506 resultados para citations


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[ES] 1. Indicios de calidad de las publicaciones científicas y principales indicadores bibliométricos (JIF, SJR, índice h) 2. Principales bases de datos bibliográficas (Web of Science, Scopus y Google Scholar) 3. Qué es y cómo se utiliza Web of Science. Cómo identificar el Factor de Impacto JCR de una revista, la categoría de indización y el cuartil dentro de su categoría. 4. Qué es y cómo se utiliza Scopus. Cómo identificar el Indicador de Impacto SJR de una revista. 5. Qué es y cómo funciona Google Scholar Citations. 6. Estrategias de difusión de la labor investigadora en la web 2.0 7. Qué son y cómo funcionan las redes sociales académicas: Academia, ResearchGate, … 8. Estrategias para mejorar la visibilidad de las publicaciones científicas.


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[EN] The citation potential is a measure of the probability of being cited. Obviously, it is different among fields of science because of systematic differences in publication and citation behaviour across disciplines. In the past, the citation potential was studied at journal level considering the average number of references in established groups of journals. In this paper, some characterizations of the author’s scientific research through three different research dimensions are proposed: production (journal papers), impact (journal citations), and reference (bibliographical sources). An empirical application, in a set of 120 randomly selected authors in four subject areas, shows that the ratio between production and impact dimensions is a normalized measure of the citation potential at the level of individual authors.


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[EN]This paper proposes an alternative bibliometric indicator for evaluating scholarly journals based on the percentage of highly cited articles in a journal. It compares such an index with the impact factor and the h-index by using different time windows and levels of citation that can determine when a document can be considered as highly cited compared to others of the same year and discipline. The main outcome of this comparison suggests that the best index for obtaining data distributions that are comparable between scientific fields is by taking the 20% citation percentile over a three-year time frame for considering citations.


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Clowninnen. Portrait einer Berufsgruppe Eine neue Berufsgruppe etabliert sich: Die Clownin! Seit den 1980er Jahren treten vermehrt Frauen als Clownin in die europäische Öffentlichkeit. Sie erobern zunehmend weitere gesellschaftliche Bereiche, treten aus dem Zirkus heraus, hinein in die wirtschaftliche, religiöse, medizinische, pädagogische und soziale Sphäre. Die Erweiterung der Arbeitsfelder beinhaltet differenzierte Aktionsmöglichkeiten für die Clownin und prägt die Beziehung zu den Zuschauern, die vom Einzelkontakt z.B. im Altenheim über Seminargruppen bis hin zu hunderten von Personen bei Bühnenstücken reichen. Die Zugangswege zur Clownsarbeit sind individuell, wobei sich die früher typisch familiäre Bindung in Zirkus- und anderen Künstlerfamilien nicht mehr finden lässt. Das Clown-Sein begreifen die Frauen als einen Prozess, der vor allem durch Persönlichkeitsarbeit und Lebenserfahrung geprägt ist. Bestimmte Aspekte des Clowns erschließen sich erst im und durch das Clownsspiel, wobei immer wieder Grenzen auf persönlicher und gesellschaftlicher Ebene aufgebrochen werden. Kernstück der Studie bilden zehn qualitative Interviews mit Frauen aus Deutschland und der Schweiz, die beruflich als Clownin in unterschiedlichen Arbeitsfeldern tätig sind. Ergänzend beobachtete die Autorin Auftritte in verschiedenen Arbeitsbereichen und führte eine Befragung an 16 Clownsschulen durch. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, Ausbildungswege, Arbeitsfelder und Arbeitsweisen dieser neuen Berufsgruppe aus emischer Sicht darzulegen. Vertiefend wird das Selbstverständnis der Clowninnen vorgestellt. Welche Ziele verfolgen die Frauen in ihrer Arbeit und wo sehen sie die Grenzen des Clowns? Welche Bedeutung messen sie der Spiritualität und dem Tod zu? Wie gestaltet sich das Wechselspiel zwischen Privatperson und Clownin? In mehreren Portraits und in vergleichenden Darstellungen finden sich Antworten auf diese Fragen, bei denen die Frauen durch vielfältige Zitate immer wieder selber zu Wort kommen.


