1000 resultados para eficiência semiforte
Foram otimizados os protocolos de micropropagação das cultivares de abacaxizeiro 'Vitória' e 'IAC Fantástico', bem como as respostas fotossintéticas e de crescimento destes genótipos à alteração do ambiente de cultivo in vitro. Para as duas cultivares, os tratamentos foram dispostos em DIC, com seis repetições e cinco plantas por repetição, em um esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas, constituídas de qualidade de luz (branca e vermelha), tipo de frasco de cultivo (fechado e ventilado) e concentração de sacarose no meio de cultivo (15 e 30 g L-1). A avaliação foi feita após 40 dias de cultivo in vitro. Nas condições deste estudo, não houve assimilação fotossintética do carbono. Essa não assimilação foi associada ao comprometimento bioquímico e sem comprometimento na eficiência fotoquímica. A presença da sacarose pode ser considerada o fator responsável pela não assimilação do CO2. Em comparação à cv. IAC Fantástico, a cv. Vitória apresentou maior crescimento devido à maior absorção de carbono via sacarose adicionada ao meio de cultivo.
O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito dos herbicidas diuron, ametryn e sulfentrazone, e da associação micorrízica na eficiência quântica do fotossistema II de mudas de abacaxizeiro 'Imperial'. Foi utilizado o esquema de parcela subdividida, tendo na parcela o fatorial 2 x 4, sendo dois tipos de mudas: inoculadas com P. indica e sem inoculação, e quatro doses de herbicidas: 0; 1,5; 3,0 e 6,0 L ha-1 para o ametryn, 0; 1,6; 3,2 e 6,4 L ha-1 para o diuron e 0; 0,4; 0,8 e 1,6 L ha-1 para o sulfentrazone, e na subparcela as épocas de avaliação, distribuídos no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. Os herbicidas foram aplicados ao substrato antes do plantio das mudas. A inoculação com o fungo P. indica foi feita no momento do plantio. A avaliação da eficiência quântica foi feita por meio da razão de fluorescência da clorofila a (Fv/Fm), determinada aos 60; 90 e 120 dias após o plantio das mudas, obtendo-se a fluorescência inicial, máxima, e variável. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e regressão polinomial. O herbicida ametryn não comprometeu a eficiência do fotossistema II das mudas de abacaxizeiro inoculadas com o fungo P. indica. A inoculação com fungo P. indica aumentou a eficiência do fotossistema II das mudas. A aplicação dos herbicidas diuron e sulfentrazone em doses elevadas reduziu a eficiência do fotossistema II de mudas de abacaxizeiro 'Imperial' não inoculadas com o fungo P. indica.
L"aigua és un recurs natural que té la capacitat de satisfer tot un conjunt de funcions de caire econòmic,social i ambiental. Si tenim en compte la seva dimensió econòmica, l"aigua, com qualsevol altre bé, té un valor per als consumidors que depèn del grau de benestar i satisfacció que n"obtinguin d"utilitzar- la. Tanmateix, determinar quin és aquest valor és una tasca complexa, fonamentalment per dos motius. D"una banda, els consumidors utilitzen l"aigua amb diverses finalitats i, per tant, el valor atorgat no és el mateix en cada tipus d"ús (agricultura,generació d"energia elèctrica, domèstic, industrial,oci). D"altra banda, en no existir un mercat de l"aigua pròpiament dit, cal aplicar una sèrie de mètodes indirectes per estimar-ne el valor en cadascun dels usos finals alternatius, la qual cosa comporta unes dificultats tècniques i d"informació estadística considerables.
Rhynchophorol (6-Methyl-2-hepten-4-ol) is the major constituent of the aggregation pheromone of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), which is released by males of this species. The racemic mixture has been produced in one step-simplified preparation. The pheromone is placed into ampoules and furnished to coconut farmers. In the field, traps baited with Rhynchophorol and pieces of sugarcane attract both males and females, reducing the population of R. palmarum. The best conditions for field application are showed.
Particles of porous silica or other solvent resistent inorganic oxides can be functionalized by aliphatic (e.g., C-8 or C-18) or other groups to give stationary phases for use in reversed phase HPLC. The functionalization can be done by bonding of individual groups to the surface of the support particles, by producing an organic polymeric film from pre-polymers, or by adsorbing/immobilizing pre-formed polymers on the surfaces. These three types of functionalization are reviewed.
The effects of 60Co ionizing radiations in doses of 0, 75, 100, 150, 200 and 250Gy on garlic, upon the alpha-tocopherol concentration were studied. The alpha-tocopherol contents were established by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), after direct hexane extraction from the garlic samples. The alpha-tocopherol was determined through normal-phase column, and mobile phase was composed by hexane: iso-propyl alcohol (99:01 v/v), with 2mL/min flow rate and fluorescence detector. It is statistically shown that an irradiation dose of up to 150 Gy does not affect the garlic alpha-tocopherol content.
