411 resultados para diamondback moth (DBM)


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The Janzen–Connell hypothesis proposes that specialized herbivores maintain high numbers of tree species in tropical forests by restricting adult recruitment so that host populations remain at low densities. We tested this prediction for the large timber tree species, Swietenia macrophylla, whose seeds and seedlings are preyed upon by small mammals and a host-specific moth caterpillar Steniscadia poliophaea, respectively. At a primary forest site, experimental seed additions to gaps – canopy-disturbed areas that enhance seedling growth into saplings – over three years revealed lower survival and seedling recruitment closer to conspecific trees and in higher basal area neighborhoods, as well as reduced subsequent seedling survival and height growth. When we included these Janzen–Connell effects in a spatially explicit individual-based population model, the caterpillar's impact was critical to limiting Swietenia's adult tree density, with a > 10-fold reduction estimated at 300 years. Our research demonstrates the crucial but oft-ignored linkage between Janzen–Connell effects on offspring and population-level consequences for a long-lived, potentially dominant tree species.


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The European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) is a pioneer, very long-lived, fast-growing coniferous tree, which occurs in the central and eastern mountains of Europe, forming open forests or pasture woods at the upper tree limits. Larch is the only deciduous conifer in Europe as an adaptation to continental alpine climates. In fact, it is able to tolerate very cold temperatures during winter and, by losing its needles, avoids foliage desiccation. It is a transitional species, colonising open terrain after natural disturbances. It forms pure stands but more often it is found with other alpine tree species, which tend to replace it if no other disturbances occur. Thanks to its adaptability and the durability of its wood, the European larch represents an important silvicultural tree species in the alpine regions, planted even outside its natural ranges. Its wood is largely used for carpentry, furniture and pulp for paper. In lower altitudes or with high precipitation rates, larch is more susceptible to fungal diseases. Outbreaks of insect defoliators, principally caused by the larch bud moth (Zeiraphera diniana), can limit tree development, with economic losses in plantations, but they rarely lead to the death of the trees.


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Grapholita molesta (Busck) es considerada plaga principal del duraznero en Mendoza. Sus larvas han sido criadas, en condiciones de laboratorio, con dietas naturales por diversos autores. Los objetivos fueron: 1. poner a punto la cría artificial de la especie; 2. diseñar una jaula para el apareamiento y la oviposición de los adultos; 3. evaluar la eficiencia de la jaula y la dieta larvaria mediante grados día, ciclo biológico, peso de pupas, recuperación de huevoadulto, fecundidad, viabilidad y longevidad. La cría artificial de una especie constituye una herramienta para profundizar sus conocimientos bioetoecológicos y, en consecuencia, aplicarlos en su control. En 1996 se fundó una cría con larvas salvajes alimentadas con manzanas verdes pequeñas del cv. Granny Smith. Los adultos se desarrollaron en una jaula especialmente diseñada. En el ciclo biológico, la recuperación huevo-adulto y la fecundidad se obtuvieron valores superiores a los citados por otros autores pero no ocurrió lo mismo con las otras variables. La cría artificial de Grapholita molesta (Busck) se logró desarrollar por 37 generaciones y la alta fecundidad obtenida es una clave fundamental en el éxito de su mantenimiento.


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La aplicación de insecticidas sintéticos como principal sistema de control de plagas de granos y productos almacenados ha originado el desarrollo de poblaciones de insectos resistentes a dichos químicos, la contaminación del medio ambiente y la acumulación de sustancias tóxicas en los alimentos. En este trabajo se evaluaron los efectos de la aplicación de molido de hojas de ricino sobre larvas de la «polilla de las harinas» (Lepidoptera: Phycitinae). Los molidos vegetales se obtuvieron a partir de hojas de Ricinus communis L. secadas en estufa a 40 ± 2 °C durante 48 horas y posteriormente molidas hasta lograr un polvo de textura similar a la harina de maíz, material con el que se mezcló a fin de lograr concentraciones de 5, 10 y 15 % y un testigo sin ricino. Las unidades experimentales consistieron en cajas de Petri con seis larvas de primer y segundo estadio y se efectuaron cinco repeticiones por tratamiento (n=120). Se registró el número de larvas, pupas y adultos vivos, cada cuatro días, hasta que las larvas sobrevivientes llegaron al estado adulto. Se calcularon los porcentajes de eficacia mediante la fórmula de Abbott. Los resultados se evaluaron por ANVA y test de Tukey. Se determinaron el tiempo efectivo medio (TE50) y concentración efectiva media (CE50) por el método Probit. Los resultados de mortalidad indicaron que la concentración al 15 % superó significativamente al resto de los tratamientos y al testigo.


