896 resultados para applicazione, app, mobile, web, takeaway, asporto, ristorazione, ristorante, Android, web
Usability guidelines are a useful tool for the developers to improve interaction with systems. It includes knowledge of different disciplines related to usability and provides solutions and best practices to achieve the objectives of usability. Heuristic evaluation is one of the methods most widely used to evaluate and user interfaces. The objective of this study is to enrich the process of heuristic evaluation with the design guidelines focusing it on the evaluation of applications for mobile devices. As well as generate a homogeneous classification of guidelines content, in order to help that from design and development process, be included solutions and good practices provided by the guidelines. In order to achieve the objectives of this work, it is provides a method for generating heuristics for mobile applications, with which four applications were evaluated, and a web tool has also been developed that allows access to the content of the guidelines using the homogeneous classification of guidelines content. The results showed the ease and utility of performing heuristic evaluations using a set of heuristics focused on mobile applications.
El mundo de la web admite actualmente los productos desarrollados tanto por desarrolladores profesionales como por usuarios finales con un conocimiento más limitado. A pesar de la diferencia que se puede suponer de calidad entre los productos de ambos, las dos soluciones pueden ser reconocidas y empleadas en una aplicación. En la Web 2.0, este comportamiento se observa en el desarrollo de componentes web. Lo que se persigue en el trabajo es desarrollar un modelo de persistencia que, apoyado por un lado servidor y por uno cliente, recoja las métricas de calidad de los componentes cuando los usuarios interaccionan con ellos. A partir de estas métricas, es posible mejorar la calidad de estos componentes. La forma en la que se van a recoger las métricas es a través de PicBit, la aplicación desarrollada para que los usuarios puedan interconectar diferentes componentes entre ellos sin restricciones, de forma que tras interactuar con ellos puedan expresar su grado de satisfacción, que se recoge para la evaluación de la calidad. Se definen también unas métricas intrínsecas al componente, no determinadas por el usuario y que sirven como referencia de la evaluación. Cuando se tienen tanto las métricas intrínsecas como procedentes del usuario, se realiza una correlación entre ellas que permite analizar las posibles desviaciones entre ellas y determinar la calidad propia del componente. Las conclusiones que se pueden obtener del trabajo es que cuando los usuarios pueden realizar pruebas de usabilidad de forma libre, sin restricciones, es mayor la posibilidad de obtener resultados favorables porque estos resultados muestran cómo usará un usuario final la aplicación. Este método de trabajo se ve favorecido por el número de herramientas que se pueden utilizar hoy para monitorizar el flujo de usuario en el servicio.---ABSTRACT---Nowadays, the web world deals with products developed both by professional developers and by end-users with some limited knowledge. Although the difference between both can be important in quality terms, both are accepted and included in web applications. In web 2.0, this behavior can be recognized in the web components development. The goal pursued in the work presented is to create a persistent model that, supported by an end and a back side, will pick the quality measures of the components when the users interact with them. These measures are the starting point for improving the components. The way in which the measures are going to be picked is through PicBit, the application we have developed in order to allow the users playing with the components without restrictions or rules, so after the interaction they can give their satisfaction mark with the application. This will be the value used to evaluate the quality. Some own measures are also defined, which does not depend on the user and which will be used as a reference point of the evaluation. When the measures from users and own ones are got, their correlation is analyzed to study the differences between them and to establish the quality of the component. The conclusion that can be gained from the project is the importance of giving freedom for users when doing usability tests because it increases the chance to get positive results, in the way the users execute the operations they want with the application. This method is fortunate for having such a number of tools to monitor the user flow when using the service.
