391 resultados para denial
The present study investigated neuropsychological and psychological factors associated with successful treatment outcome following a group intervention for individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI). Participants were classified into two groups (Clinically Improved and Not Improved) based upon the findings of a previous study (Ownsworth, McFarland, & Young, 2000a). A discriminant analysis was used to predict group membership on three outcome measures (Awareness and Strategy Behaviour indices of the Self-Regulation Skills Interview and the Psychosocial Dimension of the Sickness Impact Profile) between pre-assessment and post-assessment, and between pre-assessment and 6 months follow-up. Neuropsychological factors involved measures of executive functioning and psychological factors were assessed using measures of personality-related denial and coping-related denial. Overall, the results indicated that individuals with impaired executive functioning were most likely to be classified as Clinically Improved on measures of awareness, strategy behaviour and psychosocial functioning. Individuals who deny or minimise their ABI symptoms were less likely to improve their psychosocial functioning following the group intervention. Future research needs to evaluate interventions for enhancing self-regulation skills and improving psychosocial functioning for individuals who employ denial as a main strategy for coping following ABI.
Bullying is a stressful event for adolescents at school and was the fourth most common reason for calls to Kids Help Line in 2002. This study sought to examine coping styles used by students affected by bullying in Years 8 and 10 attending three Queensland high schools. Eighty-eight students completed the Bully Survey containing questions about bullying experiences and the way they coped in those situations. No year level differences were found in terms of the type of bullying experienced or the way in which students coped with these experiences. A significant interaction was found between duration of bullying and perceived control for the proportional use of disengagement coping (i.e., denial, avoidance and wishful thinking strategies). A significant simple main effect was found between perceived stressfulness and proportional use of involuntary engagement coping (i.e., rumination, intrusive thoughts, emotional arousal, physiological arousal and impulsive actions). Implications of these findings for schools are discussed.
Denial is a commonly used strategy to rebut a false rumor. However, there is a dearth of empirical research on the effectiveness of denials in combating rumors. Treating denials as persuasive messages, we conducted 3 laboratory-based simulation studies testing the overall effectiveness of denials in reducing belief and anxiety associated with an e-mail virus rumor. Under the framework of the elaboration likelihood model, we also tested the effects of denial message quality and source credibility, and the moderating effects of personal relevance. Overall, the results provided some support for the effectiveness of denials with strong arguments and an anxiety-alleviating tone in reducing rumor-related belief and anxiety. The effects of denial wording and source credibility were visible for participants who perceived high personal relevance of the topic. Limitations of the current research and future research directions are discussed.
Objective: To examine adjustment in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis within a stress and coping framework and compare them with those who have 'healthy' parents. Subjects: A total of 193 participants between 10 and 25 years completed questionnaires; 48 youngsters who had a parent with multiple sclerosis and 145 youngsters who reported that they did not have a parent with an illness or disability. Method: A questionnaire survey methodology was used. Variable sets included caregiving context (e.g. additional parental illness, family responsibilities, parental functional impairment, choice in helping), social support (network size, satisfaction), stress appraisal, coping (problem solving, seeking support, acceptance, wishful thinking, denial), and positive (life satisfaction, positive affect, benefits) and negative (distress, health) adjustment outcomes. Results: Caregiving context variables significantly correlated with poorer adjustment in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis included additional parental illness, higher family responsibilities, parental functional impairment and unpredictability of the parent's multiple sclerosis, and less choice in helping. As predicted, better adjustment in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis was related to higher levels of social support, lower stress appraisals, greater reliance on approach coping strategies (problem solving, seeking support and acceptance) and less reliance on avoidant coping (wishful thinking and denial). Compared with children of 'healthy' parents, children of a parent with multiple sclerosis reported greater family responsibilities, less reliance on problem solving and seeking social support coping, higher somatization and lower life satisfaction and positive affect. Conclusions: Findings delineate the key impacts of young caregiving and support a stress and coping model of adjustment in children of a parent with multiple sclerosis.
