979 resultados para corn meal


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BACKGROUND: Older hospital patients are considered to be at risk of malnutrition due to insufficient dietary intake. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether taste enhancement, using ingredients naturally high in umami compounds, increases preference and consumption of a meal by older hospital patients. METHODS: 31 patients (65–92 years) on elderly carewards in aUKNHS Trust hospital took part in a single-blinded preference and consumption study. They tasted two meats (control and enhanced, presented in balanced order) and stated their preference. At lunch, control and enhanced cottage pie and gravy were served concurrently; patients were asked to consume ad libitum and intake was measured. RESULTS: Taste enhanced meat was significantly preferred (P = 0.001). Although mean consumption was higher for the enhanced compared to control meal (137 g versus 119 g), with higher levels of energy (103 kcal versus 82 kcal) and protein (4.6 g versus 3.4 g) consumed; differences were not significant. CONCLUSIONS: Natural ingredients rich in umami taste compounds can successfully be used to increase preference of meat based meals by older hospital patients. Larger trials are needed to determine whether such increases in preference can significantly increase consumption.


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Low glycaemic index (GI) foods consumed at breakfast can enhance memory in comparison to high-GI foods; however, the impact of evening meal GI manipulations on cognition the following morning remains unexplored. Fourteen healthy males consumed a high-GI evening meal or a low-GI evening meal in a counterbalanced order on two separate evenings. Memory and attention were assessed before and after a high-GI breakfast the following morning. The high-GI evening meal elicited significantly higher evening glycaemic responses than the low-GI evening meal. Verbal recall was better the morning following the high-GI evening meal compared to after the low-GI evening meal. In summary, the GI of the evening meal was associated with memory performance the next day, suggesting a second meal cognitive effect. The present findings imply that an overnight fast may not be sufficient to control for previous nutritional consumption.


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BACKGROUND: Accelerated gastric emptying (GE) may lead to reduced satiation, increased food intake and is associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Domperidone is a dopamine 2 (D(2)) receptor antagonist with claims of gastrointestinal tract pro-kinetic activity. In humans, domperidone is used as an anti-emetic and treatment for gastrointestinal bloating and discomfort. AIM: To determine the effect of acute domperidone administration on GE rate and appetite sensations in healthy adults. METHODS: A single-blind block randomised placebo-controlled crossover study assessed 13 healthy adults. Subjects ingested 10 mg domperidone or placebo 30 min before a high-fat (HF) test meal. GE rate was determined using the (13)CO(2) octanoic acid breath test. Breath samples and subjective appetite ratings were collected in the fasted and during the 360 min postprandial period. RESULTS:Gastric emptying half-time was similar following placebo (254 ± 54 min) and 10 mg domperidone (236 ± 65 min). Domperidone did not change appetite sensations during the 360 min postprandial period (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In healthy adults, acute administration of 10 mg domperidone did not change GE or appetite sensations following a HF test meal.


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Proanthocyanidins (PA) from shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) meal were investigated by thiolytic degradation with benzyl mercaptan and the reaction products were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. These PA were galloylated (≈40%), contained only B-type linkages and had a high proportion of prodelphinidins (>70%). The mean degree of polymerisation was 8 (i.e. average molecular size was 2384 Da) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) was the major flavan-3-ol subunit in PA. Shea meal also proved to be a potentially valuable source for extracting free flavan-3-ol-O-gallates, especially EGCg (575 mg/kg meal), which is known for its health and anti-parasitic benefits. Proanthocyanidins were isolated and tested for bioactivity against Ascaris suum, which is an important parasite of pigs. Migration and motility tests revealed that these PA have potent activity against this parasitic nematode.


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Proanthocyanindins (PAs) from shea meal (SM), a by-product obtained after lipid extraction of the nuts, contained B-type linkages, had a high ratio of prodelphinidins (73%) and were galloylated (42%). The average polymer size was 8 flavan-3-ol subunits (≈2384 Daltons) and epigallocatechin gallate was the major subunit. Purified PA fractions from SM were tested in vitro for anthelmintic properties against gastrointestinal nematodes from ruminants (H. contortus and T. colubriformis) [1] by the larval exsheathment inhibition assay and from pigs (A. suum) by the larval migration inhibition assay. Results showed that PAs from SM have a potent anthelmintic activity against those parasites similar to white clover (Trifolium repens) flowers (WCF) [1, 2] (EC50 µg/mL; SM: 55.1, 16.5, 75.9; WCF: 37.4, 14.5, 110.1 for A. suum, H. contortus and T. colubriformis respectively). WCF PAs are constituted almost exclusively of prodelphinidin (PD) compared to SM (98% vs. 73%) but do not contained galloylated PAs. Studies [1, 2] have shown that anthelmintic activity of PAs was mainly associated with their PD ratio but our current results suggest that galloylation can be a major factor to anthelmintic activity and SM as a potential nutraceutical anthelmintic feed for controlling parasitic nematodes.