El mundo actual es una fuente ilimitada de información. El manejo y análisis de estas enormes cantidades de información es casi imposible, pero también es difícil poder capturar y relacionar diferentes tipos de datos entre sí y, a partir de este análisis, sacar conclusiones que puedan conllevar a la realización, o no, de un conjunto de acciones. Esto hace necesario la implementación de sistemas que faciliten el acceso, visualización y manejo de estos datos; con el objetivo de poder relacionarlos, analizarlos, y permitir al usuario que, de la manera más sencilla posible, pueda sacar conclusiones de estos. De esta necesidad de manejar, visualizar y relacionar datos nació la plataforma Wirecloud. Wirecloud ha sido desarrollado en el laboratorio Computer Networks & Web Technologies Lab (CoNWeT Lab) del grupo CETTICO, ubicado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Wirecloud es una plataforma de código abierto que permite, utilizando las últimas tecnologías web, recoger la información que se quiere analizar de diferentes fuentes en tiempo real e, interconectando entre sí una serie de componentes y operadores, realizar una mezcla y procesado de esta información para después usarla y mostrarla de la manera más usable posible al usuario. Un ejemplo de uso real de la plataforma podría ser: utilizar la lista de repartidores de una empresa de envío urgente para conocer cuáles son sus posiciones en tiempo real sobre un mapa utilizando el posicionamiento GPS de sus dispositivos móviles, y poder asignarles el destino y la ruta más óptima; todo esto desde la misma pantalla. El proyecto Wirecloud Mobile corresponde a la versión móvil de la plataforma Wirecloud, cuyo objetivos principales pretenden compatibilizar Wirecloud con el mayor número de sistemas operativos móviles que actualmente hay en el mercado, permitiendo su uso en cualquier parte del mundo; y poder enriquecer los componentes mencionados en el párrafo anterior con las características y propiedades nativas de los dispositivos móviles actuales, como por ejemplo el posicionamiento GPS, el acelerómetro, la cámara, el micrófono, los altavoces o tecnologías de comunicación como el Bluetooth o el NFC.---ABSTRACT---The current world is a limitless source of information. Use and analysis of this huge amount of information is nearly impossible; but it is also difficult being able to capture and relate different kinds of data to each other and, from this analysis, draw conclusions that can lead to the fulfilment or not of a set of relevant actions. This requires the implementation of systems to facilitate the access, visualization and management of this data easier; with the purpose of being capable of relate, analyse, and allow the user to draw conclusions from them. And out of this need to manage, visualize and relate data, the Wirecloud platform was born. Wirecloud has been developed at the Computer Networks & Web Technologies Lab (CoNWeT Lab) of CETTICO group, located at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Wirecloud is an open-source platform that allows, using the latest web technologies, to collect the information from different sources in real time and interlinking a set of widgets and operators, make a mixture and processing of this information, so then use it and show it in the most usable way. An example of the actual use of the platform could be: using the list of deliverymen from an express delivery company in order to know, using GPS positioning from their mobile devices, which are their current locations in a map; and be able to assign them the destination and optimum route; all of this from the same display/screen. Wirecloud Mobile Project is the mobile version of the Wirecloud platform, whose main objectives aim to make Wirecloud compatible with the largest amount of mobile operative systems that are currently available, allowing its use everywhere; and enriching and improving the previously mentioned components with the native specifications and properties of the present mobile devices, such as GPS positioning, accelerometer, camera, microphone, built-in speakers, or communication technologies such as Bluetooth or NFC (Near Field Communications).
Este proyecto tiene como intención llevar a cabo el desarrollo de una aplicación basada en tecnologías Web utilizando Spring Framework, una infraestructura de código abierto para la plataforma Java. Se realizará primero un estudio teórico sobre las características de Spring para luego poder implementar una aplicación utilizando dicha tecnología como ejemplo práctico. La primera parte constará de un análisis sobre las características más significativas de Spring, recogiendo de esta forma información sobre todos los componentes del framework necesarios para desarrollar una aplicación genérica. El objetivo es descubrir y analizar cómo Spring facilita la implementación de un proyecto con arquitectura MVC y cómo permite integrar seguridad, internacionalización y otros conceptos de forma transparente. La segunda parte, el desarrollo de la aplicación web, sirve como demostración práctica de cómo utilizar los conocimientos recogidos sobre Spring. Se desarrollará una aplicación que gestiona un recetario generado por una comunidad de usuarios. La aplicación contiene un registro de usuarios que deberán autenticarse para poder ver sus datos personales y modificarlos si lo desean. Dependiendo del tipo de usuarios, tendrán acceso a distintas zonas de la aplicación y tendrán un rango distinto de acciones disponibles. Las acciones principales son la visualización de recetas, la creación de recetas, la modificación o eliminación de recetas propias y la modificación o eliminación de recetas de los demás usuarios. Las recetas constarán de un nombre, una descripción, una fotografía del resultado, tiempos estimados, dificultad estimada, una lista de ingredientes y sus cantidades y finalmente una serie de pasos con fotografías demostrativas si se desea añadir. Los administradores, un tipo específico de usuarios, podrán acceder a una lista de usuarios para monitorizarlos, modificarlos o añadir y quitarles permisos. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is the development of an application based on Web technologies with the use of Spring Framework, an open-source application framework for the Java platform. A theoretical study on the characteristics of Spring will be performed first, followed by the implementation of an application using said technology to show as object lesson. The first part consists of an analysis of the most significant features of Spring, thus collecting information on all components of the framework necessary to develop a generic app. The goal is to discover and analyze how Spring helps develop a project based on a MVC architecture and how it allows seamless integration of security, internationalization and other concepts. The second part, the development of the web application, serves as a practical demonstration of how to use the knowledge gleaned about Spring. An application will be developed to manage a cookbook generated by a community of users. The application has a set of users who have to authenticate themselves to be able to see their personal data and modify it if they wish to do so. Depending on the user type, the user will be able to access different parts of the application and will have a different set of possible actions. The main possible actions are: creation recipes, modification or deletion of owned recipes and the modification and deletion of any recipe. The recipes consist its name, a description, a photograph, estimated times and difficulties, a list of ingredients along with their quantities and lastly a series of steps to follow along with demonstrative photographs if desired; and other information such as categories or difficulties. The administrators, a specific type of users, will have access to a list of users where they can monitor them, modify them or grant and remove privileges.
En este proyecto se ha estudiado el abanico de posibilidades que las plataformas web y móviles ofrecen para aprender lenguajes de programación compilados. A continuación, se ha realizado el diseño y la implementación de una plataforma para el aprendizaje de lenguajes de programación desde dispositivos móviles, con posibilidad de compilación remota desde la aplicación desarrollada, analizando el proceso y las elecciones de desarrollo tomadas. Así, se ha desarrollado una app mediante la plataforma de desarrollo Cordova, que puede ser distribuida para todas las plataformas móviles que esta soporta, incluyendo las más populares: iOS y Android. Para la parte servidora se ha utilizado un servidor Apache (PHP) y el sistema NoSQL MongoDB para la base de datos. Para mayor facilidad en la gestión del contenido de la app, se ha desarrollado en paralelo un gestor web de la base de datos, el cual permite añadir, editar y eliminar contenido de la misma a través de una interfaz agradable y funcional. ABSTRACT. In this project I have studied the range of possibilities that web and mobile platforms offer to learn compiled programming languages. Next, I have designed and implemented a platform for learning programming languages from mobile devices, giving the possibility of remote compilation within the developed application. In this terms, I have developed an app with the Cordova development platform, which can be distributed for all the mobile platforms Cordova supports, including the most popular ones: iOS and Android. For the server part, I have used an Apache (PHP) server and the NoSQL database system MongoDB. In order to offer a more usable system and a better database management, I have also developed a web manager for the database, from which database content can be added, edited and removed, through a clear and functional interface.
La forma de consumir contenidos en Internet ha cambiado durante los últimos años. Inicialmente se empleaban webs estáticas y con contenidos pobres visualmente. Con la evolución de las redes de comunicación, esta tendencia ha variado. A día de hoy, deseamos páginas agradables, accesibles y que nos presenten temas variados. Todo esto ha cambiado la forma de crear páginas web y en todos los casos se persigue el objetivo de atraer a los usuarios. El gran auge de los smartphones y las aplicaciones móviles que invaden el mercado actual han revolucionado el mundo del estudio de los idiomas permitiendo compatibilizar los recursos punteros con el aprendizaje tradicional. La popularidad de los dispositivos móviles y de las aplicaciones ha sido el principal motivo de la realización de este proyecto. En él se realizará un análisis de las diferentes tecnologías existentes y se elegirá la mejor opción que se ajuste a nuestras necesidades para poder desarrollar un sistema que implemente el enfoque llamado Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) que supone una aproximación innovadora al aprendizaje de idiomas con la ayuda de un dispositivo móvil. En este documento se va a ofrecer una panorámica general acerca del desarrollo de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles