827 resultados para calibração de TDR
Neste trabalho é apresentada uma modificação ao método de BRAY (1948) para se construir uma curva de calibração de nutrientes disponíveis no solo. Basicamente, trata-se de se estimar o valor da constante da equação de Mitscherlich, na forma linear, por meio de regressão linear e com esse valor construir uma curva de calibração.
Desde 1999, el Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) promociona actividades para poner en acceso abierto contenido en internet, contribuyendo al avance de la e-Ciencia en nuestro país. Junto con el Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) se han creado tres repositorios: Tesis Doctorales en Red (TDR), Dipòsit de la Recerca de Catalunya (RECERCAT) y Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert (RACO). En septiembre de 2006, la Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya[6] ha puesto en marcha otro ambicioso repositorio en colaboración con el CESCA, Patrimoni Digital de Catalunya (PADICAT).
The Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) together with the Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) started in 1999 a cooperative repository, named TDR, to file in digital format the full-text of the read thesis at the universities of our country to spread them worldwide in open access preserving the intellectual copyright of the authors. This became operational in 2001 and today it is a service fully consolidated not only among the Catalan universities, but also used by other Spanish universities. Since then, there are four additional cooperative repositories which have been created: RECERCAT, for research papers; RACO, for scientific, cultural and erudite Catalan magazines; PADICAT, for archiving Catalan web sites; and MDC, for Catalan digital collections of pictures, maps, posters, old magazines... These five repositories have some common characteristics: they are open access, that is, they are accessible on the internet for free; they mostly comply with the Open Archive Initiative interoperability protocol for facilitating the efficient dissemination of content; and they have been built in a cooperative manner so that it is easy to adopt common procedures and to share the repository developing and managing costs, it permits more visibility of the indexed documents throughout the search engines, and a better provision for long-term preservation can be made. In this paper we present the common policy established for the Catalan cooperative repositories, we describe the five of them briefly, and we comment on the results obtained of our 6-year experience since the first one became operational.
E-repositories are part of the e-science, and they are based on the e-infrastructure. The Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) together with the Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) started in 1999 a cooperative repository, named TDR, to file, in digital format, the full-text of the read thesis at the universities of our country in order to spread them worldwide in open access, while at the same time, preserving the intellectual copyright of the authors. Since then, four additional cooperative repositories have been created: RECERCAT for research papers; RACO for scientific, cultural and erudite Catalan magazines; MDC for Catalan digital collections of pictures, maps, posters and old magazines; and PADICAT for archiving Catalan digital web content; The main objective of the latter is to archive Catalan web sites. That is, PADICAT collects, processes and provides permanent access to the entire cultural, scientific and general output of Catalonia in digital format. The repository manager is the Biblioteca de Catalunya, as the institution responsible for compiling, processing and distributing the bibliographic heritage of Catalonia, while CESCA is the technology partner. On September 11th, 2006 the repository went into operation for the general public, with some thirty websites archived. After one year and a half, it has 2.720 captures of more than 1.000 websites. This includes 34 million files (HTML, images...) and two terabytes of data. The objective of this paper is to present PADICAT and our experience developing and managing it.We describe the repository briefly, we explain the technology used to implement it and we comment our experiences during its first year and a half.
