999 resultados para charge migration
Human cytosolic thymidine kinase (hTK1) has proven to be a suitable target for the noninvasive imaging of cancer cell proliferation using radiolabeled thymidine analogues such as [(18)F]3'-fluoro-3'-deoxythymidine ([(18)F]FLT). A thymidine analogue for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), which incorporates the readily available and inexpensive nuclide technetium-99m, would be of considerable practical interest. hTK1 is known to accommodate modification of the structure of the natural substrate thymidine at the positions N3 and C3' and, to a lesser extent, C5. In this work, we used the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition to synthesize two series of derivatives in which thymidine is functionalized at either the C3' or N3 position with chelating systems suitable for the M(CO)(3) core (M = (99m)Tc, Re). The click chemistry approach enabled complexes with different structures and overall charges to be synthesized from a common precursor. Using this strategy, the first organometallic hTK1 substrates in which thymidine is modified at the C3' position were identified. Phosphorylation of the organometallic derivatives was measured relative to thymidine. We have shown that the influence of the overall charge of the derivatives is dependent on the position of functionalization. In the case of the C3'-functionalized derivatives, neutral and anionic substrates were most readily phosphorylated (20-28% of the value for the parent ligand thymidine), whereas for the N3-functionalized derivatives, cationic and neutral complexes were apparently better substrates for the enzyme (14-18%) than anionic derivatives (9%).
RESUME L'homéostasie du tissu cutané est assurée par des interactions étroites entre les cellules le composant et par l'équilibre entre la différenciation et la prolifération des kératinocytes devant permettre un renouvellement constant du tissu. Après une blessure, les kératinocytes environnant la zone blessée sont activés par des cytokines. Ils acquièrent alors un phénotype migratoire qui s'accompagne d'une modulation de l'activité protéolytique de la matrice extra cellulaire, d'une modulation de la dynamique du cytosquelette d'active, de la polarisation de la cellule, de l'affaiblissement des contacts entre cellules et de changements dans leurs contacts avec la matrice extra cellulaire. PPARβ est un facteur de transcription activé par les acides gras et leurs dérivés. Il appartient à la famille des récepteurs nucléaires aux hormones et son expression est avérée dans les kératinocytes des follicules pileux et dans les kératinocytes inter-folliculaires activés par la blessure cutanée. Le rôle de PPARβ dans la peau est principalement lié à son effet protecteur contre l'apoptose ainsi qu'à son implication dans l'équilibre dynamique entre la prolifération et la différentiation des kératinocytes. L'objet de ce travail fut de déterminer le rôle de PPARβ dans les processus d'adhésion et de migration des kératinocytes activés durant la régénération de l'épithélium blessé. Nous avons montré que les souris dépourvues du gène codant pour PPARβ ont de sévères imperfections affectant la morphologie de l'épithélium. Ce phénotype est corrélé à la modulation imparfaite du réseau d'active chez les souris dépourvues de PPARβ, à un défaut de localisation de l'intégrine α3 impliquée dans les complexes induisant la migration cellulaire, ainsi qu'à la modulation de l'expression d'acteurs majeurs affectant l'activité protéolytique de la matrice extra cellulaire. En conclusion, nos résultats montrent que PPARβ est impliqué dans le contrôle de la dynamique du cytosquelette d'active et la polarisation des kératinocytes activés. PPARβ étant impliqué dans l'acquisition d'un phénotype migratoire, il est légitime de se demander s'il intervient de même dans d'autres types cellulaires, par exemple dans la transition épithéliale-mésenchymateuse durant le développement, ou encore la progression de cellules tumorales. SUMMARY Highly coordinated intercellular interactions and single cell metabolism ensure cell and tissue maintenance of the skin. Healing of a skin wound involves keratinocyte activation by cytokines and growth factors. Activated keratinocytes acquire a motile phenotype that requires extracellular matrix remodeling and subsequent ligand activation through proteolytic activity, as well as cytoskeletal reorganisation induced by the release of cell-cell junctions and by the signalling relayed via integrin receptors and their cytoplasmic adaptors. PPARβ is a transcription factor activated by polyunsaturated fatty acids and fatty acid derivatives which belong to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. It is expressed in activated keratinocytes where it plays an essential role in protecting them from apoptosis. In addition, it plays an important function in hair follicle morphogenesis at the time of elongation, via the regulation of the balance between keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation. The aim of the present work was to determine if PPARβ is also involved in the regulation of migration and adhesion properties of keratinocytes during skin wound healing. We have shown that wounded PPARβ null mice display severe abnormalities of the keratinocyte migratory layer as shown at the histological level and using three-dimensional reconstruction. This altered migratory phenotype is correlated to altered dynamic of the actin cytoskeleton network, impaired α3 integrin localisation in migrating keratinocytes and changes in the expression of a key actor involved in extracellular matrix proteolytic activity. These results show that PPARβ is implicated in the fine tuning of the actin network organisation and the polarisation of activated keratinocytes following an epithelial wound. Whether these mechanisms are also controlled by PPARβ in other cell types during epithelial mesenchymal transition or tumour cell progression is an interesting question to rise.
The macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a proinflammatory cytokine that recently emerged as an attractive therapeutic target for a variety of diseases. A diverse panel of fully human anti-MIF antibodies was generated by selection from a phage display library and extensively analyzed in vitro. Epitope mapping studies identified antibodies specific for linear as well as structural epitopes. Experimental animal studies revealed that only those antibodies binding epitopes within amino acids 50-68 or 86-102 of the MIF molecule exerted protective effects in models of sepsis or contact hypersensitivity. Within the MIF protein, these two binding regions form a β-sheet structure that includes the MIF oxidoreductase motif. We therefore conclude that this β-sheet structure is a crucial region for MIF activity and a promising target for anti-MIF antibody therapy.
