1000 resultados para bovine spermatozoid


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The physicochemical and rheological properties of yoghurt made from unstandardised unhomogenised buffalo milk were investigated during fermentation and 28 days of storage and compared to the properties of yoghurt made from homogenised fortified bovine milk. A number of differences observed in the gel network can be linked to differences in milk composition. The microstructure of buffalo yoghurt, as assessed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and cryo scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM), was interrupted by large fat globules and featured more serum pores. These fat globules have a lower surface area and bind less protein than the homogenised fat globules in bovine milk. These microstructural differences likely lead to the higher syneresis observed for buffalo yoghurt with an increase from 17.4 % (w/w) to 19.7 % (w/w) in the weight of whey generated at days 1 and 28 of the storage. The higher concentration of total calcium in buffalo milk resulted in the release of more ionic calcium during fermentation. Gelation was also slower but the strength of the two gels was similar due to similar protein and total solids concentrations. Buffalo yoghurt was more viscous, less able to recover from deformation and less Newtonian than bovine yoghurt with a thixotropy of 3,035 Pa.s-1 measured for buffalo yoghurt at the end of the storage, at least four times higher than the thixotropy of bovine yoghurt. While the titratable acidity, lactose consumption and changes in organic acid concentrations were similar, differences were recorded in the viability of probiotic bacteria with a lower viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus of 5.17 log (CFU/g) recorded for buffalo yoghurt at day 28 of the storage. Our results show that factors other than the total solids content and protein concentration of milk affect the structural properties of yoghurt. They also illustrate the physicochemical reasons why buffalo and bovine yoghurt are reported to have different sensory properties and provide insight into how compositional changes can be used to alter the microstructure and properties of dairy products. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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We determined the anticancer efficacy and internalization mechanism of our polymeric-ceramic nanoparticle system (calcium phosphate nanocores, enclosed in biodegradable polymers chitosan and alginate nanocapsules/nanocarriers [ACSC NCs]) loaded with iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin (Fe-bLf) in a breast cancer xenograft model. ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs with an overall size of 322±27.2 nm were synthesized. In vitro internalization and anticancer efficacy were evaluated in the MDA-MB-231 cells using multicellular tumor spheroids, CyQUANT and MTT assays. These NCs were orally delivered in a breast cancer xenograft mice model, and their internalization, cytotoxicity, biodistribution, and anticancer efficacy were evaluated. Chitosan-coated calcium phosphate Fe-bLf NCs effectively (59%, P≤0.005) internalized in a 1-hour period using clathrin-mediated endocytosis (P≤0.05) and energy-mediated pathways (P≤0.05) for internalization; 3.3 mg/mL of ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs completely disintegrated (~130-fold reduction, P≤0.0005) the tumor spheroids in 72 hours and 96 hours. The IC50 values determined for ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs were 1.69 mg/mL at 10 hours and 1.62 mg/mL after 20 hours. We found that Fe-bLf-NCs effectively (P≤0.05) decreased the tumor size (4.8-fold) compared to the void NCs diet and prevented tumor recurrence when compared to intraperitoneal injection of Taxol and Doxorubicin. Receptor gene expression and micro-RNA analysis confirmed upregulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor and transferrin receptor (liver, intestine, and brain). Several micro-RNAs responsible for iron metabolism upregulated with NCs were identified. Taken together, orally delivered Fe-bLf NCs offer enhanced antitumor activity in breast cancer by internalizing via low-density lipoprotein receptor and transferrin receptor and regulating the micro-RNA expression. These NCs also restored the body iron and calcium levels and increased the hematologic counts.


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Bovine milk contains biologically active peptides that may modulate growth and development within humans. In this study, targeted bovine-derived proteins were evaluated for their effects on signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) phosphorylation in human skeletal muscle cells. Following an acute exposure, bovine-derived acidic fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF) and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) activated STAT3 in differentiating myotubes. Chronic exposure to FGF and LIF during the proliferative phase reduced myoblast proliferation and elevated MyoD and creatine kinase (CKM) mRNA expression without altering apoptotic genes. In mature myotubes, neither FGF nor LIF elicited any action. Together, these data indicate that a reduction in proliferation in the presence of bovine-derived FGF or LIF may stimulate early maturation of myoblasts.