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The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) Version 1.0 is a new digital bathymetric model (DBM) portraying the seafloor of the circum-Antarctic waters south of 60° S. IBCSO is a regional mapping project of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). IBCSO Version 1.0 DBM has been compiled from all available bathymetric data collectively gathered by more than 30 institutions from 15 countries. These data include multibeam and single beam echo soundings, digitized depths from nautical charts, regional bathymetric gridded compilations, and predicted bathymetry. Specific gridding techniques were applied to compile the DBM from the bathymetric data of different origin, spatial distribution, resolution, and quality. The IBCSO Version 1.0 DBM has a resolution of 500 x 500 m, based on a polar stereographic projection, and is publicly available together with a digital chart for printing from the project website (http://www.ibcso.org) and from the two data sets shown at the bottom of this page.


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In subarctic Sweden, recent decadal colonization and expansion of aspen (Populus tremula L.) were recorded. Over the past 100 years, aspen became c. 16 times more abundant, mainly as a result of increased sexual regeneration. Moreover, aspen now reach tree-size (>2 m) at the alpine treeline, an ecotone that has been dominated by mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) for at least the past 4000 years. We found that sexual regeneration in aspen probably occurred seven times or more within the last century. Whereas sexual regeneration occurred during moist years following a year with an exceptionally high June-July temperature, asexual regeneration was favored by warm and dry summers. Disturbance to the birch forest by cyclic moth population outbreaks was critical in aspen establishment in the subalpine area. At the treeline, aspen colonization was less determined by these moth outbreaks, and was mainly restricted by summer temperature. If summer warming persists, aspen spread may continue in subarctic Sweden, particularly at the treeline. However, changing disturbance regimes, future herbivore population dynamics and the responses of aspen's competitors birch and pine to a changing climate may result in different outcomes.


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Pesticide applications are still one of the most common control methods against the main olive grove pests and diseases: the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), the olive moth, Prays oleae (Bernard), the black scale, Saissetia oleae (Olivier), and the olive leaf spot, caused by the fungus Spilocaea oleagina Fries. However, and because the new pesticide legislation is aimed at an integrated pest and disease management, it is still important to evaluate and to know the ecotoxicology of pesticides on the natural enemies of the different agrosystems. A part of this work has been focusses on evaluating the direct and indirect effects of kaolin particle films and two copper-based products (Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride) through different laboratory, extended laboratory and semi-field experiments. Two natural enemies have been chosen: Psyttalia concolor (Szèpligeti), a parasitoid of the olive fruit fly, and Chilocorus nigritus (F.), predator of Diaspididae. This predator has been used instead of C. bipustulatus (L.), which is the species found in olive orchards. Kaolin mainly acts as a repellent of insects and/or as an oviposition deterrent. It is used in olive groves to control the olive fruit fly and the olive moth. Copper is applied against fungal and bacterial diseases. In olive groves it is used against the olive leaf spot and other diseases. No statistical differences were found in any of the experiments performed, compared to the controls, except when the oral toxicity of the products was evaluated on P. concolor females. In this case, kaolin and copper oxychloride caused a higher mortality 72 hours after the treatments, and both kaolin and the two copper formulations decreased females’ life span. Reproductive parameters were only negatively affected when kaolin was ingested. Apart from these experiments, due to the uncommon mode of action of kaolin, two extra experiments were carried out: a dual choice and a no-choice experiment. In this case, both P. concolor females and C. nigritus adults showed a clear preference for the untreated surfaces when they had the possibility of choosing between a treated surface and an untreated one. When there was no choice, no