913 resultados para divergent diagram of folds


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Foram utilizadas doze codornas domésticas, divididas em três grupos de quatro aves cada. As aves receberam rações padronizadas contendo 16%, 20% e 24% de proteína, sendo alimentadas por um período de quinze semanas, quando foram pesadas e sacrificadas imediatamente. Após a abertura da cavidade abdominal e evisceração do trato gastrointestinal, os ovários e ovidutos foram dissecados e pesados. Com o auxílio de um paquímetro mediu-se o comprimento das partes do oviduto: infundíbulo, magno, istmo, útero e vagina e avaliou-se o número de pregas do magno e do istmo. Foram realizados cortes histológicos do magno, istmo e útero onde se obteve medidas das espessuras das camadas epitelial e glandular. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância (ANOVA) e observou-se que não houve diferenças significativas no peso corporal, peso do ovário, do oviduto e nos comprimentos das partes do oviduto bem como no número de pregas do magno e ístmo. Verificou-se diferenças significavas na espessura da camada epitelial do istmo de aves alimentadas com 20% de proteína na ração. Além disso, houve diferenças significativas na espessura da camada glandular do magno, istmo e útero das aves alimentadas com 24% de proteína na ração em relação às aves que receberam 16% e 20% de proteína. O nível de 24% de proteína aumentou a espessura da camada glandular do magno, ístmo e útero o que poderia resultar em melhoria no peso dos ovos e na espessura da casca.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The great majority of analytical models for extragalactic radio sources suppose self-similarity and can be classified into three types: I, II and III. We have developed a model that represents a generalization of most models found in the literature and showed that these three types are particular cases. The model assumes that the area of the head of the jet varies with the jet size according to a power law and the jet luminosity is a function of time. As it is usually done, the basic hypothesis is that there is an equilibrium between the pressure exerted both by the head of the jet and the cocoon walls and the ram pressure of the ambient medium. The equilibrium equations and energy conservation equation allow us to express the size and width of the source and the pressure in the cocoon as a power law and find the respective exponents. All these assumptions can be used to calculate the evolution of the source size, width and radio luminosity. This can then be compared with the observed width-size relation for radio lobes and the power-size (P-D) diagram of both compact (GPS and CSS) and extended sources from the 3CR catalogue. In this work we introduce two important improvement as compared with a previous work: (1)We have put together a larger sample of both compact and extended radio sources


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The discovery of a new monoclinic phase in the PbZr1-xTixO3 (PZT) system in the vicinity of the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), previously considered as a region where the rhombohedral and tetragonal phases of PZT coexist, was recently reported. Investigations of this new phase were reported using different techniques such as high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The main objective has been to define a new phase diagram of PZT. In this context, infrared spectroscopic studies were performed in the vicinity of the MPB and studies were initially centred on a PZT sample with x = 0.49 mol% Ti content. Results suggested that the monoclinic --> tetragonal phase transition occurs at 237 K, confirming the use of IR as a useful technique to investigate this phase transition.


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O diagrama do signo, quando aplicado no entendimento da ciência, dá lugar a uma correlação original entre abdução, dedução e indução. A união da abdução e da dedução consiste numa Forma geral de possibilidade lógica. Enquanto que a indução estabelece, no decorrer da experiência, a razão de freqüência no universo dos fatos das conseqüências previstas na representação geral. Como uma construção formal, a ciência enquanto semiótica sustenta-se, mesmo tendo por objeto um universo do puro acaso. Todavia, no interior do conjunto total do sistema filosófico de Peirce, a ciência só adquire significado se corresponder à realidade da Natureza. A garantia desta correspondência estatisticamente relevante seria o fato de o instinto humano pertencer ao mesmo estágio de evolução do universo todo.


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The geological modeling allows, at laboratory scaling, the simulation of the geometric and kinematic evolution of geological structures. The importance of the knowledge of these structures grows when we consider their role in the creation of traps or conduits to oil and water. In the present work we simulated the formation of folds and faults in extensional environment, through physical and numerical modeling, using a sandbox apparatus and MOVE2010 software. The physical modeling of structures developed in the hangingwall of a listric fault, showed the formation of active and inactive axial zones. In consonance with the literature, we verified the formation of a rollover between these two axial zones. The crestal collapse of the anticline formed grabens, limited by secondary faults, perpendicular to the extension, with a curvilinear aspect. Adjacent to these faults we registered the formation of transversal folds, parallel to the extension, characterized by a syncline in the fault hangingwall. We also observed drag folds near the faults surfaces, these faults are parallel to the fault surface and presented an anticline in the footwall and a syncline hangingwall. To observe the influence of geometrical variations (dip and width) in the flat of a flat-ramp fault, we made two experimental series, being the first with the flat varying in dip and width and the second maintaining the flat variation in width but horizontal. These experiments developed secondary faults, perpendicular to the extension, that were grouped in three sets: i) antithetic faults with a curvilinear geometry and synthetic faults, with a more rectilinear geometry, both nucleated in the base of sedimentary pile. The normal antithetic faults can rotate, during the extension, presenting a pseudo-inverse kinematics. ii) Faults nucleated at the top of the sedimentary pile. The propagation of these faults is made through coalescence of segments, originating, sometimes, the formation of relay ramps. iii) Reverse faults, are nucleated in the flat-ramp interface. Comparing the two models we verified that the dip of the flat favors a differentiated nucleation of the faults at the two extremities of the mater fault. V These two flat-ramp models also generated an anticline-syncline pair, drag and transversal folds. The anticline was formed above the flat being sub-parallel to the master fault plane, while the syncline was formed in more distal areas of the fault. Due the geometrical variation of these two folds we can define three structural domains. Using the physical experiments as a template, we also made numerical modeling experiments, with flat-ramp faults presenting variation in the flat. Secondary antithetic, synthetic and reverse faults were generated in both models. The numerical modeling formed two folds, and anticline above the flat and a syncline further away of the master fault. The geometric variation of these two folds allowed the definition of three structural domains parallel to the extension. These data reinforce the physical models. The comparisons between natural data of a flat-ramp fault in the Potiguar basin with the data of physical and numerical simulations, showed that, in both cases, the variation of the geometry of the flat produces, variation in the hangingwall geometry


