965 resultados para children - genetic origin
Despite the wide distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in mammalian genomes, part of their evolutionary significance remains to be discovered. Today there is a substantial amount of evidence showing that TEs are involved in the generation of new exons in different species. In the present study, we searched 22,805 genes and reported the occurrence of TE-cassettes in coding sequences of 542 cow genes using the RepeatMasker program. Despite the significant number (542) of genes with TE insertions in exons only 14 (2.6%) of them were translated into protein, which we characterized as chimeric genes. From these chimeric genes, only the FAST kinase domains 3 (FASTKD3) gene, present on chromosome BTA 20, is a functional gene and showed evidence of the exaptation event. The genome sequence analysis showed that the last exon coding sequence of bovine FASTKD3 is ∼85% similar to the ART2A retrotransposon sequence. In addition, comparison among FASTKD3 proteins shows that the last exon is very divergent from those of Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes and Canis familiares. We suggest that the gene structure of bovine FASTKD3 gene could have originated by several ectopic recombinations between TE copies. Additionally, the absence of TE sequences in all other species analyzed suggests that the TE insertion is clade-specific, mainly in the ruminant lineage. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Location or stock-specific landing data are necessary to improve management of shark stocks, especially those imperiled by overexploitation as a result of the international shark fin trade. In the current absence of catch monitoring directly at extraction sites, genetic stock identification of fins collected from major market supply chain endpoints offers an overlooked but potentially useful approach for tracing the fins back to their geographical, or stock of, origin. To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, we used mitochondrial control region (mtCR) sequences to trace the broad geographical origin of 62 Hong Kong market-derived Sphyrna lewini fins. Of these fins 21% were derived from the western Atlantic, where this species is listed as 'Endangered' by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). We also show that S. lewini mtCR sequences are geographically segregated in the western Atlantic (overall ΦST = 0.74, n = 177 sharks), indicating that breeding females either remain close to, or home back to, their natal region for parturition. Mixed stock analysis simulations showed that it is possible to estimate the relative contributions of these mitochondrial stocks to fin mixtures in globally sourced trade hubs. These findings underscore the feasibility of using genetic stock identification to source market-derived shark fins to obtain essential and otherwise unavailable data on exploitation levels, and thus to productively inform stock assessment and management of S. lewini and potentially also of other fished shark species. © Inter-Research 2009.
The stingless bee Partamona helleri in southeast Brazil shows the regular chromosome number 2n = 34 and a variable number of up to four minute B1 or B2 chromosomes. Previous cytogenetic analyses have indicated morphological similarities between the B1 chromosome and chromosome segments in the regular karyotype. In this study, microdissection and chromosome painting were employed along with C banding, NOR banding, and base-specific fluorochrome staining to investigate the origin of the B1 chromosome in P. helleri. B1-generated probe hybridized exclusively to B1 chromosomes. This result suggests an independent origin from the regular karyotype or, alternatively, that the B chromosome may have suffered substantial genetic alterations along its independent evolution. The absence of higher dosages of these small B chromosomes in this population of P. helleri may be related to the existence of either a genetic or cytogenetic constraint in the establishment of such high numbered karyotypes. © 2012 INRA, DIB and Springer-Verlag, France.
Horses were domesticated from the Eurasian steppes 5,000-6,000 years ago. Since then, the use of horses for transportation, warfare, and agriculture, as well as selection for desired traits and fitness, has resulted in diverse populations distributed across the world, many of which have become or are in the process of becoming formally organized into closed, breeding populations (breeds). This report describes the use of a genome-wide set of autosomal SNPs and 814 horses from 36 breeds to provide the first detailed description of equine breed diversity. FST calculations, parsimony, and distance analysis demonstrated relationships among the breeds that largely reflect geographic origins and known breed histories. Low levels of population divergence were observed between breeds that are relatively early on in the process of breed development, and between those with high levels of within-breed diversity, whether due to large population size, ongoing outcrossing, or large within-breed phenotypic diversity. Populations with low within-breed diversity included those which have experienced population bottlenecks, have been under intense selective pressure, or are closed populations with long breed histories. These results provide new insights into the relationships among and the diversity within breeds of horses. In addition these results will facilitate future genome-wide association studies and investigations into genomic targets of selection. © 2013 Petersen et al.
The MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs associated with the MAT1 locus of Histoplasma capsulatum were identified by PCR. A total of 28 fungal isolates, 6 isolates from human clinical samples and 22 isolates from environmental (infected bat and contaminated soil) samples, were studied. Among the 14 isolates from Mexico, 71.4% (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 48.3% to 94.5%) were of the MAT1-2 genotype, whereas 100% of the isolates from Brazil were of the MAT1-1 genotype. Each MAT1 idiomorphic region was sequenced and aligned, using the sequences of the G-217B (+mating type) and G-186AR (-mating type) strains as references. BLASTn analyses of the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 sequences studied correlated with their respective+ and-mating type genotypes. Trees were generated by the maximum likelihood (ML) method to search for similarity among isolates of each MAT1 idiomorph. All MAT1-1 isolates originated from Brazilian bats formed a well-defined group; three isolates from Mexico, the G-217B strain, and a subgroup encompassing all soil-derived isolates and two clinical isolates from Brazil formed a second group; last, one isolate (EH-696P) from a migratory bat captured in Mexico formed a third group of the MAT1-1 genotype. The MAT1-2 idiomorph formed two groups, one of which included two H. capsulatum isolates from infected bats that were closely related to the G-186AR strain. The other group was formed by two human isolates and six isolates from infected bats. Concatenated ML trees, with internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) -5.8S-ITS2 and MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 sequences, support the relatedness of MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 isolates. H. capsulatum mating types were associated with the geographical origin of the isolates, and all isolates from Brazil correlated with their environmental sources. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Child migration in the region has many contradictory aspects, as reported in the feature article of this bulletin. On the positive side, there are better educational opportunities in countries of destination and, in countries of origin, greater well-being thanks to remittances; greater protection gained by migrating away from situations of violence and social risk; and new horizons for broadening life experiences. On the negative side, there are precariousness and heightened family environment risks when the parents migrate and the children are left behind in the care of others; exposure to abuse and violation of rights during migratory processes; and possibly lower citizen status in receiving countries.
Os rotavírus (RVs) são a principal causa de gastrenterites viróticas agudas tanto em seres humanos, como em animais jovens de várias espécies, incluindo bezerros, equinos, suínos, caninos, felinos e aves. A diversidade genética dos RVs está associada a diferentes mecanismos de evolução. Nesse contexto registrem-se: mutação pontual, rearranjo genômico e reestruturação (reassortment). O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a caracterização molecular dos genes que codificam para as proteínas estruturais e não-estruturais em amostras não usuais de RVs. Os espécimes clínicos selecionados para este estudo foram oriundos de projetos de pesquisa em gastrenterites virais conduzidos no Instituto Evandro Chagas e provenientes de crianças e neonato com gastrenterite por RVs. Os espécimes fecais foram submetidos à reação em cadeia mediada pela polimerase, para os genes estruturais (VP1-VP4, VP6 e VP7) e não estruturais (NSP1-NSP6), os quais foram sequenciados posteriormente. Oito amostras não usuais de RV oriundas de crianças e neonato com gastrenterite foram analisadas evidenciando a ocorrência de eventos de rearranjos entre genes provenientes de origem animal em 5/8 (62,5%) das amostras analisadas. Desta forma, o presente estudo demonstra que apesar de ser rara a transmissão de RVs entre espécies (animais – humanos), ela está ocorrendo na natureza, como o que possivelmente ocorreu nas amostras do presente estudo NB150, HSP034, HSP180, HST327 e RV10109. O estudo é pioneiro na região amazônica e reforça dados descritos anteriormente que demonstram o estreito relacionamento existente entre genes provenientes de origem humana e animal que possam representar um desafio às vacinas ora em uso introduzidas em escala progressiva nos programas nacionais de imunização.