BACKGROUND: Recent evidence indicates that zoledronate, a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate used to treat conditions of increased bone resorption, may have anti-angiogenic activity. The endothelial cells signaling events modulated by zoledronate remain largely elusive. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work was to identify signaling events suppressed by zoledronate in endothelial cells and responsible for some of its biological effects. METHODS: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were exposed to zoledronate, isoprenoid analogs (i.e. farnesol and geranylgeraniol) and various inhibitors of signaling, and the effect on adhesion, survival, migration, actin cytoskeleton and signaling events characterized. RESULTS: Zoledronate reduced Ras prenylation, Ras and RhoA translocation to the membrane, and sustained ERK1/2 phosphorylation and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induced JNK phosphorylation. Isoprenoid analogs attenuated zoledronate effects on HUVEC adhesion, actin stress fibers and focal adhesions, migration and survival. Isoprenoid analogs also restored Ras prenylation, RhoA translocation to the membrane, sustained FAK and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and prevented suppression of protein kinase B (PKB) and JNK phosphorylation in HUVEC exposed to TNF in the presence of zoledronate. Pharmacological inhibition of Rock, a RhoA target mediating actin fiber formation, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, an activator of PKB, MEK1/2, an activator of ERK1/2, and JNK, recapitulated individual zoledronate effects, consistent with the involvement of these molecules and pathways and their inhibition in the zoledronate effects. CONCLUSIONS: This work has demonstrated that zoledronate inhibits HUVEC adhesion, survival, migration and actin stress fiber formation by interfering with protein prenylation and has identified ERK1/2, JNK, Rock, FAK and PKB as kinases affected by zoledronate in a prenylation-dependent manner.
Chronic hepatitis B predisposes to the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Treatment of chronic hepatitis B is aimed at halting viral replication and, thereby, hepatic inflammation. Treatment indication should be established carefully and with full knowledge of the advantages and limitations of currently available antiviral drugs. Patients on long-term nudcleos(t)ide analogue treatment should be followed regularly in order to avoid the appearance of antiviral resistance. The purpose of this review is to provide a concise overview of the diagnosis and management of chronic hepatitis B.
I study the optimal project choice when the principal relies on the agent in charge of production for project evaluation. The principal has to choose between a safe project generating a fixed revenue and a risky project generating an uncertain revenue. The agent has private information about the production cost under each project but also about the signal regarding the profitability of the risky project. If the signal favoring the adoption of the risky project is goods news to the agent, integrating production and project evaluation tasks does not generate any loss compared to the benchmark in which the principal herself receives the signal. By contrast, if it is bad news, task integration creates an endogenous reservation utility which is type-dependent and thereby generates countervailing incentives, which can make a bias toward either project optimal. Our results can offer an explanation for why good firms can go bad and a rationale for the separation of day-to-day operating decisions from long-term strategic decisions stressed by Williamson.
We formulate a dynamic core-periphery model with frictions in the job matching process to study the interplay between trade costs, migration and regional unemploymentin the short- and long-run. We find that the spatial distribution of unemployment mirrors (inversely) the distribution of economic activities. Further, we highlight a contrast between the short-run and the long-run effects of trade-induced migration on regional unemployment. In particular, an inßow of immigrants from the periphery into the core reduces the unemployment gap in the short-run, but exacerbates unemployment disparities in the long-run.
Does worker mobility undermine governments ability to redistribute income? Thispaper analyzes the experience of US states in the recent decades. We build a tractablemodel where both migration decisions and redistribution policies are endogenous. Wecalibrate the model to match skill premium and worker productivity at the state level,as well as the size and skill composition of migration flows. The calibrated modelis able to reproduce the large changes in skill composition as well as key qualitativerelationships of labor flows and redistribution policies observed in the data. Our resultssuggest that regional di¤erences in labor productivity are an important determinantof interstate migration. We use the calibrated model to compare the cross-section ofredistributive policies with and without worker mobility. The main result of the paperis that interstate migration has induced substantial convergence in tax rates acrossUS states, but no race to the bottom. Skill-biased in-migration has reduced the skillpremium and the need for tax-based redistribution in the states that would have hadthe highest tax rates in the absence of mobility.
Le devenir global de cette population est important à prendre en considération, puisqu'il ne s'agit pas uniquement d'améliorer la survie de ces patients, mais également de s'assurer que leur qualité de vie et leur bien-être global soient adéquats.
Although dispersal is recognized as a key issue in several fields of population biology (such as behavioral ecology, population genetics, metapopulation dynamics or evolutionary modeling), these disciplines focus on different aspects of the concept and often make different implicit assumptions regarding migration models. Using simulations, we investigate how such assumptions translate into effective gene flow and fixation probability of selected alleles. Assumptions regarding migration type (e.g. source-sink, resident pre-emption, or balanced dispersal) and patterns (e.g. stepping-stone versus island dispersal) have large impacts when demes differ in sizes or selective pressures. The effects of fragmentation, as well as the spatial localization of newly arising mutations, also strongly depend on migration type and patterns. Migration rate also matters: depending on the migration type, fixation probabilities at an intermediate migration rate may lie outside the range defined by the low- and high-migration limits when demes differ in sizes. Given the extreme sensitivity of fixation probability to characteristics of dispersal, we underline the importance of making explicit (and documenting empirically) the crucial ecological/ behavioral assumptions underlying migration models.
Children psychological abuse is difficult to identify. However, its consequences on child development can be as serious as physical and sexual abuses. It is therefore essential, to implement in our hospitals, structures whose missions are successively to detect victims, evaluate them on somatic and psychological levels, and elaborate a therapy. We propose a model for the achievement of these objectives through collaboration between the Medical Unit of Violence, the Pediatric CAN Team and the Unit of Les Boréales.