998 resultados para commercial representation


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In this thesis a manifold learning method is applied to the problem of WLAN positioning and automatic radio map creation. Due to the nature of WLAN signal strength measurements, a signal map created from raw measurements results in non-linear distance relations between measurement points. These signal strength vectors reside in a high-dimensioned coordinate system. With the help of the so called Isomap-algorithm the dimensionality of this map can be reduced, and thus more easily processed. By embedding position-labeled strategic key points, we can automatically adjust the mapping to match the surveyed environment. The environment is thus learned in a semi-supervised way; gathering training points and embedding them in a two-dimensional manifold gives us a rough mapping of the measured environment. After a calibration phase, where the labeled key points in the training data are used to associate coordinates in the manifold representation with geographical locations, we can perform positioning using the adjusted map. This can be achieved through a traditional supervised learning process, which in our case is a simple nearest neighbors matching of a sampled signal strength vector. We deployed this system in two locations in the Kumpula campus in Helsinki, Finland. Results indicate that positioning based on the learned radio map can achieve good accuracy, especially in hallways or other areas in the environment where the WLAN signal is constrained by obstacles such as walls.


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Marknadsföringen till äldre konsumenter har länge varit en grå zon. Konsumtionsvilja och penningstyrka är två sätt att beskriva dagens äldre konsument, och i avhandlingen bildar dessa omdömen och många andra beskrivningar fem diskurser som har benämnts senior, radikal, förlängd ungdom, hedonist och lyx och själfull och erfaren. Diskurserna baserar sig på analysen av intervjuer med reklambyråer och tidskrifter riktade till marknadsförare. Diskurserna är exempel på hur man bygger upp en identitet för den äldre konsumenten i marknadsföringens värld. Identiteterna erbjuder möjligheter till ett mångsidigare åldrande men de kan också skapa nya stereotyper. Resultaten i avhandlingen visar hur vår språkanvändning och vårt sätt att avbilda människor påverkar kategoriseringen och stereotypiseringen av dem. Avhandlingen erbjuder ett sätt att lära sig bemöta den äldre konsumenten, och egentligen vilken konsument som helst, med en så dynamisk uppfattning om denna som möjligt. Tidigare har marknadsförare främst utgått från konsumentens kronologiska ålder och diskussionen har kretsat kring när någon kan klassas som en äldre konsument. Att försöka bestämma när någon är gammal eller äldre utesluter det faktum att ålder skapas och återskapas i vårt sätt att tala om den. I denna skapelseprocess spelar marknadsförarens handlingar en viktig roll. Om ålder enbart ses som ett slags åldersgräns påtvingas vi färdiga kategorier och stereotyper som både stämplar och begränsar. Avhandlingen inför begreppet kulturell ålder där kulturens olika processer som skapar en åldersidentitet för konsumenten poängteras. Åldrande är en pågående, självuppfyllande process som ständigt omformas, definieras och förstärks av de bilder som finns runt omkring oss och sättet att tala om det (språk och representation). När vi känner till de ideologiska skiftningarna kan vi skapa en mera dynamisk kommunikation med konsumenten. Vi förstår också bättre vår roll vid uppkomsten av stereotyper och andra rigida konstruktioner. Avhandlingen har utnyttjat diskursanalytiska begrepp i kombination med ett kultursynsätt. Kombinationen kan utnyttjas då man analyserar sättet att konstruera identiteten hos olika konsumentgrupper i marknadernas olika dialoger. Därför borde man inte fråga ”Hur gammal är den äldre konsumenten?” utan ”Hur åldras konsumenten?”.


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This study develops a real options approach for analyzing the optimal risk adoption policy in an environment where the adoption means a switch from one stochastic flow representation into another. We establish that increased volatility needs not decelerate investment, as predicted by the standard literature on real options, once the underlying volatility of the state is made endogenous. We prove that for a decision maker with a convex (concave) objective function, increased post-adoption volatility increases (decreases) the expected cumulative present value of the post-adoption profit flow, which consequently decreases (increases) the option value of waiting and, therefore, accelerates (decelerates) current investment.


