959 resultados para electrolytic tanks
Within the framework of state security policy, the focus of this dissertation are the relations between how new security threats are perceived and the policy planning and bureaucratic implementation that are designed to address them. In addition, this thesis explores and studies some of the inertias that might exist in the core of the state apparatus as it addresses new threats and how these could be better managed. The dissertation is built on five thematic and interrelated articles highlighting different aspects of when new significant national security threats are detected by different governments until the threats on the policy planning side translate into protective measures within the society. The timeline differs widely between different countries and some key aspects of this process are also studied. One focus concerns mechanisms for adaptability within the Intelligence Community, another on the policy planning process within the Cabinet Offices/National Security Councils and the third focus is on the planning process and how policy is implemented within the bureaucracy. The issue of policy transfer is also analysed, revealing that there is some imitation of innovation within governmental structures and policies, for example within the field of cyber defence. The main findings of the dissertation are that this context has built-in inertias and bureaucratic seams found in most government bureaucratic machineries. As much of the information and planning measures imply security classification of the transparency and internal debate on these issues, alternative assessments become limited. To remedy this situation, the thesis recommends ways to improve the decision-making system in order to streamline the processes involved in making these decisions. Another special focus of the thesis concerns the role of the public policy think tanks in the United States as an instrument of change in the country’s national security decision-making environment, which is viewed from the perspective as being a possible source of new ideas and innovation. The findings in this part are based on unique interviews data on how think tanks become successful and influence the policy debate in a country such as the United States. It appears clearly that in countries such as the United States think tanks smooth the decision making processes, and that this model with some adaptations also might be transferrable to other democratic countries.
Tämä työ käsittelee valkaistun ja valkaisemattoman sellumassan varastosäiliön tärinää ja värähtelyä. Värähtelyn seurauksena säiliön seinämän jäykisterenkaan hitsausliitokseen on syntynyt särö. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, mikä johtaa särön syntyyn ja miten kestäväm-piä varastosäiliöitä voidaan rakentaa materiaali-, valmistus- tai rakennemuutoksien avulla. Työ alkoi tutkimalla rakennemateriaalina olevan duplex-teräksen mikrorakenteen ominai-suuksia, sekä sen hitsattavuutta ja seostamista kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Kirjallisuustutki-musta jatkettiin selvittämällä mahdollisia vaurion syntymekanismeja seinämän särölle. Työssä analysoitiin myös tehtaalla mitattuja värähtelyarvoja. Lopuksi laskettiin FE-analyysillä tyhjän varastosäiliön ominaismuodot ja -taajuudet moodianalyysillä, sekä selvi-tettiin harmonisella analyysillä pinnankorkeuden vaihtelun vaikutus siirtymävasteeseen ja kriittisiin värähtelytaajuuksiin. Varastosäiliöön kohdistuvaa värähtelyä ei ole mahdollista poistaa kokonaan, mutta väräh-telyn aiheuttamia seurauksia kyetään rajaamaan useilla keinoilla. Toimenpiteinä voivat olla ainakin seinämän materiaalin paksuuden lisääminen, jäykisteripojen lisääminen ja kriittisten sellun pinnankorkeuksien välttäminen. Kriittiseksi pinnankorkeudeksi havaittiin 40–45 %:n täyttöaste ja turvalliseksi korkeudeksi 35–38 %:n täyttöaste. Varastosäiliölle kriittisen ominaistaajuuden katsotaan syntyvän taajuuksilla 3,3–3,8 Hz ja 5,8–6,4 Hz. Sellumassa putoaa varastosäiliöön noin 2 Hz taajuudella.
