory contributes to vocabulary acquisition in young children. In the first phase, children were given tests of receptive vocabulary, receptive grammar, nonword repetition, phonological sensitivity (or awareness), and performance IQ. In the second phase, children were given the nonword repetition and receptive vocabulary tests. In Session 1, both nonword repetition and phonological sensitivity accounted for variation in receptive vocabulary and grammar after performance IQ effects were controlled. When phonological sensitivity was also controlled, nonword repetition did not account for significant additional variation in receptive vocabulary and grammar, When performance IQ and autoregression effects were controlled, all Session I verbal ability measures predicted Session 2 vocabulary, but only Session 1 vocabulary predicted Session 2 nonword repetition. When phonological sensitivity was also controlled. Session 1 nonword repetition (leniently scored) predicted Session 2 vocabulary. Overall, these findings show qualified support for the claim that the capacity component of nonword repetition contributes directly to vocabulary in young children. They suggest that the association between nonword repetition and vocabulary in young children may, to a substantial extent, reflect a latent phonological processing ability that is also manifest in phonological sensitivity.


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Rival claims have been made concerning the importance of rime sensitivity as a predictor of early word reading skill. Hulme et al. (2002) suggested that phoneme sensitivity is more strongly predictive of word reading ability than is onset-rime sensitivity. An examination of two independent data sets suggests that, although onset-rime sensitivity typically predicts school entrants' later word reading skill, phoneme sensitivity does predict more variation. However, multiple regression analyses do not reveal the level of phonological sensitivity that children need in order to understand alphabetic reading instruction. This issue is crucial to the detection of children at risk for reading failure and for the design of intervention programs for these children. A different analytic strategy is described for addressing this issue. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Esta pesquisa documental analisa as concepções de alfabetização, leitura e escrita subjacentes à Provinha Brasil no período 2008-2012 e o panorama em que esse programa de avaliação é produzido. Parte do referencial bakhtiniano e do conceito de alfabetização de Gontijo (2008, 2013). Ao tomar a Provinha como gênero do discurso, discute os elos precedentes dentro do contexto de produção dessa avaliação, a autoria do Programa e seus principais destinatários. Constata que a Provinha é criada como resposta às demandas de avaliação da alfabetização provenientes de organismos internacionais como o Banco Mundial e a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação (Unesco). A avaliação é elaborada pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep) como órgão que coordena as avaliações no País, em colaboração com pesquisadores de universidades e de organizações da sociedade civil, para demonstrar confiabilidade científica aliada à participação democrática no processo de produção. Seus principais destinatários são gestores de Secretarias de Educação e professores. Aos primeiros, cabe aderir ao programa de avaliação e tomar medidas administrativas para sua operacionalização nas redes. Os docentes têm o papel central de seguir as orientações do material e reorganizar sua prática em função de melhorias nos desempenhos das crianças no teste. Estas, por sua vez, são desconsideradas como sujeitos de dizeres e é legitimado um discurso homogeneizador sobre seu desenvolvimento. A partir dos testes aplicados e das matrizes de referência e seus eixos, a pesquisa analisa como a diferenciação teórica entre alfabetização e letramento se concretiza na organização das provas. A alfabetização, entendida como apropriação do sistema de escrita, é avaliada no primeiro eixo do teste principalmente como identificação de unidades menores da língua, como letras, sílabas e fonemas. As habilidades de leitura, ligadas ao letramento como concebido nos pressupostos do programa, são aferidas ora como decodificação de palavras e frases descontextualizadas, ora como apreensão de significado predeterminado do texto. A escrita somente é avaliada no ano de 2008 e por meio de itens que solicitavam codificação de palavras e frases ditadas pelo aplicador. Desse modo, a Provinha Brasil contribui para a subtração das potencialidades políticas e transformadoras do aprendizado da língua materna no País.


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Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo os impressos do Projeto Trilhas, material pedagógico produzido em parceria entre o Instituto Natura, a Comunidade Educativa CEDAC e o Ministério da Educação. Trata-se de uma análise documental com as quais se procurou envolver as noções de enunciado, texto, gênero e suporte que possibilitaram fundamentar a proposta metodológica, pautada pelo diálogo, que teve como escopo problematizar como esse conjunto de materiais pode contribuir no processo do ensino e da aprendizagem das crianças matriculadas nas turmas do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental, com foco na análise das concepções de alfabetização, leitura e escrita, engendradas nos materiais. Para isso, o referencial teórico que balizou as reflexões se fundamentou nas contribuições da perspectiva bakhtiniana de linguagem e lançou ancoragens no conceito de alfabetização proposto criticamente por Gontijo (2008). As análises se constituíram como uma arena, isto é, um palco de alteridade. Logo, buscaram compreender como o conceito e as concepções se materializaram nas atividades produzidas pelos sujeitos-autores e problematizaram como os impressos do Projeto Trilhas podem contribuir para a melhoria do ensino e da aprendizagem das crianças matriculadas no primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental. Com as análises, sustenta-se que o conceito que solidifica a constituição dos impressos deste projeto se aproxima das contribuições de Ferreiro e Teberosky (1999), isto é, a alfabetização é o processo pelo qual as crianças assimilam o código escrito e compreende os usos que são dados a ele nas culturas do escrito. A leitura se configurou como decodificação dos signos linguísticos e compreensão de significados, e a escrita como codificação.


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Projeto de intervênção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa em 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Esta investigação pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento da investigação interessada nas questões relativas ao ensino/ aprendizagem do modo escrito nos primeiros anos do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico, particularmente tendo em conta as práticas mais propensas a apoiar a aprendizagem bem-sucedida da leitura e de escrita. Especificamente, esta investigação tem como objetivo descrever as práticas de ensino observadas nas áreas da leitura e da escrita com 22 professores, mas também para relacionar essas práticas observadas com o desempenho em leitura e escrita dos seus alunos do primeiro e do segundo ano. Globalmente, os resultados indicam que as práticas observadas, tanto do ponto de vista dos Dispositivos mobilizados como do conteúdo ensinado, são variadas e contribuem para uma visão complexa da entrada na escrita. As análises de correlação sugerem que determinadas práticas, que geralmente procuram a participação activa das crianças e as interações com os outros, estão relacionados com o progresso dos alunos durante o ano letivo.


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Mestrado (PES II), Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 1 de Julho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.