900 resultados para federal developments
Business information from the Iowa Department of Economic Development.
A paper given by Dr. Emma McCloy Layman before the Iowa Conference on Child Development and Parent Education on May 5th, 1940.
Trata-se de estudo descritivo, retrospectivo e documental com objetivo de analisar as dissertações produzidas pelo Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Paraná, considerando o ajustamento de suas linhas de pesquisa. Para tanto foi realizada leitura crítica dos resumos e análise da temática das dissertações e da inserção na linha de pesquisa, bem como de métodos, abordagens, sujeitos, local, instrumentos e técnicas de pesquisa. Foram analisados 64 resumos de dissertações disponíveis on-line. Das produções analisadas há predominância do enfoque qualitativo e da utilização de entrevista. Verificou-se que as dissertações têm anuência com as linhas de pesquisa do Programa do Curso de Mestrado e sua análise pode contribuir para o redimensionamento de caminhos, linhas e pesquisas que o programa tem desenvolvido.
This paper explores an overlooked issue in the literature on federations and federalism: the relationship between federalism and democracy. Starting from the assumption that federalism per se is not enough to guarantee cooperative intergovernmental dynamics between different levels of governments, this article analyzes how democracy reinforces cooperative intergovernmental relations under a federal design. Drawing from empirical evidence of federations in the making – Brazil, India, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa and Spain – this article shows that in countries where the federal design was built under democratization, namely Brazil, Spain and South Africa, intergovernmental dynamics evolved under an increasingly cooperative mode of interaction.
Education and health policy are two of the public policies, which in Spain have been assigned to the Autonomous Communities (AC). This transfer of powers could be considered a proof for the strong “self-rule” of the AC, which in turn shows that Spain could be classified as a federal state. In the following analysis the authors in some parts disagree with that conclusion, showing that considering the education area Spain is “heavy at the top”. Due to the state’s exclusive power to regulate the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spanish citizens, the important and final decisions are taken at the center through the framework legislation. The AC play a minor role in the legislation process, they have to adopt the center decisions. De-centralization and extension of the framework legislation are highly connected: The central state reacted with strong framework legislation to the stages of the educational decentralization process. In addition, the concentration of important framing powers within the central state does not make educational reforms more infrequent. However, such reforms are the results of a competition between the parties, and not between the AC or between the AC and the central state
Business Developments from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
En la UE existen diversas propuestas de nuevas políticas familiares para alcanzar la conciliación de la vida laboral con la familiar.La comparación de las principales novedades de la BEEG con la respectiva legislación española manifiesta las diferencias entre ambos países europeos en su reto de enfrentarse al problema común del envejecimiento poblacional.
Business news from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
State Audit Reports
News from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Business News from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Business news from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
A report that Mary Wegner gave Iowa's congressmen and senators during this year's ALA Legislative Day in Washington, DC. The report reflects the important ways the State Library uses LSTA funds to help Iowa libraries provide the best service possible to their customers. LSTA funds also pay the salaries of Library Development staff.
Business news from the Iowa Department of Economic Development