873 resultados para exploit
Context: Web services have been gaining popularity due to the success of service oriented architecture and cloud computing. Web services offer tremendous opportunity for service developers to publish their services and applications over the boundaries of the organization or company. However, to fully exploit these opportunities it is necessary to find efficient discovery mechanism thus, Web services discovering mechanism has attracted a considerable attention in Semantic Web research, however, there have been no literature surveys that systematically map the present research result thus overall impact of these research efforts and level of maturity of their results are still unclear. This thesis aims at providing an overview of the current state of research into Web services discovering mechanism using systematic mapping. The work is based on the papers published 2004 to 2013, and attempts to elaborate various aspects of the analyzed literature including classifying them in terms of the architecture, frameworks and methods used for web services discovery mechanism. Objective: The objective if this work is to summarize the current knowledge that is available as regards to Web service discovery mechanisms as well as to systematically identify and analyze the current published research works in order to identify different approaches presented. Method: A systematic mapping study has been employed to assess the various Web Services discovery approaches presented in the literature. Systematic mapping studies are useful for categorizing and summarizing the level of maturity research area. Results: The result indicates that there are numerous approaches that are consistently being researched and published in this field. In terms of where these researches are published, conferences are major contributing publishing arena as 48% of the selected papers were conference published papers illustrating the level of maturity of the research topic. Additionally selected 52 papers are categorized into two broad segments namely functional and non-functional based approaches taking into consideration architectural aspects and information retrieval approaches, semantic matching, syntactic matching, behavior based matching as well as QOS and other constraints.
Infections with Salmonella serotypes are a major cause of food-borne diseases worldwide. Animal models other than the mouse have been employed for the study of nontyphoidal Salmonella infections because the murine model is not suitable for the study of Salmonella-induced diarrhea. The microbe has developed mechanisms to exploit the host cell machinery to its own purpose. Bacterial proteins delivered directly into the host cell cytosol cause cytoskeletal changes and interfere with host cell signaling pathways, which ultimately enhance disease manifestation. Recently, marked advances have been made in our understanding of the molecular interactions between Salmonella serotypes and their hosts. Here, we discuss the molecular basis of the pathogenesis of Salmonella-induced enteritis.
Työssä tutkitaan Verohallinnon Henkilöverotusyksikön mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää tekstiviestejä asiakkaiden ohjaukseen ja sähköisien palveluiden markkinointiin. Tekstiviestimarkkinoinnin haasteet, tavoitteet ja lainsäädännön reunaehdot käsitellään teoriaosuudessa. Käytännön osuudessa selvitetään Verohallinnon mahdollisuuksia tekstiviestikanavan käyttöönotolle ja kartoitetaan tekstiviestien käyttökohteita. Työssä tehdään myös ehdotus massatekstiviestikampanjasta. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksien perusteella tekstiviestikanavan käyttöönotolle ei ole esteitä ja sille löytyy useita verotuksen vuosikellon mukaisia käyttökohteita. Tekstiviesteistä saatavia hyötyjä kannattaa mitata ja analysoida useamman tekstiviestikampanjan avulla.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on tunnistaa, kuvata ja ymmärtää perheyrityksen erityispiirteitä ja niiden ilmentymistä yrityskaupan jälkeisessä integraatiossa. Tutkielmassa käytetään apuna resurssiperusteista näkemystä yrityksen kilpailukykyä luovista resursseista. Erityispiirteiden tunnistaminen on tärkeää, jotta yrityskaupan integraatiossa ne voidaan huomioida ja hyödyntää kilpailukyvyn säilyttämiseksi. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkielman empiirisenä aineistona ovat kohdeyrityksen työntekijöiden ja entisen omistajan haastattelut sekä yrityksessä suoritettu osallistuva havainnointi. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todetaan, että tapauksen perheyrityksen erityispiirteillä on henkilöstön näkökulmasta sekä hyödyntäviä että haittaavia vaikutuksia yrityskaupan jälkeisen integraation aikana.