There is debate regarding the use of fear appeals (emphasizing severe threats to health) in social marketing, to encourage preventive behaviours, such as screening for breast cancer. While it has been found that fear appeals may result in attitude and behaviour change there is also the risk of inciting inappropriate levels of fear, motivating the wrong audience or instigating maladaptive behaviour in the target group such as denial or defensive avoidance. This study examined the impact of an experimental threat manipulation for mammography screening on a group of women in regional Australia. The study found that varying the level of threat had no impact on stated intentions of the women to undergo mammographic screening. However, it also found that high-threat messages resulted in stronger negative emotional reactions and greater perceived susceptibility among younger women who are not the target group for screening in Australia. The results of this study emphasize the importance of limiting the use of high levels of threat in social marketing campaigns, and ensuring that campaigns are appropriately designed to specifically impact upon and motivate the target group. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper describes an experiment in designing, implementing and testing a Transport layer cluster scheduling and dispatching architecture. The motivation for the experiment was the hypothesis that a Transport layer clustering solution may offer advantantages over the existing industry-standard Network layer and Data Link Layer approaches. The critical success factors initially established to guide and evaluate the experiment were reduced dispatcher work load, reduced dispatcher internal state memory requirements, distributed denial of service resilience, and cluster software design simplicity. The functional design stage of the experiment produced a Transport layer strategy for scheduling and load balancing based on the specification of two new TCP options. Implementation required the introduction of the newly specified TCP options into the Linux (2.4) kernel. The implementation produced an extended Linux Socket API to facilitate user-process access to the additional TCP capability. The testing stage of the experiment confirmed the operational efficiency of the solution.
The paper describes two new transport layer (TCP) options and an expanded transport layer queuing strategy that facilitate three functions that are fundamental to the dispatching-based clustered service. A transport layer option has been developed to facilitate. the use of client wait time data within the service request processing of the cluster. A second transport layer option has been developed to facilitate the redirection of service requests by the cluster dispatcher to the cluster processing member. An expanded transport layer service request queuing strategy facilitates the trust based filtering of incoming service requests so that a graceful degradation of service delivery may be achieved during periods of overload - most dramatically evidenced by distributed denial of service attacks against the clustered service. We describe how these new options and queues have been implemented and successfully tested within the transport layer of the Linux kernel.
A igreja, no decorrer da História, adotou práticas evangelizadoras que foram sedimentando um paradigma de missão que veio a ser fortemente marcado pelos empreendimentos de expansão colonialista. A partir do século XVI, uma bifurcação é feita com a Reforma, mas este projeto também não consegue fugir da lógica colonial. Acompanhamos a trajetória deste modelo que, influenciado pelo puritanismo e o pietismo, e com o retoque das ideias iluministas, vem a ser formatado nos Estados Unidos da América, dando origem ao paradigma missionário protestante dominante. Sustentamos que a igreja, em seus encontros com o outro , zelosa por cumprir programas de expansão, continua a reproduzir a mesma lógica colonialista de dominação que reforça a negação da identidade do outro . O primeiro capítulo retrata a crise paradigmática sociocultural e epistemológica que também afetou o movimento missionário contemporâneo em virtude do descompasso entre estratégias usadas pela igreja e as novas demandas e desafios que o mundo apresenta. O capítulo dois mostra a caminhada do movimento missionário através da História, destacando os eventos que viriam contribuir para a configuração do paradigma de missão. O capítulo três acompanha a sua trajetória protestante depois da Reforma e como ele se tornou o modelo dominante nos EUA. Finalmente, o capítulo quatro traz a reflexão a respeito de um novo jeito de pensar a missão, propondo uma missiologia dialógica descolonizada.
O Apocalipse de João é uma obra instigante. Sua linguagem cheia de violência, com monstros aterrorizantes, pessoas clamando por justiça, anúncios de mortes e desespero, em um quadro de espetáculos celestes, fascina os que gostam de ficção e alimenta a esperança dos que esperam um dia entrar na Nova Jerusalém, onde não haverá mar nem morte, quando as lágrimas serão enxugadas. Contudo, o livro do Apocalipse será lido como uma narração da realidade. Nesse sentido, o texto não é visto como reflexo de qualquer opressão, mas construção discursiva a respeito do sistema que, para o visionário, é a negação da ordem. Neste trabalho, a partir dos conceitos de texto e memória cultural, à luz das pesquisas de I. Lótman, da escola russa de semiótica da cultura e das pesquisas dos Assmann, observar-se-á como as memórias de seres celestes caídos e aprisionados da tradição enoquita estão presentes na literatura judaico-cristã e servem para a construção narrativa do cenário de terror escatológico na quinta e sexta trombetas de Ap 9,1-21. Assim sendo, a tese defende o terror como instrumento de persuasão, o qual serviu, na estratégia do visionário, para descrever o seu contexto como realidade caótica. Por meio de estratégias narrativas, o narrador deseja que sua visão seja levada a sério e que seus interlocutores aceitem a sua interpretação da realidade, deixando a associação com a vida e sistema romanos, pois se assim procederem serão comparados aos selados e receberão as mesmas recompensas. Dessa maneira, sua descrição com linguagem escatológica joga com o futuro e com o presente; prevê o caos, mas o vive em nível narrativo. Por isso o livro do Apocalipse, com um dualismo extremamente radical, não dá espaços para dúvidas. A tese defende, portanto, que essa obra pode ser lida como instrumento retórico de terror e medo que leva seus leitores implícitos a não flertarem com Roma, a não aceitarem seus discursos ou os que com ela se associam.