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BACKGROUND: Iron binding, naturally occurring protein bovine lactoferrin (bLf) has attracted attention as a safe anti-cancer agent capable of inducing apoptosis. Naturally, bLf exists partially saturated (15-20%) with Fe(3+) however, it has been demonstrated that manipulating the saturation state can enhance bLf's anti-cancer activities. METHODS: Apo-bLf (Fe(3+) free) and Fe-bLf (>90% Fe(3+) Saturated) were therefore, tested in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 human breast cancer cells in terms of cytotoxicity, proliferation, migration and invasion. Annexin-V Fluos staining was also employed in addition to apoptotic protein arrays and Western blotting to determine the specific mechanism of bLf-induced apoptosis with a key focus on p53 and inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAP), specifically survivin. RESULTS: Apo-bLf induced significantly greater cytotoxicity and reduction in cell proliferation in both cancer cells showing a time and dose dependent effect. Importantly, no cytotoxicity was detected in normal MCF-10-2A cells. Both forms of bLf significantly reduced cell invasion in cancer cells. Key apoptotic molecules including p53, Bcl-2 family proteins, IAP members and their inhibitors were significantly modulated by both forms of bLf, though differentially in each cell line. Most interestingly, both Apo-bLf and Fe-bLf completely inhibited the expression of survivin protein (key IAP), after 48 h at 30 and 40 nM in cancer cells. CONCLUSIONS: The capacity of these forms of bLf to target survivin expression and modulation of apoptosis demonstrates an exciting potential for bLf as an anti-cancer therapeutic in the existing void of survivin inhibitors, with a lack of successful inhibitors in the clinical management of cancer.


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 This research investigated the anti-cancer effects of milk protein, lactoferrin. It was found that lactoferrin specifically induced cell death in breast cancer cells and was non-toxic to normal mammary gland cells. Key molecular mechanisms targeted by lactoferrin were elucidated in this study which provides important insight into the activity of this protein as an anti-cancer agent.


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This study used the Eri silk nanoparticles (NPs) for delivering apo-bovine lactoferrin (Apo-bLf) (~2% iron saturated) and Fe-bLf (100% iron saturated) in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines. Apo-bLf and Fe-bLf-loaded Eri silk NPs with sizes between 200 and 300 nm (±10 nm) showed a significant internalization within 4 hours in MDA-MB-231 cells when compared to MCF-7 cells. The ex vivo loop assay with chitosan-coated Fe-bLf-loaded silk NPs was able to substantiate its future use in oral administration and showed the maximum absorption within 24 hours by ileum. Both Apo-bLf and Fe-bLf induced increase in expression of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 and lactoferrin receptor in epidermal growth factor (EGFR)-positive MDA-MB-231 cells, while transferrin receptor (TfR) and TfR2 in MCF-7 cells facilitated the receptor-mediated endocytosis of NPs. Controlled and sustained release of both bLf from silk NPs was shown to induce more cancer-specific cytotoxicity in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cells compared to normal MCF-10A cells. Due to higher degree of internalization, the extent of cytotoxicity and apoptosis was significantly higher in MDA-MB-231 (EGFR+) cells when compared to MCF-7 (EGFR-) cells. The expression of a prominent anticancer target, survivin, was found to be downregulated at both gene and protein levels. Taken together, all the observations suggest the potential use of Eri silk NPs as a delivery vehicle for an anti-cancer milk protein, and indicate bLf for the treatment of breast cancer.


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Aim : To determine the internalization and protective effects of potential ophthalmic formulations and nanoformulated natural proteins in ex-vivo bovine corneal alkali burn model.

Methods : The bovine cornea obtained were subjected to the 0.5 N NaOH insult that induced alkali burn and inflammation as observed in the in vivo situation. The toxic effects of the nanoformulation were evaluated in the normal and insult induced cornea using histological analysis. Internalization studies were carried out using in vivo imaging and analysis (IVIS, PerkinElmer, USA).