Although it is widely assumed that temperature affects pollutant toxicity, few studies have actually investigated this relationship. Moreover, such research as has been done has involved constant temperatures; circumstances which are rarely, if ever, actually experienced by north temperate, littoral zone cyprinid species. To investigate the effects of temperature regime on nickel toxicity in goldfish (Carassius auratus L.), 96- and 240-h LCSO values for the heavy metal pollutant, nickel (NiCI2.6H20), were initially determined at 2DoC (22.8 mg/L and 14.7 mg/L in artificially softened water). Constant temperature bioassays at 10°C, 20°C and 30°C were conducted at each of 0, 240-h and 96-h LCSO nickel concentrations for 240 hours. In order to determine the effects of temperature variation during nickel exposure it was imperative that the effects of a single temperature change be investigated before addressing more complex regimes. Single temperature changes of + 10°C or -10°C were imposed at rates of 2°C/h following exposures of between 24 hand 216 h. The effects of a single temperature change on mortality, and duration of toxicant exposure at high and low temperatures were evaluated. The effects of fluctuating temperatures during exposure were investigated through two regimes. The first set of bioassays imposed a sinewave diurnal cycle temperature (20.±.1DOC) throughout the 10 day exposure to 240-h LeSO Ni. The second set of investigations approximated cyprinid movement through the littoral zone by imposing directionally random temperature changes (±2°C at 2-h intervals), between extremes of 10° and 30°C, at 240-h LC50 Ni. Body size (i.e., total length, fork length, and weight) and exposure time were recorded for all fish mortalities. Cumulative mortality curves under constant temperature regimes indicated significantly higher mortality as temperature and nickel concentration were increased. At 1DOC no significant differences in mortality curves were evident in relation to low and high nickel test concentrations (Le., 16 mg/L and 20 mg/L). However at 20°C and 30°C significantly higher mortality was experienced in animals exposed to 20 mg/L Ni. Mortality at constant 10°C was significantly lower than at 30°C with 16 mg/L and was significantly loWer than each of 2DoC and 39°C tanks at 20 mg/L Ni exposure. A single temperature shift from 20°C to 1DoC resulted in a significant decrease in mortality rate and conversely, a single temperature shift from 20°C to 30°C resulted in a significant increase in mortality rate. Rates of mortality recorded during these single temperature shift assays were significantly different from mortality rates obtained under constant temperature assay conditions. Increased Ni exposure duration at higher temperatures resulted in highest mortality. Diurnally cycling temperature bioassays produced cumulative mortality curves approximating constant 20°C curves, with increased mortality evident after peaks in the temperature cycle. Randomly fluctuating temperature regime mortality curves also resembled constant 20°C tanks with mortalities after high temperature exposures (25°C - 30°C). Some test animals survived in all assays with the exception of the 30°C assays, with highest survival associated with low temperature and low Ni concentration. Post-exposure mortality occurred most frequently in individuals which had experienced high Ni concentrations and high temperatures during assays. Additional temperature stress imposed 2 - 12 weeks post exposure resulted in a single death out of 116 individuals suggesting that survivors are capable of surviving subsequent temperature stresses. These investigations suggest that temperature significantly and markedly affects acute nickel toxicity under both constant and fluctuating temperature regimes and plays a role in post exposure mortality and subsequent stress response.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the Town of St. Catharines. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Lock 4, Lock House, Lock 5, Small Lock House, the towing path, and Gasometer for Canal. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Geneva Street, Queenston Street, and Academy Street), C. Phelps Mill and Store House, St. Catharines and Welland Canal Gas Works, William Mahony's Tannery, Cooper Shop, a barrel shed, barn, and gas tanks. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 6 Lots 14, 14, and 16, Concession 7 Lots 14, 15, and 16, C. Phelps, R. M. Clement, Orson Phelps, R. Collier, D. P. Haynes, W. Chace, and John Soper.
