414 resultados para das japanische Haus
von M. Brann
nach den Originalen d. K.u.K. Haus-, Hof- u. Staatsarchivs im Auftr. d. Hist. Lomm d. israelit. Kultusgemeinde in Wien hrsg. von Alfred Landau ...
The material culture of Neolithic settlements – especially pottery – was often taken as key argument to distinguish „Neolithic cultures“ like Cortaillod, Pfyn, Michelsberg, Munzingen, NMB, Altheim. „Foreign influences“ in these pottery styles point to complex entanglements between social groups and highly mobile people, bluring the supposed cultural boundaries. The two PhD-projects aim at a critical revision of former notions of „culture“ by focussion on similarities and differences in pottery practecies of dedrodated key sites on the Swiss Plateau (3900 -3500 BC).
The paper will focus on basic ways of communication between the actors in the house and home and their direct social environments (esp. neighbourhood) during the early modern period. Such ways of communication were established in and through work relations, sociability, social control and certain liminal rites. So far underestimated, the neighbourhood was both helpful and inevitable to keep house and household running. A typical aspect of the practice of communication was the importance of repetitive performative events in everyday life. In order to establish and maintain social relations, the honour of the ‘house’ as such and fundamental roles like housefather and housemother had to be performed under the eyes of neighbours and other actors. Thus, empirical evidence reveals the house and home as a specific kind of stage. In contrast to the outdated concept of ‘das ganze Haus’ (the whole house) by Otto Brunner and also a reduced socioeconomic understanding of household, the openness of the house proves to be a highly relevant feature of early modern society. This openness refers to accessibility, visibility and control. The paper will explain the proposed concept and analyse concrete examples from work and wedding.
Spirituality is a travelling concept among different disciplines. As for psychology, spirituality has long been a neglected topic – especially in the academic context. However, during the last dec-ade there has been an increase of theoretical and empirical work, mainly emerging from positive and life-span developmental psychology. This research focuses spirituality either as an element of well-being or as predictor of well-being and health (e.g. as a coping strategy), or finally as an outcome after dealing with critical life events (i.e. spiritual growth). This knowledge has an impact on spiritual care – and vice-versa spiritual care – as a growing inter- and transdisciplinary field – has an impact on clinical psychological practice.
und ins daiṭše iberṭragen fon Zeligman Ber Bamberger
bearbeiṭeṭ und in'z daiṭše iberṭragen fon Zeligman Ber Bamberger
...ham-meḥabbēr ... Aleksandri Ben-... Mōše ... Eṭhoizn
mē-Aleksandrî Ben-... Mōše ... Eṭhoizn
heroisgegeben fon Moše ... Rozenṭhal
[Originalfotografie von] Mylius
[Originalfotografie von Carl Friedrich Mylius]
[Originalfotografie von Carl Friedrich Mylius]