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Entre les années 1950 et 1980, émerge une nouvelle forme de labyrinthe chez des romanciers européens comme Michel Butor, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Italo Calvino, Patrick Modiano et Alasdair Gray : un labyrinthe insaisissable et non cartographiable. Pour en rendre compte nous avons recours au modèle du rhizome, issu de la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze et de Félix Guattari, aussi bien qu'au concept d'hétérotopie de Michel Foucault. La spatialité de nos romans nous pousse à prendre en compte également les réécritures ironiques du mythe de Thésée, Ariane, le Minotaure, Dédale. Les citations et les allusions au mythe nous font remarquer la distance d'avec le modèle traditionnel et les effets de ce qu'on peut considérer comme un « bricolage mythique », dans le cadre d'un regard ironique, parodique ou satirique. La représentation romanesque du labyrinthe accentue d'un côté l'absence d'un centre, et de l'autre côté l'ouverture extrême de cet espace qu'est la ville contemporaine. En même temps, la présence de nombreux « espaces autres », les hétérotopies de Foucault, définit l'égarement des protagonistes des romans. Au fur et à mesure que les écrivains acquièrent conscience des caractéristiques « labyrinthiques » de ces espaces, celles-ci commencent à informer l'œuvre romanesque, créant ainsi un espace métafictionnel. Entre les années Cinquante et le début des années Soixante-dix, les Nouveaux romanciers français accentuent ainsi l'idée de pouvoir jouer avec les instruments de la fiction, pour exaspérer l'absence d'un sens dans la ville comme dans la pratique de l'écriture. Calvino reformule cette conception du roman, remarquant l'importance d'un sens, même s'il est caché et difficile à saisir. Pour cette raison, à la fin de l'époque que nous analysons, des auteurs comme Modiano et Gray absorbent les techniques d'écriture de ces prédécesseurs, en les faisant jouer avec la responsabilité éthique de l'auteur.


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Nel presente lavoro si introduce un nuovo indice per la valutazione dei prodotti della ricerca: l'indice di multidisciplinarieta`. Questa nuova metrica puo` essere un interessante parametro di valutazione: il panorama degli studi multidisciplinari e` vasto ed eterogeneo, ed all'interno di questo sono richieste necessarie competenze trasversali. Le attuali metriche adottate nella valutazione di un accademico, di un journal, o di una conferenza non tengono conto di queste situazioni intermedie, e limitano la loro valutazione dell'impatto al semplice conteggio delle citazioni ricevute. Il risultato di tale valutazione consiste in un valore dell'impatto della ricerca senza una connotazione della direzione e della rilevanza di questa nel contesto delle altre discipline. L'indice di multidisciplinarieta` proposto si integrerebbe allora all'interno dell'attuale panorama delle metriche di valutazione della ricerca, offrendo -accanto ad una quantificazione dell'impatto- una quantificazione della varieta` dei contesti disciplinari nei quali si inserisce.


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Les expressions figées ont été longtemps considérées comme un aspect marginal de la langue. Il en résulte un traitement très fragmentaire et anarchique dans les dictionnaires, monolingues et bilingues, qui leur ont toujours accordé et continuent de leur accorder une petite place. Les expressions figées comportent, en outre, des difficultés de compréhension et de traduction dans la langue étrangère car elles possèdent des structures syntaxiques particulières qui n’ont pas toujours d’équivalents analogues dans d’autres langues. C’est pourquoi notre travail se donne pour objectif d’évaluer la traduction en italien et, pour quelques ouvrages aussi en espagnol, des québécismes phraséologiques, c’est-à-dire des expressions figées appartenant à la variété québécoise du français. Notre mémoire se divise en quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre présentera les théories linguistiques élaborées au cours des deux derniers siècles, selon les différentes approches que les linguistes ont adoptées pour définir et classifier les expressions figées. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous analyserons le traitement des expressions figées à l’intérieur des dictionnaires bilingues français-italien et français-espagnol, afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure ces outils peuvent satisfaire les exigences des traducteurs. Pour finir, nous expliquerons les problèmes liés à la traduction des expressions figées et les stratégies que les traducteurs adoptent pour résoudre ces problèmes.Dans le troisième chapitre nous nous concentrerons sur la variété diatopique du français du Québec et sur les particularités que les expressions figées québécoises présentent par rapport aux expressions figées du français de référence. Dans le quatrième et dernier chapitre, nous procèderons à l’analyse intralinguistique et contrastive des citations. L’analyse intralinguistique a été possible grâce à la consultation de plusieurs dictionnaires francophones, qui servent pour étudier le sens des québécismes et pour comprendre leur originalité par rapport au FrR. L’analyse contrastive permettra d’évaluer la traduction en italien et en espagnol des expressions figées québécoises.


