964 resultados para energy loss.
The use of thermal shields to reduce radiation heat loss in Siemens-type CVD reactors is analyzed, both theoretically and experimentally. The potential savings from the use of the thermal shields is first explored using a radiation heat model that takes emissivity variations with wavelength into account, which is important for materials that do not behave as grey bodies. The theoretical calculations confirm that materials with lower surface emissivity lead to higher radiation savings. Assuming that radiation heat loss is responsible for around 50% of the total power consumption, a reduction of 32.9% and 15.5% is obtained if thermal shields with constant emissivities of 0.3 and 0.7 are considered, respectively. Experiments considering different thermal shields are conducted in a laboratory CVD reactor, confirming that the real materials do not behave as grey bodies, and proving that significant energy savings in the polysilicon deposition process are obtained. Using silicon as a thermal shield leads to energy savings of between 26.5-28.5%. For wavelength-dependent emissivities, the model shows that there are significant differences in radiation heat loss, of around 25%, when compared to that of constant emissivity. The results of the model highlight the importance of having reliable data on the emissivities within the relevant range of wavelengths, and at deposition temperatures, which remains a pending issue.
En esta tesis se analiza el sistema de tracción de un vehículo eléctrico de batería desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energética y de la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros (radiación electromagnética). Este estudio incluye tanto el sistema de almacenamiento de energía como la máquina eléctrica, junto con la electrónica de potencia y los sistemas de control asociados a ambos. Los análisis y los resultados presentados en este texto están basados en modelos matemáticos, simulaciones por ordenador y ensayos experimentales a escala de laboratorio. La investigación llevada a cabo durante esta tesis tuvo siempre un marcado enfoque industrial, a pesar de estar desarrollada en un entorno de considerable carácter universitario. Las líneas de investigación acometidas tuvieron como destinatario final al diseñador y al fabricante del vehículo, a pesar de lo cual algunos de los resultados obtenidos son preliminares y/o excesivamente académicos para resultar de interés industrial. En el ámbito de la eficiencia energética, esta tesis estudia sistemas híbridos de almacenamiento de energía basados en una combinación de baterías de litio y supercondensadores. Este tipo de sistemas son analizados desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia mediante modelos matemáticos y simulaciones, cuantificando el impacto de ésta en otros parámetros tales como el envejecimiento de las baterías. Respecto a la máquina eléctrica, el estudio se ha centrado en máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes. El análisis de la eficiencia considera tanto el diseño de la máquina como la estrategia de control, dejando parcialmente de lado el inversor y la técnica de modulación (que son incluidos en el estudio como fuentes adicionales de pérdidas, pero no como potenciales fuentes de optimización de la eficiencia). En este sentido, tanto la topología del inversor (trifásico, basado en IGBTs) como la técnica de modulación (control de corriente en banda de histéresis) se establecen desde el principio. El segundo aspecto estudiado en esta tesis es la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros. Este tema se enfoca desde un punto de vista predictivo, y no desde un punto de vista de diagnóstico, puesto que se ha desarrollado una metodología para estimar el campo magnético generado por los dispositivos de potencia de un vehículo eléctrico. Esta metodología ha sido validada mediante ensayos de laboratorio. Otros aspectos importantes de esta contribución, además de la metodología en sí misma, son las consecuencias que se derivan de ella (por ejemplo, recomendaciones de diseño) y la comprensión del problema proporcionada por esta. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis se listan a continuación: una recopilación de modelos de pérdidas correspondientes a la mayoría de dispositivos de potencia presentes en un vehículo eléctrico de batería, una metodología para analizar el funcionamiento de un sistema híbrido de almacenamiento de energía para aplicaciones de tracción, una explicación de cómo ponderar energéticamente los puntos de operación par-velocidad de un vehículo eléctrico (de utilidad para evaluar el rendimiento de una máquina eléctrica, por ejemplo), una propuesta de incluir un convertidor DC-DC en el sistema de tracción para minimizar las pérdidas globales del accionamiento (a pesar de las nuevas pérdidas introducidas por el propio DC-DC), una breve comparación entre dos tipos distintos de algoritmos de minimización de pérdidas para máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes, una metodología predictiva para estimar la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros de un vehículo eléctrico (debida a los equipos de potencia), y finalmente algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones de diseño respecto a dicha exposición a campos magnéticos. ABSTRACT This dissertation analyzes the powertrain of a battery electric vehicle, focusing on energy efficiency and passenger exposure to electromagnetic fields (electromagnetic radiation). This study comprises the energy storage system as well as the electric machine, along with their associated power electronics and control systems. The analysis and conclusions presented in this dissertation are based on mathematical models, computer simulations and laboratory scale tests. The research performed during this thesis was intended to be of industrial nature, despite being developed in a university. In this sense, the work described in this document was carried out thinking of both the designer and the manufacturer of the vehicle. However, some of the results obtained lack industrial readiness, and therefore they remain utterly academic. Regarding energy efficiency, hybrid energy storage systems consisting in lithium batteries, supercapacitors and up to two DC-DC power converters are considered. These kind of systems are analyzed by means of mathematical models and simulations from the energy efficiency point of view, quantifying its impact on other relevant aspects such as battery aging. Concerning the electric machine, permanent magnet synchronous machines are studied in this work. The energy efficiency analysis comprises the machine design and the control strategy, while the inverter and its modulation technique are taken into account but only as sources of further power losses, and not as potential sources for further efficiency optimization. In this sense, both the inverter topology (3-phase IGBT-based inverter) and the switching technique (hysteresis current control) are fixed from the beginning. The second aspect studied in this work is passenger exposure to magnetic fields. This topic is approached from the prediction point of view, rather than from the diagnosis point of view. In other words, a methodology to estimate the magnetic field generated by the power devices of an electric vehicle is proposed and analyzed in this dissertation. This methodology has been validated by laboratory tests. The most important aspects of this contribution, apart from the methodology itself, are the consequences (for instance, design guidelines) and the understanding of the magnetic radiation issue provided by it. The main contributions of this dissertation are listed next: a compilation of loss models for most of the power devices found in a battery electric vehicle powertrain, a simulation-based methodology to analyze hybrid energy storage performance in traction applications, an explanation of how to assign energy-based weights to different operating points in traction drives (useful when assessing electrical machine performance, for instance), a proposal to include one DC-DC converter in electric powertrains to minimize overall power losses in the system (despite the new losses added by the DC-DC), a brief comparison between two kinds of loss-minimization algorithms for permanent magnet synchronous machines in terms of adaptability and energy efficiency, a predictive methodology to estimate passenger magnetic field exposure due to power devices in an electric vehicle, and finally some useful conclusions and design guidelines concerning magnetic field exposure.
Adipocyte complement-related protein (30 kDa) (Acrp30), a secreted protein of unknown function, is exclusively expressed in differentiated adipocytes; its mRNA is decreased in obese humans and mice. Here we describe novel pharmacological properties of the protease-generated globular head domain of Acrp30 (gAcrp30). Acute treatment of mice with gAcrp30 significantly decreased the elevated levels of plasma free fatty acids caused either by administration of a high fat test meal or by i.v. injection of Intralipid. This effect of gAcrp30 was caused, at least in part, by an acute increase in fatty acid oxidation by muscle. As a result, daily administration of a very low dose of gAcrp30 to mice consuming a high-fat/sucrose diet caused profound and sustainable weight reduction without affecting food intake. Thus, gAcrp30 is a novel pharmacological compound that controls energy homeostasis and exerts its effect primarily at the peripheral level.