statistical differences were found between the treatments and the controls. Furthermore, the efficacy and the selectivity of three insect growth regulators (methoxyfenozide, tebufenozide and RH-5849) on B. oleae and P. concolor, respectively, have also been evaluated. In addition to laboratory experiments to evaluate the toxicity of the insecticides, also molecular approaches were used. RNA of both insects was isolated. cDNA was subsequently synthesized and the complete sequences of the ligand biding domain (LBD) of the ecdysone receptor of each insect were then determined. Afterwards the three dimensional structures of both LBDs were constructed. Finally, the docking of the insecticide molecules in the cavity delineated by the 12 α-helix that composed the LBD was performed. Both toxicity assays and molecular docking approaches showed that either methoxyfenozide or tebufenozide had no negative effects nor on B. oleae nor on P. concolor. In contrast, RH-5849 had no deleterious effect to the parasitoid but decreased olive fruit fly adults’ life span, especially when they were in contact with the fresh residue of the insecticide applied on a glass surface. The docking study of RH-5849 molecule has shown a very light hindrance with the wall of the LBD pocket. This means that this molecule could more or less adjust in the cavity. Thus, searching of new insecticides for controlling the olive fruit fly could be based on the basic lead structure of RH-5849 molecule.


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Esta tesis está incluida dentro del campo del campo de Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Ultra Wideband (MB-OFDM UWB), el cual ha adquirido una gran importancia en las comunicaciones inalámbricas de alta tasa de datos en la última década. UWB surgió con el objetivo de satisfacer la creciente demanda de conexiones inalámbricas en interiores y de uso doméstico, con bajo coste y alta velocidad. La disponibilidad de un ancho de banda grande, el potencial para alta velocidad de transmisión, baja complejidad y bajo consumo de energía, unido al bajo coste de implementación, representa una oportunidad única para que UWB se convierta en una solución ampliamente utilizada en aplicaciones de Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). UWB está definido como cualquier transmisión que ocupa un ancho de banda de más de 20% de su frecuencia central, o más de 500 MHz. En 2002, la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) definió que el rango de frecuencias de transmisión de UWB legal es de 3.1 a 10.6 GHz, con una energía de transmisión de -41.3 dBm/Hz. Bajo las directrices de FCC, el uso de la tecnología UWB puede aportar una enorme capacidad en las comunicaciones de corto alcance. Considerando las ecuaciones de capacidad de Shannon, incrementar la capacidad del canal requiere un incremento lineal en el ancho de banda, mientras que un aumento similar de la capacidad de canal requiere un aumento exponencial en la energía de transmisión. En los últimos años, s diferentes desarrollos del UWB han sido extensamente estudiados en diferentes áreas, entre los cuales, el protocolo de comunicaciones inalámbricas MB-OFDM UWB está considerado como la mejor elección y ha sido adoptado como estándar ISO/IEC para los WPANs. Combinando la modulación OFDM y la transmisión de datos utilizando las técnicas de salto de frecuencia, el sistema MB-OFDM UWB es capaz de soportar tasas de datos con que pueden variar de los 55 a los 480 Mbps, alcanzando una distancia máxima de hasta 10 metros. Se esperara que la tecnología MB-OFDM tenga un consumo energético muy bajo copando un are muy reducida en silicio, proporcionando soluciones de bajo coste que satisfagan las demandas del mercado. Para cumplir con todas estas expectativas, el desarrollo y la investigación del MBOFDM UWB deben enfrentarse a varios retos, como son la sincronización de alta sensibilidad, las restricciones de baja complejidad, las estrictas limitaciones energéticas, la escalabilidad y la flexibilidad. Tales retos requieren un procesamiento digital de la señal de última generación, capaz de desarrollar sistemas que puedan aprovechar por completo las ventajas del espectro UWB y proporcionar futuras aplicaciones inalámbricas en interiores. Esta tesis se centra en la completa optimización de un sistema de transceptor de banda base MB-OFDM UWB digital, cuyo objetivo es investigar y diseñar un subsistema de comunicación inalámbrica para la aplicación de las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas Visuales. La complejidad inherente de los procesadores FFT/IFFT y el sistema de sincronización así como la alta frecuencia de operación para