998 resultados para co-circulation
A polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamatória cônica possui forte associação com a infecção pelo HIV e HCV. Uma rara associação entre PDIC e o tratamento da hepatite C com interferon peguilado alfa foi descrita recentemente. Nós descrevemos o primeiro caso de polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamatória crônica em um paciente branco, sexo masculino infectado por HIV e HCV associado a interferon peguilado alfa 2b. O paciente recuperou-se completamente após o uso de imunoglobulina hiperimune endovenosa. Infectologistas e hapatologistas devem estar atentos à esta rara e grave associação, que exige imediata descontinuação da droga e tratamento precoce.
INTRODUÇÃO: Analisar espacialmente a co-infecção tuberculose/vírus da imunodeficiência humana e associá-la com variáveis socioeconômicos, São José do Rio Preto, SP, 1998-2006. MÉTODOS: Foram geocodificados casos novos de TB/HIV e calculados coeficientes de incidência segundo unidades espaciais. Utilizou-se o índice de Moran para avaliar a dependência espacial das incidências. Regressões múltiplas foram realizadas para selecionar variáveis com maior poder de explicação da dependência espacial. O indicador local de associação espacial foi utilizado para identificação de agrupamentos espaciais significantes. RESULTADOS: O índice de Moran foi de 0,0635 (p = 0,0000), indicando ocorrência de dependência espacial. A variável que apresentou maior poder de explicação da dependência espacial da incidência foi a porcentagem de chefes de família com até três anos de instrução. O LISA cluster map para os coeficientes de incidência de co-infecção TB/HIV evidenciou aglomerados de alta incidência na região norte e baixa incidência na sul e oeste do município. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo possibilitou a compreensão da distribuição geográfica espacial da co-infecção TB/HIV no município e apontou a sua associação com variáveis socioeconômicas dando subsídios para o planejamento orientado para a priorização das regiões com maior carência social e consequentemente maiores incidências da doença.
Relata-se um paciente do sexo masculino com 67 anos e sorologia positiva para o vírus da hepatite C (HCV). Exames moleculares revelaram a presença do RNA do HCV, com carga viral de 2.000 cópias/mL e genótipos 1 e 2. O tratamento foi com alfapeginterferon-2a, 180mcg/semana e ribavirina, 1.000mg/dia. Na quarta semana de tratamento, a carga viral para o HCV era indetectável. Na nona semana, o paciente apresentou hematêmese, piora do quadro de astenia, inapetência e comprometimento do estado geral, quando o tratamento foi descontinuado. O PCR foi negativo após 6 meses e permaneceu assim após um ano. O paciente encontra-se assintomático.
INTRODUÇÃO: O impacto da terapia antirretroviral altamente ativa na progressão da fibrose hepática em pacientes co-infectados com HIV e hepatite C não está totalmente esclarecido. Marcadores não-invasivos de fibrose hepática podem ser considerados promissores no estadiamento e na monitorização da sua evolução. MÉTODOS: Um total de 24 pacientes, divididos em dois grupos: 12 monoinfectados por HIV e 12 co-infectados com HIV e HCV foram acompanhados de julho de 2008 a agosto de 2009, desde o início de HAART, a cada três meses, com avaliação de dados clínicos, epidemiológicos e laboratoriais, assim como o cálculo do índice da relação aspartato aminotransferase sobre plaquetas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a progressão de APRI, marcador não-invasivo de fibrose hepática, entre populações portadoras do vírus do HIV e co-infectados com HIV e HCV. RESULTADOS: Os grupos estudados não mostraram diferenças quando avaliados idade, sexo, medida de CD4 e carga viral para HIV em todas visitas, tipo de HAART e APRI antes do início de HAART. O grupo de pacientes co-infectados com HIV e HCV apresentava APRI significativamente maior que o grupo de monoinfectados por HIV no terceiro (0,57 + 0,31 x 0,27 + 0,05, p = 0,02) e sexto mês (0,93 + 0,79 x 0,28 + 0,11, p = 0,04). CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, HAART foi associado com aumento de APRI no terceiro e sexto mês de seguimento nos pacientes co-infectados, sugerindo que nestes pode estar ocorrendo hepatotoxicidade cumulativa e síndrome inflamatória da reconstituição imune após início dos antirretrovirais.
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the changing innovation management literature by providing an overview of different innovation types and organizational complexity factors. Aiming at a better understanding of effective innovation management, innovation and complexity are related to the formulation of an innovation strategy and interaction between different innovation types is further explored. The chosen approach in this study is to review the existing literature on different innovation types and organizational complexity factors in order to design a survey which allows for statistical measurement of their interactions and relationships to innovation strategy formulation. The findings demonstrate interaction between individual innovation types. Additionally, organizational complexity factors and different innovation types are significantly related to innovation strategy formulation. In particular, more closed innovation and incremental innovation positively influence the likelihood of innovation strategy formulation. Organizational complexity factors have an overall negative influence on innovation strategy formulation. In order to define best practices for innovation management and to guide managerial decision making, organizations need to be aware of the co-existence of different innovation types and formulate an innovation strategy to more closely align their innovation objectives.