To characterize the depression of metabolism in anhydrobiotes, the redox state of cytochromes and energy metabolism were studied during dehydration of soaked cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cotyledons and pollens of Typha latifolia and Impatiens glandulifera. Between water contents (WC) of 1.0 and 0.6 g H2O/g dry weight (g/g), viscosity as measured by electron spin resonance spectroscopy increased from 0.15 to 0.27 poise. This initial water loss was accompanied by a 50% decrease in respiration rates, whereas the adenylate energy charge remained constant at 0.8, and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) remained fully oxidized. From WC of 0.6 to 0.2 g/g, viscosity increased exponentially. The adenylate energy charge declined to 0.4 in seeds and 0.2 in pollen, whereas COX became progressively reduced. At WC of less than 0.2 g/g, COX remained fully reduced, whereas respiration ceased. When dried under N2, COX remained 63% reduced in cotyledons until WC was 0.7 g/g and was fully reduced at 0.2 g/g. During drying under pure O2, the pattern of COX reduction was similar to that of air-dried tissues, although the maximum reduction was 70% in dried tissues. Thus, at WC of less than 0.6 g/g, the reduction of COX probably originates from a decreased O2 availability as a result of the increased viscosity and impeded diffusion. We suggest that viscosity is a valuable parameter to characterize the relation between desiccation and decrease in metabolism. The implications for desiccation tolerance are discussed.
By equilibrating condensed DNA arrays against reservoirs of known osmotic stress and examining them with several structural probes, it has been possible to achieve a detailed thermodynamic and structural characterization of the change between two distinct regions on the liquid-crystalline phase diagram: (i) a higher density hexagonally packed region with long-range bond orientational order in the plane perpendicular to the average molecular direction and (ii) a lower density cholesteric region with fluid-like positional order. X-ray scattering on highly ordered DNA arrays at high density and with the helical axis oriented parallel to the incoming beam showed a sixfold azimuthal modulation of the first-order diffraction peak that reflects the macroscopic bond-orientational order. Transition to the less-dense cholesteric phase through osmotically controlled swelling shows the loss of this bond orientational order, which had been expected from the change in optical birefringence patterns and which is consistent with a rapid onset of molecular positional disorder. This change in order was previously inferred from intermolecular force measurements and is now confirmed by 31P NMR. Controlled reversible swelling and compaction under osmotic stress, spanning a range of densities between approximately 120 mg/ml to approximately 600 mg/ml, allow measurement of the free-energy changes throughout each phase and at the phase transition, essential information for theories of liquid-crystalline states.
The free radicals nitric oxide and superoxide anion react to form peroxynitrite (ONOO-), a highly toxic oxidant species. In vivo formation of ONOO- has been demonstrated in shock and inflammation. Herein we provide evidence that cytotoxicity in cells exposed to ONOO- is mediated by DNA strand breakage and the subsequent activation of the DNA repair enzyme poly(ADP ribose) synthetase (PARS). Exposure to ONOO- (100 microM to 1 mM) inhibited mitochondrial respiration in cultured J774 macrophages and in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. The loss of cellular respiration was rapid, peaking 1-3 h after ONOO- exposure, and reversible, with recovery after a period of 6-24 h. The inhibition of mitochondrial respiration was paralleled by a dose-dependent increase in DNA strand breakage, reaching its maximum at 20-30 min after exposure to ONOO-. We observed a dose-dependent increase in the activity of PARS in cells exposed to ONOO-. Inhibitors of PARS such as 3-aminobenzamide (1 mM) prevented the inhibition of cellular respiration in cells exposed to ONOO-. Activation of PARS by ONOO--mediated DNA strand breakage resulted in a significant decrease in intracellular energy stores, as reflected by a decline of intracellular NAD+ and ATP content. 3-Aminobenzamide prevented the loss of NAD+ and ATP in cells exposed to ONOO-. In contrast, impairment of cellular respiration by the addition of the nitric oxide donors S-nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine or diethyltriamine nitric oxide complex, was not associated with the development of DNA strand breaks, in concentrations up to 1 mM, and was largely refractory to PARS inhibition. Our results suggest that DNA damage and activation of PARS, an energy-consuming futile repair cycle, play a central role in ONOO--mediated cellular injury.