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Viimeaikainen sukupuolta ja organisaatiota käsittelevä tutkimus ja kirjallisuus on saanut paljon (toisinaan epäsuoria) vaikutteita feminismiä ympäröivistä keskusteluista. Lisäksi naisten aseman ja kokemuksien tunnistaminen organisaatioissa ja johtamisessa on vaikuttanut tutkimukseen. Erilaisten kansainvälisesti tutkittujen aiheiden kirjo on laaja: sukupuolisuhteet organisaatioiden ja johtoryhmien kulttuureissa ja kommunikaatiossa; sukupuolittunut työnjako; sukupuolittuneet hierarkiat, valta, auktoriteetti ja johtajuus organisaatioissa ja johtamisessa; sukupuolittuneet markkinat; sukupuolittuneet kuvat, symbolit ja mainokset; sukupuoli ja IT teknologia; seksuaalisuus, häirintä, kiusaaminen ja väkivalta organisaatioissa; työn ja kodin yhteensovittaminen; ja niin edelleen. Myös akateemiset organisaatiot sekä niiden sukupuolittuneet valtasuhteet ja johtaminen kaipaavat kipeästi huomiota. Useimpia mainituista alueista on tutkittu ainakin jonkin verran mutta paljon työtä on vielä myös jäljellä. Tämä kokoelma esittelee ajankohtaista suomalaista tutkimusta seuraavista teemoista: tasa-arvo organisaatioissa, naisjohtajuus, yrittäjyyden sukupuoli, verkostot, sukupuolen representaatio sekä sukupuoli ja uusi teknologia. Kokoelma on työryhmän yhdessä koostama joten se on ennen kaikkea yhteistyön tulos. Recent research and literature on the gendering of organisations has been strongly influenced, though sometimes indirectly, by debates in and around feminism, and on recognising women and women’s situations, experiences and voices in organisations and management. The range of topics and issues that have been studied internationally is vast: gender relations in organizational and management groups, cultures and communication; gender divisions of labour; gender divisions of hierarchy, power, authority and leadership in organizations and management; gendered markets; gender imagery, symbols and advertising; gender and information technology; sexuality, harassment, bullying and violence in organisations; home-work relations; and so on. There are also key issues of gender power relations in academic organizations and management themselves, which need urgent attention. Though most of these areas have been researched to some extent, much remains to be done. This collection brings together current Finnish research on: Equality in Organisations, Women in Management, Gender and Entrepreneurship, Networks, Representation of Gender, Gender and ICTs. The book has been put together by an editorial team and is thus first and foremost a collective effort.


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Hamilton’s theory of turns for the group SU(2) is exploited to develop a new geometrical representation for polarization optics. While pure polarization states are represented by points on the Poincaré sphere, linear intensity preserving optical systems are represented by great circle arcs on another sphere. Composition of systems, and their action on polarization states, are both reduced to geometrical operations. Several synthesis problems, especially in relation to the Pancharatnam-Berry-Aharonov-Anandan geometrical phase, are clarified with the new representation. The general relation between the geometrical phase, and the solid angle on the Poincaré sphere, is established.


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With the objective of better understanding the significance of New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) tests conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), head-on collisions between two identical cars of different sizes and between cars and a pickup truck are studied in the present paper using LS-DYNA models. Available finite element models of a compact car (Dodge Neon), midsize car (Dodge Intrepid), and pickup truck (Chevrolet C1500) are first improved and validated by comparing theanalysis-based vehicle deceleration pulses against corresponding NCAP crash test histories reported by NHTSA. In confirmation of prevalent perception, simulation-bascd results indicate that an NCAP test against a rigid barrier is a good representation of a collision between two similar cars approaching each other at a speed of 56.3 kmph (35 mph) both in terms of peak deceleration and intrusions. However, analyses carried out for collisions between two incompatible vehicles, such as an Intrepid or Neon against a C1500, point to the inability of the NCAP tests in representing the substantially higher intrusions in the front upper regions experienced by the cars, although peak decelerations in cars arc comparable to those observed in NCAP tests. In an attempt to improve the capability of a front NCAP test to better represent real-world crashes between incompatible vehicles, i.e., ones with contrasting ride height and lower body stiffness, two modified rigid barriers are studied. One of these barriers, which is of stepped geometry with a curved front face, leads to significantly improved correlation of intrusions in the upper regions of cars with respect to those yielded in the simulation of collisions between incompatible vehicles, together with the yielding of similar vehicle peak decelerations obtained in NCAP tests.


