999 resultados para co-operatives
Co-ocorrência entre transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade e uso de substâncias psicoativas
Existe forte associação entre o transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) e o transtorno por uso de substâncias psicoativas (TUSP) em estudos clínicos e comunitários. Estimam-se que aproximadamente 30% dos sujeitos com TUSP apresentem comorbidade com o TDAH, taxa significativamente maior do que a vista na população geral. Vários estudos vêm analisando o possível efeito do TDAH no risco de desenvolvimento de TUSP. O presente artigo revisa a literatura disponível às seguintes questões: a) natureza da associação entre o TDAH e o TUSP; b) efeitos do TDAH no TUSP; c) tratamento do TDAH na concomitância do diagnóstico de TUSP. Por fim, é oferecida uma integração das diferentes informações, sob um enfoque predominantemente clínico.
A series of colloidal MxFe3-xO4 (M = Mn, Co, Ni; x = 0–1) nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 6.8 to 11.6 nm was synthesized by hydrothermal reaction in aqueous medium at low temperature (200 °C). Energy-dispersive X-ray microa-nalysis and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry confirms that the actual elemental compositions agree well with the nominal ones. The structural properties of obtained nanoparticles were investigated by using powder X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and electron microscopy. The results demonstrate that our synthesis technique leads to the formation of chemically uniform single-phase solid solution nanoparticles with cubic spinel structure, confirming the intrinsic doping. Magnetic studies showed that, in comparison to Fe3O4, the saturation magnetization of MxFe3-xO4 (M = Mn, Ni) decreases with increasing dopant concentration, while Co-doped samples showed similar saturation magnetizations. On other hand, whereas Mn- and Ni-doped nanoparticles exhibits superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature, ferromagnetism emerges for CoxFe3-xO4 nanoparticles, which can be tuned by the level of Co doping.
Reprogramming energy metabolism and inducing angiogenesis: co-expression of monocarboxylate transporters with VEGF family members in cervical adenocarcinomas.
Co-cultures of two or more cell types and biodegradable biomaterials of natural origin have been successfully combined to recreate tissue microenvironments. Segregated co-cultures are preferred over conventional mixed ones in order to better control the degree of homotypic and heterotypic interactions. Hydrogel-based systems in particular, have gained much attention to mimic tissue-specific microenvironments and they can be microengineered by innovative bottom-up approaches such as microfluidics. In this study, we developed bi-compartmentalized (Janus) hydrogel microcapsules of methacrylated hyaluronic acid (MeHA)/methacrylated-chitosan (MeCht) blended with marine-origin collagen by droplet-based microfluidics co-flow. Human adipose stem cells (hASCs) and microvascular endothelial cells (hMVECs) were co-encapsulated to create platforms of study relevant for vascularized bone tissue engineering. A specially designed Janus-droplet generator chip was used to fabricate the microcapsules (<250â μm units) and Janus-gradient co-cultures of hASCs: hMVECs were generated in various ratios (90:10; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 10:90), through an automated microfluidic flow controller (Elveflow microfluidics system). Such monodisperse 3D co-culture systems were optimized regarding cell number and culture media specific for concomitant maintenance of both phenotypes to establish effective cell-cell (homotypic and heterotypic) and cell-materials interactions. Cellular parameters such as viability, matrix deposition, mineralization and hMVECs re-organization in tube-like structures, were enhanced by blending MeHA/MeCht with marine-origin collagen and increasing hASCs: hMVECs co-culture gradient had significant impact on it. Such Janus hybrid hydrogel microcapsules can be used as a platform to investigate biomaterials interactions with distinct combined cell populations.
A new concept of semipermeable reservoirs containing co-cultures of cells and supporting microparticles is presented, inspired by the multi-phenotypic cellular environment of bone. Based on the deconstruction of the â stem cell nicheâ , the developed capsules are designed to drive a self-regulated osteogenesis. PLLA microparticles functionalized with collagen I, and a co-culture of adipose stem (ASCs) and endothelial (ECs) cells are immobilized in spherical liquified capsules. The capsules are coated with multilayers of poly(L-lysine), alginate, and chitosan nano-assembled through layer-by-layer. Capsules encapsulating ASCs alone or in a co-culture with ECs are cultured in endothelial medium with or without osteogenic differentiation factors. Results show that osteogenesis is enhanced by the co-encapsulation, which occurs even in the absence of differentiation factors. These findings are supported by an increased ALP activity and matrix mineralization, osteopontin detection, and the up regulation of BMP-2, RUNX2 and BSP. The liquified co-capsules also act as a VEGF and BMP-2 cytokines release system. The proposed liquified capsules might be a valuable injectable self-regulated system for bone regeneration employing highly translational cell sources.
Synthesis gas, a mixture of CO, H2, and CO2, is a promising renewable feedstock for bio-based production of organic chemicals. Production of medium-chain fatty acids can be performed via chain elongation, utilizing acetate and ethanol as main substrates. Acetate and ethanol are main products of syngas fermentation by acetogens. Therefore, syngas can be indirectly used as a substrate for the chain elongation process.
"A workshop within the 19th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets - ICATPN’1998"
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
2, sect. 5
Sect. 1, Text
Sect. 2
1, sect. 5
Energy from waste (E/W) technologies in the form o f biogas plants, CHP plants and other municipal solid waste (MSW) conversion technologies, have been gaining steady ground in the provision o f energy throughout Europe and the UK. Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants (UWWTP) are utilising much o f the same biochemical processes common to these E/W plants. Previous studies on Centralised Anaerobic Digestion (CAD) within Ireland found that the legislative and economic conditions were not conducive to such an operation on the grounds o f low energy price for electric and heat energy, and due to the restrictive nature o f the allowable feedstocks. Recent changes to the Irish REFIT tariff on energy produced from Anaerobic digestion; alterations to the regulation o f the allowable use o f animal by products(ABP); the recent enactment o f the Renewable Energy D irective (09/28/EC) and a subsequent review o f the draft Biowaste Directive (2001) required that the issue o f decentralised energy production in Ireland be reassessed. In this instance the feasibility study is based on a extant rural community, centred around the village o f Woodford Co Galway. The review found that the prevailing conditions were now such that it was technically and economically feasible for this biochemical process to provide energy and waste treatment facilities at the above location. The review also outlines the last item which is preventing this process from becoming achievable, specifically the lack o f a digestate regulation on land spreading which deals specifically with biowaste. The study finds that the implementation o f the draft EU biowaste regulations, with amendments for Cr and Hg levels to match the proposed Irish regulation for compost, would ensure that Ireland has some o f the most restrictive regulations in Europe for this application. The delay in completing this piece o f legislation is preventing national energy and waste issues from being resolved in a planned and stepwise fashion. A proposed lay out for the new Integrated Waste from Energy Plant (IW/EP) is presented. Budget economic projections and alternative revenue streams are outlined. Finally a review o f the national policies regarding the Rural Development Plan (RDP), the Rural Planning Guidelines (RPG) and the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) are examined against the relevant EU directives.
მოყვანილია ატმოსფეროში არსებული სითბური გაზების შთანთქმის სპექტრების ექსპერიმენტული მონაცემები, მზის რადიაციის ატმოსფეროს ვერტიკალურ სვეტში გავლისას. დადგენილია მზის ინფრაწითელი გამოსხივების სიხშირეთა (Δγ) ინტერვალები, რომლებიც შეესაბამება შესასწავლი გზების შთანთქმის სპექტრებს.