963 resultados para colon adenocarcinoma
OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a qualidade de vida de pacientes esofagectomizados para tratamento de adenocarcinoma da junção esofagogástrica e de carcinoma epidermoide. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal no pós-operatório de doentes esofagectomizados por adenocarcinoma da junção esofagogástrica (Adenoca) e carcinoma epidermóide (CEC), empregando o questionário SF-36 aplicado em 24 pacientes (10 por Adenoca e 14 por CEC), a partir do 5º mês de pós-operatório, incluindo os sintomas clínicos e a variação de peso. RESULTADOS: A avaliação da QV mostrou melhor resultado de capacidade funcional (p=0,018) para o grupo Adenoca. Houve correlação entre os domínios "saúde mental" e "limitação por aspectos emocionais" (p=0,003) e entre "dor" e "limitação por aspectos físicos" (p=0,003) nos dois tipos histológicos. A perda de peso foi maior nos esofagectomizados por Adenoca (45,9Kg), sem diferença significativa entre o IMC atual (p>0,66). A disfagia foi relatada por 83,3% dos pacientes, a anorexia por 58,3%, a dificuldade de mastigação por 42%, a náuseas e os vômitos por 41,7% e a diarréia por 29,2%, sem correlação com a QV relatada (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O escore mais alto para capacidade funcional indica que o paciente com Adenoca foi capaz de realizar todo tipo de atividade física, incluindo as mais vigorosas em um nível maior que o paciente com CEC. Alguns sintomas persistiram no pós-operatório, porém não interferiram na qualidade de vida dos pacientes.
We present a case of primary malignant pylorus neoplasia, emphasizing its rarity, the difficulty of diagnosis and the importance of an adequate prepare before the endoscopic procedure. Literature shows that tumors compromising the first, third and fourth segments of duodenum are rare, especially those of the pyloric area, representing only 0.35% of all malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Adenocarcinoma is the most common histological type, representing 50% of all malignant neoplasias at this site. The most common symptoms are weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal mass, sudden changes in intestinal habits and iron deficiency anemia secondary to chronic intestinal hemorrhage. Survival after five years is only 18%. We report a case of a seventy-one year-old male referring early satiety, epigastric pain, retrosternal burning and dyspepsia, with unspecific results in complementary exams, since complete gastric emptying was not achieved. As symptoms worsened, the patient was submitted to laparotomy, with identification of gastric dilation and severe pyloric stenosis, macroscopically suggesting malignancy. The chosen procedure was a subtotal gastrectomy. Adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy were not used. The patient is been followed-up without tumor recurrence so far.
Objective: to analyse the indications and results of the total esophagogastrectomy in cancers of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction. Methods: twenty patients with adenocarcinomas were operated with a mean age of 55 ± 9.9 years (31-70 years), and 14 cases were male (60%). Indications were 18 tumors of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction (90%) and two with invasion of gastric fundus (10%) in patients with previous gastrectomy. Preoperative colonoscopy to exclude colonic diseases was performed in ten cases. Results: the surgical technique consisted of median laparotomy and left cervicotomy, followed by transhiatal esophagectomy associated with D2 lymphadenectomy. The reconstructions were performed with eight esophagocoloduodenoplasty and the others were Roux-en-Y esophagocolojejunoplasty to prevent the alkaline reflux. Three cases were stage I / II, while 15 cases (85%) were stages III / IV, reflecting late diagnosis of these tumors. The operative mortality was 5 patients (25%): a mediastinitis secondary to necrosis of the transposed colon, abdominal cellulitis secondary to wound infection, severe pneumonia, an irreversible shock and sepsis associated with colojejunal fistula. Four patients died in the first year after surgery: 3 (15%) were due to tumor recurrence and 1 (5%) secondary to bronchopneumonia. The 5-year survival was 15%. Conclusion: the total esophagogastrectomy associated with esophagocoloplasty has high morbidity and mortality, requiring precise indication, and properly selected patients benefit from the surgery, with the risk-benefit acceptable, contributing to increased survival and improved quality of life
O adenocarcinoma de células claras de colo e vagina em adolescentes é uma doença rara e na maioria das vezes associada com o uso do dietilestilbestrol (DES) durante a gestação. A queixa mais freqüente é o sangramento vaginal irregular que pode ser incorretamente interpretado como vaginite nas crianças e como alterações do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise nas adolescentes. Relatamos o caso de adenocarcinoma de células claras de endocérvice em uma menina de 7 anos de idade atendida no Ambulatório de Ginecologia da Infância e Adolescência, e chamamos a atenção para o diagnóstico de câncer genital que, embora raro nesta faixa etária, deve ser cogitado quando deparamos com sangramento genital em crianças.