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Activity systems are the cognitively linked groups of activities that consumers carry out as a part of their daily life. The aim of this paper is to investigate how consumers experience value through their activities, and how services fit into the context of activity systems. A new technique for illustrating consumers’ activity systems is introduced. The technique consists of identifying a consumer’s activities through an interview, then quantitatively measuring how the consumer evaluates the identified activities on three dimensions: Experienced benefits, sacrifices and frequency. This information is used to create a graphical representation of the consumer’s activity system, an “activityscape map”. Activity systems work as infrastructure for the individual consumer’s value experience. The paper contributes to value and service literature, where there currently are no clearly described standardized techniques for visually mapping out individual consumer activity. Existing approaches are service- or relationship focused, and are mostly used to identify activities, not to understand them. The activityscape representation provides an overview of consumers’ perceptions of their activity patterns and the position of one or several services in this pattern. Comparing different consumers’ activityscapes, it shows the differences between consumers' activity structures, and provides insight into how services are used to create value within them. The paper is conceptual; an empirical illustration is used to indicate the potential in further empirical studies. The technique can be used by businesses to understand contexts for service use, which may uncover potential for business reconfiguration and customer segmentation.


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Ecology and evolutionary biology is the study of life on this planet. One of the many methods applied to answering the great diversity of questions regarding the lives and characteristics of individual organisms, is the utilization of mathematical models. Such models are used in a wide variety of ways. Some help us to reason, functioning as aids to, or substitutes for, our own fallible logic, thus making argumentation and thinking clearer. Models which help our reasoning can lead to conceptual clarification; by expressing ideas in algebraic terms, the relationship between different concepts become clearer. Other mathematical models are used to better understand yet more complicated models, or to develop mathematical tools for their analysis. Though helping us to reason and being used as tools in the craftmanship of science, many models do not tell us much about the real biological phenomena we are, at least initially, interested in. The main reason for this is that any mathematical model is a simplification of the real world, reducing the complexity and variety of interactions and idiosynchracies of individual organisms. What such models can tell us, however, both is and has been very valuable throughout the history of ecology and evolution. Minimally, a model simplifying the complex world can tell us that in principle, the patterns produced in a model could also be produced in the real world. We can never know how different a simplified mathematical representation is from the real world, but the similarity models do strive for, gives us confidence that their results could apply. This thesis deals with a variety of different models, used for different purposes. One model deals with how one can measure and analyse invasions; the expanding phase of invasive species. Earlier analyses claims to have shown that such invasions can be a regulated phenomena, that higher invasion speeds at a given point in time will lead to a reduction in speed. Two simple mathematical models show that analysis on this particular measure of invasion speed need not be evidence of regulation. In the context of dispersal evolution, two models acting as proof-of-principle are presented. Parent-offspring conflict emerges when there are different evolutionary optima for adaptive behavior for parents and offspring. We show that the evolution of dispersal distances can entail such a conflict, and that under parental control of dispersal (as, for example, in higher plants) wider dispersal kernels are optimal. We also show that dispersal homeostasis can be optimal; in a setting where dispersal decisions (to leave or stay in a natal patch) are made, strategies that divide their seeds or eggs into fractions that disperse or not, as opposed to randomized for each seed, can prevail. We also present a model of the evolution of bet-hedging strategies; evolutionary adaptations that occur despite their fitness, on average, being lower than a competing strategy. Such strategies can win in the long run because they have a reduced variance in fitness coupled with a reduction in mean fitness, and fitness is of a multiplicative nature across generations, and therefore sensitive to variability. This model is used for conceptual clarification; by developing a population genetical model with uncertain fitness and expressing genotypic variance in fitness as a product between individual level variance and correlations between individuals of a genotype. We arrive at expressions that intuitively reflect two of the main categorizations of bet-hedging strategies; conservative vs diversifying and within- vs between-generation bet hedging. In addition, this model shows that these divisions in fact are false dichotomies.