Silymarin is the flavonoids extracted from the seeds of Silybum marianum (L) Gearth as a mixture of three structural isomers: silybin, silydianin and silychristin, the former being the most active component. Silymarin protects liver cell membrane against hepatotoxic agents and improves liver function in experimental animals and humans. It is generally accepted that silymarin exerts a membrane-stabilizing action preventing or inhibiting membrane peroxidation. The experiments with soybean lipoxygenase showed that the three components of silymarin brought about a concentration-dependent non-competitive inhibition of the lipoxygenase. The experiments also showed an analogous interaction with animal lipoxygenase, thus showing that an inhibition of the peroxidation of the fatty acid in vivo was self-evident. Silybin almost completely suppressed the formation of PG at the highest concentration (0.3 mM) and proved to be an inhibitor of PG synthesis in vitro. In our experiments, silybin at lower dose (65 mg/Kg) decreased liver lipoperoxide content and microsomal lipoperoxidation to 84.5% and 68.55% of those of the scalded control rats respectively, and prevented the decrease of liver microsomal cytochrome p-450 content and p-nitroanisole-0-demethylase activity 24 h post-scalding. Effects of silymarin on cardiovascular systen have been studied in this university since 1980. O. O silymarin 800 mg/Kg/d or silybin 600 mg/Kg/d reduced plasma total cholesterol, LDL-C and VLDL-C. They however, enhanced HDL-C in hyperlipenic rats. Further studies showed that silymarin enhanced HDL-C in hyperlipemic rats. Further studies showed that silymarin enhanced HDL-C but didn't affect HDL-C, a property of this component which is beneficial to treatment of atherosclerosis. The results showed silymarin 80 mg or silybin 60 mg decreased in vitro platelet aggregation (porcentagem) in rats. The maximal platelet aggregation induced by ADP declined significantly, and time to reach maximal platelet aggregation and five-minute disaggregation didn't change. In our experiments, iv silybin 22,4 mg/kg lowered the amplitude and duration of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) more than those of systolic (SBP), but the descending aortic blood flow, cardiac contractility and ECG did not change significantly in anesthetized open-chest cats. The results indicated a reduction of peripheral resistance and dilatatory action on the resistant blood vessels. These effects are beneficial to coronary heart disease. We also observed the effects of silybin on morphological change, the release of glutamic oxaloacetate aminotrasferase (GOT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as well as the radioactivity of 3H-TdR incorporated into DNA in normal cardiac cells and cells infected by coxsackie B5, virus os newborn rats. The results showed that silynin did not affect the morphology of normal cell, and that the pathological change of cells infected by virus was delayed and reduced as compared to control. We have investigated the effect of silybin on synthesis and release of LTs in the cultured porcine cerebral basilar arteries (PCBA). Silybin 100 and 500 µmol/L declined the amounts of LTs released from the PCBA incubsated in the presence of A 23187, AA and indomenthacin. The result suggests that silybin can inhibit the activity of 5-lipoxygenase of cerebral blood vessel and may protect the brain from ischemia.
Since the start of the human genome project, a great number of genome projects on other "model" organism have been initiated, some of them already completed. Several initiatives have also been started on parasite genomes, mainly through support from WHO/TDR, involving North-South and South-South collaborations, and great hopes are vested in that these initiatives will lead to new tools for disease control and prevention, as well as to the establishment of genomic research technology in developing countries. The Trypanosoma cruzi genome project, using the clone CL-Brener as starting point, has made considerable progress through the concerted action of more than 20 laboratories, most of them in the South. A brief overview of the current state of the project is given
Chagas disease, named after Carlos Chagas who first described it in 1909, exists only on the American Continent. It is caused by a parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted to humans by blood-sucking triatomine bugs and by blood transfusion. Chagas disease has two successive phases, acute and chronic. The acute phase lasts 6 to 8 weeks. After several years of starting the chronic phase, 20% to 35% of the infected individuals, depending on the geographical area will develop irreversible lesions of the autonomous nervous system in the heart, esophagus, colon and the peripheral nervous system. Data on the prevalence and distribution of Chagas disease improved in quality during the 1980's as a result of the demographically representative cross-sectional studies carried out in countries where accurate information was not available. A group of experts met in Brasília in 1979 and devised standard protocols to carry out countrywide prevalence studies on human T. cruzi infection and triatomine house infestation. Thanks to a coordinated multi-country program in the Southern Cone countries the transmission of Chagas disease by vectors and by blood transfusion has been interrupted in Uruguay in1997, in Chile in 1999, and in 8 of the 12 endemic states of Brazil in 2000 and so the incidence of new infections by T. cruzi in the whole continent has decreased by 70%. Similar control multi-country initiatives have been launched in the Andean countries and in Central America and rapid progress has been recorded to ensure the interruption of the transmission of Chagas disease by 2005 as requested by a Resolution of the World Health Assembly approved in 1998. The cost-benefit analysis of the investments of the vector control program in Brazil indicate that there are savings of US$17 in medical care and disabilities for each dollar spent on prevention, showing that the program is a health investment with good return. Since the inception in 1979 of the Steering Committee on Chagas Disease of the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases of the World Health Organization (TDR), the objective was set to promote and finance research aimed at the development of new methods and tools to control this disease. The well known research institutions in Latin America were the key elements of a world wide network of laboratories that received - on a competitive basis - financial support for projects in line with the priorities established. It is presented the time line of the different milestones that were answering successively and logically the outstanding scientific questions identified by the Scientific Working Group in 1978 and that influenced the development and industrial production of practical solutions for diagnosis of the infection and disease control.