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Ce travail de recherche se base sur la traduction d’un texte littéraire du russe vers l’italien. Il s’agit d’un essai du psychanalyste N. E. Osipov, intitulé « Zapiski sumasšedšego », nezakončennoe proizvedenie L. N. Tolstogo (“Les mémoires d’un fou”, œuvre inaccomplie de L. N. Tolstoï ). Cet essai est une analyse de la vie et de la maladie de l’auteur des Mémoires du point de vue psychanalytique. En effet, Osipov fut l’un des représentants plus importants du mouvement psychanalytique en Russie. C’était un psychanalyste et il est considéré comme l’un des pionniers de la psychanalyse russe. En effet, il a joué un rôle très important en faveur de la diffusion des œuvres de Freud et de la psychanalyse dans son pays. En traduisant les œuvres de Freud, il a introduit la théorie et la langue psychanalytiques en Russie, surtout, parmi les intellectuels. Ce travail de recherche se compose de trois chapitres principaux. Dans le premier, les thèmes abordés sont : la naissance et la diffusion de la psychanalyse en Russie ; la vie et les œuvres psychanalytiques et littéraires de Osipov ; l’analyse du texte Les mémoire d’un fou. A l’intérieur du deuxième chapitre, on trouve la traduction italienne du texte de Osipov susmentionné. Enfin, le troisième chapitre contient une analyse du travail de traduction, c’est-à-dire une analyse des difficultés rencontrées et des choix de traduction effectués pour les surmonter, en utilisant plusieurs moyens comme des dictionnaires, des ouvrages spécialisés, même en langue originale, et des sites internet sur le thème de la psychanalyse. Le travail a été rédigé en italien, mais il contient beaucoup de citations en langue originale (russe) des textes utilisés pour la recherche. Il en résulte un apport très important pour comprendre la diffusion de la discipline psychanalytique en Russie et le rôle important joué par le psychanalyste Osipov de ce point de vue.


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BACKGROUND: Worldwide, diarrheal diseases rank second among conditions that afflict children. Despite the disease burden, there is limited consensus on how to define and measure pediatric acute diarrhea in trials. OBJECTIVES: In RCTs of children involving acute diarrhea as the primary outcome, we documented (1) how acute diarrhea and its resolution were defined, (2) all primary outcomes, (3) the psychometric properties of instruments used to measure acute diarrhea and (4) the methodologic quality of included trials, as reported. METHODS: We searched CENTRAL, Embase, Global Health, and Medline from inception to February 2009. English-language RCTs of children younger than 19 years that measured acute diarrhea as a primary outcome were chosen. RESULTS: We identified 138 RCTs reporting on 1 or more primary outcomes related to pediatric acute diarrhea/diseases. Included trials used 64 unique definitions of diarrhea, 69 unique definitions of diarrhea resolution, and 46 unique primary outcomes. The majority of included trials evaluated short-term clinical disease activity (incidence and duration of diarrhea), laboratory outcomes, or a composite of these end points. Thirty-two trials used instruments (eg, single and multidomain scoring systems) to support assessment of disease activity. Of these, 3 trials stated that their instrument was valid; however, none of the trials (or their citations) reported evidence of this validity. The overall methodologic quality of included trials was good. CONCLUSIONS: Even in what would be considered methodologically sound clinical trials, definitions of diarrhea, primary outcomes, and instruments employed in RCTs of pediatric acute diarrhea are heterogeneous, lack evidence of validity, and focus on indices that may not be important to participants.


