963 resultados para buffalo leptospirosis


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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Accompanied by "Native and naturalized plants of Buffalo and its vicinty. Second supplement ..." ([85]-96p. 24 cm.) Published by [Buffalo, Baker, Jones & co., pinters, 1886]--Bulletin of the Buffalo society of natural science. vol.V, no.2.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tutkin yhdysvaltalaisen aikalaislehdistön lukijoilleen välittämää julkisuuskuvaa Buffalo Billistä ja hänen Villin lännen show’staan sen toiminnan aikana 1883 ̶ 1913. Primääriaineistona käytän The New York Timesiä, mutta lisäksi hyödynnän myös pienempiä paikallislehtiä täydentämään kuvaa. William F. ”Buffalo Bill” Cody on yksi Villin lännen tunnetuimmista hahmoista ja hänen suurin saavutuksensa oli sen legendojen tekeminen tutuksi maailmanlaajuiselle yleisölle. Villin lännen show’n ohjelma koostui viidestä pääteemasta: ratsastustaidoista, ampumataidoista, eläinnäytöksistä, näytelmistä sekä tasankointiaanien ja valkoisten välisistä konflikteista. Tutkitulla ajanjaksolla aikalaislehdistön kuvaukset osoittautuivat hyvin myönteisiksi show’ta kohtaan ja kilpailijoista huolimatta se oli The New York Timesin mukaan ”the only and original Wild West”. Show’ta mainostettiin koko perheelle sopivana ja sen esityksissä vieraili vuosien aikana miljoonia katsojia. Ohjelman kantavana ideana oli kuitenkin väkivallan välttämättömyys lännen valloittamisessa. Samalla show’hun kuuluneet intiaanit esiteltiin areenalla ja lehdistössä hyvin stereotyyppisinä vihollisina, maalattuina ja verenhimoisina. Lehdistö, joka välitti lukijoilleen varsin intensiivisiä kuvauksia tapahtumista showareenalla, huolestui esityksien vaikutuksista lapsiin ja nuoriin. Buffalo Billin yhteistyökumppanit rakensivat hänelle sankarillisen imagon viihderomaanien ja show’n avulla. Riitaisan avioeroprosessin myötä ennen niin hyvä julkisuuskuva lehdistössä alkoi murentua, kun naisseikkailut ja muut salaisuudet tulivat päivänvaloon. Suurista tuloista huolimatta Buffalo Billillä oli vaikeuksia hallita talouttaan anteliaisuutensa ja huonojen sijoituksien vuoksi. Iän karttuessa ja terveyden heikentyessä hänen roolinsa show’ssa väheni, minkä seurauksena myös median kiinnostus alkoi hiipua. Villin lännen show ajautui konkurssiin vuonna 1913, mutta sitä ennen se kiersi lukuisat kaupungit Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Euroopassa. Aikalaislehdistön mukaan Buffalo Bill ja show olivat tehneet suuren vaikutuksen Yhdysvaltojen entiseen siirtomaaisäntään Britanniaan ja seuraava askel on vertailla näiden kahden maan lehdistön suhtautumista esitykseen.