todos los elementos de procesamiento, se convierten en el cuello de la botella para el diseño y la implementación del sistema de UWB digital en base de banda basado en MB-OFDM de baja energía. El objetivo del transceptor propuesto es conseguir baja energía y baja complejidad bajo la premisa de un alto rendimiento. Las optimizaciones están realizadas tanto a nivel algorítmico como a nivel arquitectural para todos los elementos del sistema. Una arquitectura hardware eficiente en consumo se propone en primer lugar para aquellos módulos correspondientes a núcleos de computación. Para el procesado de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT/IFFT), se propone un algoritmo mixed-radix, basado en una arquitectura con pipeline y se ha desarrollado un módulo de Decodificador de Viterbi (VD) equilibrado en coste-velocidad con el objetivo de reducir el consumo energético e incrementar la velocidad de procesamiento. También se ha implementado un correlador signo-bit simple basado en la sincronización del tiempo de símbolo es presentado. Este correlador es usado para detectar y sincronizar los paquetes de OFDM de forma robusta y precisa. Para el desarrollo de los subsitemas de procesamiento y realizar la integración del sistema completo se han empleado tecnologías de última generación. El dispositivo utilizado para el sistema propuesto es una FPGA Virtex 5 XC5VLX110T del fabricante Xilinx. La validación el propuesta para el sistema transceptor se ha implementado en dicha placa de FPGA. En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo, y una arquitectura, diseñado con filosofía de co-diseño hardware/software para el desarrollo de sistemas de FPGA complejos. El objetivo principal de la estrategia propuesta es de encontrar una metodología eficiente para el diseño de un sistema de FPGA configurable optimizado con el empleo del mínimo esfuerzo posible en el sistema de procedimiento de verificación, por tanto acelerar el periodo de desarrollo del sistema. La metodología de co-diseño presentada tiene la ventaja de ser fácil de usar, contiene todos los pasos desde la propuesta del algoritmo hasta la verificación del hardware, y puede ser ampliamente extendida para casi todos los tipos de desarrollos de FPGAs. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado sólo el sistema de transceptor digital de banda base por lo que la comprobación de señales transmitidas a través del canal inalámbrico en los entornos reales de comunicación sigue requiriendo componentes RF y un front-end analógico. No obstante, utilizando la metodología de co-simulación hardware/software citada anteriormente, es posible comunicar el sistema de transmisor y el receptor digital utilizando los modelos de canales propuestos por IEEE 802.15.3a, implementados en MATLAB. Por tanto, simplemente ajustando las características de cada modelo de canal, por ejemplo, un incremento del retraso y de la frecuencia central, podemos estimar el comportamiento del sistema propuesto en diferentes escenarios y entornos. Las mayores contribuciones de esta tesis son: • Se ha propuesto un nuevo algoritmo 128-puntos base mixto FFT usando la arquitectura pipeline multi-ruta. Los complejos multiplicadores para cada etapa de procesamiento son diseñados usando la arquitectura modificada shiftadd. Los sistemas word length y twiddle word length son comparados y seleccionados basándose en la señal para cuantización del SQNR y el análisis de energías. • El desempeño del procesador IFFT es analizado bajo diferentes situaciones aritméticas de bloques de punto flotante (BFP) para el control de desbordamiento, por tanto, para encontrar la arquitectura perfecta del algoritmo IFFT basado en el procesador FFT propuesto. • Para el sistema de receptor MB-OFDM UWB se ha empleado una sincronización del tiempo innovadora, de baja complejidad y esquema de compensación, que consiste en funciones de Detector de Paquetes (PD) y Estimación del Offset del tiempo. Simplificando el cross-correlation y maximizar las funciones probables solo a sign-bit, la complejidad computacional se ve reducida significativamente. • Se ha propuesto un sistema de decodificadores Viterbi de 64 estados de decisión-débil usando velocidad base-4 de arquitectura suma-comparaselecciona. El algoritmo Two-pointer Even también es introducido en la unidad de rastreador de origen con el objetivo de conseguir la eficiencia en el hardware. • Se han integrado varias tecnologías de última generación en el completo sistema transceptor basebanda , con el objetivo de implementar un sistema de comunicación UWB altamente optimizado. • Un diseño de flujo mejorado es propuesto para el complejo sistema de implementación, el cual