The energy demand for operating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems has been growing, implying in high operational costs and consequent increase of carbon emissions. Both in datacenters and telecom infrastructures, the networks represent a significant amount of energy spending. Given that, there is an increased demand for energy eficiency solutions, and several capabilities to save energy have been proposed. However, it is very dificult to orchestrate such energy eficiency capabilities, i.e., coordinate or combine them in the same network, ensuring a conflict-free operation and choosing the best one for a given scenario, ensuring that a capability not suited to the current bandwidth utilization will not be applied and lead to congestion or packet loss. Also, there is no way in the literature to do this taking business directives into account. In this regard, a method able to orchestrate diferent energy eficiency capabilities is proposed considering the possible combinations and conflicts among them, as well as the best option for a given bandwidth utilization and network characteristics. In the proposed method, the business policies specified in a high-level interface are refined down to the network level in order to bring highlevel directives into the operation, and a Utility Function is used to combine energy eficiency and performance requirements. A Decision Tree able to determine what to do in each scenario is deployed in a Software Defined Network environment. The proposed method was validated with diferent experiments, testing the Utility Function, checking the extra savings when combining several capabilities, the decision tree interpolation and dynamicity aspects. The orchestration proved to be valid to solve the problem of finding the best combination for a given scenario, achieving additional savings due to the combination, besides ensuring a conflict-free operation.
Calcium oxide has been identified to be one of the best candidates for CO2 capture in zero-emission power-generation systems. However, it suffers a well-known problem of loss-in-capacity (i.e., its capacity of CO2 capture decreases after it undergoes cycles of carbonation/decarbonation). This problem is a potential obstacle to the adoption of the new technologies. This paper proposes a method of fabricating a CaO-based adsorbent without the problem of loss-in-capacity. An adsorbent was fabricated using the method and tested on a thermogravimetric analyzer. It was shown that the sorbent attained a utilization efficiency of more than 90% after 9 cycles of carbonation/decarbonation.
Drying is an important unit operation in process industry. Results have suggested that the energy used for drying has increased from 12% in 1978 to 18% of the total energy used in 1990. A literature survey of previous studies regarding overall drying energy consumption has demonstrated that there is little continuity of methods and energy trends could not be established. In the ceramics, timber and paper industrial sectors specific energy consumption and energy trends have been investigated by auditing drying equipment. Ceramic products examined have included tableware, tiles, sanitaryware, electrical ceramics, plasterboard, refractories, bricks and abrasives. Data from industry has shown that drying energy has not varied significantly in the ceramics sector over the last decade, representing about 31% of the total energy consumed. Information from the timber industry has established that radical changes have occurred over the last 20 years, both in terms of equipment and energy utilisation. The energy efficiency of hardwood drying has improved by 15% since the 1970s, although no significant savings have been realised for softwood. A survey estimating the energy efficiency and operating characteristics of 192 paper dryer sections has been conducted. Drying energy was found to increase to nearly 60% of the total energy used in the early 1980s, but has fallen over the last decade, representing 23% of the total in 1993. These results have demonstrated that effective energy saving measures, such as improved pressing and heat recovery, have been successfully implemented since the 1970s. Artificial neural networks have successfully been applied to model process characteristics of microwave and convective drying of paper coated gypsum cove. Parameters modelled have included product moisture loss, core gypsum temperature and quality factors relating to paper burning and bubbling defects. Evaluation of thermal and dielectric properties have highlighted gypsum's heat sensitive characteristics in convective and electromagnetic regimes. Modelling experimental data has shown that the networks were capable of simulating drying process characteristics to a high degree of accuracy. Product weight and temperature were predicted to within 0.5% and 5C of the target data respectively. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the underlying properties of the data could be predicted through a high level of input noise.
