935 resultados para casas centenárias recuperadas


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This study aims to analyze the contribution that the future implementation of community-based tourism can provide to Mebengokre-Kayapo, people of the village Tekrejarôti, they re-inhabiting the indigenous land Las Casas, located in southern of Pará, taking into consideration that tourism is as vector of ethnodevelopment, and it can also contribute to the conservation of Sociobiodiversity and local culture through experiences that will enable the realization of acquaintanceship, where there will be sharing of the daily activities of the customs of the local people, and cultural changes, which is the aim between visitors and the community, where these ones can promote the knowledge of non-indigenous people, and to consolidate the ethnic and cultural identity thereof too. Thus, this study guided by the participatory action research, it was used data obtained in 2012, that were results from the application of interviews with the community to make the diagnosis of tourism potential. It is an exploratory and descriptive research about the topic. The field research combined with participant observation, workshops and interviews contributed to it was possible to conduct a depth analysis about the environment studied. This research has the intention to obtain concrete results in the implementation and/or promotion of a cultural practice and environmentally sustainable ruled in organizational processes that permeates the guidelines of community-based tourism, however this depends on the conditions of human and forest resources, and infrastructure conditions in the community, providing in the short and medium terms, social activities and culturally positive for the culture of this people, and providing to long term, environmental and economic landmarks. As result, it was possible to identify that the community with its cultural events, parties and ceremonies being allied to their way of life and taken from their criteria, it is able to work with the tourism within their land and it can makes the tourism, a cultural affirmation opportunity and income generation. But, it concludes that for tourism to become ,in fact, there are required to be carried out some measures, that meets the new Regulatory Instruction IN 3/2015, this IN states that for the community to work with tourism in their land, it is necessary to be prepared a visitation plan that fits the established requirements. This research is constituted as an important tool in building this visitation plan, given that it was done from the community demand and it was conducted in a participatory manner, valuing the horizontal dialogue and the autonomy of this people.


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This study aims to analyze the contribution that the future implementation of community-based tourism can provide to Mebengokre-Kayapo, people of the village Tekrejarôti, they re-inhabiting the indigenous land Las Casas, located in southern of Pará, taking into consideration that tourism is as vector of ethnodevelopment, and it can also contribute to the conservation of Sociobiodiversity and local culture through experiences that will enable the realization of acquaintanceship, where there will be sharing of the daily activities of the customs of the local people, and cultural changes, which is the aim between visitors and the community, where these ones can promote the knowledge of non-indigenous people, and to consolidate the ethnic and cultural identity thereof too. Thus, this study guided by the participatory action research, it was used data obtained in 2012, that were results from the application of interviews with the community to make the diagnosis of tourism potential. It is an exploratory and descriptive research about the topic. The field research combined with participant observation, workshops and interviews contributed to it was possible to conduct a depth analysis about the environment studied. This research has the intention to obtain concrete results in the implementation and/or promotion of a cultural practice and environmentally sustainable ruled in organizational processes that permeates the guidelines of community-based tourism, however this depends on the conditions of human and forest resources, and infrastructure conditions in the community, providing in the short and medium terms, social activities and culturally positive for the culture of this people, and providing to long term, environmental and economic landmarks. As result, it was possible to identify that the community with its cultural events, parties and ceremonies being allied to their way of life and taken from their criteria, it is able to work with the tourism within their land and it can makes the tourism, a cultural affirmation opportunity and income generation. But, it concludes that for tourism to become ,in fact, there are required to be carried out some measures, that meets the new Regulatory Instruction IN 3/2015, this IN states that for the community to work with tourism in their land, it is necessary to be prepared a visitation plan that fits the established requirements. This research is constituted as an important tool in building this visitation plan, given that it was done from the community demand and it was conducted in a participatory manner, valuing the horizontal dialogue and the autonomy of this people.