Objetivo: realizar um censo sobre a freqüência do adenocarcinoma de endométrio em mulheres submetidas a histeroscopia diagnóstica em cinco serviços brasileiros de vídeo-endoscopia ginecológica localizados em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Caxias do Sul e Porto Alegre. Métodos: foram utilizados questionários padronizados com o objetivo de obter as informações sobre a presença de adenocarcinoma, acometimento da cavidade uterina e tipo histológico nos exames histeroscópicos de mulheres na pré e pós-menopausa. Resultados: entre os 6.466 procedimentos histeroscópicos realizados, foi diagnosticado adenocarcinoma de endométrio em 92 pacientes (1,4%), sendo este diagnóstico confirmado pela histologia em 79 casos (1,2%). Para o diagnóstico histeroscópico de adenocarcinoma de endométrio, confirmado por exame histológico, obtivemos sensibilidade de 85,9%, especificidade de 100%, valor preditivo positivo de 100% e valor preditivo negativo de 98,6%. No grupo de 3.845 pacientes na pré-menopausa, o carcinoma foi diagnosticado pela histeroscopia em 9 (0,2%) casos e confirmados pela histologia em 8 (0,2%), ao passo que no outro grupo de 2.621 pacientes na pós-menopausa, a histeroscopia diagnosticou adenocarcinoma em 83 (3,2%) pacientes, dos quais 71 casos (2,7%) foram confirmados pela histologia. Conclusões: este estudo alerta para uma maior preocupação em relação ao câncer de endométrio, especialmente na pós-menopausa, revelando a necessidade de haver mais estudos epidemiológicos para que se possam elaborar programas de prevenção e diagnóstico precoce do adenocarcinoma de endométrio.
OBJETIVO: o adenocarcinoma viloglandular (AVG) da cérvice foi identificado como uma variante do adenocarcinoma cervical que ocorre em mulheres jovens e traz um excelente prognóstico. Diante da escassez de estudos relacionados ao tema, nós relatamos seis casos de AVG de cérvice. MÉTODOS: acompanhamos a evolução de seis casos de AVG, no período de 1995 a 2006, no Hospital São Lucas da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Coletamos informações clínicas e histológicas de todas as pacientes e submetemos todas as peças cirúrgicas para revisão histológica. RESULTADOS: a idade média da apresentação foi de 43,5 anos (variando de 27 a 61 anos). Quatro pacientes submeteram-se à histerectomia radical de Wertheim-Meigs e linfadenectomia pélvica bilateral, uma submeteu-se a conização e subseqüente radioterapia e uma a linfadenectomia pélvica seguida de radioterapia. Todas as pacientes estão vivas e bem, sem evidência de recorrência. CONCLUSÕES: as implicações da terapia são discutidas. Propomos aqui a inclusão do estudo do padrão de envolvimento linfovascular na determinação diagnóstica do AVG. Assim, ao referenciarmos este diagnóstico, poderemos optar, com cautela, pela terapia conservadora, salvo particularidades de cada caso.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os achados citológicos de mulheres detectadas com adenocarcinoma do colo do útero, levando em conta o histórico da paciente no ano que antecedeu ao diagnóstico e a histopatologia das lesões. MÉTODOS: Este é um estudo comparativo, retrospectivo conduzido com dados de mulheres com adenocarcinoma ou com carcinoma escamoso do colo do útero detectados entre 2002 e 2008. Os laudos da citologia foram sintetizados de acordo com a terminologia Bethesda revisada em 2001 e foram comparados com a histopatologia de adenocarcinoma e de carcinoma escamoso. Foram verificadas as distribuições dos achados citológicos, a concordância global e corrigida pelo acaso com o uso do coeficiente Kappa de Cohen. Para isso, as alterações citológicas foram agregadas de acordo com a origem epitelial, formando os grupos de células glandulares e de células escamosas, tendo como padrão ouro os grupos de tumor histopatologicamente confirmados (adenocarcinoma versus carcinoma escamoso). RESULTADOS: No período, 284 casos de câncer do colo uterino foram diagnosticados. Os casos efetivamente estudados compreenderam 27 e 54 pacientes com adenocarcinoma e com carcinoma escamoso, respectivamente. O grupo de adenocarcinoma representou 9,5% do total diagnosticado, com 56% das mulheres com idade inferior a 50 anos. A coleta da citologia foi feita em média 92 dias antes do diagnóstico do câncer (variação: 19 dias a 310 dias). Em 41,6% dos casos, a citologia que precedeu o diagnóstico do adenocarcinoma foi indicativa de alterações glandulares do tipo adenocarcinoma e atipias de células glandulares. A concordância simples foi de 73,7% e o coeficiente Kappa de 48,7%, sugerindo moderada concordância. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta população, a citologia teve um importante papel no rastreio de mulheres com adenocarcinoma, embora algumas delas tenham sido referidas para esclarecer sintomas clínicos. A concordância entre os achados da citologia e da histopatologia foi moderada.