In recent years, analysis of the genomes of many organisms has received increasing international attention. The bulk of the effort to date has centred on the Human Genome Project and analysis of model organisms such as yeast, Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. More recently, the revolution in genome sequencing and gene identification has begun to impact on infectious disease organisms. Initially, much of the effort was concentrated on prokaryotes, but small eukaryotic genomes, including the protozoan parasites Plasmodium, Toxoplasma and trypanosomatids (Leishmania, Trypanosoma brucei and T. cruzi), as well as some multicellular organisms, such as Brugia and Schistosoma, are benefiting from the technological advances of the genome era. These advances promise a radical new approach to the development of novel diagnostic tools, chemotherapeutic targets and vaccines for infectious disease organisms, as well as to the more detailed analysis of cell biology and function.Several networks or consortia linking laboratories around the world have been established to support these parasite genome projects[1] (for more information, see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ parasites/paratable.html). Five of these networks were supported by an initiative launched in 1994 by the Specific Programme for Research and Tropical Diseases (TDR) of the WHO[2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The Leishmania Genome Network (LGN) is one of these[3]. Its activities are reported at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/leish.html, and its current aim is to map and sequence the genome of Leishmania by the year 2002. All the mapping, hybridization and sequence data are also publicly available from LeishDB, an AceDB-based genome database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/parasites/LGN/leissssoft.html).
En el relativament breu lapse de temps que suposen les tres darreres dècades, l'art contemporani xinès ha passat de ser pràcticament invisible i desconegut per al públic general, a ser present en un gran nombre d'escenaris a nivell internacional relacionats amb el món de l'art, sobre tot des de finals de la dècada dels noranta. El present TdR ha intentat apropar-se a qüestions com la imatge i les idees que sobre la RP Xina s'han transmès en l'última dècada a través de les obres o de les accions dels artistes xinesos contemporanis més exposats o cotitzats internacionalment i que viuen a la Xina, i a com s'ha arribat a inserir la producció artística d'aquests autors en el procés de globalització i hibridació de la cultura que estem vivint. Hem delimitat el camp de recerca, bàsicament a l'estudi de l'obra de cinc autors (Song Dong, Ai Weiwei, Zeng Fanzhi, Yue Minjun i Wang Qingsong) i a la seva presència en l'escena internacional de l'art contemporani a través de les subhastes de les dues cases més importants del món, Christie's i Sotheby's.
El 1999 van començar els treballs que van culminar amb la posada en funcionament de TDX / TDX, el primer dipòsit creat a Espanya. Des de llavors la cooperació entre les universitats de Catalunya i la Biblioteca de Catalunya ha permès posar en funcionament 5 repositoris cooperatius (TDX / TDR, RECERCAT, RACO, MDC i MDX). Això ha estat possible per una divisió de tasques en la qual les biblioteques són les responsables de la introducció de continguts, el CESCA de la preparació del programari i el maquinari i el CBUC de la coordinació dels processos.Aquest taller dividit en 4 parts, té la finalitat d'explicar les diferents fases que han viscut els repositoris cooperatius, les actuacions dutes a terme en aquests 10 anys per omplir de contingut (estàndards, aspectes legals, ajuts de digitalització, etc.), La experiència d'una de les universitats -la UPF- que participa en aquests dipòsits cooperatius i que alhora disposa del seu propi i la infraestructura tècnica en la qual s'han desenvolupat i evolucionat.