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Fil: Ponce de León, Mercedes Aldana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Frente al cierre de fábricas inducido por un modelo de acumulación que ha desindustrializado a los países de la región, grupos de trabajadores han recuperado sus fuentes de trabajo mediante la autogestión de empresas que antes los empleaban. Son las prácticas generadas al interior de esas fábricas recuperadas- autogestionadas -y no el acontecimiento disruptivo de la protesta inicial- las que condensan el potencial transformador del proceso. Aún cuando un habitus salarial los condiciona, se evidencian cambios culturales: nuevas prácticas comunicativas y lazos de solidaridad, aprendizaje o reapropiación de saberes antes vedados, resquebrajamiento de formas tayloristas; entre otras cuestiones. Las transformaciones son emergentes en su aparición y necesarias por lo imperativo de su profundización. Con matices, estos procesos se han generado en Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil y otros países latinoamericanos, como se reconoció recientemente con el denominado "Compromiso de Caracas". El miedo al desempleo, que durante años fue el factor disciplinante que facilitó la precarización laboral, se volvió el catalizador de la resistencia cuando esa situación temida tocó la planta "propia". La recuperación de empresas a través de la autogestión es, en ese sentido, un producto del miedo. Y por eso el fenómeno encierra una paradoja: las prácticas autogestionarias, que al consolidarse ponen en cuestión la inevitabilidad de que un patrón mande y contradicen al homo economicus del capitalismo, son "hijas no deseadas" de la ferocidad de ese modo de producir. La presente ponencia es fruto de algunas reflexiones desarrolladas en la Tesis de Licenciatura "Comunicación e identidad en fábricas recuperadas autogestionadas" (2005), la intervención en la investigación "Reterritorializaciones emergentes. Nuevas formas de politicidad e identificaciones constitutivas de sujetos" (2003-2005, dirigida por Alfredo Alfonso y coordinada por Magalí Catino) y la participación en el Primer Encuentro Latinoamericano de Empresas Recuperadas por sus Trabajadores, realizado en octubre de 2005 en Caracas


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Fil: Ponce de León, Mercedes Aldana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Frente al cierre de fábricas inducido por un modelo de acumulación que ha desindustrializado a los países de la región, grupos de trabajadores han recuperado sus fuentes de trabajo mediante la autogestión de empresas que antes los empleaban. Son las prácticas generadas al interior de esas fábricas recuperadas- autogestionadas -y no el acontecimiento disruptivo de la protesta inicial- las que condensan el potencial transformador del proceso. Aún cuando un habitus salarial los condiciona, se evidencian cambios culturales: nuevas prácticas comunicativas y lazos de solidaridad, aprendizaje o reapropiación de saberes antes vedados, resquebrajamiento de formas tayloristas; entre otras cuestiones. Las transformaciones son emergentes en su aparición y necesarias por lo imperativo de su profundización. Con matices, estos procesos se han generado en Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil y otros países latinoamericanos, como se reconoció recientemente con el denominado "Compromiso de Caracas". El miedo al desempleo, que durante años fue el factor disciplinante que facilitó la precarización laboral, se volvió el catalizador de la resistencia cuando esa situación temida tocó la planta "propia". La recuperación de empresas a través de la autogestión es, en ese sentido, un producto del miedo. Y por eso el fenómeno encierra una paradoja: las prácticas autogestionarias, que al consolidarse ponen en cuestión la inevitabilidad de que un patrón mande y contradicen al homo economicus del capitalismo, son "hijas no deseadas" de la ferocidad de ese modo de producir. La presente ponencia es fruto de algunas reflexiones desarrolladas en la Tesis de Licenciatura "Comunicación e identidad en fábricas recuperadas autogestionadas" (2005), la intervención en la investigación "Reterritorializaciones emergentes. Nuevas formas de politicidad e identificaciones constitutivas de sujetos" (2003-2005, dirigida por Alfredo Alfonso y coordinada por Magalí Catino) y la participación en el Primer Encuentro Latinoamericano de Empresas Recuperadas por sus Trabajadores, realizado en octubre de 2005 en Caracas


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Fil: Ponce de León, Mercedes Aldana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.