Nous avons étudié les relations anatomiques entre les systèmes de neurotransmission à substance P (SP) et à sérotonine (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) dans le noyau du raphé dorsal (NRD) du rongeur, afin de mieux comprendre les interactions entre ces systèmes durant la régulation de l’humeur. Le NRD reçoit une innervation SP provenant de l’habenula, et le blocage pharmacologique des récepteurs neurokinine-1 (rNK1) de la SP aurait des effets antidépresseurs. Chez le rongeur, le traitement par les antagonistes des rNK1 s’accompagne d’une désensibilisation des autorécepteurs 5-HT1A de la 5-HT et d’une hausse de l’activité des neurones 5-HT dans le NRD, suggérant des interactions locales entre ces deux systèmes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré par doubles marquages immunocytochimiques en microscopies optique, confocale et électronique, la présence du rNK1 dans une sous-population de neurones 5-HT du NRD caudal. Lors de l’analyse en microscopie électronique, nous avons pu constater que les rNK1 étaient principalement cytoplasmiques dans les neurones 5-HT et membranaires sur les neurones non 5-HT du noyau. Grâce à d’autres doubles marquages, nous avons aussi pu identifier les neurones non-5-HT porteurs de rNK1 comme étant GABAergiques. Nous avons ensuite combiné l’immunomarquage de la SP avec celui du rNK1, dans le but d’examiner les relations entre les terminaisons (varicosités *) axonales SP et les neurones 5-HT (pourvus de rNK1 cytoplasmiques du NRD caudal. En simple marquage de la SP, nous avons pu estimer à 41% la fréquence avec laquelle les terminaisons SP font synapse. Dans le matériel doublement marqué pour la SP et son récepteur, les terminaisons SP ont été fréquemment retrouvées en contact direct ou à proximité des dendrites munies de rNK1 cytoplasmiques, mais toujours éloignées des dendrites à rNK1 membranaires. Pour tester l’hypothèse d’une internalisation soutenue des rNK1 par la SP dans les neurones 5-HT, nous avons ensuite examiné la localisation subcellulaire du récepteur chez le rat traité avec un antagoniste du rNK1, le RP67580. La densité du marquage des rNK1 a été mesurée dans le cytoplasme et sur la membrane des deux types de dendrites (5-HT: rNK1 cytoplasmiques; non 5-HT: rNK1 membranaires). Une heure après une injection unique de l’antagoniste, la distribution du rNK1 est apparue inchangée dans les deux types de neurones (5-HT et non 5-HT). Par contre, après un traitement quotidien de 7 ou 21 jours avec l’antagoniste, nous avons mesuré une augmentation significative des densités cytoplasmique et membranaire du rNK1 dans les neurones 5-HT, sans aucun changement dans les neurones non 5-HT. Ces traitements ont aussi augmenté l’expression du gène rNK1 dans le NRD. Enfin, nous avons mesuré une hausse de la densité membranaire du rNK1 dans les neurones 5-HT, sans hausse de densité cytoplasmique, par suite d’une lésion bilatérale de l’habenula. Ces résultats confortent l’hypothèse d’une activation et d’une internalisation soutenues des rNK1 par la SP dans les neurones 5-HT du NRD caudal. Ils suggèrent aussi que le trafic des rNK1 dans les neurones 5-HT du NRD représente un mécanisme cellulaire en contrôle de l’activation du système 5-HT par les afférences SP en provenance de l’habenula.
Depuis l’élection de Jean Charest en 2003, nous constatons que les dogmes issus du discours idéologique néolibéral (déréglementation, privatisation, libéralisation et réduction des dépenses publiques) ont régulièrement et fortement inondé tous les domaines de l’espace public québécois, tant chez les élus que chez les grands conglomérats de médias écrits et audiovisuels. Nous cherchions à savoir qui exerçait une si grande influence pour que rayonnent ces idées conservatrices dans les discours publics au Québec. Nos recherches nous ont menée à un Think Tank québécois : l’Institut économique de Montréal. L’élite intellectuelle qui compose cette organisation a su user d’une influence importante auprès de certains médias écrits, notamment ceux de Gesca, qui, grâce à l’étendue de son puissant réseau social et à son adhésion aux stratégies d’influence de ses pairs, les Think Tanks partisans, a relayé les idées néolibérales de l’IEDM à l’intérieur du discours public québécois. Ce Think Tank a ainsi fait rayonner ses idées dans les pages des quotidiens parmi les plus lus par les Québécois francophones. De jeunes Think Tanks comme l’IEDM jugent primordial l’accès aux médias pour façonner l’opinion et les politiques publiques. Leur objectif est de réussir à influencer la mise à l’agenda et le cadrage des médias afin qu’ils favorisent leurs propositions et leurs idées. L’analyse de trois cas a permis de montrer, qu’à trois moments différents, l’IEDM a influencé la mise à l’agenda des quotidiens de Gesca et que le cadrage s’est révélé favorable aux propositions de l’IEDM dans une proportion importante.