en el entorno del e-learning. Se estudiarán características técnicas de diferentes plataformas seleccionando la mejor opción para la implementación de un sistema que proporcione los contenidos básicos para el aprendizaje de un idioma, en este caso del inglés, de forma intuitiva y divertida. Dicho sistema permitirá al usuario mejorar su nivel de inglés mediante una interfaz web de forma dinámica y cercana empleando los recursos que ofrecen los dispositivos móviles y haciendo uso del diseño adaptativo. Este proyecto está pensado para los usuarios que dispongan de poco tiempo libre para realizar un curso de forma presencial o, mejor aún, para reforzar o repasar contenidos ya aprendidos por otros medios más tradicionales o no. La aplicación ofrece la posibilidad de que se haga uso del sistema de forma fácil y sencilla desde cualquier dispositivo móvil del que se disponga como es un smartphone, tablet o un ordenador personal, compitiendo con otros usuarios o contra uno mismo y mejorando así el nivel de partida a través de las actividades propuestas. Durante el proyecto se han comparado diversas soluciones, la mayoría de código abierto y de libre distribución que permiten desplegar servicios de almacenamiento accesibles mediante Internet. Se concluirá con un caso práctico analizando los requisitos técnicos y llevando a cabo las fases de análisis, diseño, creación de la base de datos, implementación y pruebas dentro del ciclo de vida del software. Finalmente, se migrará la aplicación con toda la información a un servidor en la nube. ABSTRACT. The way of consuming content on the Internet has changed over the past years. Initially, static websites were used with poor visual contents. Nevertheless, with the evolution of communication networks this trend has changed. Nowadays, we expect pleasant, accessible and varied topic pages and such expectations have changed the way to create web pages generally aiming at appealing and therefore, attracting users. The great boom of smartphones and mobile applications in the current market, have revolutionized the world of language learning as they make it possible to combine computing with traditional learning resources. The popularity of mobile devices and applications has been the main reason for the development of this project. Here, the different existing technologies will be examined and we will try to select the best option that adapts to our needs in order to develop a system that implements Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) that in broad terms implies an approach to language learning with the help of a mobile device. This report provides an overview of the development of applications for mobile devices in the e-learning environment. We will study the technical characteristics of different platforms and we will select the best option for the implementation of a system that provide the basic content for learning a language, in this case English, by means of an intuitive and fun method. This system will allow the user to improve their level of English with a web interface in a dynamic and close way employing the resources offered by mobile devices using the adaptive design. This project is intended for users who do not have enough free time to make a classroom course or to review contents from more traditional courses as it offers the possibility to make use of the system quickly and easily from any mobile device available such as a smartphone, a tablet or a personal computer, competing with other users or against oneself and thus improving their departing level through different activities. During the project, different solutions have been compared. Most of them, open source and free distribution that allow to deploy storage services accessible via the Internet. It will conclude with a case study analyzing the technical requirements and conducting phases of analysis, design and creation of a database, implementation and testing in the software lifecycle. Finally, the application will be migrated with all the information to a server in the cloud.
A Internet está inserida no cotidiano do indivíduo, e torna-se cada vez mais acessível por meio de diferentes tipos de dispositivos. Com isto, diversos estudos foram realizados com o intuito de avaliar os reflexos do seu uso excessivo na vida pessoal, acadêmica e profissional. Esta dissertação buscou identificar se a perda de concentração e o isolamento social são alguns dos reflexos individuais que o uso pessoal e excessivo de aplicativos de comunicação instantânea podem resultar no ambiente de trabalho. Entre as variáveis selecionadas para avaliar os aspectos do uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos tem-se a distração digital, o controle reduzido de impulso, o conforto social e a solidão. Através de uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, utilizaram-se escalas aplicadas a uma amostra de 283 pessoas. Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas como a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e para auferir a relação entre as variáveis, a Regressão Linear Múltipla. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que o uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos está positivamente relacionado com a perda de concentração, e a variável distração digital exerce uma influência maior do que o controle reduzido de impulso. De acordo com os resultados, não se podem afirmar que a solidão e o conforto social exercem relações com aumento do isolamento social, devido à ausência do relacionamento entre os construtos.