The presence of transmitted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 drug-resistance (TDR) at the time of antiretroviral therapy initiation is associated with failure to achieve viral load (VL) suppression. Here, we report TDR surveillance in a specific population of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In this study, the rate of TDR was evaluated in 64 HIV-infected individuals from a cohort of MSM between 1996-June 2012. Fifty-four percent had a documented recent HIV infection, with a seroconversion time of less than 12 months. The median CD4+T lymphocyte count and VL were 531 cells/mm3and 17,746 copies/mL, respectively. Considering the surveillance drug resistance mutation criteria, nine (14.1%) patients presented TDR, of which three (4.7%), five (7.8%) and four (6.2%) had protease inhibitors, resistant against nucleos(t)ide transcriptase inhibitors and against non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors mutations, respectively. Two of the patients had multi-drug-resistant HIV-1. The most prevalent viral subtype was B (44, 68.8%), followed by subtype F (11, 17.2%). This study shows that TDR may vary according to the population studied and it may be higher in clusters of MSM.
PURPOSE: Currently, many pre-conditions are regarded as relative or absolute contraindications for lumbar total disc replacement (TDR). Radiculopathy is one among them. In Switzerland it is left to the surgeon's discretion when to operate if he adheres to a list of pre-defined indications. Contraindications, however, are less clearly specified. We hypothesized that, the extent of pre-operative radiculopathy results in different benefits for patients treated with mono-segmental lumbar TDR. We used patient perceived leg pain and its correlation with physician recorded radiculopathy for creating the patient groups to be compared. METHODS: The present study is based on the dataset of SWISSspine, a government mandated health technology assessment registry. Between March 2005 and April 2009, 577 patients underwent either mono- or bi-segmental lumbar TDR, which was documented in a prospective observational multicenter mode. A total of 416 cases with a mono-segmental procedure were included in the study. The data collection consisted of pre-operative and follow-up data (physician based) and clinical outcomes (NASS form, EQ-5D). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was conducted with patients' self-indicated leg pain and the surgeon-based diagnosis "radiculopathy", as marked on the case report forms. As a result, patients were divided into two groups according to the severity of leg pain. The two groups were compared with regard to the pre-operative patient characteristics and pre- and post-operative pain on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and quality of life using general linear modeling. RESULTS: The optimal ROC model revealed a leg pain threshold of 40 ≤ VAS > 40 for the absence or the presence of "radiculopathy". Demographics in the resulting two groups were well comparable. Applying this threshold, the mean pre-operative leg pain level was 16.5 points in group 1 and 68.1 points in group 2 (p < 0.001). Back pain levels differed less with 63.6 points in group 1 and 72.6 in group 2 (p < 0.001). Pre-operative quality of life showed considerable differences with an 0.44 EQ-5D score in group 1 and 0.29 in group 2 (p < 0.001, possible score range -0.6 to 1). At a mean follow-up time of 8 months, group 1 showed a mean leg pain improvement of 3.6 points and group 2 of 41.1 points (p < 0.001). Back pain relief was 35.6 and 39.1 points, respectively (p = 0.27). EQ-5D score improvement was 0.27 in group 1 and 0.41 in group 2 (p = 0.11). CONCLUSIONS: Patients labeled as having radiculopathy (group 2) do mostly have pre-operative leg pain levels ≥ 40. Applying this threshold, the patients with pre-operative leg pain do also have more severe back pain and a considerably lower quality of life. Their net benefit from the lumbar TDR is higher and they do have similar post-operative back and leg pain levels as well as the quality of life as patients without pre-operative leg pain. Although randomized controlled trials are required to confirm these findings, they put leg pain and radiculopathy into perspective as absolute contraindications for TDR.