Intestinal devitalization in cases of small colon obstruction may be difficult to detect based only in clinical signs. The purpose was to serially evaluate blood and peritoneal fluid of horses subjected to small colon distension. Seventeen adult horses were allotted in three groups. In the small colon-distended group (DG, n=7) a surgically-implanted latex balloon was inflated to promote intraluminal small colon distension. In the shamoperated group (SG, n=5), the balloon was implanted but not inflated, and no surgery was done in the control group (CG, n=5). Blood and peritoneal fluid were sampled before and after (6 samples with a 30-minute interval) intestinal obstruction for cytological and biochemical analyses. No significant changes in clinical signs occurred within groups or across time during the experimental period. There were no statistical differences among SG and SG groups in hematologic and blood chemistry variables. Although total protein concentration and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in peritoneal fluid remained most of the time within reference values during the experimental period in all groups, increases from baseline values were detected in SG and DG groups. Such increases occurred earlier, progressively and with greater magnitude in the DG when compared with the SG (P<0.05). Increases from baselines values were also observed in total nucleated cells and neutrophils counts in the DG (P<0.05). In conclusion, distension of the equine small colon induced progressive subtle increases in total protein and LDH concentrations in the peritoneal fluid during the first hours. Serial evaluation of these variables in peritoneal fluid may be useful for early detection of intestinal devitalization in clinical cases of equine small colon obstruction.
This study reports on changes in the number of somatostatin-like immunoreactive (SOM-LI) endocrine cells in the porcine descending colon, caused by chemically driven inflammation, axotomy and proliferative enteropathy (PE). The distribution pattern of SOM-LI endocrine cells has been studied using the routine single-labelling immunofluorescence technique. Semi-quantitative evaluation of the number of the SOM-immunostained endocrine cells within the mucosal layer of the porcine descending colon has been based on counting of all endocrine cells immunoreactive to SOM per unit area (0,1 mm²). Under physiological conditions the number of SOM-LI endocrine cells has been shown to constitute 3,30±0,22. All applied pathological processes resulted in changes in the SOM-like immunoreactivity, which varied in particular processes studied. The number of SOM-LI endocrine cells increased to 6,28±0,31 and 4,43±0,35 during chemically driven inflammation and proliferative enteropathy, respectively, and decreased to 1,17%±0,16 after axotomy. The obtained results suggest that SOM-LI endocrine cells may participate in various pathological states within porcine descending colon and their functions probably depend on the type of pathological factor.