In the present study the development of bioreactors for nitrifying water in closed system hatcheries of penaeid and non-penaeid prawns. This work is an attempt in this direction to cater to the needs of aquaculture industry for treatment and remediation of ammonia and nitrate in penaeid and non-penaeid hatcheries, by developing nitrifying bacteria allochthonous to the particular environment under consideration, and immobilizing them on an appropriately designed support materials configured as reactors. Ammonia toxicity is the major limiting factors in penaeid and non-penaeid hatchery systems causing lethal and sublethal effects on larvae depending on the pH values. Pressing need of the aquaculture industry to have a user friendly and economically viable technology for the removal of ammonia, which can be easily integrated to the existing hatchery designs without any major changes or modifications. Only option available now is to have biological filters through which water can be circulated for the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate through nitrite by a group of chemolithotrophs known as nitrifying bacteria. Two types of bioreactors have been designed and developed. The first category named as in situ stringed bed suspended bioreactor(SBSBR) was designed for use in the larval rearing tanks to remove ammonia and nitrite during larval rearing on a continuous basis, and the other to be used for nitrifying freshly collected seawater and spent water named as ex situ packed bed bioreactior(PBBR). On employing the two reactors together , both penaeid and non-penaeid larval rearing systems can be made a closed recirculating system at least for a season. A survey of literature revealed that the in situ stringed bed suspended reactor developed here is unique in its design, fabrication and mode of application.
The present study focused on the quality of rainwater at various land use locations and its variations on interaction with various domestic rainwater harvesting systems.Sampling sites were selected based upon the land use pattern of the locations and were classified as rural, urban, industrial and sub urban. Rainwater samples were collected from the south west monsoon of May 2007 to north east monsoon of October 2008, from four sampling sites namely Kothamangalam, Emakulam, Eloor and Kalamassery, in Ernakulam district of the State of Kerala, which characterized typical rural, urban, industrial and suburban locations respectively. Rain water samples at various stages of harvesting were also collected. The samples were analyzed according to standard procedures and their physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were determined. The variations of the chemical composition of the rainwater collected were studied using statistical methods. It was observed that 17.5%, 30%, 45.8% and 12.1% of rainwater samples collected at rural, urban, industrial and suburban locations respectively had pH less than 5.6, which is considered as the pH of cloud water at equilibrium with atmospheric CO,.Nearly 46% of the rainwater samples were in acidic range in the industrial location while it was only 17% in the rural location. Multivariate statistical analysls was done using Principal Component Analysis, and the sources that inf1uence the composition of rainwater at each locations were identified .which clearly indicated that the quality of rain water is site specific and represents the atmospheric characteristics of the free fall The quality of harvested rainwater showed significant variations at different stages of harvesting due to deposition of dust from the roof catchment surface, leaching of cement constituents etc. Except the micro biological quality, the harvested rainwater satisfied the Indian Standard guide lines for drinking water. Studies conducted on the leaching of cement constituents in water concluded that tanks made with ordinary portland cement and portland pozzolana cement could be safely used for storage of rain water.
The world demand for fish and fishery products is increasing steadily and it is generally accepted that it will not be possible to meet the heavy demand with resources exploited from capture fishery alone. Now aquaculture is well established and fastdeveloping industry in many countries and is a major focus sector for development. During recent decades, aquaculture has gained momentum, throughout the world especially in developing countries. According to Food and Agricultural Oganisation (FAO, 2000), global aquaculture production was 26.38 tones in 1996 have reached 32.9 million tonnes during 1999. Only marine aquaculture sector has contributed 13.1 million tonnes during 1999.India is a major fish producing country. About one half of lndia’s brackish water lands are currently being utilized for farming in order to reduce the gap between supply and demand for fish. Aquaculture has become a major source of livelihood for people and its role in integrated rural development, generation of employment and earning foreign exchange, thereby alleviating poverty is being greatly appreciated around the world.Among the infectious agents, bacteria are becoming the prime causal organisms for diseases in food fishes and other marine animals. Sindermann, (1970) reported that bacterial fish pathogen most commonly found among marine fishes is species of Pseudomonas, Vibrio and Mycobacterium. These can be categorized into primary pathogens; secondary invaders that may cause systemic disease in immunocompromised hosts; and normal marine flora which are not pathogenic but may occur on body surfaces or even within the tissues of the host. I-Iigh density of animals in hatchery tanks and ponds is conducive to the spread of pathogen and the aquatic environment with regular application of protein rich feed, is ideal for culturing bacteria. Bacteria, which are normally present in seawater or on the surface of fish, can invade and cause pathological effects in fishes, which are injured or subjected to other environmental stresses.Mycobacteria except parasites are known as nontuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM), atypical mycobacteria or mycobacteria other than tuberculosis(MO'l'l"). This group of mycobacteria includes opportunistic pathogens and saprophytes. Environmental mycobacteria are ubiquitous in distribution and the sources may include soil, water, warm-blooded as well as cold-blooded animals. Disease caused by environmental mycobacterial strains in susceptible humans (Goslee & Wolinsky, 1976; Grange, 1987), animals and fishes are increasingly attracting attention. Greatest importance of environmental mycobacteria is believed to be their role in immunological priming of humans and animals, thereby modifying their immune responses to subsequent exposure to pathogenic species.