- A ligação entre a Gestão Ambiental Global e o Desenvolvimento Durável é capital para um país como Cabo Verde. Os “cenários” de desenvolvimento humano e económico, tendo em conta a vulnerabilidade ambiental e no contexto de um pequeno estado insular em desenvolvimento (SIDS), devem ser bem avaliados e implementados com uma visão estratégica integrada, sinérgica e de longo prazo. - É necessário ultrapassar as políticas e traduzir essas políticas em acções práticas e concretas, principalmente em acções de capacitação em gestão ambiental, é assim que surge o projecto NCSA-GEM para desenvolver as capacidades nacionais em termos individuais, institucionais e sistémico, nos domínios prioritários das Convenções Internacionais de Rio e, consequentemente reforçar a implementação do PANA II enquanto instrumento nacional para a gestão do ambiente. - A implementação das Convenções Internacionais do Rio revela muitas interacções, semelhanças e intersecções. A sua compreensão e apreensão através de uma abordagem coordenada são susceptíveis de melhorar a eficácia e eficiência. As ligações existentes entre as convenções devem ser entendidas como oportunidades favorecendo a implementação de acções concretas. A implementação das obrigações ou engajamentos das convenções necessita fortes capacidades nacionais e locais de acordo com a importância dos seus objectivos. As Convenções Internacionais já foram implantadas em Cabo Verde há vários anos; no entanto, o problema da coordenação das suas implementações quer separada ou sinérgica não teve ainda solução, revelando se necessário a elaboração de uma Estratégia e Plano de Acção para o Desenvolvimento das Capacidades. - A abordagem utilizada, de acordo com a metodologia e orientações do projecto NCSA, foi a análise de toda a documentação existente sobre as três Convenções (CCD, CBD; CCC), Gestão Ambiental, Estratégias Nacionais de Desenvolvimento, DCRP, Planos de Acção Nacionais, CCD, CBD, CCC, PANA II, Guia Metodológico do NCSA-GEF, Modelos existentes em outros países, Perfis Temáticos e Estudo de Transversalidade e Sinergia entre as três Convenções do Rio em Cabo Verde, entre outros. Também priorizou se a abordagem participativa e pró-activa com os diferentes actores e parceiros técnicos e financeiros, através de realizações de sessões de trabalho, jornadas e ateliers a nível central e descentralizado. - Para que haja uma implementação efectiva do EPAN-NCSA, recomenda-se : • Garantir um suporte de político de alto nível para a gestão do processo (playdoyer/lobbying junto das mais altas autoridades governamentais do país e dos parceiros estratégicos de desenvolvimento); • Escolher a opção para a estrutura de coordenação e implementação do EPAN-NCSA ou a combinação das opções apresentadas; Elaborar os TDR para a organização ou entidade líder do processo de coordenação implementação do EPAN-NCSA, incluindo todos os requisitos organizacionais e operacionais; • Elaborar e divulgar brochuras NCSA de informação sobre as (oportunidades) das Convenções de Rio e um Manual de Procedimentos integrando o papel e responsabilidades dos actores/parceiros chaves no desenvolvimento das capacidades para a gestão ambiental; • Procurar fundos para a instalação da estrutura/organização responsável pela implementação do EPAN-NCSA e procurar fundos operacionais para as acções específicas propostas no Plano. Algumas fontes de financiamento podem ser abordadas nomeadamente: (1) Os orçamentos nacionais; (2) Fundos e programas País – do sistema das NU; (3) Fundos do GEF; (4) Fundo para o Ambiente; (5) Mecanismos financeiros Inovadores no âmbito das Convenções. - A sustentabilidade da implementação do EPAN no âmbito do processo NCSA é condicionada por alguns riscos, nomeadamente: • Mudanças ou revisões institucionais; • Necessário enquadramento no novo sistema de gestão para o apoio orçamental com obrigação de apresentação de resultados sustentáveis; • Capacidade de resposta do País tendo em conta a sua graduação para PDM; • Consistência e viabilidade a longo prazo das Convenções do Rio. Esses riscos devem ser deliberadamente considerados nas opções governamentais, em como as capacidades prioritárias podem ser desenvolvidas, os mecanismos de sustentabilidade e mobilização de fundos podem ser alargados/ampliados e o desenho do sistema de seguimento e avaliação nacional pode ser implementado de forma a permitir a avaliação do progresso do desenvolvimento das capacidades no país. Esses riscos poderão ser mitigados para a sustentabilidade do Processo NCSA através de implementação de : (1) Uma estratégia NCSA de Mobilização de Recursos; (2) Uma Estratégia de Comunicação e Integração Estratégica do NCSA com o SIA e IEC; (3) Uma Estratégia PANNCSA para a investigação integrada, interdisciplinar e sustentável.