Abstract In this work, a novel on-line process for production of food-grade emulsions containing oily extracts, i.e. oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions, in only one step is presented. This process has been called ESFE, Emulsions from Supercritical Fluid Extraction. With this process, emulsions containing supercritical fluid extracts can be obtained directly from plant materials. The aim in the conception of this process is to propose a new rapid way to obtain emulsions from supercritical fluid extracts. Nowadays the conventional emulsion formulation method is a two-step procedure, i.e. first supercritical fluid extraction for obtaining an extract; secondly emulsion formulation using another device. Other variation of the process was tested and successfully validated originating a new acronymed process: EPFE (Emulsions from Pressurized Fluid Extractions). Both processes exploit the supercritical CO2-essential oils miscibility, in addition, EPFE process exploits the emulsification properties of saponin-rich pressurized aqueous plant extracts. The feasibility of this latter process was demonstrated using Pfaffia glomerata roots as source of saponin-rich extract, water as extracting solvent and clove essential oil, directly extracted using supercritical CO2, as a model dispersed phase. In addition, examples of pressurized fluid-based coupled processes applied for adding value to food bioactive compounds developed in the past five years are reviewed.
This thesis examines the impact of structural characteristics of wage bargaining and unemployment insurance system of trade and labour unions and governmental institutions on national competitiveness. In addition, the effect currency union has on these factors is evaluated. The analysis is conducted on 17 EU- and ETA-countries through panel data regression. The results indicate that able governmental institutions enhance national competitiveness significantly and without exceptions. The competitive benefits of wage bargaining peak when wages are negotiated decentralized, above all when the country is a member of the Eurozone. This can be explained with the reduced capability of Eurozone governments to conduct efficient income policies in coordinated wage bargaining structure, since it lacks the means to exploit monetary policies which are exercised by a politically independent central bank.
The financial sector has been viewed traditionally as either providing the "oil" for the "wheels of commerce" or as a parasite on the real sector of the economy where real productivity gains provide for increasing real wages and per capita incomes. The present paper takes a different route and attempts to an analysis of financial institutions on a par with the production sector of the economy. It also develops a link which amalgamates "the knowledge-based" perspective on firms' operations with Schumpeterian financial leverage to exploit productivity enhancing innovations, and Minsky's tendency towards financial fragility. The analysis also leads to some policy recommendations concerning financial regulation, risk management and financial institution's building.
Lyhytaikaisista, pienehköistä ja vakuudettomista pikalainoista on muodostunut nopeasti osa suomalaisia kuluttajaluottomarkkinoita. Samalla pikalainatoimintaa koskevaa lainsäädäntöä on uudistettu useaan kertaan. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on ollut selvittää, miten korkokattosäännös on vaikuttanut pikalainayhtiöiden tarjoamiin tuotteisiin ja alalla toimivan yritysjoukon kokoon. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisin menetelmin. Aineistona on käytetty Etelä-Suomen aluehallintoviraston ylläpitämän luotonantajarekisterin tietoja, Tilastokeskuksen tilastotietoja, keskeisiä oikeustapauksia sekä erikseen tutkielmaa varten kerättyjä pikalainayhtiöiden tuotetietoja. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin korkokattosäännöksen voimaantulon vähentäneen pikalainayritysten määrää huomattavasti. Yleisin tuote toimialalla on niin sanottu limiittiluotto joustavalla lainamäärällä ja takaisinmaksulla, minkä lisäksi yhtiöt tarjoavat lyhyitä ja pitkiä kertaluottoja. Korkokattosäännöksen tultua voimaan keskimääräinen luottosumma on kasvanut ja takaisinmaksuaika pidentynyt merkittävästi. Samalla luotoista maksettavien kulujen suhde lainamäärään on pienentynyt ja lainoja on myönnetty niin euro- kuin kappalemääräisesti selvästi aiempaa vähemmän. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että lakimuutoksella on ollut selkeitä vaikutuksia pikalaina-alaan. Luotonannon kiristyttyä laskeneet luottokustannukset hyödyttävät kuitenkin vain osaa luotonhakijoista. Muuttuneiden tuotteiden myötä pikalainatoiminta on siirtynyt lähemmäs muuta kuluttajaluottotoimintaa.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää miten tuotannon työnjohto voi osaltaan vaikuttaa henkilöstön työmotivaatioon hyödyntämällä suorituskyvyn mittaamista. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto on hankittu haastattelemalla työnjohtoa ja suorittamalla kyselytutkimus tuotannon henkilöstölle. Yritykset mittaavat menestystekijöidensä suorituskykyä erilaisilla mittareilla, mutta usein mittaamisesta saatavaa tietoa ei osata hyödyntää parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Suorituskyvyn mittaamisen on muututtava suorituskyvyn johtamiseksi, jotta siitä on hyötyä yrityksen toiminnan kannalta. Suorituskyvyn johtamisessa mittaustuloksia tulkitaan ja niiden perusteella tehdään toimenpiteitä. Työmotivaatio vaikuttaa oleellisesti henkilöstön suoritukseen, joten on tärkeää, että työmotivaatioon kiinnitetään yrityksissä huomiota. Suorituskyvyn mittaamisella on mahdollista vaikuttaa työmotivaation taustalla oleviin tekijöihin, joiden avulla työmotivaatio paranee. Näitä tekijöitä ovat tavoitteiden asettaminen, selkeä viestiminen, palkitseminen ja vaikutusmahdollisuudet. Muita työmotivaatioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat työympäristö ja kehittyminen työssä. Työnjohdon tehtävänä on hyödyntää mittaustietoa tuotannon henkilöstön johtamisessa.
Bottom of the pyramid (BoP) markets are an underserved market of approximately four billion people living on under $5 a day in four regional areas: Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. According to estimations, the BoP market forms a $5 trillion global consumer market. Despite the potential of BoP markets, companies have traditionally focused on serving the markets of developed countries and ignored the large customer group at the bottom of the pyramid. The BoP approach as first developed by Prahalad and Hart in 2002 has focused on multinational corporations (MNCs), which were thought of as the ones who should take responsibility in serving the customers at the bottom of the pyramid. This study challenges this proposition and gives evidence that also smaller international new ventures – entrepreneurial firms that are international from their birth, can be successful in BoP markets. BoP markets are characterized by a number of deficiencies in the institutional environment such as strong reliance on informal sector, lack of infrastructure and lack of skilled labor. The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of international entrepreneurship in BoP markets by analyzing how international new ventures overcome institutional constraints in BoP markets and how institutional uncertainty can be exploited by solving institutional problems. The main objective is divided into four sub objectives. • To describe the opportunities and challenges BoP markets present • To analyze the internationalization of INVs to BoP markets • To examine what kinds of strategies international entrepreneurs use to overcome institutional constraints • To explore the opportunities institutional uncertainty offers for INVs Qualitative approach was used to conduct this study and multiple-case study was chosen as a research strategy in order to allow cross-case analysis. The empirical data was collected through four interviews with the companies Fuzu, Mifuko, Palmroth Consulting and Sibesonke. The results indicated that understanding of the wider institutional environment improves the survival prospects of INVs in BoP markets and that it is indeed possible to exploit institutional uncertainty by solving institutional problems. The main findings were that first-hand experience of the markets and grassroots levels of information are the best assets in internationalization to BoP markets. This study highlights that international entrepreneurs with limited resources can improve the lives of people at the BoP with their business operations and act as small-scale institutional entrepreneurs contributing to the development of the institutional environment of BoP markets.