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The Legacy of Poverty. A Study of the substance and continuity of cultural knowledge in Finnish biographical and proverbial texts The study focuses on the idea of the cultural knowledge and shared understanding that ordinary people, folk , have of the concepts and ideas about rural based poverty in Finland. Throughout 19th century and well into 20th century, the majority of the population remained agrarian and poor. By the 1950s, most people still lived in rural areas and a majority of them earned their living primarily from agriculture and forestry. Urbanization proceeded rapidly from the 1960s onwards. Even though the Nordic welfare state was firmly established in Finland by the 1970s, old forms of agrarian poverty still remained in the culture. The source material for the study consists of 99 biographies and 502 proverbs. Biographical texts include written autobiographies and interviewed biographies. A primary analyzing concept is called a poverty speech. The poverty speech has been analyzed by providing answers to the following three questions: What connotations do people attach to poverty when they speak about it? What sort of social relations arise when people speak about poverty? How is the past experience of poverty constructed in the present and in the welfare state context? Cultural knowledge is a theoretical and analytical tool that enables people to categorize information. The three questions stated above are crucial in revealing the schematic structure that people use to communicate about agrarian poverty. Categories are analyzed and processed in terms of cultural themes that contain the ideals and stereotypes of spoken motif and sub-themes. The application of theoretical and analytical premises to the poverty speech has shown that there are four cultural themes. The first theme is Power. The social connotations in the poverty speech are mostly in relation to the better-off people. Poverty does not exist without an awareness of welfare, i.e. the understanding of a certain standard of welfare above that of one's own. The second theme is about family ties as a resource and welfare network. In poverty speech, marriage is represented as a means to upgrade one's livelihood. Family members are described as supporting one another, but at the same time as being antagonists. The third theme, Work represents the work ethic that is being connected to the poverty. Hard working as a representation is attached to eligibility for `a good life´ that in Finland was to become an owner-occupier of a cottage or a flat. The fourth theme is Security. The resentment of unfair treatment is expressed by using moral superiority and rational explanations. The ruling classes in the agrarian society are portrayed as being evil and selfish with no social conscience because they did not provide enough assistance to those who needed it. During the period when the welfare benefit system was undeveloped, the poor expected the wealthier people to make a contribution to the distribution of material wealth. In the premises of cultural knowledge, both oral and written traditions are about human thinking: they deal with topics, ideas and evaluations that are relevant to their bearers. Many elements expressed in poverty speech, such as classifications and customs derived from the rural world, have been carried over into the next generation in newer contexts and a different cultural environment. Keywords: cultural knowledge, cognitive categorization, poverty, life stories, proverbs