puede ser usado para diseños de Cadena de puertas de campo programable general (FPGA). El diseño mencionado no sólo reduce dramáticamente el tiempo para la verificación funcional, sino también provee un análisis automático como los errores del retraso del output para el sistema de hardware implementado. • Un ambiente de comunicación virtual es establecido para la validación del propuesto sistema de transceptores MB-OFDM. Este método es provisto para facilitar el uso y la conveniencia de analizar el sistema digital de basebanda sin parte frontera analógica bajo diferentes ambientes de comunicación. Esta tesis doctoral está organizada en seis capítulos. En el primer capítulo se encuentra una breve introducción al campo del UWB, tanto relacionado con el proyecto como la motivación del desarrollo del sistema de MB-OFDM. En el capítulo 2, se presenta la información general y los requisitos del protocolo de comunicación inalámbrica MBOFDM UWB. En el capítulo 3 se habla de la arquitectura del sistema de transceptor digital MB-OFDM de banda base . El diseño del algoritmo propuesto y la arquitectura para cada elemento del procesamiento está detallado en este capítulo. Los retos de diseño del sistema que involucra un compromiso de discusión entre la complejidad de diseño, el consumo de energía, el coste de hardware, el desempeño del sistema, y otros aspectos. En el capítulo 4, se ha descrito la co-diseñada metodología de hardware/software. Cada parte del flujo del diseño será detallado con algunos ejemplos que se ha hecho durante el desarrollo del sistema. Aprovechando esta estrategia de diseño, el procedimiento de comunicación virtual es llevado a cabo para probar y analizar la arquitectura del transceptor propuesto. Los resultados experimentales de la co-simulación y el informe sintético de la implementación del sistema FPGA son reflejados en el capítulo 5. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6 se incluye las conclusiones y los futuros proyectos, y también los resultados derivados de este proyecto de doctorado. ABSTRACT In recent years, the Wireless Visual Sensor Network (WVSN) has drawn great interest in wireless communication research area. They enable a wealth of new applications such as building security control, image sensing, and target localization. However, nowadays wireless communication protocols (ZigBee, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth for example) cannot fully satisfy the demands of high data rate, low power consumption, short range, and high robustness requirements. New communication protocol is highly desired for such kind of applications. The Ultra Wideband (UWB) wireless communication protocol, which has increased in importance for high data rate wireless communication field, are emerging as an important topic for WVSN research. UWB has emerged as a technology that offers great promise to satisfy the growing demand for low-cost, high-speed digital wireless indoor and home networks. The large bandwidth available, the potential for high data rate transmission, and the potential for low complexity and low power consumption, along with low implementation cost, all present a unique opportunity for UWB to become a widely adopted radio solution for future Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) applications. UWB is defined as any transmission that occupies a bandwidth of more than 20% of its center frequency, or more than 500 MHz. In 2002, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has mandated that UWB radio transmission can legally operate in the range from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz at a transmitter power of -41.3 dBm/Hz. Under the FCC guidelines, the use of UWB technology can provide enormous capacity over short communication ranges. Considering Shannon’s capacity equations, increasing the channel capacity requires linear increasing in bandwidth, whereas similar channel capacity increases would require exponential increases in transmission power. In recent years, several different UWB developments has been widely studied in different area, among which, the MB-OFDM UWB wireless communication protocol is considered to be the leading choice and has recently been adopted in the ISO/IEC standard for WPANs. By combing the OFDM modulation and data transmission using frequency hopping techniques, the MB-OFDM UWB system is able to support various data rates, ranging from 55 to 480 Mbps, over distances up to 10 meters. The MB-OFDM technology is expected to consume very little power and silicon area, as well as provide low-cost solutions that can satisfy consumer market demands. To fulfill these expectations, MB-OFDM UWB research