Despite the growing relevance of co-creating customer communities only little scientific evidence is available on their impact on transactional behavior of participants. Previous research has mostly used self-reported data or distinguished only between during and pre-community phases obtaining mixed results. However, the author proposes that co-creating community activity takes place in five distinguishable phases and changes in transactional behavior are limited to certain phases. Using 33 months of transactional data of a Dutch online auction provider a study was conducted covering all five phases of the community co-creation process from community planning over community set-up, co-development and co-testing to post-launch. The overall results indicate mixed effects of community participation on the different transactional variables during the co-creation process. Community participation had positive effects on auctions listing behavior at the community set-up, co-development and post-launch phases, whereby the number of auctions listed peaked during the community set-up phase. These results suggest that the impact on transactional behavior differs between co-creation phases and different psychological mechanism limited to certain phases might trigger the respective changes.
RESUMO - Confrontados por uma procura mais ativa e exigente e pressionados por uma maior restrição orçamental, os prestadores de saúde têm vindo a reconhecer o Marketing de Fidelização como uma solução sustentável para o seu sucesso financeiro. Assim, a autora explora como se desenvolve a cocriação de valor do consumidor no setor de saúde, nomeadamente, as interações, os atores e as atividades envolvidas na gestão e tratamento da doença. O projeto de investigação foca-se particularmente na cocriação de valor entre o médico regular e o paciente. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória de natureza qualitativa. Os dados recolhidos na APDP, a uma amostra de 16 pacientes diabéticos através da técnica de entrevistas aprofundadas, revelaram que os estilos práticos de criação de valor do consumidor (CVCPS) desenvolvido por McColl-Kennedy et al. (2012) adequam-se às características desta doença. Os resultados do estudo sustentam que os pacientes com estilos práticos de cocriação de valor do consumidor “Parceria” e “Gestor de equipa” tendem a estar associados a um nível de fidelização elevado, pelo que se sugere que estes estilos sejam encorajados pelos prestadores. Em contraste, o Estilo de cocriação “Colaboração Passiva” está potencialmente associado a níveis de fidelização reduzidos, o que também sugere que a participação do paciente no seu relacionamento com o médico possa ser um fator potenciador da sua fidelização. O presente projeto de Investigação pretende ser um contributo teórico para investigação futura na área da cocriação e fidelização, com uma aplicação empírica que contribui para uma maior extensividade dos benefícios da cocriação de valor do consumidor para a Gestão em Saúde.
INTRODUCTION: The situation of tuberculosis (TB) is being modified by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is increasing the occurrence of new cases and the generation of drug resistant strains, affecting not only the people infected with HIV, but also their close contacts and the general population, conforming a serious public health concern. However, the magnitudes of the factors associated to this co-infection differ considerably in relation to the population groups and geographical areas. METHODS: In order to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors for the co-infection of tuberculosis (TB) in a population with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV+) in the Southeast of Mexico, we made the analysis of clinical and epidemiological variables and the diagnosis of tuberculosis by isolation of mycobacteria from respiratory samples. RESULTS: From the 147 HIV+ individuals analyzed, 12 were culture positive; this shows a prevalence of 8% for the co-infection. The only variable found with statistical significance for the co-infection was the number of CD4-T < 200 cells/mm³, OR 13 (95%, CI 2-106 vs 12-109). CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first report describing the factors associated with tuberculosis co -infection with HIV in a population from Southern Mexico. The low number of CD4 T-cells was the only variable associated with the TB co-infection and the rest of the variables provide scenarios that require specific and particular interventions for this population group.
INTRODUCTION: The co-infection Trypanosoma cruzi/HIV has been described as a clinical event of great relevance. The objective of this study wasto describe clinical and epidemiological aspects published in literature. METHODS: It is a systematic review of a descriptive nature from the databases Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Scopus, from 1980 to 2010. RESULTS: There were 83 articles (2.8 articles/year) with a total of 291 cases. The co-infection was described in 1980 and this situation has become the defining AIDS clinical event in Brazil. This is the country with the highest number of publication (51.8%) followed by Argentina (27.7%). The majority of cases are amongst adult men (65.3%) native or from endemic regions with serological diagnosis in the chronic stage (97.9%) and indeterminate form (50.8%). Both diseases follow the normal course, but in 41% the reactivation of the Chagas disease occurs. The most severe form is the meningoencephalitis, with 100% of mortality without specific and early treatment of the T. cruzi. The medication of choice was the benznidazole on doses and duration normally used for the acute phase. The high parasitemia detected by direct or indirect quantitative methods indicated reactivation and its elevation is the most important predictive factor. The lower survival rate was related to the reactivation of the Chagas disease and the natural complications of both diseases. The role of the antiretroviral treatment on the co-infection cannot yet be defined by the knowledge currently existent. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the relevance of this clinical event there are still gaps to be filled.