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The study scrutinizes the dynamics of the Finnish higher education political system. Dynamics is understood as the regularity of interaction between actors. By actors is meant the central institutions in the system. The theoretical framework of the study draws on earlier research in political science and higher education political studies. The theoretical model for analysis is built on agenda-setting theories. The theoretical model separates two dimensions of dynamics, namely the political situation and political possibilities. A political situation can be either favourable or contradictory to change. If the institutional framework within the higher education system is not compatible with the external factors of the system, the political situation is contradictory to change. To change the situation into a favourable one, one needs either to change the institutional structure or wait for external factors to change. Then again, the political possibilities can be either settled or politicized. Politicization means that new possibilities for action are found. Settled possibilities refer to routine actions performed according to old practices. The research tasks based on the theoretical model are: 1. To empirically analyse the political situation and the possibilities from the actors point of view. 2. To theoretically construct and empirically test a model for analysis of dynamics in the Finnish higher education politics. The research material consists of 25 thematic interviews with key persons in the higher education political system in 2008. In addition, there are also documents from different actors since the 1980s and statistical data. The material is analysed in four phases. In the first phase the emphasis is on trying to understand the interviewees and actors points of view. In the second phase the different types of research material are related to each other. In the third phase the findings are related to the theoretical model, which is constructed over the course of the analysis. In the fourth phase the interpretation is tested. The research distinguishes three historical periods in the Finnish higher education system and focuses on the last one. This is the era of the complex system beginning in the 1980s 1990s. Based on the interviews, four policy threads are identified and analysed in their historical context. Each of the policy threads represents one of the four possible dynamics identified in the theoretical model. The research policy thread functions according to reform dynamics. A coalition of innovation politics is able to use the politicized possibilities due to the political situation created by the conception of the national innovation system. The regional policy thread is in a gridlock dynamics. The combination of a political system based on provincial representation, a regional higher education institutional framework and outside pressure to streamline the higher education structure created a contradictory political situation. Because of this situation, the politicized possibilities in the so-called "regional development plan" do not have much effect. In the international policy thread, a consensual change dynamics is found. Through changes in the institutional framework, the higher education political system is moulded into a favourable situation. However, the possibilities are settled: a pragmatic national gaze prevailed. A dynamics of friction is found in the governance policy thread. A political situation where political-strategic and budgetary decision-making are separated is not favourable for change. In addition, as governance policy functions according to settled possibilities, the situation seems unchangeable. There are five central findings. First, the dynamics are different depending on the policy thread under scrutiny. Second, the settled possibilities in a policy thread seemed to influence other threads the most. Third, dynamics are much related to changes external to the higher education political system, the changing positions of the actors in different policy threads and the unexpected nature of the dynamics. Fourth, it is fruitful to analyse the dynamics with the theoretical model. Fifth, but only hypothetically and thus left for further research, it seems that the Finnish higher education politics is reactive and weak at politicization.


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Earlier school text book studies (eg Tainio and Teräs 2010, Blumberg 2007; Ohlander 2010) have shown that women are underrepresented in school books, both in illustrations and texts, and the genders are represented stereotyped. The study will examine how gender in seen on pre-school education materials. The aim of this study is to determine what kind of representations, discourses and the subject positions of the gender are presented in pre-school materials. This study utilizes a feminist research method. The theoretical starting points are the social constructivist, poststructuralist theory and gender studies. The concept of gender as a social construct. The research used content analysis as well as discource analysis and deconstructive reading. The material was used four different publishers, WSOY, Tammi, Otava and Lasten Keskus preschool integrated material packages, which contain the child's exercise book or booklet, and teacher's guide. The analysis examined the quantity of gender-specific images and gendered words and phrases, and representations of gender, subject position, and discourses, and what linguistic means had been used for representation of masculinity and femininity. Based on the results there were on average more masculine characters and words as feminine in the illustrations and stories of pre-school materials. Feminine and masculine characters representations emphasized traditional gender stereotypes, especially in external characteristics and clothing. Genders had the highest available, with the subject position of stereotypes with reduced mobility, but also other kinds of subject position was observed. The data found in the following gender discources: difference discource, diversity discource and similarity discource. The highest number occurred in the difference and diversity discources. However, there were differences between the different materials. In some materials there were more diverse gender representations and other materials highlighted the differences between genders. Overall, the genders were represented stereotypically in the pre-school materials.