and development have to cope with several challenges, which consist of high-sensitivity synchronization, low- complexity constraints, strict power limitations, scalability, and flexibility. Such challenges require state-of-the-art digital signal processing expertise to develop systems that could fully take advantages of the UWB spectrum and support future indoor wireless applications. This thesis focuses on fully optimization for the MB-OFDM UWB digital baseband transceiver system, aiming at researching and designing a wireless communication subsystem for the Wireless Visual Sensor Networks (WVSNs) application. The inherent high complexity of the FFT/IFFT processor and synchronization system, and high operation frequency for all processing elements, becomes the bottleneck for low power MB-OFDM based UWB digital baseband system hardware design and implementation. The proposed transceiver system targets low power and low complexity under the premise of high performance. Optimizations are made at both algorithm and architecture level for each element of the transceiver system. The low-power hardwareefficient structures are firstly proposed for those core computation modules, i.e., the mixed-radix algorithm based pipelined architecture is proposed for the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT/IFFT) processor, and the cost-speed balanced Viterbi Decoder (VD) module is developed, in the aim of lowering the power consumption and increasing the processing speed. In addition, a low complexity sign-bit correlation based symbol timing synchronization scheme is presented so as to detect and synchronize the OFDM packets robustly and accurately. Moreover, several state-of-the-art technologies are used for developing other processing subsystems and an entire MB-OFDM digital baseband transceiver system is integrated. The target device for the proposed transceiver system is Xilinx Virtex 5 XC5VLX110T FPGA board. In order to validate the proposed transceiver system in the FPGA board, a unified algorithm-architecture-circuit hardware/software co-design environment for complex FPGA system development is presented in this work. The main objective of the proposed strategy is to find an efficient methodology for designing a configurable optimized FPGA system by using as few efforts as possible in system verification procedure, so as to speed up the system development period. The presented co-design methodology has the advantages of easy to use, covering all steps from algorithm proposal to hardware verification, and widely spread for almost all kinds of FPGA developments. Because only the digital baseband transceiver system is developed in this thesis, the validation of transmitting signals through wireless channel in real communication environments still requires the analog front-end and RF components. However, by using the aforementioned hardware/software co-simulation methodology, the transmitter and receiver digital baseband systems get the opportunity to communicate with each other through the channel models, which are proposed from the IEEE 802.15.3a research group, established in MATLAB. Thus, by simply adjust the characteristics of each channel model, e.g. mean excess delay and center frequency, we can estimate the transmission performance of the proposed transceiver system through different communication situations. The main contributions of this thesis are: • A novel mixed radix 128-point FFT algorithm by using multipath pipelined architecture is proposed. The complex multipliers for each processing stage are designed by using modified shift-add architectures. The system wordlength and twiddle word-length are compared and selected based on Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR) and power analysis. • IFFT processor performance is analyzed under different Block Floating Point (BFP) arithmetic situations for overflow control, so as to find out the perfect architecture of IFFT algorithm based on the proposed FFT processor. • An innovative low complex timing synchronization and compensation scheme, which consists of Packet Detector (PD) and Timing Offset Estimation (TOE) functions, for MB-OFDM UWB receiver system is employed. By simplifying the cross-correlation and maximum likelihood functions to signbit only, the computational complexity is significantly reduced. • A 64 state soft-decision Viterbi Decoder system by using high speed radix-4 Add-Compare-Select architecture is proposed. Two-pointer Even algorithm is also introduced into the Trace Back unit in the aim of hardware-efficiency. • Several state-of-the-art technologies are integrated into the complete baseband transceiver system, in the aim