INTRODUCTION: Rabies is one of the most known lethal zoonosis, responsible for 55,000 human deaths per year. It is transmitted to humans mainly by the bite of domestic or wild animals infected with the virus. This paper shows the circulation of this virus in non-hematophagous bats in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: A survey was performed on the number of bats that had been sent for diagnosis by the Seção de Virologia of the Instituto Municipal de Medicina Veterinária Jorge Vaitsman and were positive for rabies. The positive animals were identified, and the isolated viruses were sent for antigenic typification with indirect immunofluorescence. The results were compared with the antigenic panel of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RESULTS: During 2001-2010, the laboratory received 555 non-hematophagous bats for rabies diagnosis, with 198 (35.7%) from Rio de Janeiro City. A total of 11 (5.5%) animals were positive for this disease. Antigenic typification revealed the predominance of variant 3 in 9 (81.8%) of the isolated viruses; 1 virus was classified as variant 4 and 1 variant was identified that segregated with the viruses in insectivorous bats. CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained in this study showed the presence of the rabies virus in synanthropic populations of non-hematophagous bats in the City of Rio de Janeiro. The circulation of this agent in these animals represents a serious risk to human and animal health and requires attention and control measures by the authorities.
INTRODUCTION: Manaus, the capital city of the state of Amazon with nearly 2 million inhabitants, is located in the middle of the Amazon rain forest and has suffered dengue outbreaks since 1998. METHODS: In this study, blood samples were investigated using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), aimed at identifying dengue virus serotypes. RESULTS: Acute phase sera from 432 patients were tested for the presence of dengue virus. Out of the 432 patients, 137 (31.3%) were found to be positive. All the four dengue virus serotypes were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The simultaneous circulation of the four dengue serotypes is described for the first time in Manaus and in Brazil.
Snake bite envenoming is a disease with potential serious neurological complications. We report a case of an adolescent who was bitten by a rattlesnake and developed bilateral posterior circulation stroke. The rattlesnake was later identified as being Crotalus durissus terrificus. Stroke was probably due to toxic vasculitis or toxin-induced vascular spasm and endothelial damage.
Introduction During a diagnostic evaluation of canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL), two of seventeen dogs were found to be co-infected by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. Methods Specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism-PCR (RFLP-PCR) assays were performed. Results PCR assays for Leishmania subgenus identification followed by RFLP-PCR analysis in biopsies from cutaneous lesions and the spleen confirmed the presence of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi in those fragments. Conclusions This report reinforces the importance of using serological and molecular techniques in the epidemiological surveillance of canine populations in endemic areas in which both diseases are known to co-exist. In such cases, a reassessment of the control measures is required.
Introduction Torque teno virus (TTV) and SEN virus are circular single-stranded DNA viruses that cause blood-borne infections. The SEN virus (SEN-V) was originally detected in the serum of an injection drug user infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Recently TTV was discovered as a potential causative agent of non-A-E hepatitis. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of the SEN-V-D/H and TTV in HIV patients and healthy blood donors in Iran. Methods One hundred and fifty HIV patients with a mean age of 50.46 ± 18.46 years and 150 healthy blood donors with a mean age of 48.16 ± 13.73 years were included in this study. TTV and SEN-V were detected by the PCR and were quantitatively assayed by competitive PCR (nested and semi-nested PCR). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used to determine the heterogeneity of TTV. Results TTV and SEN-V were detected 96 (64%) and 84 (56%) of 150 HIV patients respectively. These rates were 34% (n=51) and 37.33% (n=56) in healthy blood donors (significant, p<0.05). PCR detected SEN-V/TTV DNA from 32 of the healthy blood donors (21.33%), while 65 (43.33%) of HIV patients were positive for SEN-V/TTV DNA. Of 150 HIV patients, 32.66% and 23.33% were positive for SEN-V-H and SEN-V-D, respectively and 18.66% (n=28) were co-infected with SEN-V-D/H. Conclusions The prevalence of SEN-VD/H and TTV is higher in HIV patients than in healthy blood donors in Southern Iran. Our results suggest that TTV and SEN-V might play a role in the development of liver disease in patients with immunodeficiency diseases.
Introduction Hantavirus infections have been described in several regions in Brazil through seroepidemiological studies. Usually, populations are associated with rural and wild environment mainly due to close contact to species of Sigmodontinae rodents, considered hantavirus reservoirs. Methods A retrospective serosurvey was conducted to access the hantavirus seroprevalence in people living in regions affected by bovine vaccinia outbreaks. Results Sera from 53 patients were analyzed and none of them presented anti-hantavirus IgG antibodies. Conclusions This study presents an opportunity to analyze seronegativity despite close and recurrent contact with known hantavirus reservoirs. Aspects of hantavirus and bovine vaccinia emergence are also discussed.