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Para este estudo, quinze papilas de fêmeas de búfalos e uma de fêmea bovina foram obtidas no matadouro. Estudos macro e microscópico foram realizados por meio de diferentes técnicas: morfológica, histológica e análises, biométrica, histométrica e mesoscópica. As médias foram: papila cranial direita (PCD) 20,95g; papila caudal direita (PCaD) 21,49g; papila cranial esquerda (PCE) 23,52g; papila caudal esquerda (PCaE) 21,35g. O comprimento médio do ducto papilar, do número de pregas e do comprimento das cisternas papilares foi respectivamente: 0,67/5,5 e 2,17cm para a PCD; 0,62/6,0 e 2,26cm para a PCaD; e para o antímero esquerdo, PCD: 0,71/6,0 e 2,26cm e para PCaD: 0,74/5,7 e 2,57cm. A análise de Pearson revelou uma correlação negativa entre o peso do corpo e o peso da glândula mamária. Foi feita a amostragem das três áreas proximal, média e distal e estas foram fixadas em formaldeído a 10%, seguindo-se a investigação mesoscópica em amostras de espessuras de 10, 20 e 40µm coradas pelas técnicas Azan, F3BA Picrosirus e Weigert - Van Gieson. As análises histológicas e morfométricas foram feitas em amostras de 5µm de espessura o que mostrou que a camada muscular estava disposta em dois arranjos, interna circular e externa longitudinal com epitélio cubóide bi-estratificado. A camada muscular bem desenvolvida estava relacionada com a porção média revelando uma espessura de 22,90mm com uma grande quantidade de tecido conectivo (7,10mm).


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O descarte indevido de resíduos industriais no solo tem causado danos ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. A identificação e o diagnóstico de áreas contaminadas é um procedimento necessário afim de que seja possível tomar medidas de contenção da fonte poluidora e posterior remediação. As técnicas geofísicas podem auxiliar na caracterização do meio geológico, definição das dimensões da pluma de contaminação, seleção de pontos para locação de poços de monitoramento e de bombeamento. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação do método Eletromagnético Indutivo em uma área industrial contaminada por benzeno, tolueno, xileno (BTX) e dicloroetano. Os resultados indicam dois padrões de migração dos contaminantes em subsuperfície. Uma tendência de migração no plano horizontal até o nível de 15 m de profundidade e uma tendência de migração no plano vertical entre 15 e 60 m de profundidade. As tendências de migração divergentes estão condicionadas a densidade dos compostos que constituem a pluma de contaminação, ou seja, um intervalo LNAPL sobrenadante (BTX), sobreposto a um intervalo DNAPL (1,2 dicloroetano).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A robust 12 kW rectifier with low THD in the line currents, based on an 18-pulse transformer arrangement with reduced kVA capacities followed by a high-frequency isolation stage is presented in this work. Three full-bridge (buck-based) converters are used to allow galvanic isolation and to balance the dc-link currents, without current sensing or current controller. The topology provides a regulated dc output with a very simple and well-known control strategy and natural three-phase power factor correction. The phase-shift PWM technique, with zero-voltage switching is used for the high-frequency dc-dc stage. Analytical results from Fourier analysis of winding currents and the vector diagram of winding voltages are presented. Experimental results from a 12 kW prototype are shown in the paper to verify the efficiency, robustness and simplicity of the command circuitry to the proposed concept.


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We present the zero-temperature phase diagram of the one-dimensional t(2g)-orbital Hubbard model, obtained using the density-matrix renormalization group and Lanczos techniques. Emphasis is given to the case of the electron density n=5 corresponding to five electrons per site, while several other cases for electron densities between n=3 and 6 are also studied. At n=5, our results indicate a first-order transition between a paramagnetic (PM) insulator phase, with power-law slowly decaying correlations, and a fully polarized ferromagnetic (FM) state by tuning the Hund's coupling. The results also suggest a transition from the n=5 PM insulator phase to a metallic regime by changing the electron density, either via hole or electron doping. The behavior of the spin, charge, and orbital correlation functions in the FM and PM states are also described in the text and discussed. The robustness of these two states against varying parameters suggests that they may be of relevance in quasi-one-dimensional Co-oxide materials, or even in higher dimensional cobaltite systems as well.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents a new high power factor three-phase rectifier based on a Y-connected differential autotransformer with reduced kVA and 18-pulse input current followed by three DC-DC boost converters. The topology provides a regulated output voltage and natural three-phase input power factor correction. The lowest input current harmonic components are the 17th and the 19th. Three boost converters, with constant input currents and regulated parallel connected output voltages are used to process 4kW each one. Analytical results from Fourier analyses of winding currents and the vector diagram of winding voltages are presented. Simulation results to verify the proposed concept and experimental results are shown in the paper.