Synthetic dyes were determined by high performance liquid chromatography in 76 samples of regular jelly and diet jelly powders, of several flavors produced by seven different manufacturers. Three sample of each product, from different batches, were analyzed. The same qualitative composition was observed for products of the same flavor from different manufacturers, but the quantitative composition varied markedly from one manufacturer to the other. There were no or few significant differences between batches from a given manufacturer, demonstrating good quality control in the use of these additives by the food industry. None of the samples exceeded the limit stipulated by Brazilian legislation.
Rutheniumporphyrins, especially with several nitro groups in b-positions, were used in the cyclohexane oxidation in the presence of iodosylbenzene, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite as oxygen donors, under mild conditions. The beta-polynitrated complexes were able to promote the catalytic cyclohexane oxidation. They show an exceptionally high catalytic efficiency and resistance to attack by strong oxidizing agents. The cyclohexane oxidation was monitored by gas chromatography and the results showed that the beta-polynitrated rutheniumporphyrins are better catalysts when compared to other complexes not beta-polynitrated. In all cases, the 2-phenylsubstituted complexes were more efficient than 4-phenylsubstituted complexes. The importance of the ortho effect to oxidation was shown.
The present work reviews recent advances in the preparation of new reversed phase packing materials such as sterically protected, bidentate, hybrid organic-inorganic and monolithic phases and phases containing embedded polar groups. The bonding chemistry involved in the preparation of these phases as well as their advantages over conventional C8 and C18 reversed phases are discussed. Understanding the reasons behind the development of these newer column packings helps analysts select the best stationary phase for a given application.
Nickel, palladium and platinum micro-crystals were dispersed in films covering a vitreous carbon plate electrode by ion exchange followed by electroreduction of their ions. These modified electrodes were used in the electrocatalytic hydrogenation of several substrates of different classes and their efficiency is reported. A comparison among them was performed based on the structural characteristics of the metals. A modified electrode containing platinum showed to be more efficient than a palladium modified electrode and the one of nickel was the less efficient.
The demand for analytical methods suitable for accurate and reproducible determination of drug enantiomers has increased significantly in the last years. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using chiral stationary phases and capillary electrophoresis (CE) are the most important techniques used for this purpose. In this paper, the fundamental aspects of chiral separations using both techniques are presented. Some important aspects for the development of enantioselective methods, particularly for the analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological samples, are also discussed.
A new solid phase microextraction (SPME) system, known as in-tube SPME, was recently developed using an open tubular fused-silica capilary column, instead of an SPME fiber, as the SPME device. On-line in-tube SPME is usually used in combination with high performance liquid chromatography. Drugs in biological samples are directly extracted and concentrated in the stationary phase of capillary columns by repeated draw/eject cycles of sample solution, and then directly transferred to the liquid chromatographic column. In-tube SPME is suitable for automation. Automated sample handling procedures not only shorten the total analysis time, but also usually provide better accuracy and precision relative to manual techniques. In-tube SPME has been demonstrated to be a very effective and highly sensitive technique to determine drugs in biological samples for various purposes such as therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical toxicology, bioavailability and pharmacokinetics.
This paper discusses the results obtained with homogeneous catalytic ozonation [Mn (II) and Cu (II)] in phenol degradation. The reduction of total phenols and total organic carbon (TOC) and the ozone consumption were evaluated. The efficiency in phenol degradation (total phenol removal) at pH 3, with the catalytic process (Mn (II)), increased from 37% to 55% while the TOC removal increased from 4 to 63% in a seven-minute treatment. The ozonation process efficiency at pH 10 was 43% and 39% for phenol and TOC removal, respectively. The presence of both metallic ions (Mn2+ and Cu+2) in the ozonation process resulted in a positive effect.
A high performance liquid chromatography method was developed to quantify lamivudine, stavudine and nevirapine combined in tablets. The separation was carried out in less than 10 min using a phosphate buffer of pH 3.0 and acetonitrile (75:25, v/v) as mobile phase, a LiChrospher ODS column and UV detection at 266 nm. The method was linear over the range of 15-135 µg/mL (lamivudine), 4-36 µg/mL (stavudine) and 20-180 µg/mL (nevirapine). The accuracy ranged from 98.56 to 102.04% and intra-day and inter-day precision was less than 1% for the three drugs. The method showed robustness, remaining unaffected by deliberate variations in relevant parameters.
A reverse phase liquid chromatography method was developed for simultaneous determination of trigonelline, caffeine, nicotinic and chlorogenic (5-CQA) acids in roasted coffee. A gradient of acetic acid/acetonitrile was used as mobile phase and detection was carried out in the UV. The samples were extracted with acetonitrile/water (5:95 v/v) at 80 ºC/10 min. Good recovery (89 to 104%), repeatability and linearity were obtained. Detection limits of 0.01, 0.15, 0.04 and 0.04 mg mL-1 were observed for nicotinic acid, trigonelline, 5-CQA and caffeine. The method, applied to arabica and robusta coffees with different degrees of roasting, was efficient and fast (~35 min) and also allowed identification of cinnamic acids.