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Marina Katnic-Bakarsic. Linguistic Stylistics The practical, i.e. educational, objective of this research was to produce lectures on linguistic stylistics for the students of Sarajevo University, while the theoretical one was to produce a monograph on the subject. This monograph, which can also be used as a university textbook, includes twenty-nine chapters, an index of topics, a bibliography and a list of sources. The theoretical postulates are followed by examples from texts in various functional styles in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, and in some cases Russian or English. Linguo-stylistic problems were investigated from both the structuralist and post-structuralist points of view. Linguistic stylistics is therefore understood as a discipline which studies expressive, stylistically marked language units on all language levels, functional-stylistic language variation and various aspects of intertextuality and metatext. The author introduces a notion of stylistic competence. The stylistic competence of a speaker is directly proportional to his/her knowledge of different varieties of language (i.e. subcodes) and to the successful switching from one subcode to another. Stylistic creativity is a special segment of stylistic competence as a feature of individual style. A new classification of functional styles has also been introduced. This includes six primary styles (scientific, colloquial, administrative, publicistic, journalistic and literary-artistic) and five secondary styles (oratorical, the style of advertisements and commercials, that of comics, that of essays and that of screenplays). A special place is given to the analysis of the style of hypertext and hypermedia, which can be understood only within the post-structuralist theory of text deconstruction and intertextuality. The project also analysed some new topics, including reregistration in literary texts, gender and style of dialogue, and citations as metatextual signals and their role in different types of text. The results therefore offer a new approach to the study of linguistic stylistics both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the field in general.


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BACKGROUND: Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) remains the most common opportunistic infection in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Among patients with HIV infection and PCP the mortality rate is 10 to 20% during the initial infection and increases substantially with the need for mechanical ventilation. It was suggested that in these patients corticosteroids adjunctive to standard treatment for PCP could prevent the need for mechanical ventilation and decrease mortality. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of adjunctive corticosteroids on overall mortality and the need for mechanical ventilation in HIV-infected patients with PCP and substantial hypoxemia (arterial oxygen partial pressure <70 mmHg or alveolar-arterial gradient >35 mmHg on room air). SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched Medline (January 1980-December 2004), EMBASE (January 1985-December 2004) and The Cochrane Library (Issue 4, 2004) without language restrictions to identify randomised controlled trials that compared adjunctive corticosteroids to control in HIV-infected patients with PCP. We further reviewed the reference lists from previously published overviews, we searched UptoDate version 2005 and Clinical Evidence Concise (Issue 12, 2004), contacted experts of the field, and searched reference lists of identified publications for citations of additional relevant articles. SELECTION CRITERIA: Trials were considered eligible for this review if they compared corticosteroids to placebo or usual care in HIV-infected patients with PCP in addition to baseline treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, pentamidine or dapsone-trimethoprim, used random allocation, and reported mortality data. We excluded trials in patients with no or mild hypoxemia (arterial oxygen partial pressure >70 mmHg or an alveolar-arterial gradient <35 mmHg on room air) and trials with a follow-up of less than 30 days. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two teams of reviewers independently evaluated the methodology and extracted data from each primary study. We pooled treatment effects across studies and calculated a weighted average risk ratio of overall mortality in the treatment and control groups by using a random effects model. MAIN RESULTS: Six studies were included in the review and meta-analysis. Risk ratios for overall mortality for adjunctive corticosteroids were 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.32-0.98) at 1 month and 0.68 (95% CI, 0.50-0.94) at 3-4 months of follow-up. To prevent 1 death, numbers needed to treat are 9 patients in a setting without highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) available, and 23 patients with HAART available. Only the 3 largest trials provided data on the need for mechanical ventilation with a risk ratio of 0.38 (95% CI, 0.20-0.73) in favour of adjunctive corticosteroids. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The number and size of trials investigating adjunctive corticosteroids for HIV-infected patients with PCP is small, but evidence from this review suggests a beneficial effect for patients with substantial hypoxemia.