O consumidor contemporâneo, inserido em um novo ambiente de comunicação, potencializa suas expressões, capaz de avaliar uma marca ou produto e transmitir sua opinião pelas redes sociais, ou seja, o consumidor expressa suas opiniões e desejos dialogando com seus pares de forma espontânea nas redes sociais on-line. É neste ambiente de participação e interação (ciberespaço) que está nosso objeto de estudo, o boca a boca on-line – a voz do consumidor contemporâneo, também conhecido como uma manifestação informativa pessoal ou uma conversa, a opinion sharing. Proporcionado pelos consumidores nas redes sociais on-line, o boca a boca se fortalece em função das possibilidades de interação, característica da sociedade em rede. Nesse cenário, oobjetivo desta pesquisa é caracterizar o boca a boca on-line como um novo fluxo comunicacional entre consumidores, hoje potencializado pelas novas tecnologias da comunicação, capazes de alterar a percepção da marca e demonstrar o uso, pelas marcas, das redes sociais on-line ainda como um ambiente de comunicação unidirecional. Mediante três casos selecionados por conveniência (dois casos nacionais e um internacional), o corpus de análise de nossa pesquisa se limitou aos 5.084 comentários disponibilizados após publicação de matérias jornalísticas no Portal G1 e nas fanpages (Facebook), ambos relativos aos casos selecionados. Com a Análise de Conteúdo dos posts, identificamos e categorizamos a fala do consumidor contemporâneo, sendo assim possível comprovar que as organizações/marcas se valem da cultura do massivo, não dialogando com seus consumidores, pois utilizam as redes sociais on-line ainda de forma unidirecional, além de não darem a devida atenção ao atual fluxo onde se evidencia a opinião compartilhada dos consumidores da sociedade em rede.
As the number of protein folds is quite limited, a mode of analysis that will be increasingly common in the future, especially with the advent of structural genomics, is to survey and re-survey the finite parts list of folds from an expanding number of perspectives. We have developed a new resource, called PartsList, that lets one dynamically perform these comparative fold surveys. It is available on the web at http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/partslist and http://www.partslist.org. The system is based on the existing fold classifications and functions as a form of companion annotation for them, providing ‘global views’ of many already completed fold surveys. The central idea in the system is that of comparison through ranking; PartsList will rank the approximately 420 folds based on more than 180 attributes. These include: (i) occurrence in a number of completely sequenced genomes (e.g. it will show the most common folds in the worm versus yeast); (ii) occurrence in the structure databank (e.g. most common folds in the PDB); (iii) both absolute and relative gene expression information (e.g. most changing folds in expression over the cell cycle); (iv) protein–protein interactions, based on experimental data in yeast and comprehensive PDB surveys (e.g. most interacting fold); (v) sensitivity to inserted transposons; (vi) the number of functions associated with the fold (e.g. most multi-functional folds); (vii) amino acid composition (e.g. most Cys-rich folds); (viii) protein motions (e.g. most mobile folds); and (ix) the level of similarity based on a comprehensive set of structural alignments (e.g. most structurally variable folds). The integration of whole-genome expression and protein–protein interaction data with structural information is a particularly novel feature of our system. We provide three ways of visualizing the rankings: a profiler emphasizing the progression of high and low ranks across many pre-selected attributes, a dynamic comparer for custom comparisons and a numerical rankings correlator. These allow one to directly compare very different attributes of a fold (e.g. expression level, genome occurrence and maximum motion) in the uniform numerical format of ranks. This uniform framework, in turn, highlights the way that the frequency of many of the attributes falls off with approximate power-law behavior (i.e. according to V–b, for attribute value V and constant exponent b), with a few folds having large values and most having small values.
Se describen las ventajas de usar un framework para desarrollar aplicaciones web para móviles, y en concreto se ve el funcionamiento de jQuery Mobile.
Los dispositivos móviles se han convertido en una herramienta irrenunciable en la vida de los seres humanos, principalmente como instrumento para estar en contacto con cualquier persona en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. La introducción de los smartphone y las tabletas en las aulas de Educación Secundaria favorece la motivación y la autonomía del alumnado, puesto que las aplicaciones digitales (Apps) son el mundo en el que nace y vive. Sin embargo, el concepto de Mobile Learning se puede aplicar tanto al aula de lengua y literatura para hispanohablantes como al aula de español para extranjeros, empleando el móvil no como sustituto del material en papel, sino como elemento que fomenta las habilidades comunicativas. Teniendo en cuenta la utilidad de las app para dispositivos móviles en las aulas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE), en el presente trabajo se desarrolla una propuesta didáctica desde el área de lengua y literatura española para el alumnado italófono: estos estudiantes constituyen un grupo particular de aprendices de español ya que, como los dos idiomas se parecen, surgen dificultades inesperadas al descubrir las divergencias durante el estudio de la lengua.
