903 resultados para analytical decomposition


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Vaahdotusta käytetään yleisesti erottamaan eri mineraaleja malmista. Tässä menetelmässä käytetään erityisiä pinta-aktiivisia aineita, joita kutsutaan kokoojakemikaaleiksi, muuntamaan halutut mineraalit hydrofobisiksi ja erottamaan ne hydrofiilisistä partikkeleista ilmakuplien avulla. Eräs tärkeimmistä kokoojakemikaalien ryhmistä on ksantaatit. Ksantaateilla on havaittu taipumusta hajota useiksi erilaisiksi hajoamistuotteiksi vaahdotusprosessin aikana. Näillä hajoamistuotteilla voi olla monia haitallisia vaikutuksia vaahdotuksen tuloksiin. Näiden tuotteiden tunnistaminen ja määrittäminen on tärkeää vaahdotusprosessin paremman ymmärtämisen kannalta. Työn kirjallisuusosassa vaahdotusprosessi, ksantaatit ja niiden yleisimmät hajoamistuotteet on esitelty, kuten myös käytetty analyysimenetelmä, kapillaarielektroforeesi. Työn kokeellisessa osassa etsittiin sopivaa erotusmenetelmää etyyliksantaatin, etyylitiokarbonaatin, etyyliperksantaatin ja etyyliksantyylitiosulfaatin erottamiseksi kapillaarilelektroforeesilla. Pääasiassa keskityttiin kahteen eri erotusmenetelmään. Ensimmäinen menetelmä kykeni erottamaan kaikki tutkitut tuotteet puhdasvesinäytteissä, ja toinen menetelmä oli sopiva näiden tuotteiden erottamiseen prosessivesinäytteissä. Jälkimmäistä menetelmää kokeiltiin käytännössä rikastamolla, jossa sillä kyettiin erottamaan isobutyyliksantaatti, isobutyylitiokarbonaatti, ja suurella todennäköisyydellä myös isobutyyliperksantaatti.


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In two-phase miniature and microchannel flows, the meniscus shape must be considered due to effects that are affected by condensation and/or evaporation and coupled with the transport phenomena in the thin film on the microchannel wall, when capillary forces drive the working fluid. This investigation presents an analytical model for microchannel condensers with a porous boundary, where capillary forces pump the fluid. Methanol was selected as the working fluid. Very low liquid Reynolds numbers were obtained (Re~6), but very high Nusselt numbers (Nu~150) could be found due to the channel size (1.5 mm) and the presence of the porous boundary. The meniscus calculation provided consistent results for the vapor interface temperature and pressure, as well as the meniscus curvature. The obtained results show that microchannel condensers with a porous boundary can be used for heat dissipation with reduced heat transfer area and very high heat dissipation capabilities.


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Vaahdotusprosessia käytetään yleisesti erottamaan arvokkaita mineraaleja malmeista. Toimiakseen tehokkaasti prosessi tarvitsee kokoojakemikaaleja, joiden tehtävänä on sitoa halutut mineraalit ilmakupliin. Jotta näiden kemikaalien käyttäytymistä prosessissa voitaisiin ymmärtää paremmin ja prosessin ohjausta tehostaa, pitää kokoojia pystyä analysoimaan prosessivesistä. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on koottu ja vertailtu erilaisia kirjallisuudesta löytyneitä analyysimenetelmiä kokoojakemikaaleille. Kokeellisessaosassa on kehitetty kaksi kapillaarielektroforeesimenetelmää näiden kemikaalien tutkimiseen. Menetelmien toteamisrajat tutkituille kemikaaleille olivat seuraavanlaiset: natrium diiosobutylditiofosfaattille (DTP) 2,7 mg/L puhtaassa vedessä ja 6,7 mg/L prosessivedessä; natrium diisobutyldithiofosfinaatille (DTPI) vastaavasti 4,5 mg/L ja 6,7 mg/L; etyyli ksantaatille 0,025 mg/L ja 0,16 mg/L; ja isobutyyli ksantaatille 0,41 mg/L ja 0,62 mg/L. Näitä menetelmiä voidaan tulevaisuudessa kehittää kokoojien hajoamistuotteiden analysointia varten sekä prosessien on-line mittauksiin.


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Green sugarcane harvesting may promote great changes in the dynamics of herbicides in the environment. Our goal was to evaluate the influence of straw decomposition degree on leaching and weed (Ipomoea grandifolia) control efficacy by (14C) tebuthiuron and hexazinone. The presence of straw on the soil surface affected leaching, mainly for hexazinone (leaching reduced from 37 to 5% of the applied amount in the presence of straw). Overall, tebuthiuron showed more efficient control of Ipomoea than hexazinone. The straw decomposition degree affected only hexazinone efficacy that was lowest for the least decomposed straw. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw on herbicides dissipation, particularly on volatilization and photolysis, to better predict their efficacy and environmental fate.


