981 resultados para argentine ant


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A new myrmicine ant, Tropidomyrmex elianae gen. n. & sp. n., is described from southeastern and central Brazil, based on workers, ergatoid gynes, males and larvae. Tropidomyrmex workers are relatively small, monomorphic, characterized mainly by the feebly pigmented and extremely thin integument; subfalcate mandibles bearing a single apical tooth; palpal formula 1,2; clypeus relatively broad and convex; reduced compound eyes; propodeum unarmed and with a strongly medially depressed declivous face; double and bilobed well developed subpostpetiolar processes; and peculiarities in the sting apparatus. A colony fragment of T. elianae containing workers, ergatoid gynes, males, and brood was found inside a ground termite nest (Anoplotermes pacificus Apicotermitinae) in a montane rocky scrubland in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Tropidomyrmex elianae is known also from two workers collected in leaf litter samples processed with a Winkler extractor, from the state of Tocantins, central-north Brazil. Despite the differences from the accepted solenopsidine genera, Tropidomyrmex is tentatively assigned to this tribe. Within the solenopsidine ants, the genus is apparently related to Tranopelta. Tropidomyrmex is marked by extreme reductions, perhaps reflecting adaptations to particular habits and habitats.


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The Neotropical ant genus Lachnomyrmex Wheeler, 1910 is revised for the first time. A revised generic description is provided for workers and gynes; males remain unknown. Morphological patterns combined with geographical data led to the recognition of 16 species, of which 10 are here described as new: L. amazonicus sp. n., L. fernandezi sp. n., L. grandis Fernandez & Baena, L. haskinsi Smith, L. lattkei sp. n., L. longinodus Fernandez & Baena, L. longinoi sp. n., L. mackayi sp. n., L. nordestinus sp. n., L. pilosus Weber, L. laticeps sp. n., L. platynodus sp. n., L. plaumanni Borgmeier, L. regularis sp. n., L. scrobiculatus Wheeler, and L. victori sp. n. The gynes of L. grandis, L. haskinsi, and L. pilosus are described for the first time. Illustrated identification keys for workers, distribution maps, and high resolution illustrations are supplied for all species. Some Lachnomyrmex species are relatively common in the leaf-litter of submontane wet forests in Central and South America; others remain known by very few individuals. The relatively small and apparently monogynic Lachnomyrmex colonies inhabit small nests in the ground, among rotten leaves and inside fallen logs. Workers generally forage alone on the ground or within the leaf litter, but have been recorded also on tree trunks, and apparently do not recruit nestmates.


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The recent increase in leaf litter ants sampling effort in Neotropical wet forests has revealed new and interesting records of the highly specialized myrmicine ant genus Stegomyrmex Emery, previously considered as extremely rare. We present a modified diagnosis for the genus and describe Stegomyrmex bensoni n. sp. and S. olindae n. sp., based on, respectively, workers, males, and gyne (central-north Brazil) and on a single worker (northern Brazil). Stegomyrmex vizottoi Diniz (southeastern Brazil) is redescribed and compared with S. olindae n. sp.; these species present significant differences in size, sculpturation, and sting apparatus morphology. The males of S. vizottoi are described for the first time. A key for workers and queens and a distribution map for the five know Stegomyrmex species are provided.


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The composition of the ant fauna was examined in public squares of three municipalities that compose the hydrographic basin of the Upper Tiete River: Biritiba Mirim, Salesopolis, and Mogi das Cruzes. Richness, frequency of occurrence, similarity, and influence of seasons on the species composition were examined. The method was standardized as sampling units consisted of a set of three baits arranged in a triangle with vertices two meters apart. Sardines in oil were used as attractant. A total of 86 species was collected. Myrmicinae and Pheidole were the richest subfamily and genus, respectively. Eighty species were collected in Mogi das Cruzes, 49 in Salesopolis, and 45 in Biritiba Mirim, with 34 species common to the three areas. The ordination analysis (NMDS) revealed the presence of two distinct communities: one in Mogi das Cruzes and another in Biritiba Mirim-Salesopolis. These data were supported by the dendogram based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index. This result might be associated with the distinct geographic and demographic characteristics of the areas. Regarding seasonality, the composition of the fauna of Mogi das Cruzes is independent of the season of the year, unlike the observed in Biritiba Mirim and Salesopolis.