The thesis explores the role of diaspora network in opportunity exploitation by ethnic entrepreneurs in Finland. The purpose of this study is to how ethnic entrepreneurs in Finland can exploit diaspora networks and how significant support of these networks in comparison with governmental and other official institutional support. Increased mobility of the global population and number of immigrants all around the world contribute into interest of academics to this topic. At the same time, in comparison with other European countries for Finland this phenomenon is new. However, increasing number of immigrants add to academic interest to this topic. The theoretical background of this thesis consists of the collection of studies done on diaspora networks and ethnic entrepreneurs as internationally as in Finland. The concept of cooperation between diaspora and ethnic entrepreneurs describes how diaspora can support ethnic entrepreneur and emphasize importance of diaspora ties for business. At the end of the theoretical section theoretical a special grid was proposed as summary of the academic literature review. The empirical research for this study is based on the interviews with five ethnic entrepreneurs in Finland. Empirical data was analyzed and compared with the similar studies done internationally. During the interviews analyses were stressed aspects of the significance of governmental and other official institutional support. During the interviews analyses were stressed aspects of the significance of the governmental and other official institutional support. According to the main findings diaspora can play positive and in some cases crucial role in the business of ethnic entrepreneurs in Finland. Moreover, diaspora can be a facilitator of internationalization of ethnic entrepreneurs. At the same time, there are several factors which might increase or decrease role of diaspora. The ways of the utilization of diaspora network were combined in the empirical grid. The study enhance understanding of the challenges of ethnic entrepreneurs and provides certain recommendations for the policy makers, ethnic entrepreneurs and managers of official institutions involved in cooperation with ethnic entrepreneurs
This study discusses the interactions of different decision-making mechanisms in the process of change of a successful entrepreneurial dairy firm in Vietnam. The purpose of the study is to construct a theoretical framework, which explains the interactions between effectual and causal decision-making processes in different phases of business, and to provide a real life example with practical recommendations for entrepreneurs and managers. In order to achieve this purpose, a preliminary theoretical framework was built, using process theories applied to different decision making modes, referred to as causation and effectuation. The case was studied through ethnographic research method, with three semi-structured interviews, one unstructured interview, secondary data and observations within four months in 2013-2014. After the data was analyzed, a modified framework was drawn from the result. The finding of this study shows that there was an interaction between effectual and causal decision-making processes in different stages of the company’s development. The entrepreneur applied effectual decision-making process to develop a unique business model and a new dairy market segment. However, when a new market demand arose, the company’s resources became insufficient, they thus had to shift to causation process to adapt to market change. Simultaneously, with better-accumulated resources, the entrepreneur continued the effectuation process to create another brand new dairy market segment. This study, thus, contributes to effectuation theory, emphasizing the necessity of combining effectual and causal decision-making processes in different phases of business. It is suggested that business would develop with an effectual process until a business model is viable for growth. It continues to use this process up to a certain degree. When the market changes, the company needs to collect more means to adapt to the changes. They need to set new goals and this is a shift to the use of causal process, which builds on prediction. It uses goals and teleology as driving mechanisms and tries to exploit and fill potential resource gaps to achieve these goals. At the same time, there are new iterations that look to establish new lines or types of business with the given means, which are now well established. This again employs effectual mechanisms, which are based on evolutionary process, until they reach the stage of viable tested business model. Moreover, this study hopes to provide know-how to entrepreneurs and managers of small companies in similar situations, suggesting how to combine effectual and causal decision-making processes to deal with various circumstances in different times.
Pienille ja keskisuurille yrityksille eli pk-yrityksille on olemassa useita kasvustrategioita. Nämä kasvustrategiat tähtäävät joko liiketoiminnan laajentamiseen, nykyisten resurssien hyödyntämiseen, uusien resurssien luotaamiseen tai liiketoiminnan supistamiseen. Valitsemaansa kasvustrategiaa noudattamalla yritys pyrkii pääsemään kasvutavoitteisiinsa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tieteellisen kirjallisuuden pohjalta arvioida kasvustrategioita ja valita niistä pienelle it-alalla toimivalle case-yritykselle sopivin. Sopivimmaksi havaitun kasvustrategian pohjalta case-yritykselle laaditaan räätälöity kasvustrategia. Kasvustrategian laatimiseen käytetään tieteellisen kirjallisuuden lisäksi empiirisenä menetelmänä tapaustutkimusta. Tapaustutkimus tehdään teemahaastatteluina kymmenelle yritykselle, joilla on liike-elämästä saatuja kokemuksia case-yritykselle valitusta kasvustrategiasta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena case-yritykselle sopivin kasvustrategia on verkostokasvustrategia. Verkostokasvustrategiaa noudattamalla case-yritys keskittyy omaan ydinosaamiseensa ja sen kehittämiseen ja hankkii tarvitsemansa muun osaamisen verkostokumppaneilta. Verkostoitumisen hyötyinä case-yritykselle on muun muassa pieni omien työntekijöiden tarve, tietotaidon saaminen, kilpailukyvyn paraneminen, markkinoinnin tehostuminen ja uusille markkinoille pääsyn helpottuminen. Verkostoitumisen haasteina case-yritykselle on sen sijaan muun muassa pienen yrityksen uskottavuusongelma, sopivien verkostokumppaneiden löytäminen ja epäluotettavat verkostokumppanit. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä verkostoitumisesta saatavien hyötyjen nähdään kuitenkin olevan riskejä suuremmat case-yritykselle.