O conhecimento de si e o conhecimento de Deus estabelecem uma relação fundamental na obra mais conhecida de Agostinho, Confissões. O livro X das Confissões contém as narrativas centrais para a análise da dialética entre o conhecimento de si e o conhecimento de Deus, que tem como chave de leitura a memória para a constituição do cogito existencial. É examinada a relação que existe, no texto narrativo de Agostinho, entre a interpretação da Escritura e a constituição do si, em que há aspectos do discurso interior e abordagem no quadro da teoria narrativa que é dada a partir do conceito de identidade narrativa. A constituição do si é desenvolvida na dialética interna do personagem entre a afirmação de si e a negação de si, que apresenta a imanência do homem como característica pessoal e, ao mesmo tempo, o desejo de transcendência daquilo que o ser humano tem de mais íntimo em relação a Deus. Esta é uma análise da tensão existente entre a visão que o ser humano tem da consciência de si e a que ele tem de Deus, na busca pela felicidade.(AU)
Apesar das campanhas de combate à violência de gênero e a legislação elaborada para promover o aumento da segurança de mulheres envolvidas pelo fenômeno, trabalhos realizados demonstram que muitas mulheres agredidas por seus companheiros, mesmo após tentativa de separação, retornam a conviver com os agressores. Com base nessas informações, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a estrutura e a dinâmica do funcionamento psíquico de cinco mulheres envolvidas em violência conjugal reiterada. Trata-se de um estudo clínico-qualitativo, cujas participantes foram selecionadas por conveniência e fazem parte de um grupo de mulheres vítimas de violência conjugal, atendidas por uma organização não governamental, com processos em trâmite numa Vara Criminal da Grande São Paulo. Utilizou-se como instrumentos de investigação um Roteiro de Entrevista semiestruturado; a Escala da Associação Brasileira de Institutos de Pesquisa de Mercado (ABIPEME); e o Teste de Relações Objetais de Phillipson (TRO). Os resultados apontam que as participantes apresentam ego fragilizado, pouco integrado e superego rígido, pouco indistinguível de seus impulsos destrutivos e de seus perseguidores internos, resultado de introjeções e deflexões para o exterior carentes. Essa dinâmica mental se desenvolveu a partir de processos primários de cisão muito violentos, com predominância de impulsos destrutivos e da pulsão de morte sobre a pulsão de vida. Ademais, percebeu-se que as participantes se mantém predominantemente na fase esquizo-paranóide do desenvolvimento, sem conseguir alcançar de forma adequada a posição depressiva de reparação, assim, elas utilizam de mecanismos primitivos de defesa para manterem o equilíbrio psíquico como: a identificação projetiva, a negação, a idealização e a paralização. Espera-se que os resultados desta pesquisa possam auxiliam na elaboração de propostas de atendimento a mulheres em situação de violência conjugal reiterada.
O presente estudo teve por objetivos: a) investigar conteúdos da psicodinâmica dos adolescentes infratores; b) descrever a percepção das interações afetivo-relacionais dos adolescentes em relação à figura paterna. Para isso foram estudados seis casos de adolescentes que cometeram infração e que cumprem medidas sócioeducativas, sendo cinco deles com 17 anos e um com 14 anos. Esses adolescentes freqüentavam o CEDECA (Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente) da cidade de Mauá (São Paulo), local onde os dados foram coletados. Foram utilizados como instrumentos o Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema e entrevista semi-estruturada. A aplicação do procedimento foi feita com base nas seguintes instruções: desenhe um adolescente de Mauá e desenhe o pai de um adolescente de Mauá e, após cada desenho, foi pedido que o adolescente contasse uma história sobre o mesmo. De um modo geral, os resultados mostraram que o primitivismo e esteve presente na produção dos seis adolescentes, visto a presença de mecanismos de defesa como idealização, negação, cisão e outros mecanismos de defesa esquizóides. Também ficou evidente que a dificuldade de crescimento e evolução da personalidade, assim como a conduta anti-social estão associadas à qualidade da introjeção da figura paterna e a relação que estes adolescentes estabelecem com ela. Concluiu-se que o modo como se dá o desenvolvimento psíquico é fator determinante para que indivíduo seja levado á conduta delituosa. Por isso, são necessários mais estudos sobre a personalidade de adolescentes em conflito com a lei, para que o conhecimento científico possa contribuir em ações no âmbito familiar, bem como em programas de prevenção primária e secundária que possam dar condições de um bom desenvolvimento psíquico às pessoas antes que cheguem à adolescência e à idade adulta.