Cybercrime and related malicious activity in our increasingly digital world has become more prevalent and sophisticated, evading traditional security mechanisms. Digital forensics has been proposed to help investigate, understand and eventually mitigate such attacks. The practice of digital forensics, however, is still fraught with various challenges. Some of the most prominent of these challenges include the increasing amounts of data and the diversity of digital evidence sources appearing in digital investigations. Mobile devices and cloud infrastructures are an interesting specimen, as they inherently exhibit these challenging circumstances and are becoming more prevalent in digital investigations today. Additionally they embody further characteristics such as large volumes of data from multiple sources, dynamic sharing of resources, limited individual device capabilities and the presence of sensitive data. These combined set of circumstances make digital investigations in mobile and cloud environments particularly challenging. This is not aided by the fact that digital forensics today still involves manual, time consuming tasks within the processes of identifying evidence, performing evidence acquisition and correlating multiple diverse sources of evidence in the analysis phase. Furthermore, industry standard tools developed are largely evidence-oriented, have limited support for evidence integration and only automate certain precursory tasks, such as indexing and text searching. In this study, efficiency, in the form of reducing the time and human labour effort expended, is sought after in digital investigations in highly networked environments through the automation of certain activities in the digital forensic process. To this end requirements are outlined and an architecture designed for an automated system that performs digital forensics in highly networked mobile and cloud environments. Part of the remote evidence acquisition activity of this architecture is built and tested on several mobile devices in terms of speed and reliability. A method for integrating multiple diverse evidence sources in an automated manner, supporting correlation and automated reasoning is developed and tested. Finally the proposed architecture is reviewed and enhancements proposed in order to further automate the architecture by introducing decentralization particularly within the storage and processing functionality. This decentralization also improves machine to machine communication supporting several digital investigation processes enabled by the architecture through harnessing the properties of various peer-to-peer overlays. Remote evidence acquisition helps to improve the efficiency (time and effort involved) in digital investigations by removing the need for proximity to the evidence. Experiments show that a single TCP connection client-server paradigm does not offer the required scalability and reliability for remote evidence acquisition and that a multi-TCP connection paradigm is required. The automated integration, correlation and reasoning on multiple diverse evidence sources demonstrated in the experiments improves speed and reduces the human effort needed in the analysis phase by removing the need for time-consuming manual correlation. Finally, informed by published scientific literature, the proposed enhancements for further decentralizing the Live Evidence Information Aggregator (LEIA) architecture offer a platform for increased machine-to-machine communication thereby enabling automation and reducing the need for manual human intervention.
Even before business has really come to grips with the intricacies of incorporating emarketing and e-commerce into their organisational strategies, they are now being encouraged to make significant investments in developing capabilities for mobile phone marketing. Fuelled once again by huge profit predictions reminiscent of the mid-1990s when speaking of e-commerce (Anckar and D’Incau 2002) marketers are tapping into this mobility. So, instead of having to drive consumers to web sites through the ‘sit and search’ context, marketers are now exploring ways to develop strategies to deliver relevant and timely information in a ‘roam and receive’ context directly to their potential customers anywhere, anytime, any place (Mort and Drennan 2002).
Towards a web-based progressive handwriting recognition environment for mathematical problem solving
The emergence of pen-based mobile devices such as PDAs and tablet PCs provides a new way to input mathematical expressions to computer by using handwriting which is much more natural and efficient for entering mathematics. This paper proposes a web-based handwriting mathematics system, called WebMath, for supporting mathematical problem solving. The proposed WebMath system is based on client-server architecture. It comprises four major components: a standard web server, handwriting mathematical expression editor, computation engine and web browser with Ajax-based communicator. The handwriting mathematical expression editor adopts a progressive recognition approach for dynamic recognition of handwritten mathematical expressions. The computation engine supports mathematical functions such as algebraic simplification and factorization, and integration and differentiation. The web browser provides a user-friendly interface for accessing the system using advanced Ajax-based communication. In this paper, we describe the different components of the WebMath system and its performance analysis.