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Despite recognition of key biotic processes in shaping the structure of biological communities, few empirical studies have explored the influences of abiotic factors on the structural properties of mutualistic networks. We tested whether temperature and precipitation contribute to temporal variation in the nestedness of mutualistic ant-plant networks. While maintaining their nested structure, nestedness increased with mean monthly precipitation and, particularly, with monthly temperature. Moreover, some species changed their role in network structure, shifting from peripheral to core species within the nested network. We could summarize that abiotic factors affect plant species in the vegetation (e.g., phenology), meaning presence/absence of food sources, consequently an increase/decrease of associations with ants, and finally, these variations to fluctuations in nestedness. While biotic factors are certainly important, greater attention needs to be given to abiotic factors as underlying determinants of the structures of ecological networks.


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The immatures of males of two species of Camponotus ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are described and compared by light and electron microscopy. The numbers of larval instars were determined: Camponotus rufipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) have four instars; and Camponotus vittatus Forel have three. Male larvae of the two species are similar to previously described Camponotus larvae, sharing the following traits: basic shape of body and mandible, presence of 'chiloscleres', 'praesaepium' (some specimens), labial pseudopalps, and ten pairs of spiracles. However, larvae of the two species can be separated by bodily dimensions and based on their hair number and types. Worker larvae of C. vittatus previously described are extensively similar to male larvae, with only a few inconspicuous differences that may result from intraspecific variation or sexual differences.


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Social facilitation occurs when an animal is more likely to behave in a certain way in response to other animals engaged in the same behaviour. For example, an individual returning to the nest with food stimulates other ants to leave and to forage. In the present study we demonstrate the existence of new facets in the colony organization of Dinoponera quadriceps: a positive feedback between the incoming food and the activation of new foragers, and the occurrence of incipient task partitioning during the food sharing. Lower-ranked workers located inside the nest process protein resources and higher-ranked workers handle smaller pieces and distribute them to the larvae. In conclusion, D. quadriceps has a decentralized pattern of task allocation with a double regulatory mechanism, which can be considered a sophisticated aspect of division of labour in ponerine ants.


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Non-myrmecophilous lepidopteran larvae using plants bearing ant attractants such as extrafloral nectaries are good models for studying morphological and behavioural mechanisms against ant predation. Udranomia spitzi (Hesperiidae) is a butterfly whose larvae feed on leaves of Ouratea spectabilis (Ochnaceae), a plant with extrafloral nectaries. We described the early stages of U. spitzi, and used field observations and experiments to investigate the defensive strategies of caterpillars against predatory ants. Larvae pass through five instars and pupation occurs inside larval leaf shelters. Ant-exclusion experiments revealed that the presence of ants did not affect significantly caterpillar survival. Predation experiments showed that vulnerability to ant predation decreased with increase in larval size. The present study showed that predatory ants are not as relevant as demonstrated for other systems, and also illustrates how observational data and field experiments can contribute to a better understanding of the biology and ecology of a species of interest.


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This is the first study which evaluated the influence of cave size and presence of bat guano in ant visitation in Brazilian caves. We provide a list of the ants associated with 27 caves in northeastern Brazil, an area situated in the transition between Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) and Amazon Domain. The study was conducted between January and August 2010. We recorded 24 ant species inserted into 12 genera, 10 tribes, and six subfamilies. The size of the cave and the presence of guano did not influence the richness of ants, and most of the caves had single species. Camponotus atriceps was the species with the larger distribution, being collected in five caves. In addition, we discuss geographic distribution of records and possible ecological roles of ants in cave environments.


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Cuticular hydrocarbons play important roles as chemical signatures of individuals, castes, sex and brood. They also can mediate the regulation of egg laying in ants, by informing directly or indirectly the reproductive status of queens. In this study we asked whether cuticular hydrocarbon profiles are correlated with castes and sex of Camponotus textor. Cuticular hydrocarbons were extracted from part of a mature colony (80 workers, 27 major workers, 27 queens, 27 virgin queens and 27 males). Results showed that cuticular hydrocarbons varied quantitatively and qualitatively among the groups and this variation was sufficiently strong to allow separation of castes and genders. We discuss the specificity of some compounds as possible regulatory compounds of worker tasks and reproduction in C. textor.


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1. Sodium is often a limiting nutrient for terrestrial animals, and may be especially sought by herbivores. Leafcutter ants are dominant herbivores in the Neotropics, and leafcutter foraging may be affected by nutritional demands of the colony and/or the demands of their symbiotic fungal mutualists. We hypothesized that leafcutter colonies are sodium limited, and that leafcutter ants will therefore forage specifically for sodium. 2. Previous studies demonstrated that leafcutter Atta cephalotes Linnaeus workers preferentially cut and remove paper baits treated with NaCl relative to water control baits. Atta cephalotes colonies in this study were presented with baits offering NaCl, Na2SO4, and KCl to test whether leafcutters forage specifically for sodium. Sucrose and water were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. 3. Atta foragers removed significantly more of the baits treated with NaCl and Na2SO4 than the KCl treatment, which did not differ from water. The NaCl and Na2SO4 treatments were collected at similar rates. We conclude A. cephalotes forage specifically for sodium rather than for anions (chloride) or solutes in general. This study supports the hypothesis that leafcutter ants are limited by, and preferentially forage for, sodium.