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Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a key rate-limiting enzyme for the hydrolysis of triacylglycerol (TAG) in chylomicrons and very low-density lipoprotein. Given that postprandial assessment of lipoprotein metabolism may provide a more physiological perspective of disturbances in lipoprotein homeostasis compared to assessment in the fasting state, we have investigated the influence of two commonly studied LPL polymorphisms (rs320, HindIII; rs328, S447X) on postprandial lipaemia, in 261 participants using a standard sequential meal challenge. S447 homozygotes had lower fasting HDL-C (p = 0.015) and a trend for higher fasting TAG (p = 0.057) concentrations relative to the 447X allele carriers. In the postprandial state, there was an association of the S447X polymorphism with postprandial TAG and glucose, where S447 homozygotes had 12% higher TAG area under the curve (AUC) (p = 0.037), 8.4% higher glucose-AUC (p = 0.006) and 22% higher glucose-incremental area under the curve (IAUC) (p = 0.042). A significant gene–gender interaction was observed for fasting TAG (p = 0.004), TAG-AUC (Pinteraction = 0.004) and TAG-IAUC (Pinteraction = 0.016), where associations were only evident in men. In conclusion, our study provides novel findings of an effect of LPL S447X polymorphism on the postprandial glucose and gender-specific impact of the polymorphism on fasting and postprandial TAG concentrations in response to sequential meal challenge in healthy participants


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The aim of this study was to compare some of the properties of native and extruded amaranth flour obtained under mild and severe extrusion conditions. The chemical composition of the flours was similar. Flours obtained by both extrusion processes presented high solubility in water, low values of L* (luminosity) and an absence of endothermic peak on the DSC method. Water absorption, retrogradation tendency, final viscosity and the viscous behavior by rheology analysis were also studied. The results indicate that extruded flours have a good potential as an ingredient for food exposed to heat treatment at a high temperature and mechanical shear, for use in instant meal products. On the other hand, original flour properties are comparable to those of amaranth starch, which exhibits similarly high quality paste stability, low solubility in water, and elastic behavior, and could be used as a substitute for raw flour in a range of food formulas. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A fortified food that was rich in protein, vitamins and iron made of chickpea, bovine lung and corn was developed with the aim of controlling iron-deficiency anaemia in children from poorer areas. It was tested in Teresina, State of Piaui, Northeastern Brazil, on a population with high anaemia prevalence. Two local daycare units with similar characteristics were selected and the children at one of them received a 30 g pack three times a week, representing a total iron daily intake of 6.96 mg. The other daycare unit was followed as a control. The capillary haemoglobin concentration was determined for the children at both daycare units, at the beginning of the study and after a two-month intervention period. The mean haemoglobin concentration in the test group at the beginning of the intervention was 11.8 g/dL, which increased to 13.1 g/dL at the end of the intervention. In the control group these figures remained practically constant (11.6-11.8 g/dL). These represented a dramatic and significant drop in anaemia prevalence, from 61.5% to 11.5% in the test group, and an insignificant reduction (63.1-57.7%) in the control group. The acceptance of the fortified snack was excellent and no undesirable effects were observed. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Objective. To compare the nutritional value of meals provided by companies participating in the Workers` Meal Program in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the nutritional recommendations and guidelines established by the Ministry of Health for the Brazilian population. Methods. The 72 companies studied were grouped according to economic sector (industrial, services, or commerce), size (micro, small, medium, or large), meal preparation modality (prepared on-site by the company itself, on-site by a hired caterer, or off-site by a hired caterer), and supervision by a dietitian (yes or no). The per capita amount of food was determined based on the lunch, dinner, and supper menus for three days. The nutritional value of the meals was defined by the amount of calories, carbohydrates, protein, total fat, polyunsaturated fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sugars, cholesterol, and fruits and vegetables. Results. Most of the menus were deficient in the number of fruits and vegetables (63.9%) and amount of polyunsaturated fat (83.3%), but high in total fat (47.2%) and cholesterol (62.5%). Group 2, composed of mostly medium and large companies, supervised by a dietician, belonging to the industrial and/or service sectors, and using a hired caterer, on averaged served meals with higher calorie content (P < 0.001), higher percentage of polyunsaturated fat (P < 0.001), more cholesterol (P = 0.015), and more fruits and vegetables (P < 0.001) than Group 1, which was composed of micro and small companies from the commercial sector, that prepare the meals themselves on-site, and are not supervised by a dietitian. Regarding the nutrition guidelines set for the Brazilian population, Group 2 meals were better in terms of fruit and vegetable servings (P < 0.001). Group I meals were better in terms of cholesterol content (P = 0.05). Conclusions. More specific action is required targeting company officers and managers in charge of food and nutrition services, especially in companies without dietitian supervision.