B-ISDN is a universal network which supports diverse mixes of service, applications and traffic. ATM has been accepted world-wide as the transport technique for future use in B-ISDN. ATM, being a simple packet oriented transfer technique, provides a flexible means for supporting a continuum of transport rates and is efficient due to possible statistical sharing of network resources by multiple users. In order to fully exploit the potential statistical gain, while at the same time provide diverse service and traffic mixes, an efficient traffic control must be designed. Traffic controls which include congestion and flow control are a fundamental necessity to the success and viability of future B-ISDN. Congestion and flow control is difficult in the broadband environment due to the high speed link, the wide area distance, diverse service requirements and diverse traffic characteristics. Most congestion and flow control approaches in conventional packet switched networks are reactive in nature and are not applicable in the B-ISDN environment. In this research, traffic control procedures mainly based on preventive measures for a private ATM-based network are proposed and their performance evaluated. The various traffic controls include CAC, traffic flow enforcement, priority control and an explicit feedback mechanism. These functions operate at call level and cell level. They are carried out distributively by the end terminals, the network access points and the internal elements of the network. During the connection set-up phase, the CAC decides the acceptance or denial of a connection request and allocates bandwidth to the new connection according to three schemes; peak bit rate, statistical rate and average bit rate. The statistical multiplexing rate is based on a `bufferless fluid flow model' which is simple and robust. The allocation of an average bit rate to data traffic at the expense of delay obviously improves the network bandwidth utilisation.
Recent debates about national identity, belonging and community cohesion can appear to suggest that ethnicity is a static entity and that ethnic difference is a source of conflict in itself. "Ethnicities and Values in a Changing World" presents an alternative account of ethnicity and calls into question models of community cohesion that present ethnicity as the source of antagonisms and differences that must be overcome. It suggests instead that ethnicity is itself multiple and changing and is unlikely to be a basis for articulating shared values. This volume brings together an international team of leading scholars in the field of ethnic studies in order to examine innovative articulations of ethnicity and challenge the contention that ethnicity is static or that it necessarily represents traditional values and cultures. Asserting that ethnicity is deployed in part as an expression of values and a model of ethical practice, this book examines displays of ethnicity as assertions of identity and statements about way of life, sense of entitlement and manner of connection to others. "Ethnicities and Values in a Changing World" draws together debates about the articulation of ethnic identity, the nature of our relation to each other and discussions of everyday ethics, thus engaging with discussions of racism, multiculturalism and community cohesion. As such, it will appeal not only to sociologists, but to anyone working in the fields of cultural studies, race and ethnicity, globalization, migration and anthropology. Table of Contents: Introduction: ethnicities, values and old-fashioned racism, Gargi Bhattacharyya; Teaching race and racism in the 21st century: thematic considerations, Howard Winant; Diaspora conversations: ethics, ethicality, work and life; Migrant women's networking: new articulations of transnational ethnicity, Ronit Lentin; 'The people do what the political class isn't able to do': antigypsyism, ethnicity denial and the politics of racism without racism, Robbie McVeigh; Violent urban protest - identities, ethics and Islamism, Max Farrar; Beliefs, boundaries and belonging: African Pentecostals in Ireland, Abel Ugba; On being a 'good' refugee, John Gabriel and Jenny Harding; Narrating lived experience in a binational community in Costa Rica, Carlos Sandoval Garcia; Conclusion: ethnicity and ethicality in an unequal world, Gargi Bhattacharyya; Index.
Becoming the parent of a child diagnosed with learning disabilities can have a dramatic impact. Chrissie Rogers, the author of this article, is both a lecturer in education studies at Keele University and the mother of a daughter who has learning disabilities. She argues here that the pressures on mothers to produce ‘perfect’ babies and to meet all their needs are immense. These pressures arise from both internalised norms and societal expectations and, in the face of these pressures, parents may feel shock, loss and disappointment. These feelings may lead, in turn, to denial, anxiety and conflict affecting both the parents and the professionals involved with the family. Drawing on a series of in-depth interviews and personal narratives, Chrissie Rogers makes a powerful case for the importance of support, whether that support is formal or informal. She suggests that, without the right levels of support and understanding, having a child with a diagnosis of learning disability can disable the whole family.