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We describe a new species of Oxyepoecus Santschi, 1926, Oxyepoecus regularis sp. nov., based on workers and a gyne collected in "Caatinga Arbórea" (Arboreal Shrubland) in Milagres and "Mata Seca" (Dry Forest) in Boa Vista do Tupim, both in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The gyne of Oxyepoecus browni Albuquerque & Brandão, 2004, collected in the same leaf litter ant survey, is also described. In addition, we present new records for Oxyepoecus species in Northeastern Brazil.


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L’anguilla europea (Anguilla anguilla) è una specie eurialina catadroma, la cui area di riproduzione si trova a grande distanza dall’areale di distribuzione. Presenta un ciclo biologico piuttosto complesso caratterizzato da due metamorfosi: la prima, tipicamente larvale permette al “leptocefalo”, forma larvale marina tipica degli anguilliformi, di trasformarsi in anguilla “ceca”; la seconda, invece, trasforma l’anguilla “gialla” in “argentina” attraverso un processo definito di “argentinizzazione” nel quale si delineano preadattamenti alla maturazione sessuale che sarà completa durante la migrazione riproduttiva verso il Mar dei Sargassi. L’”argentinizzazione” innesca modificazioni fisiologiche (regressione del tratto digestivo), e morfologiche (aumento della massa corporea, ispessimento della pelle, modificazione dell’occhio e nuova pigmentazione). Il colore bruno verdastro con ventre giallo è prerogativa delle anguille in fase trofica, cioè quelle gialle, sessualmente immature. Quelle argentine presentano, invece, una colorazione più scura sul dorso e argenteo sul ventre. Inoltre le anguille argentine vanno incontro a cambiamenti ormonali per adattarsi all’ambiente marino, compiere la lunga migrazione e riprodursi. Per avere a disposizione risorse energetiche anche senza nutrirsi per molti mesi, devono accumulare grandi riserve di cui il 60% è destinato per lo sviluppo delle gonadi. Tuttavia i processi metabolici che consentono alle anguille argentine di effettuare lunghe migrazioni mantenendo un’alta efficienza del nuoto e nel contempo utilizzando limitate risorse, non sono sufficientemente conosciuti. Per fornire nuove informazioni, questo lavoro di tesi ha indagato se vi sia una modificazione del quadro proteico del siero delle anguille argentine rispetto alle gialle, e quali proteine eventualmente risultino sovra- o sotto- espresse in ciascuna delle due fasi del ciclo biologico. A tale fine si è applicata una tecnica innovativa, quale l’analisi proteomica, che permette di identificare in modo sistematico le proteine all’interno di un substrato biologico come iin questo caso il siero. Le anguille gialle ed argentine prese in esame sono state prelevate nelle Valli di Comacchio (FE). La valutazione quantitativa delle proteine, separate tramite elettroforesi bidimensionale su gel di poliacrilamide, si è fondata sull’analisi delle immagini attraverso specifici programmi (Proteomweaver). A tale proposito, si sono confrontati i gel di anguilla gialla ed argentina individuando gli spot corrispondenti alle proteine e quantificandoli. Gli spot differenzialmente espressi sono stati prelevati per essere poi identificati tramite spettrometria di massa (MS/MS), arrivando al riconoscimento di diverse proteine. Tra queste, sono state identificate due diverse isoforme di apolipoproteina, l’una più espressa nell’anguilla gialla, l’altra nell’argentina; tali proteine svolgono un ruolo importante nella facilitazione del trasporto lipidico e nell’assorbimento dei lipidi associato anche con la crescita degli ovociti. Il treno di spot relativo alla transferrina è decisamente più evidente nelle anguille argentine, il che potrebbe essere correlato al ruolo del ferro nell’emoglobina, mirato ad un maggiore apporto di ossigeno ai tessuti durante la lunga migrazione riproduttiva di questi animali. Lo studio è del tutto nuovo e al momento non sono disponibili sufficienti informazioni al contorno per trarre più ampie conclusioni; tuttavia esso merita di essere proseguito per contribuire alla comprensione degli eventi di metamorfosi in questa specie dal ciclo vitale complesso e in gran parte sconosciuto.


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Sviluppo di un modello di ottimizzazione dei tempi di evacuazione da aerei da trasporto mediante disposizione intelligente dei passeggeri effettuata con un algoritmo basato sulla Ant Colony Optimization.