of implementing a highly-optimized UWB communication system. • An improved design flow is proposed for complex system implementation which can be used for general Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) designs. The design method not only dramatically reduces the time for functional verification, but also provides automatic analysis such as errors and output delays for the implemented hardware systems. • A virtual communication environment is established for validating the proposed MB-OFDM transceiver system. This methodology is proved to be easy for usage and convenient for analyzing the digital baseband system without analog frontend under different communication environments. This PhD thesis is organized in six chapters. In the chapter 1 a brief introduction to the UWB field, as well as the related work, is done, along with the motivation of MBOFDM system development. In the chapter 2, the general information and requirement of MB-OFDM UWB wireless communication protocol is presented. In the chapter 3, the architecture of the MB-OFDM digital baseband transceiver system is presented. The design of the proposed algorithm and architecture for each processing element is detailed in this chapter. Design challenges of such system involve trade-off discussions among design complexity, power consumption, hardware cost, system performance, and some other aspects. All these factors are analyzed and discussed. In the chapter 4, the hardware/software co-design methodology is proposed. Each step of this design flow will be detailed by taking some examples that we met during system development. Then, taking advantages of this design strategy, the Virtual Communication procedure is carried out so as to test and analyze the proposed transceiver architecture. Experimental results from the co-simulation and synthesis report of the implemented FPGA system are given in the chapter 5. The chapter 6 includes conclusions and future work, as well as the results derived from this PhD work.


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Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) modulation format has been shown as a robust solution for next-generation optical transmission systems. One key device enabling such systems is a delay interferometer, converting the phase modulation signal into the intensity modulation signal to be detected by the photodiodes. Usually, a standard Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is used for demodulating a DPSK signal. In this paper, we develop an MZI which is based on all-fiber Multimode Interference (MI) structure: a multimode fiber (MMF) with a central dip, located between two single-mode fibers (SMFs) without any transition zones. The MI based MZI (MI-MZI) is more stable than the standard MZI as the two arms share the same MMF, reducing the impact of the external effects, such as temperature and others. Performance of this MI-MZI is analyzed theoretically and experimentally from transmission spectrum. Experimental results shows that high interference extinction ratio is obtained, which is far higher than that obtained from a normal graded-index based MI-MZI. Finally, by software simulation, we demonstrate that our proposed MI-MZI can be used for demodulating a 40 Gbps DPSK signal. The performance of the MI-MZI based DPSK receiver is analyzed from the sensitivity. Simulation results show that sensitivity of the proposed receiver is about -22.3 dBm for a BER of 10-15 and about -23.8 dBm for a BER of 10-9.


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Multijunction solar cells (MJSC) use anti-reflective coatings (ARC) to minimize Fresnel reflection losses for a family of light incidence angles. These coatings adapt the refractive index of the cell to that of the surrounding medium. Patterns with sizes in the range of the light wavelength can be used to further reduce reflections through diffraction. Transparent nanopatterns with a gradual profile, called moth-eye nanostructures, can adapt the refractive index of the optical interfaces (often with n∼1.5) used to encapsulate concentrator solar cells to that of the air (n air∼1). Here we show the effect of a nanometric moth-eye ARC with a round motif deposited on commercial MJSC that achieves short-circuit current (I SC) gains greater than 2% at normal incidence and even higher in the case of tilted illumination. In this work, MJSC with different moth-eye ARC are characterized under quantum efficiency (QE) as well as under concentrated illumination I-V in order to assess their potential. Simulations based on coupled wave analysis (RCWA) are used to fit the experimental results with successful results.