Recent results on direct femtosecond inscription of straight low-loss waveguides in borosilicate glass are presented. We also demonstrate lowest ever losses in curvilinear waveguides, which we use as main building blocks for integrated photonics circuits. Low-loss waveguides are of great importance to a variety of applications of integrated optics. We report on recent results of direct femtosecond fabrication of smooth low-loss waveguides in standard optical glass by means of femtosecond chirped-pulse oscillator only (Scientific XL, Femtolasers), operating at the repetition rate of 11 MHz, at the wavelength of 800 nm, with FWHM pulse duration of about 50 fs, and a spectral widths of 30 nm. The pulse energy on target was up to 70 nJ. In transverse inscription geometry, we inscribed waveguides at the depth from 10 to 300 micrometers beneath the surface in the samples of 50 x 50 x 1 mm dimensions made of pure BK7 borosilicate glass. The translation of the samples accomplished by 2D air-bearing stage (Aerotech) with sub-micrometer precision at a speed of up to 100 mm per second (hardware limit). Third direction of translation (Z-, along the inscribing beam or perpendicular to sample plane) allows truly 3D structures to be fabricated. The waveguides were characterized in terms of induced refractive index contrast, their dimensions and cross-sections, mode-field profiles, total insertion losses at both 633 nm and 1550 nm. There was almost no dependence on polarization for the laser inscription. The experimental conditions – depth, laser polarization, pulse energy, translation speed and others, were optimized for minimum insertion losses when coupled to a standard optical fibre SMF-28. We found coincidence of our optimal inscription conditions with recently published by other groups [1, 3] despite significant difference in practically all experimental parameters. Using optimum regime for straight waveguides fabrication, we inscribed a set of curvilinear tracks, which were arranged in a way to ensure the same propagation length (and thus losses) and coupling conditions, while radii of curvature varied from 3 to 10 mm. This allowed us to measure bend-losses – they less than or about 1 dB/cm at R=10 mm radius of curvature. We also demonstrate a possibility to fabricate periodical perturbations of the refractive index in such waveguides with the periods using the same set-up. We demonstrated periods of about 520 nm, which allowed us to fabricate wavelength-selective devices using the same set-up. This diversity as well as very short time for inscription (the optimum translation speed was found to be 40 mm/sec) makes our approach attractive for industrial applications, for example, in next generation high-speed telecom networks.
Full editorial: A recent study evaluating the long-term (2 yr) weight reducing efficacy of different types of diets – high or low in carbohydrates (CHOs), protein or fat - confirmed that it is calorie deficit not dietary composition that determines the loss and maintenance of body weight.1 Is there any advantage in following a specific weight loss diet? Short-term use of nutritionally complete commercially available (very) low calorie diets has benefited people with diabetes when supported by education programmes.2 Initial weight loss has been encouraging with some fad diets eg the Atkins and the South Beach diets, but these diets are difficult to maintain and there are safety issues regarding their short- and long-term use – especially in people with diabetes.3 The types of macronutrients consumed can have a considerable impact on glycaemic control and energy metabolism. Although a low CHO diet additionally enhances initial weight loss by reducing cellular water content, if fat is not proportionally reduced the diet may not benefit the lipid profile for vascular disease risk. High fat and high protein diets – which are simultaneously low in CHOs – increase vulnerability to hypoglycaemia in people taking insulin secretagogues or on insulin therapy, and may promote excess fat metabolism and ketogenesis, particularly in people vulnerable to lack of insulin. Very low protein diets are not recommended as lean body mass tends to be reduced in diabetes. Altering the macronutrient balance has implications for the micronutrient mix: deficiencies are higher if more foods are excluded and conversely specific micronutrient excess can occur with some fad diets. The altered nutrient mix affects intestinal fauna and flora, and gut motility and glycaemic control are influenced by the quantity and type of fibre consumed. Support programmes help individuals achieve long term weight loss and there is mounting evidence that community schemes which educate and promote lifestyle changes may stem the rising tide of obesity and consequent type 2 diabetes.4 Consuming smaller portions of a balanced diet (and adjusting antidiabetic medications accordingly) will create an energy deficit to promote healthy weight loss. Increased movement/exercise will enhance this energy deficit. Knowledge (eg 1g fat has 2.25 times more energy than 1g CHO) allows sensible food choices and compensation for inclusion of small volumes of ‘naughty but nice’ foods. Ultimately weight control requires self control. References 1. Sacks FM, Bray GA, Carey VJ et al. Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. N Engl J Med 2009;360:859–73. 2. Bennett P. Obesity, diabetes and VLCD. Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2004;4:328–30. 3. Baldwin EJ. Fad diets in diabetes. Br J Diabetes Vasc DIs 2004;4:333–7. 4. Romon M, Lommoz A, Tafflet M et al. Downward trends in the prevalence of childhood overweight in the setting of 12-year school- and community-based programmes. Public Health Nutr 2008; Dec 28, 1–8 [Epub ahead of print].