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Modern smart phones often come with a significant amount of computational power and an integrated digital camera making them an ideal platform for intelligents assistants. This work is restricted to retail environments, where users could be provided with for example navigational in- structions to desired products or information about special offers within their close proximity. This kind of applications usually require information about the user's current location in the domain environment, which in our case corresponds to a retail store. We propose a vision based positioning approach that recognizes products the user's mobile phone's camera is currently pointing at. The products are related to locations within the store, which enables us to locate the user by pointing the mobile phone's camera to a group of products. The first step of our method is to extract meaningful features from digital images. We use the Scale- Invariant Feature Transform SIFT algorithm, which extracts features that are highly distinctive in the sense that they can be correctly matched against a large database of features from many images. We collect a comprehensive set of images from all meaningful locations within our domain and extract the SIFT features from each of these images. As the SIFT features are of high dimensionality and thus comparing individual features is infeasible, we apply the Bags of Keypoints method which creates a generic representation, visual category, from all features extracted from images taken from a specific location. A category for an unseen image can be deduced by extracting the corresponding SIFT features and by choosing the category that best fits the extracted features. We have applied the proposed method within a Finnish supermarket. We consider grocery shelves as categories which is a sufficient level of accuracy to help users navigate or to provide useful information about nearby products. We achieve a 40% accuracy which is quite low for commercial applications while significantly outperforming the random guess baseline. Our results suggest that the accuracy of the classification could be increased with a deeper analysis on the domain and by combining existing positioning methods with ours.


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Pro gradu uppsatsen diskuterar betydelsen av representation för grupper i samhället genom att diskutera kvinnors representation. Kvinnor är en grupp i samhället som länge varit underrepresenterad, men som under de senaste 100 åren fått en betydligt bättre position i den offentliga beslutfattningen. För att ge bakgrund till frågeställningen beskrivs kvinnors deltagande i den finska riksdagen. Begreppen deskriptiv, substantiell och symbolisk representation diskuteras. Undersökningar av kvinnors representation både deskriptivt och substantiellt på parlamentsnivå presenteras. Forskningsfrågan i uppsatsen består av fyra frågeställningar om hur motioner görs i riksdagen och hur kön kan identifieras i motionerna. Frågeställningarna bygger på den teoretiska diskussionen och meningen med frågeställningar är att styra analysen av motionerna. I teoriavsnittet behandlas kvinnors representation och den vetenskapliga diskussionen om sambandet mellan substantiell och deskriptiv representation. Diskussionen utgår från Hanna Pitkins olika kategorier av representation. I den teoretiska diskussionen behandlas även begreppen den kritiska massan, närvarons politik och kritiska aktörer. I stycket diskuteras även vilka frågeställningar, som är relevanta att undersöka när man diskuterar kvinnors representation i samhället. När representationen av kvinnor diskuteras är det viktigt att minnas att kvinnor inte utgör en homogen grupp och att även män kan representera kvinnor innehållsmässigt. Efter den teoretiska diskussionen presenteras metoden för undersökningen. Som metod används kvantitativa statistiska metoder för att kunna undersöka ett större material, som kan ge en bättre helhetsbild av hur kvinnor representeras i motionerna. Materialet för undersökningen är motioner som är gjorda i den finska riksdagen 2007. Resultaten i undersökningen visar att motionerna används av både opposition och regering och att det finns en möjlighet för samarbete över partigränser. Andra faktorer, som påverkade hur aktivt man gjorde motioner var bland annat riksdagsledamöternas ålder och den valregion ledamöterna var från. När man såg speciellt på motionärernas kön framkom det skillnader i kvinnors och mäns motionsbeteende. Överlag gör män mera motioner än kvinnor i den finska riksdagen. Kvinnor har än idag en större tendens att göra motioner om socialpolitik och speciellt familje- och barnpolitik än vad män har. Männen igen väljer att göra motioner, som traditionellt har setts som starkt manliga, så som trafik och allmänna utrymmen. Resultaten visade också att kvinnors intressen inte är vanligt som motivering för motioner. Man fann också att riksdagsledamöters koppling till kvinnoorganisationer hade en betydelse när det gällde sannolikheten att göra motioner som motiverades med kvinnors intressen i samhället. Uppsatsen diskuterar orsaker till resultaten och ser att det finns orsaker att fortsätta diskutera sambandet mellan deskriptiv och substantiell representation.