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Leptospirosis is an important but neglected zoonotic disease that is often overlooked in Africa. Although comprehensive data on the incidence of human disease are lacking, robust evidence of infection has been demonstrated in people and animals from all regions of the continent. However, to date, there are few examples of direct epidemiological linkages between human disease and animal infection. In East Africa, awareness of the importance of human leptospirosis as a cause of non-malarial febrile illness is growing. In northern Tanzania, acute leptospirosis has been diagnosed in 9% of patients with severe febrile illness compared to only 2% with malaria. However, little is known about the relative importance of different potential animal hosts as sources of human infection in this area. This project was established to investigate the roles of rodents and ruminant livestock, important hosts of Leptospira in other settings, in the epidemiology of leptospirosis in northern Tanzania. A cross-sectional survey of rodents living in and around human settlements was performed alongside an abattoir survey of ruminant livestock. Unusual patterns of animal infection were detected by real-time PCR detection. Renal Leptospira infection was absent from rodents but was detected in cattle from several geographic areas. Infection was demonstrated for the first time in small ruminants sub-Saharan Africa. Two major Leptospira species and a novel Leptospira genotype were detected in livestock. L. borgpetersenii was seen only in cattle but L. kirschneri infection was detected in multiple livestock species (cattle, sheep and goats), suggesting that at least two distinct patterns of Leptospira infection occur in livestock in northern Tanzania. Analysis of samples from acute leptospirosis in febrile human patients could not detect Leptospira DNA by real-time PCR but identified social and behavioural factors that may limit the utility of acute-phase diagnostic tests in this community. Analysis of serological data revealed considerable overlap between serogroups detected in cattle and human leptospirosis cases. Human disease was most commonly attributed to the serogroups Mini and Australis, which were also predominant reactive serogroups in cattle. Collectively, the results of this study led to the hypothesis that livestock are an important reservoir of Leptospira infection for people in northern Tanzania. These results also challenge our understanding of the relationship between Leptospira and common invasive rodent species, which do not appear to maintain infection in this setting. Livestock Leptospira infection has substantial potential to affect the well-being of people in East Africa, through direct transmission of infection or through indirect effects on food production and economic security. Further research is needed to quantify the impact of livestock leptospirosis in Africa and to develop effective interventions for the control of human and animal disease.


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Leptospirosis has a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. Acute renal failure, an important complication, generally involves interstitial and tubular damage. We describe the case of a 42-year-old man who was admitted with fever, back pain and periorbital oedema. He had hypertension, thrombocytopenia, acute renal failure, hypoalbuminaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia and proteinuria >4.00 g/l. The renal biopsy showed mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis. Due to the epidemiological context and clinical picture, ceftriaxone was started with rapid clinical improvement. Blood PCR for leptospira came back positive. The presentation of leptospirosis as nephrotic syndrome is rare and this diagnosis should be considered before performing a renal biopsy.


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Background: Leptospirosis, a disease caused by Leptospira species, a spirochaete bacterium that can develop in an appropriate environment and/or grow in human and/or animal hosts, is a serious problem for the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Objective: To investigate people’s perceptions and behavioral risks regarding leptospirosis infection. Methods: The cross-sectional descriptive study collected data in May, 2013. Data on individuals’ perceptions and risky behaviors concerning leptospirosis were collected from 104 completed questionnaires. Results: Regarding perceptions of leptospirosis, we found them to be at a high level (97.1%) and risky behaviors regarding leptospirosis were reported at a moderate level (74.0%). The study found no correlation between perceptions and risky behaviors regarding leptospirosis (r 0.186, p-value 0.059). Conclusion: This study suggest that people in these areas have good knowledge about leptospirosis. However, some people have risky behavior associated with leptospirosis. Thus, a behavioral change campaign should be promoted to encourage people awareness of the dangers of such behavior.


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Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2014


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Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2014


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Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the Leptospira genus. Vaccination with bacterins has severe limitations. Here, we evaluated the N-terminal region of the leptospiral immunoglobulin-like B protein (LigBrep) as a vaccine candidate against leptospirosis using immunisation strategies based on DNA primeprotein boost, DNA vaccine, and subunit vaccine. Upon challenge with a virulent strain of Leptospira interrogans , the prime-boost and DNA vaccine approaches induced significant protection in hamsters, as well as a specific IgG antibody response and sterilising immunity. Although vaccination with recombinant fragment of LigBrep also produced a strong antibody response, it was not immunoprotective. These results highlight the potential of LigBrep as a candidate antigen for an effective vaccine against leptospirosis and emphasise the use of the DNA prime-protein boost as an important strategy for vaccine development.