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate prevalence of transmitted drug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus (TDR) and factors associated with TDR and to compare virological and CD4 count response to combination antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: In this study, 525 mostly chronically infected EuroSIDA patients were included who had genotypic resistance tests performed on plasma samples collected while antiretroviral therapy naive. TDR was defined as at least one resistance mutation from a list proposed for genotypic TDR surveillance. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze factors associated with detection of TDR, with virological (viral load<500 copies/mL) and CD4 count response (>or=50% increase) to combination antiretroviral therapy at months 6-12. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of TDR was 11.4%, which was stable over 1996-2004. There were no significant differences in virological suppression (those resistant to at least one drug prescribed versus susceptible), adjusted odds ratio: 0.68 (95% confidence interval: 0.27 to 1.71; P=0.408) or CD4 count response, adjusted odds ratio: 1.65 (95% confidence interval: 0.73 to 3.73; P=0.231). CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of TDR in antiretroviral-naive patients was found to be in line with other European studies. No significant differences were found in virological and CD4 count response after initiation of first-line combination antiretroviral therapy between resistant and susceptible patients, possibly due to the small number of patients with resistance and consequently low power.
The aims of this thesis were to better characterize HIV-1 diversity in Portugal, Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde and to investigate the origin and epidemiological history of HIV-1 in these countries. The impact of these issues in diagnosis, disease progression and susceptibility to ARV therapy was also investigated. Finally, the nature, dynamics and prevalence of transmitted drug resistance (TDR) was determined in untreated HIV-1 infected patients. In Angola, practically all HIV-1 genetic forms were found, including almost all subtypes, untypable (U) strains, CRFs and URFs. Recombinants (first and second generation) were present in 47.1% of the patients. HIV/AIDS epidemic in Angola probably started in 1961, the major cause being the independence war, subsequently spreading to Portugal. In Maputo, 81% of the patients were infected with subtype C viruses. Subtype G, U and recombinants such as CRF37_cpx, were also present. The results suggest that HIV-1 epidemic in Mozambique is evolving rapidly in genetic complexity. In Cape Verde, where HIV-1 and HIV-2 co-circulate, subtype G is the prevailed subtype. Subtypes B, C, F1, U, CRF02_AG and other recombinant strains were also found. HIV-2 isolates belonged to group A, some being closely related to the original ROD isolate. In all three countries numerous new polymorphisms were identified in the RT and PR of HIV-1 viruses. Mutations conferring resistance to the NRTIs or NNRTIs were found in isolates from 2 (2%) patients from Angola, 4 (6%) from Mozambique and 3 (12%) from Cape Verde. None of the isolates containing TDR mutations would be fully sensitive to the standard first-line therapeutic regimens used in these countries. Close surveillance in treated and untreated populations will be crucial to prevent further transmission of drug resistant strains and maximize the efficacy of ARV therapy. In Portugal, investigation of a seronegative case infection with rapid progression to AIDS and death revealed that the patient was infected with a CRF14_BG-like R5-tropic strain selectively transmitted by his seropositive sexual partner. The results suggest a massive infection with a highly aggressive CRF14_BG like strain and/or the presence of an unidentified immunological problem that prevented the formation of HIV-1-specific antibodies. Near full-length genomic sequences obtained from three unrelated patients enabled the first molecular and phylogenomic characterization of CRF14_BG from Portugal; all sequences were strongly related with CRF14_BG Spanish isolates. The mean date of origin of CRF14_BG was estimated to be 1992. We propose that CRF14_BG emerged in Portugal in the early 1990s, spread to Spain in late 1990s as a consequence of IDUs migration and then to the rest of Europe. Most CRF14_BG strains were predicted to use CXCR4 and were associated with rapid CD4 depletion and disease progression. Finally, we provide evidence suggesting that the X4 tropism of CRF14_BG may have resulted from convergent evolution of the V3 loop possibly driven by an effective escape from neutralizing antibody response.