This thesis Entitled Application of Biofloc technology (BFT) In the Nursery Rearing and Farming of Giant Freshwater Prawn,Macrobrachium Rosenbergii(De Man). Aquaculture, rearing plants and animals under controlled conditions is growing with an annual growth rate of 8.3% in the period 1970-2008 (FAO, 2010). This trend of growth is essential for the supply of protein-rich food for ever increasing world population. But growth and development of aquaculture should be in sustainable manner, preferably without jeopardizing the aquatic environment.In the present study, the application of BFT in the nursery rearing and farming ofgiant freshwater prawn, M. rosenbergii, is attempted. The result of the study is organised into eight chapters. In the first chapter, the subject is adequately introduced. Various types of aquaculture practices followed, development and status of Indian aquaculture, present status of freshwater pravm culture, BF T and its use for the sustainable aquaculture systems, theory of BFT based aquaculture practices, hypothesis, objective and outline of the thesis are described. An extensive review of literature on studies carried out so far on biofloc based aquaculture are given in chapter 2. The third chapter deals with the application of BFT in the primary nursery phase of freshwater prawn. Several workers suggested the need for an intermediate nursery phase in the culture system of freshwater prawn for the successful production. Thirty day experiment was conducted to study the effect of BFT on the water quality, and animal welfare under the various stocking densities. The study concluded that stocking finfishes in biofloc-based monoculture system of freshwater prawns has the potential of increasing total yield. Prawns having a higher commercial value than finfishes besides ensuring economic sustainability. Results showed that prawn yield and survival was better in catla dominated tanks. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended to incorporate 25% rohu and 75% catla in the biofloc-based culture system of giant freshwater prawns. The results of the present study also recommend to stock relatively larger catla for biofloc-based culture system. Fish production was also higher in the 100% catla tank. When catla was added in higher percentages it should ensured that the hiding objects in the culture ponds shall be used in order to reduce the chance of cannibalism among prawns. rohu and catla equally have the ability to harvest the biofloc, catla consumes the planktonic contributes in the floc whereas rohu grazed on the bacterial consortium suspended in the water column. In Chapter 8, recommendations and future research perspectives in the field of biofloc based aquaculture is presented.