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BACKGROUND: Only data of published study results are available to the scientific community for further use such as informing future research and synthesis of available evidence. If study results are reported selectively, reporting bias and distortion of summarised estimates of effect or harm of treatments can occur. The publication and citation of results of clinical research conducted in Germany was studied. METHODS: The protocols of clinical research projects submitted to the research ethics committee of the University of Freiburg (Germany) in 2000 were analysed. Published full articles in several databases were searched and investigators contacted. Data on study and publication characteristics were extracted from protocols and corresponding publications. RESULTS: 299 study protocols were included. The most frequent study design was randomised controlled trial (141; 47%), followed by uncontrolled studies (61; 20%), laboratory studies (30; 10%) and non-randomised studies (29; 10%). 182 (61%) were multicentre studies including 97 (53%) international collaborations. 152 of 299 (51%) had commercial (co-)funding and 46 (15%) non-commercial funding. 109 of the 225 completed protocols corresponded to at least one full publication (total 210 articles); the publication rate was 48%. 168 of 210 identified publications (80%) were cited in articles indexed in the ISI Web of Science. The median was 11 citations per publication (range 0-1151). CONCLUSIONS: Results of German clinical research projects conducted are largely underreported. Barriers to successful publication need to be identified and appropriate measures taken. Close monitoring of projects until publication and adequate support provided to investigators may help remedy the prevailing underreporting of research.


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Here we present, for the first time, a glossary of biometeorological terms. The glossary aims to address the need for a reliable source of biometeorological definitions, thereby facilitating communication and mutual understanding in this rapidly expanding field. A total of 171 terms are defined, with reference to 234 citations. It is anticipated that the glossary will be revisited in coming years, updating terms and adding new terms, as appropriate. The glossary is intended to provide a useful resource to the biometeorology community, and to this end, readers are encouraged to contact the lead author to suggest additional terms for inclusion in later versions of the glossary as a result of new and emerging developments in the field.


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When evaluated for promotion or tenure, faculty members are increasingly judged more on the quality than on the quantity of their scholarly publications. As a result, they want help from librarians in locating all citations to their published works for documentation in their curriculum vitae. Citation analysis using Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index provides a logical starting point in measuring quality, but the limitations of these sources leave a void in coverage of citations to an author's work. This article discusses alternative and additional methods of locating citations to published works.


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BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal disorders, stress and performance anxiety are common in musicians. Therefore, some use the Alexander Technique (AT), a psycho-physical method that helps to release unnecessary muscle tension and re-educates non-beneficial movement patterns through intentional inhibition of unwanted habitual behaviours. According to a recent review AT sessions may be effective for chronic back pain. This review aimed to evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of AT sessions on musicians' performance, anxiety, respiratory function and posture. METHODS: The following electronic databases were searched up to February 2014 for relevant publications: PUBMED, Google Scholar, CINAHL, EMBASE, AMED, PsycINFO and RILM. The search criteria were "Alexander Technique" AND "music*". References were searched, and experts and societies of AT or musicians' medicine contacted for further publications. RESULTS: 237 citations were assessed. 12 studies were included for further analysis, 5 of which were randomised controlled trials (RCTs), 5 controlled but not randomised (CTs), and 2 mixed methods studies. Main outcome measures in RCTs and CTs were music performance, respiratory function, performance anxiety, body use and posture. Music performance was judged by external experts and found to be improved by AT in 1 of 3 RCTs; in 1 RCT comparing neurofeedback (NF) to AT, only NF caused improvements. Respiratory function was investigated in 2 RCTs, but not improved by AT training. Performance anxiety was mostly assessed by questionnaires and decreased by AT in 2 of 2 RCTs and in 2 of 2 CTs. CONCLUSIONS: A variety of outcome measures have been used to investigate the effectiveness of AT sessions in musicians. Evidence from RCTs and CTs suggests that AT sessions may improve performance anxiety in musicians. Effects on music performance, respiratory function and posture yet remain inconclusive. Future trials with well-established study designs are warranted to further and more reliably explore the potential of AT in the interest of musicians.