The increasing emphasis on energy efficiency is starting to yield results in the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; however, the effort is still far from sufficient. Therefore, new technical solutions that will enhance the efficiency of power generation systems are required to maintain the sustainable growth rate, without spoiling the environment. A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is only possible with new low-carbon technologies, which enable high efficiencies. The role of the rotating electrical machine development is significant in the reduction of global emissions. A high proportion of the produced and consumed electrical energy is related to electrical machines. One of the technical solutions that enables high system efficiency on both the energy production and consumption sides is high-speed electrical machines. This type of electrical machines has a high system overall efficiency, a small footprint, and a high power density compared with conventional machines. Therefore, high-speed electrical machines are favoured by the manufacturers producing, for example, microturbines, compressors, gas compression applications, and air blowers. High-speed machine technology is challenging from the design point of view, and a lot of research is in progress both in academia and industry regarding the solution development. The solid technical basis is of importance in order to make an impact in the industry considering the climate change. This work describes the multidisciplinary design principles and material development in high-speed electrical machines. First, high-speed permanent magnet synchronous machines with six slots, two poles, and tooth-coil windings are discussed in this doctoral dissertation. These machines have unique features, which help in solving rotordynamic problems and reducing the manufacturing costs. Second, the materials for the high-speed machines are discussed in this work. The materials are among the key limiting factors in electrical machines, and to overcome this limit, an in-depth analysis of the material properties and behavior is required. Moreover, high-speed machines are sometimes operating in a harsh environment because they need to be as close as possible to the rotating tool and fully exploit their advantages. This sets extra requirements for the materials applied.
The green movement has evolved over the last twenty years from various social, peace and ecology activist organizations into direct political participation in parliamentary institutions through the Green Party. Although there is no definable theory of green politics, the culmination of interacting social movements as well as feminist, decentralist and in many cases, left wing political ideology, has produced a specific kind of political direction for the Greens internationally. As a result of the increased a ttention and awareness given to ecological issues , combined with the heightened evidence of large scale environmental deterioration, public attitudes and government decisions on development and natural resource management have been significantly altered. The Green Party of Canada is still r elatively young in comparison to its European counterparts, although ecologica l awareness and interest in t he green movement in Canada is strong, as reflected not only in support on a political level for the Canadian Greens I but for environmental issues and a ctivism in general. For this reason it s important to determine whether or not the Green Party is a significant aspect of the Canadian green movement, and if in fact its representation is necessary as an active participant in the Canadian political system . The Green Party of Canada, as a vital aspect of the Canadian green movement, and its connection to international green organizations can be examined primarily through the examp l es of both the Canadian Greens and the Green party of Ontario , by using original party documents and literature, information gained through Green party meetings and discussions with members, and commentary by Green theorists where app licable. As well, the influence on the Canadian green movement by the German Green Party is outlined , again mainly through party literature, documents and critiques of the party's experiences. This study reveals several existing and potential problems fo r t he Green Party in Canada, and the political fut ure of the Canadian green movement in general. Some, such as the real i ties of the Canadian political system are external to the movement, and may be overcome with adjustments in goals and methods, and a realization of the changing attitude towards environmental issues in a political context . On the other hand, internal party disfunctions in both organization and direction, caused mainly by the indefinite parameters of green ideology, threaten to exploit the already problematic aspects evident in t he Green Party . Aside from its somewhat slow beginnings, the Green Party in Canada has developed into a strong grassroots social movement, not however from its political visibility but from the steady growth in the popul ari ty of ecological pol i t ics in Canada. Due to the seeming enormity of the obstacles facing the Greens in their effort 4 to achieve electoral success, it is doubtful that Parliamentary representation will be achieved without a major re-orientation of party organization and methods. UI timately the strength of the Green Party in Canada will be based upon its ability to survive as a significant movement, and its willingness to continue to challenge political thought and practice.