958 resultados para articles scientifiques


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Serie de artículos


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Le contenu de cette édition spéciale de la Revista est une sélection de plusieurs thèmes abordés dans 10 articles déjà publiés,auxquels ont été ajoutés deux articles préparés spécialement pour ce numéro par des chercheurs de l 'Institut des Hautes Études de l 'Amérique latine (IHEAL). Cette sélection a été réalisée par le directeur de la Revista de la CEPAL et l 'IHEAL.Nous remercions,par ailleurs,la Délégation régionale de coopération pour le Cône Sud et le Brésil,chargée de la coordination du programme de coopération entre la France et la CEPALC,du concours prêté à cette entreprise.


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Publishing is an essential means of validation and communication of research. This is no different in transdisciplinary research, where publishing also aims at contributing to the development of society through sharing of knowledge. In the scientific world, authors need to disseminate and validate results, reflect on issues, and participate in debates. On the other hand, institutions and individuals are assessed according to their publication record – as probably the most influential of all current evaluation criteria. Occupying the space between article production and counting impact factors, journal editors and reviewers play an important role in defining and using rules to assess and improve the work submitted to them. Publishing transdisciplinary research poses specific challenges, in particular with regard to peer-review processes, as it addresses different knowledge communities with different value systems and purposes.


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This issue offers for the first time supplementary material to articles. It consists of Excel files providing data the research is based on, calculation sheets, and optimization tools. Moreover, text files with pseudo code of algorithms and data of instances used for testing these algorithms as well as a video file with a demonstration of the use of a system in experiments are supplied for download. This material facilitates the understanding of the published articles and the replication of their findings to the benefit of scientific progress. And last but not least, such well documented articles will achieve much more impact.


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The biomedical literature is extensively catalogued and indexed in MEDLINE. MEDLINE indexing is done by trained human indexers, who identify the most important concepts in each article, and is expensive and inconsistent. Automating the indexing task is difficult: the National Library of Medicine produces the Medical Text Indexer (MTI), which suggests potential indexing terms to the indexers. MTI’s output is not good enough to work unattended. In my thesis, I propose a different way to approach the indexing task called MEDRank. MEDRank creates graphs representing the concepts in biomedical articles and their relationships within the text, and applies graph-based ranking algorithms to identify the most important concepts in each article. I evaluate the performance of several automated indexing solutions, including my own, by comparing their output to the indexing terms selected by the human indexers. MEDRank outperformed all other evaluated indexing solutions, including MTI, in general indexing performance and precision. MEDRank can be used to cluster documents, index any kind of biomedical text with standard vocabularies, or could become part of MTI itself.