Background: Iran is an area of particular interest for investigating goat diversity. Archaeological remains indicate early goat domestication (about 10 000 years ago) in the Iranian Zagros Mountains as well as in the high Euphrates valley and southeastern Anatolia. In addition, mitochondrial DNA data of domestic goats and wild ancestors (C. aegagrusor bezoar) suggest a pre-domestication management of wild populations in southern Zagros and central Iranian Plateau. In this study genetic diversity was assessed in seven Iranian native goat breeds, namely Markhoz, Najdi, Taleshi, Khalkhali, Naini, native Abadeh and Turki-Ghashghaei. A total of 317 animals were characterized using 14 microsatellite loci. Two Pakistani goat populations, Pahari and Teddy, were genotyped for comparison.Results: Iranian goats possess a remarkable genetic diversity (average expected heterozygosity of 0.671 across loci, 10.7 alleles per locus) mainly accounted for by the within-breed component (G(ST) = 5.9%). Positive and highly significant F-IS values in the Naini, Turki-Ghashghaei, Abadeh and Markhoz breeds indicate some level of inbreeding in these populations. Multivariate analyses cluster Iranian goats into northern, central and western groups, with the western breeds relatively distinct from the others. Pakistani breeds show some relationship with Iranian populations, even if their position is not consistent across analyses. Gene flow was higher within regions (west, north, central) compared to between regions but particularly low between the western and the other two regions, probably due to the isolating topography of the Zagros mountain range. The Turki-Ghashghaei, Najdi and Abadeh breeds are reared in geographic areas where mtDNA provided evidence of early domestication. These breeds are highly variable, located on basal short branches in the neighbor-joining tree, close to the origin of the principal component analysis plot and, although highly admixed, they are quite distinct from those reared on the western side of the Zagros mountain range.Conclusions: These observations call for further investigation of the nuclear DNA diversity of these breeds within a much wider geographic context to confirm or re-discuss the current hypothesis (based on maternal lineage data) of an almost exclusive contribution of the eastern Anatolian bezoar to the domestic goat gene pool.
Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is the oldest known somatic cell lineage. It is a transmissible cancer that propagates naturally in dogs. We sequenced the genomes of two CTVT tumors and found that CTVT has acquired 1.9 million somatic substitution mutations and bears evidence of exposure to ultraviolet light. CTVT is remarkably stable and lacks subclonal heterogeneity despite thousands of rearrangements, copy-number changes, and retrotransposon insertions. More than 10,000 genes carry nonsynonymous variants, and 646 genes have been lost. CTVT first arose in a dog with low genomic heterozygosity that may have lived about 11,000 years ago. The cancer spawned by this individual dispersed across continents about 500 years ago. Our results provide a genetic identikit of an ancient dog and demonstrate the robustness of mammalian somatic cells to survive for millennia despite a massive mutation burden.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Sweet sorghum, a botanical variety of sorghum is a potential source of bioenergy because high sugar levels accumulate in its stalks. The objectives of this study were to explore the global diversity of sweet sorghum germplasm, and map the genomic regions that are associated with bioenergy traits. In assessing diversity, 142 sweet sorghum accessions were evaluated with three marker types (SSR, SRAP, and morphological markers) to determine the degree of relatedness among the accessions. The traits measured (anthesis date [AD], plant height [PH], biomass yield [BY], and moisture content [MC]) were all significantly different (P<0.05) among accessions. Morphological marker clustered the accessions into five groups based on PH, MC and AD. The three traits accounted for 92.5% of the variation. There were four and five groups based on SRAP and SSR data respectively classifying accessions mainly on their origin or breeding history. The observed difference between SSR and SRAP based clusters could be attributed to the difference in marker type. SSRs amplify any region of the genome whereas SRAP amplify the open reading frames and promoter regions. Comparing the three marker-type clusters, the markers complimented each other in grouping accessions and would be valuable in assisting breeders to select appropriate lines for crossing. In evaluating QTLs that are associated with bioenergy traits, 165 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were planted at four environments in Nebraska. A genetic linkage map constructed spanned a length of 1541.3 cM, and generated 18 linkage groups that aligned to the 10 sorghum chromosomes. Fourteen QTLs (6 for brix, 3 for BY, 2 each for AD and MC, and 1 for PH) were mapped. QTLs for the traits that were significantly correlated, colocalized in two clusters on linkage group Sbi01b. Both parents contributed beneficial alleles for most of traits measured, supporting the transgressive segregation in this population. Additional work is needed on exploiting the usefulness of chromosome 1 in breeding sorghum for bioenergy.
Malignant triton tumor (MTT) is an aggressive peripheral nerve sheath tumor with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation. Less than 100 cases have been described, being mostly male children with type 1 neurofibromatosis. We report a 6-year-old female with MTT and no diagnostic criteria for neurofibromatosis type 1. Cytogenetic analysis showed a 46,X,-X[4]/46,XX[16] karyotype. She underwent a transfemoral amputation and chemotherapy and is free of disease 15 months after diagnosis. The few cytogenetic studies of MTT described in the literature have been inconclusive. Further cytogenetic analyses are needed to understand the role of chromosome X monosomy in the pathogenesis of this rare tumor. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2012; 59: 13201323. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.