Results : The nanoformulations employed in this study showed no obvious changes in the integrity of the cornea. Further, improvements in the light transmittance and reduced inflammation were observed. The IVIS showed a dose dependant increase in the uptake of the nanoformulations with time.

Conclusion : The nanoformulated bovine lactoferrin and SurR9-C84A (SR9) proteins evaluated in the ex vivo bovine corneal irritation model is the first of its kind, and we report here the non-toxic and therapeutic potential of these formulations for topical applications.


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From January to October 1995, chloride content determinations were accomplished in 2,218 samples of milk collected from 67 quarters of 17 lactating cows, in initial, middle and final stages of lactation, in the morning and afternoon milking. The highest means of chloride contents were observed among the milk samples collected in the final stage of lactation (0,203 gC1/100ml), in the summer (0,212 gC1/100ml) and in the morning milking (0,189 g C1/100ml). The differences observed between the chloride contents in the samples obtained in the different stages of lactation and the seasons of the year were statistically significant (P<0.0001). The gratest occornce of chloride at rates superior to 0.22 gC1100ml was observed in the final stge of lactation (31.4%), summer (44.2%) and after the morning milking (27.8%). These results evidentiate the influence of physiological and external factors (stage of lactation and season of the year) on the concentration of chloride of milk.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mechanisms controlling the outcome of donor cell-derived mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in cloned animals remain largely unknown. This research was designed to investigate the kinetics of somatic and embryonic mtDNA in reconstructed bovine embryos during preimplantation development, as well as in cloned animals. The experiment involved two different procedures of embryo reconstruction and their evaluation at five distinct phases of embryo development to measure the proportion of donor cell mtDNA (Bos indicus), as well as the segregation of this mtDNA during cleavage. The ratio of donor cell (B. indicus) to host oocyte (B. taurus) mtDNA (heteroplasmy) from blastomere- (NT-B) and fibroblast- (NT-F) reconstructed embryos was estimated using an allele-specific PCR with fluorochrome-stained specific primers in each sampled blastomere, in whole blastocysts, and in the tissues of a fibroblast-derived newborn clone. NT-B zygotes and blastocysts show similar levels of heteroplasmy (11.0% and 14.0%, respectively), despite a significant decrease at the 9-16 cell stage (5.8%; p < 0.05). Heteroplasmy levels in NT-F reconstructed zygotes, however, increased from an initial low level (4.7%), to 12.9% (p < 0.05) at the 9-16 cell stage. The NT-F blastocysts contained low levels of heteroplasmy (2.2%) and no somatic-derived mtDNA was detected in the gametes or the tissues of the newborn calf cloned. These results suggest that, in contrast to the mtDNA of blastomeres, that of somatic cells either undergoes replication or escapes degradation during cleavage, although it is degraded later after the blastocyst stage or lost during somatic development, as revealed by the lack of donor cell mtDNA at birth.