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The purpose of this work was to evaluate the fatty acid composition of the Longissimus muscle from carcasses of Nellore steers fed diets with calcium salts of fatty acids (CSFA) and high moisture corn. Forty eight steers were fed during 70 days four diets containing dry corn (DC), high moisture corn (HM). dry corn plus CSFA (DC-CSFA) or high moisture corn plus CSFA (HM-CSFA). Fatty acid composition of the Longissimus muscle was determined by gas chromatography. Corn type had no effect on the ether extract percentage and in the content of the majority of the fatty acids, although steers fed HMC showed higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated/saturated ratio. Feeding CSFA increased ether extract percentage but had no effect on total of saturated, unsaturated and saturated: unsaturated ratio. Both high moisture corn and calcium salts of fatty acids increased CIA (cis9, trans11) and total CIA concentrations in intramuscular fat (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The presence, development and production of mycotoxins by Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides were studied in corn ears under field conditions after artificial contamination of corn silks. The planted area was divided into five treatments: T1, inoculated with A.flavus solution containing 1 x 10(8) spores, ears covered; T2, inoculated with F. verticillioides solution containing 1 X 10(8) spores, ears covered; T3, inoculated with E verticillioides plus A. flavus solution containing 1 x 10(8) spores of each, ears covered; T4, sprayed with sterile phosphate-buffered saline, ears covered; TS, non-sprayed silks, uncovered ears. Soil and air samples were also collected and analysed for the occurrence of fungi. Water activity, relative air humidity, rainfall and temperature were determined to assess the correlation between abiotic factors and the presence of fungi in the samples. Contamination with the inoculated fungus predominated in T1 and T2. In the other treatments, F. verticillioides was the most frequently isolated contaminant irrespective of treatment. Considering the production of mycotoxins, a positive relation between the production of fumonisins B-1 and B-2 and the frequency of F. verticillioides was statistically verified in all treatments. (C) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nutrients (nitrogen, zinc and boron) on fungal growth and fumonisins production in corn samples obtained at the beginning of grain formation and at harvest. Three nitrogen doses were applied to the corn plants through soil in combination with three zinc doses and two boron doses during sowing. Mycological analysis of grains, using Dichloran Rose-Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar, collected at the beginning of formation demonstrated a fungal population predominantly of yeasts. Analysis of freshly harvested corn revealed a higher frequency of Penicillium spp. (72%) and F verticillioides (27%). High Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis revealed that 100% of grains were contaminated with fumonisins B, at levels ranging from 0.3 to 24.3 mg/kg and 93% contaminated with fumonisin B(2) at levels ranging from 0.05 to 5.42 mg/kg. Nitrogen (50 kg/ha) in combination with boron (0.5 kg/ha) resulted in an increased fumonisin B2 production. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gibberella moniliformis is most commonly associated with maize worldwide and produces high levels of fumonisins, some of the most agriculturally important mycotoxins. Studies demonstrate that molecular methods can be helpful for a rapid identification of Fusarium species and their levels of toxin production. The purpose of this research was to apply molecular methods (AFLP, TEF-1 alpha partial gene sequencing and PCR based on MAT alleles) for the identification of Fusarium species isolated from Brazilian corn and to verify if real time RT-PCR technique based on FUM1 and FUM19 genes is appropriated to estimate fumonisins B(1) and B(2) production levels. Among the isolated strains, 96 were identified as Fusarium verricillioides, and four as other Fusarium species. Concordant phylogenies were obtained by AFLP and TEF-1 alpha sequencing, permitting the classification of the different species into distinct clades. Concerning MAT alleles, 70% of the F. verricillioides isolates carried the MAT-1 and 30% MAT-2. A significant correlation was observed between the expression of the genes and toxin production r=0.95 and r=0.79 (correlation of FUM1 with FB(1) and FB(2), respectively, P < 0.0001): r=0.93 and r =0.78 (correlation of FUM19 with FB(1) and FB(2). respectively, P < 0.0001). Molecular methods used in this study were found to be useful for the rapid identification of Fusarium species. The high and significant correlation between FUM1 and FUM19 expression and fumonisins production suggests that real time RT-PCR is suitable for studies considering the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on expression of these genes. This is the first report concerning the expression of fumonisin biosynthetic genes in Fusarium strains isolated from Brazilian agricultural commodity. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.