Cochin, commercial capital of Kerala, located on the west-coast of South India has a large number of chemical and sea food industries. Earlier studies in the past indicated that these industries contribute to heavy metal pollution, particularly mercury, copper, and cadmium, in Cochin backwater. Hence, in the present study, it was desired to isolate cadmium resistant bacteria from effluent discharged by chemical industry with a view to develop an ideal bioremediation process for safe discharge of industrial effluent in to the nearby aquatic environment. Effluent from three industries, located in the industrial belt of Cochin, were collected from the discharge point and cadmium resistant bacteria were screened using standard microbiological techniques
The vast areas of derelict swamps covered by macrophyton and swarmed by insects scattered in different parts of India are at present either under total negligence or utilized as waste disposal dumps. Eventhough Indian subcontinent is ranked among the first ten fish producing countries in the world, the fish production is not at par with the increasing need of protein in the average Indian diet. So the water areas which become unusable for conventional human activities like the swamps could be used for fish culture which would increase the availability of protein in the form of fish flesh, thus providing new opportunities to the fishermen. But the conversion of swamps for fish culture would entail considerable expenditure. Hence the significance of a group of fresh water fishes which have made their favourable abode the muddy swamps of tropics depending partly on accessory _respiration to survive in the inimical environment. The homeostasis achieved in such a hostile, hypoxic medium make them excellent choices for culture in the derelict freshwater bodies of India. These air breathing fishes form an economically important group which are highly esteemed as food fishes in many parts of South Asia and Africa. Though their natural habitat seems to be the marshes, they have also conquered other freshwater bodies like ponds, tanks, rivers and flooded paddy fields. They can also tolerate slightly brackish waters. They are known for their nutritive, invigorating and therapeutic qualities and are recommended by physicians as diet during convalescence (Jhingran, 1982)
The main objective of the present work is to acquire information regarding the growth responses of P. monodon larvae (from PZ1 upto PL1) to various mono specific and mixed diets. Evaluate the nutritional quality of selected species of micro algae viz. Chaetoceros calcitrans, Dunaliella salina, Isochrysis galbana and Nannochloropsis salina, larvae at three cell concentrations 10x104 cells/ml, 25x104 cells/ml and 50x104 cells/ml. The P. monodon larvae were transported, at the Nauplius stage, to the laboratory. The larvae were stocked at density of 150 larvae per litre in 5 litre FRP tanks with 3 litres of sea water. The algal cell density given to the larvae varied. The larval stages were fed with increasing densities of algae to evaluate the relationship between the food densities, ingestion rates, development and growth of the larvae. The water quality parameters, the percentage of survival rate, the growth estimation and the algal cell count were done. Each experiment was carried out in triplicate with a control group of larvae fed with Chaetoceros calcitrans. For the estimation standard procedures were used.to P. monodon
Water quality of rooftop-collected rainwater is an issue of increased interest particularly in developing countries where the collected water is used as a source of drinking water. Bacteriological and chemical parameters of 25 samples of rooftop-harvested rainwater stored in ferrocement tanks were analyzed in the study described in this article. Except for the pH and lower dissolved oxygen levels, all other physicochemical parameters were within World Health Organization guidelines. Bacteriological results revealed that the rooftop-harvested rainwater stored in tanks does not often meet the bacteriological quality standards prescribed for drinking water. Fifty percent of samples of harvested rainwater for rural and urban community use and 20% of the samples for individual household use showed the presence of E. coli. Fecal coliform/fecal streptococci ratios revealed nonhuman animal sources of fecal pollution. Risk assessment of bacterial isolates from the harvested rainwater showed high resistance to ampicillin, erythromycin, penicillin, and vancomycin. Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indexing of the isolates and elucidation of the resistance patterns revealed that 73% of the isolates exhibited MAR
The thesis deals with the prevalence and distribution of motile aeromonads in selected ornamental fishes. The presence of motile aeromonads in ornamental fishes and associated carriage water is well documented. Though aeromonads are a part of autochthonous flora of natural waters, disease outbreak occurs as a result of environmental stress on the cultured species and virulence of the pathogens. While ornamental aquaculture in many parts of the world is highly organized and practiced scientifically, it is highly unorganized in India. The culture ponds/tanks are often maintained in very poor manner and the fishes are subjected to high degree of stress during transportation from the production facility to retail vendors. The situation is no better at retail outlets, where fishes are maintained in crowded condition without proper aeration or food. All these could result in high prevalence of diseases caused by motile aeromonads. No systematic study has been carried out to understand the prevalence of motile aeromonads in ornamental fishes and carriage water . It also gives an account of the production of extracellular virulence factors and the antibiogram of the different species of motile aeromonads isolated. The growth characteristics and virulence potential of a representative strain of Aeromonas hydrophila is also studied. The nucleotide sequencing of the strain was carried out and sequences deposited in Genbank. Survival and immune response of Cyprinus carpio under different stress conditions and on probiotic treatment with Bacillus NL110, when challenged with A. hydrophila is also dealt within this thesis.