Recent results on direct femtosecond inscription of straight low-loss waveguides in borosilicate glass are presented. We also demonstrate lowest ever losses in curvilinear waveguides, which we use as main building blocks for integrated photonics circuits. Low-loss waveguides are of great importance to a variety of applications of integrated optics. We report on recent results of direct femtosecond fabrication of smooth low-loss waveguides in standard optical glass by means of femtosecond chirped-pulse oscillator only (Scientific XL, Femtolasers), operating at the repetition rate of 11 MHz, at the wavelength of 800 nm, with FWHM pulse duration of about 50 fs, and a spectral widths of 30 nm. The pulse energy on target was up to 70 nJ. In transverse inscription geometry, we inscribed waveguides at the depth from 10 to 300 micrometers beneath the surface in the samples of 50 x 50 x 1 mm dimensions made of pure BK7 borosilicate glass. The translation of the samples accomplished by 2D air-bearing stage (Aerotech) with sub-micrometer precision at a speed of up to 100 mm per second (hardware limit). Third direction of translation (Z-, along the inscribing beam or perpendicular to sample plane) allows truly 3D structures to be fabricated. The waveguides were characterized in terms of induced refractive index contrast, their dimensions and cross-sections, mode-field profiles, total insertion losses at both 633 nm and 1550 nm. There was almost no dependence on polarization for the laser inscription. The experimental conditions – depth, laser polarization, pulse energy, translation speed and others, were optimized for minimum insertion losses when coupled to a standard optical fibre SMF-28. We found coincidence of our optimal inscription conditions with recently published by other groups [1, 3] despite significant difference in practically all experimental parameters. Using optimum regime for straight waveguides fabrication, we inscribed a set of curvilinear tracks, which were arranged in a way to ensure the same propagation length (and thus losses) and coupling conditions, while radii of curvature varied from 3 to 10 mm. This allowed us to measure bend-losses – they less than or about 1 dB/cm at R=10 mm radius of curvature. We also demonstrate a possibility to fabricate periodical perturbations of the refractive index in such waveguides with the periods using the same set-up. We demonstrated periods of about 520 nm, which allowed us to fabricate wavelength-selective devices using the same set-up. This diversity as well as very short time for inscription (the optimum translation speed was found to be 40 mm/sec) makes our approach attractive for industrial applications, for example, in next generation high-speed telecom networks.
Loss of adipose tissue in cancer cachexia has been associated with tumour production of a lipid-mobilizing factor (LMF) which has been shown to be homologous with the plasma protein zinc-a2-glycoprotein (ZAG). The aim of this study was to compare the ability of human ZAG with LMF to stimulate lipolysis in vitro and induce loss of body fat in vivo, and to determine the mechanisms involved. ZAG was purified from human plasma using a combination of Q Sepharose and Superdex 75 chromatography, and was shown to stimulate glycerol release from isolated murine epididymal adipocytes in a dose-dependent manner. The effect was enhanced by the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor Ro20-1724, and attenuated by freeze/thawing and the specific ß3-adrenoreceptor antagonist SR59230A. In vivo ZAG caused highly significant, time-dependent, decreases in body weight without a reduction in food and water intake. Body composition analysis showed that loss of body weight could be attributed entirely to the loss of body fat. Loss of adipose tissue may have been due to the lipolytic effect of ZAG coupled with an increase in energy expenditure, since there was a dose-dependent increase in expression of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) in brown adipose tissue. These results suggest that ZAG may be effective in the treatment of obesity.