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Although most ecologists agree that both top-down and bottom-up forces (predation and resource limitation, respectively) act in concert to influence populations of herbivores, it has proven difficult to estimate the relative contributions of such forces in terrestrial systems. Using a combination of time–series analysis of population counts recorded over 16 years and experimental data, we present the first estimates of the relative roles of top-down and bottom-up forces on the population dynamics of two terrestrial insect herbivores on the English oak (Quercus robur). Data suggest that temporal variation in winter moth, Operophtera brumata, density is dominated by time-lagged effects of pupal predators. By comparison, spatial variation in O. brumata density is dominated by host–plant quality. Overall, top-down forces explain 34.2% of population variance, bottom-up forces explain 17.2% of population variance, and 48.6% remains unexplained. In contrast, populations of the green oak tortrix, Tortrix viridana, appear dominated by bottom-up forces. Resource limitation, expressed as intraspecific competition among larvae for oak leaves, explains 29.4% of population variance. Host quality effects explain an additional 5.7% of population variance. We detected no major top-down effects on T. viridana populations. An unknown factor causing a linear decline in T. viridana populations over the 16-year study period accounts for most of the remaining unexplained variance. We discuss the observed differences between the insect species and the utility of time–series analysis as a tool in assessing the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up forces on herbivore populations.


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Immune responses of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae were monitored systematically by the induced expression of five RNA markers after infection challenge. One newly isolated marker encodes a homologue of the moth Gram-negative bacteria-binding protein (GNBP), and another corresponds to a serine protease-like molecule. Additional previously described markers that respond to immune challenge encode the antimicrobial peptide defensin, a putative galactose lectin, and a putative serine protease. Specificity of the immune responses was indicated by differing temporal patterns of induction of specific markers in bacteria-challenged larvae and adults, and by variations in the effectiveness of different microorganisms and their components for marker induction in an immune-responsive cell line. The markers exhibit spatially distinct patterns of expression in the adult female mosquito. Two of them are highly expressed in different regions of the midgut, one in the anterior and the other in the posterior midgut. Marker induction indicates a significant role of the midgut in insect innate immunity. Immune responses to the penetration of the midgut epithelium by a malaria parasite occur both within the midgut itself and elsewhere in the body, suggesting an immune-related signaling process.


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The larva of the green lacewing (Ceraeochrysa cubana) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) is a natural predator of eggs of Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae), a moth that sequesters pyrrolizidine alkaloids from its larval foodplant (Fabaceae, Crotalaria spp.). Utetheisa eggs are ordinarily endowed with the alkaloid. Alkaloid-free Utetheisa eggs, produced experimentally, are pierced by the larva with its sharp tubular jaws and sucked out. Alkaloid-laden eggs, in contrast, are rejected. When attacking an Utetheisa egg cluster (numbering on average 20 eggs), the larva subjects it to an inspection process. It prods and/or pierces a small number of eggs (on average two to three) and, if these contain alkaloid, it passes “negative judgement” on the remainder of the cluster and turns away. Such generalization on the part of the larva makes sense, because the eggs within clusters differ little in alkaloid content. There is, however, considerable between-cluster variation in egg alkaloid content, so clusters in nature can be expected to range widely in palatability. To check each cluster for acceptability must therefore be adaptive for the larva, just as it must be adaptive for Utetheisa to lay its eggs in large clusters and to apportion alkaloid evenly among eggs of a cluster.


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In a recent article, Hunter uses the late George Varley and George Gradwell’s long-term data on the winter moth (Operophtera brumata) and green tortrix (Tortrix viridana) populations to propose a method of quantifying the relative importance of top-down effects (because of natural enemies) and bottom-up effects (because of resource competition) in influencing population dynamics. We believe this approach is deeply flawed. Using Varley and Gradwell’s winter moth study, we show that the problems with Hunter’s analysis lie in his misinterpretation of the population dynamics and his inappropriate use of statistical techniques. We also emphasize the importance of distinguishing clearly between two quite different things: firstly, top-down and bottom-up regulation of populations and secondly, the much simpler task of categorizing factors affecting changes in population density as either top-down or bottom-up processes.