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The mostly binucleate trophoblast giant cells (TGC) found in bovine placentomes, in addition to synthesizing and releasing hormones play an important role in fetal development and maternal adaptation to pregnancy. Placentomes from early gestation were collected, and for isolation of mature TGC, three cellular disaggregation methods, mechanical (MECH), enzymatic by trypsin (TRYP) or collagenase (COLL) were compared to each other. Further on, the cell survival in culture medium (DMEM) supplemented with either 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) or 10% serum replacement (SR) on culture plates free of any substrate was evaluated over a period of 90 days by trypan blue exclusion. The cells were further characterized by HOECHST 33342 nuclear staining, and immunocytochemical staining with monoclonal antibodies against vimentim and cytokeratin. A mean total rate of TGC survival of 82.56% was recorded. Statistical analysis showed significantly higher survival rates after enzymatic disaggregation with COLL (86.23%) than following MECH (80.38%) or TRYP (80.91%) treatment. Supplementation of DMEM with FCS resulted in significantly higher cellular survival rates (87.13%) when compared to the addition of SR (77.73%). Analysis of the influence of both, disaggregation method and medium supplementation on TGC survival revealed statistically significant differences between the following groups: MECH-SR (71.09%) was significantly lower than all other groups; TRYP-SR (78.03%) was significantly different from all other groups; TRYP-FCS (83.43%) and COLL-SR (84.08%) were significantly lower than MECH-FCS (89.98%) which together with COLL-FCS (88.25%) showed the highest cellular survival rate. In summary, our results show that TGC isolated from early gestation placentomes may be viable for more than 90 days of culture. However, whether these TGC produce placental lactogen throughout this period has yet to be determined. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present in vitro experiments were designed to evaluate the ability of bovine cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs)to produce steroids and also to evaluate the modulatory effects of added estradiol, progesterone and testosterone on the steroidogenic activity of COCs. Considerable estradiol accumulation was observed in the control maturation medium for in vitro maturation of bovine COCs during the 24h of maturation (P < 0.05). When testosterone was added to the medium at various concentrations, a slight estradiol accumulation occurred, which, however, was lower (P < 0.05) than that observed in the control medium. Slight estradiol accumulation was observed in maturation medium containing progesterone at concentrations of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mug/ml, but these increases were less (P < 0.05) than those observed in the control medium. However, in the presence of 1.0 mug/ml progesterone, estradiol accumulation was equal to that of the control medium (P > 0.05). Progesterone accumulation (P < 0.05) was observed in the control medium for in vitro maturation of bovine COCs. When estradiol was added to the maturation medium, progesterone accumulation was observed, but was significant (P < 0.05) only when the medium was supplemented with the lesser concentrations of estradiol utilized in the experiment (1.0 mug/ml). The results demonstrated that (1) cumulus cells of bovine COCs are able to secrete estradiol and progesterone in culture systems for in vitro maturation, and this steroidogenesis is modulated by the steroids progesterone, testosterone and estradiol, and (2) the addition of estradiol to the in vitro maturation medium of bovine oocytes should be reviewed, since cumulus cells of COCs have been demonstrated to secrete estradiol in the maturation medium. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Efficient artificial activation is indispensable for the success of cloning programs. Strontium has been shown to effectively activate mouse oocytes for nuclear transfer procedures, however, there is limited information on its use for bovine oocytes. The present study had as objectives: (1) to assess the ability of strontium to induce activation and parthenogenetic development in bovine oocytes of different maturational ages in comparison with ethanol; and (2) to verify whether the combination of both treatments improves activation and parthenogenetic development rates. Bovine oocytes were in vitro matured for 24, 26, 28, and 30 h, and treated with ethanol (E, 7% for 5 min) or strontium chloride (S, 10 mM SrCl2 for 5 h) alone or in combination: ethanol + strontium (ES) and strontium + ethanol (SE). Activated oocytes were cultured in vitro in synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) medium and assessed for pronuclear formation (15-16 h), cleavage (46-48 h) and development to the blastocyst stage (M). Treatment with ethanol and strontium promoted similar results regarding pronuclear formation (E, 20-66.7%; S, 26.7-53.3%; P > 0.05) and cleavage (E, 12.8-40.6%; S, 16.1-41.9%; P > 0.05), regardless of oocyte age. The actions of both strontium and ethanol were influenced by oocyte age: ethanol induced greater activation rates after 28 and 30 h of maturation (48.4 and 66.7% versus 20.0 and 23.3% for 24 and 26 It, respectively; P < 0.05) and strontium after 30 It (53.3%) was superior to 24 and 26h (26.7% for both). Blastocyst development rates were minimal in all treatments (0.0-6.3%; P > 0.05), however, when the mean (+/-S.D.) cell number in blastocysts at the same maturational period was compared, strontium treatment was superior to ethanol for activation rates (82 +/- 5.7 and 89.5 +/- 7.8 versus 54 and 61, at 28 and 30 h, respectively). Improved results were obtained by combined treatments. The combination of ethanol and strontium resulted in similar pronuclear formation (ES, 36.7-83.9%; SE, 53.1-90.3%) and cleavage rates (ES, 31.3-81.3%; SE, 65.6-80.7%). Regarding embryo development, there was no difference (P > 0.05) between treatments, and blastocysts were only obtained in treatment SE at 24 and 26 h (6.5% for both). It is concluded that, SrCl2 induces activation and parthenogenetic development in bovine oocytes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.