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O presente trabalho visou avaliar as temperaturas superficiais de diferentes regiões anatômicas de búfalos ao longo do tempo, por meio da termografia infravermelha, e correlacioná-las a índices bioclimatológicos de conforto térmico. O ensaio foi realizado em região de clima tropical úmido (Afi de Köppen), de abril a agosto. Dez touros (n=10) foram avaliados a cada 25 dias (manhã: seis-nove horas; tarde: 12-15h), quanto à frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura retal (TR) e imagens termográficas da órbita ocular (ORB), flanco direito (FLd), flanco esquerdo (FLe) e escroto (ESC). Os dados climatológicos foram ininterruptamente monitorados, e calculados o índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU) e o índice de conforto de Benezra (ICB). O ITU foi ?78, com diferença entre turnos (P<0,05). Já o ICB variou de 1,96 a 2,25 e apresentou diferenças ao longo dos meses e entre turnos (P<0,05). As temperaturas observadas foram de TR=38,2±0,5ºC, ORB=36,1±0,8ºC, FLd=33,5±2,5ºC, FLe=35,4±1,7ºC e ESC=33,3±1,1ºC, as quais variaram significativamente ao longo dos meses e entre turnos (P<0,05). O ITU apresentou correlações positivas com ORB (0,72), FLd (0,77), FLe (0,75) e ESC (0,41) (P<0,0001). A temperatura máxima de ORB apresentou a maior correlação com a TR (0,58; P<0,0001). Portanto, as temperaturas superficiais dos animais sofrem interferências das variações climáticas e se elevam ao longo do dia, devido à variação nos índices de conforto térmico; a temperatura máxima de ORB foi o parâmetro mais condicionado à temperatura retal. Também, as oscilações de temperatura de superfície de ORB, FLd, FLe e ESC podem ser aferidas em bubalinos com o uso da termografia infravermelha, de modo preciso e não invasivo.


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O presente trabalho visou avaliar as temperaturas superficiais de diferentes regiões anatômicas de búfalos ao longo do tempo, por meio da termografia infravermelha, e correlacioná-las a índices bioclimatológicos de conforto térmico. O ensaio foi realizado em região de clima tropical úmido (Afi de Köppen), de abril a agosto. Dez touros (n=10) foram avaliados a cada 25 dias (manhã: seis-nove horas; tarde: 12-15h), quanto à frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura retal (TR) e imagens termográficas da órbita ocular (ORB), flanco direito (FLd), flanco esquerdo (FLe) e escroto (ESC). Os dados climatológicos foram ininterruptamente monitorados, e calculados o índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU) e o índice de conforto de Benezra (ICB). O ITU foi ?78, com diferença entre turnos (P<0,05). Já o ICB variou de 1,96 a 2,25 e apresentou diferenças ao longo dos meses e entre turnos (P<0,05). As temperaturas observadas foram de TR=38,2±0,5ºC, ORB=36,1±0,8ºC, FLd=33,5±2,5ºC, FLe=35,4±1,7ºC e ESC=33,3±1,1ºC, as quais variaram significativamente ao longo dos meses e entre turnos (P<0,05). O ITU apresentou correlações positivas com ORB (0,72), FLd (0,77), FLe (0,75) e ESC (0,41) (P<0,0001). A temperatura máxima de ORB apresentou a maior correlação com a TR (0,58; P<0,0001). Portanto, as temperaturas superficiais dos animais sofrem interferências das variações climáticas e se elevam ao longo do dia, devido à variação nos índices de conforto térmico; a temperatura máxima de ORB foi o parâmetro mais condicionado à temperatura retal. Também, as oscilações de temperatura de superfície de ORB, FLd, FLe e ESC podem ser aferidas em bubalinos com o uso da termografia infravermelha, de modo preciso e não invasivo.


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The goal of this work was to evaluate grazing behavior of lactating Murrah buffalo cows supplemented with cupuassu byproduct containing 16.8, 51.4, 8.3, 83.5 and 3.4% of ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), crude protein (CP), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and nonfibrous carbohydrate (NFC), respectively. Experimental rations were balanced for reaching levels of 22.0 % of crude protein (CP) and 80.1 % of total digestible nutrient (TDN).


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The aim of this study was to evaluate milk composition of Murrah buffalo cows supplemented with rations containing cupuassu byproduct in substitution of ground corn. Isoprotein and isoenergy rations were balanced with 22.0% of crude protein (CP) and 80.1% of total digestible nutrient (TDN).