The effect of diets enriched with oat or wheat bran (prepared by the addition of 300 g of each fiber to 1000 g of the regular diet), given for 8 weeks, on the mucosal height of the colon and cecum was investigated. Newly weaned (21 days old) and aged (12 months old) male Wistar rats were used in this study. As compared to controls, diets enriched with wheat bran provoked a significant increase in the mucosal height, whereas oat bran did not cause any effect. In newly weaned rats (21 days old), wheat bran increased the mucosal height (µm) in the cecum by 20% (mean ± SEM for 8 rats; 169.1 ± 5.2 and 202.9 ± 8.0 for control and wheat bran, respectively) and in the colon (218.8 ± 7.2 and 264.5 ± 18.8 for control and wheat bran, respectively). A similar effect was observed in aged rats (12 months old), with an increase of 15% in the mucosal height (µm) of the cecum (mean ± SEM of 8 rats; 193.2 ± 8.6 and 223.7 ± 8.3 for control and wheat bran, respectively) and of 17% in the colon (300.4 ± 9.2 and 352.2 ± 15.9 for control and wheat bran, respectively)
Water channels or aquaporins (AQPs) have been identified in a large variety of tissues. Nevertheless, their role in the human gastrointestinal tract, where their action is essential for the reabsorption and secretion of water and electrolytes, is still unclear. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structure and function of water channels expressed in the human colon. A cDNA fragment of about 420 bp with a 98% identity to human AQP3 was amplified from human stomach, small intestine and colon by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and a transcript of 2.2 kb was expressed more abundantly in colon than in jejunum, ileum and stomach as indicated by Northern blots. Expression of mRNA from the colon of adults and children but not from other gastrointestinal regions in Xenopus oocytes enhanced the osmotic water permeability, and the urea and glycerol transport in a manner sensitive to an antisense AQP3 oligonucleotide, indicating the presence of functional AQP3. Immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence studies in human colon revealed that the AQP3 protein is restricted to the villus epithelial cells. The immunostaining within these cells was more intense in the apical than in the basolateral membranes. The presence of AQP3 in villus epithelial cells suggests that AQP3 is implicated in water absorption across human colonic surface cells.
Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of carcinogen-treated rodents are considered to be the earliest hallmark of colon carcinogenesis. In the present study the relationship between a short-term (4 weeks) and medium-term (30 weeks) assay was assessed in a model of colon carcinogenesis induced by dimethylhydrazine (DMH) in the rat. Six-week-old male Wistar rats were given subcutaneous injections of DMH (40 mg/kg) twice a week for 2 weeks and killed at the end of the 4th or 30th week. ACF were scored for number, distribution pattern along the colon and crypt multiplicity in 0.1% methylene-blue whole-mount preparations. ACF were distinguished from normal crypts by their larger size and elliptical shape. The incidence, distribution and morphology of colon tumors were recorded. The majority of ACF were present in the middle and distal colon of DMH-treated rats and their number increased with time. By the 4th week, 91.5% ACF were composed of one or two crypts and 8.5% had three or more crypts, while by the 30th week 46.9% ACF had three or more crypts. Thus, a progression of ACF consisting of multiple crypts was observed from the 4th to the 30th week. Nine well-differentiated adenocarcinomas were found in 10 rats by the 30th week. Seven tumors were located in the distal colon and two in the middle colon. No tumor was found in the proximal colon. The present data indicate that induction of ACF by DMH in the short-term (4 weeks) assay was correlated with development of well-differentiated adenocarcinomas in the medium-term (30 weeks) assay.
Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) colonizes the large intestine causing a spectrum of disorders, including watery diarrhea, bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic colitis), and hemolytic-uremic syndrome. It is estimated that hemolytic-uremic syndrome is the most common cause of acute renal failure in infants in Argentina. Stx is a multimeric toxin composed of one A subunit and five B subunits. In this study we demonstrate that the Stx2 B subunit inhibits the water absorption (Jw) across the human and rat colonic mucosa without altering the electrical parameters measured as transepithelial potential difference and short circuit current. The time-course Jw inhibition by 400 ng/ml purified Stx2 B subunit was similar to that obtained using 12 ng/ml Stx2 holotoxin suggesting that both, A and B subunits of Stx2 contributed to inhibit the Jw. Moreover, non-hemorrhagic fluid accumulation was observed in rat colon loops after 16 h of treatment with 3 and 30 ng/ml Stx2 B subunit. These changes indicate that Stx2 B subunit induces fluid accumulation independently of A subunit activity by altering the usual balance of intestinal absorption and secretion toward net secretion. In conclusion, our results suggest that the Stx2 B subunit, which is non-toxic for Vero cells, may contribute to the watery diarrhea observed in STEC infection. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether the toxicity of Stx2 B subunit may have pathogenic consequences when it is used as a component in an acellular STEC vaccine or as a vector in cancer vaccines.