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Paper-based analytical technologies enable quantitative and rapid analysis of analytes from various application areas including healthcare, environmental monitoring and food safety. Because paper is a planar, flexible and light weight substrate, the devices can be transported and disposed easily. Diagnostic devices are especially valuable in resourcelimited environments where diagnosis as well as monitoring of therapy can be made even without electricity by using e.g. colorimetric assays. On the other hand, platforms including printed electrodes can be coupled with hand-held readers. They enable electrochemical detection with improved reliability, sensitivity and selectivity compared with colorimetric assays. In this thesis, different roll-to-roll compatible printing technologies were utilized for the fabrication of low-cost paper-based sensor platforms. The platforms intended for colorimetric assays and microfluidics were fabricated by patterning the paper substrates with hydrophobic vinyl substituted polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) -based ink. Depending on the barrier properties of the substrate, the ink either penetrates into the paper structure creating e.g. microfluidic channel structures or remains on the surface creating a 2D analog of a microplate. The printed PDMS can be cured by a roll-ro-roll compatible infrared (IR) sintering method. The performance of these platforms was studied by printing glucose oxidase-based ink on the PDMS-free reaction areas. The subsequent application of the glucose analyte changed the colour of the white reaction area to purple with the colour density and intensity depending on the concentration of the glucose solution. Printed electrochemical cell platforms were fabricated on paper substrates with appropriate barrier properties by inkjet-printing metal nanoparticle based inks and by IR sintering them into conducting electrodes. Printed PDMS arrays were used for directing the liquid analyte onto the predetermined spots on the electrodes. Various electrochemical measurements were carried out both with the bare electrodes and electrodes functionalized with e.g. self assembled monolayers. Electrochemical glucose sensor was selected as a proof-of-concept device to demonstrate the potential of the printed electronic platforms.


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Cardiac troponin (cTn) I and T are the recommended biomarkers for the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS), a major cause of cardiovascular death and disability worldwide. It has recently been demonstrated that cTn-specific autoantibodies (cTnAAb) can negatively interfere with cTnI detection by immunoassays to the extent that cTnAAb-positive patients may be falsely designated as cTnI-negative. The aim of this thesis was to develop and optimize immunoassays for the detection of both cTnI and cTnAAb, which would eventually enable exploring the clinical impact of these autoantibodies on cTnI testing and subsequent patient management. The extent of cTnAAb interference in different cTnI assay configurations and the molecular characteristics of cTnAAbs were investigated in publications I and II, respectively. The findings showed that cTnI midfragment targeting immunoassays used predominantly in clinical practice are affected by cTnAAb interference which can be circumvented by using a novel 3+1-type assay design with three capture antibodies against the N-terminus, midfragment and C-terminus and one tracer antibody against the C-terminus. The use of this assay configuration was further supported by the epitope specificity study, which showed that although the midfragment is most commonly targeted by cTnAAbs, the interference basically encompasses the whole molecule, and there may be remarkable individual variation at the affected sites. In publications III and IV, all the data obtained in previous studies were utilized to develop an improved version of an existing cTnAAb assay and a sensitive cTnI assay free of this specific analytical interference. The results of the thesis showed that approximately one in 10 patients with suspected ACS have detectable amounts of cTnAAbs in their circulation and that cTnAAbs can inhibit cTnI determination when targeted against the binding sites of assay antibodies used in its immunological detection. In the light of these observations, the risk of clinical misclassification caused by the presence of cTnAAbs remains a valid and reasonable concern. Because the titers, affinities and epitope specificities of cTnAAbs and the concentration of endogenous cTnI determine the final effect of circulating cTnAAbs, appropriately sized studies on their clinical significance are warranted. The new cTnI and cTnAAb assays could serve as analytical tools for establishing the impact of cTnAAbs on cTnI testing and also for unraveling the etiology of cTn-related autoimmune responses.


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Currently, sulfites are employed on board to inhibit melanosis (blackspot) on crustaceans. However, when used in excess this chemical compound not only can cause adverse reactions in SO2-sensitive individuals, but also favors the decomposition of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) into dimethylamine (DMA) and formaldehyde (FA), thus compromising the quality of the product, which can be observed mainly through the texture change of the meat after cooking. This study was conducted to verify the increase of the contents of DMA and FA by the excessive use of sodium metabisulfite in white shrimp (Penaeus schmitti). For laboratory trials, shrimp were beheaded, washed and immersed in a 2% sodium metabisulfite solution for 10 minutes. Specimens were stored either on ice and maintained for 48 hours in refrigeration, or stored in a freezer for 48 hours. Samples were collected at intervals of 0, 24 and 48 hours, and analyzed for residual SO2, TMAO, TMA, DMA and FA. The immersion of shrimp in a 2% sodium metabisulfite for 10 minutes favored the decomposition of TMAO which greatly increased the contents of DMA and FA. The FA and DMA measured in fresh shrimp was low. Moreover, the storage of shrimp tails on ice resulted in a significant reduction of the TMA, DMA, FA and residual SO2 contents compared to the specimens under frozen storage.


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In this work, through the use of thermal analysis techniques, the thermal stabilities of some antioxidants were investigated, in order to evaluate their resistance to thermal oxidation in oils, by heating canola vegetable oil, and to suggest that antioxidants would be more appropriate to increase the resistance of vegetable oils in the thermal degradation process in frying. The techniques used were: Thermal Gravimetric (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) analyses, as well as an allusion to a possible protective action of the vegetable oils, based on the thermal oxidation of canola vegetable oil in the laboratory under constant heating at 180 ºC/8 hours for 10 days. The studied antioxidants were: ascorbic acid, sorbic acid, citric acid, sodium erythorbate, BHT (3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene), BHA (2, 3-tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol), TBHQ (tertiary butyl hydroquinone), PG (propyl gallate) - described as antioxidants by ANVISA and the FDA; and also the phytic acid antioxidant and the SAIB (sucrose acetate isobutyrate) additive, which is used in the food industry, in order to test its behavior as an antioxidant in vegetable oil. The following antioxidants: citric acid, sodium erythorbate, BHA, BHT, TBHQ and sorbic acid decompose at temperatures below 180 ºC, and therefore, have little protective action in vegetable oils undergoing frying processes. The antioxidants below: phytic acid, ascorbic acid and PG, are the most resistant and begin their decomposition processes at temperatures between 180 and 200 ºC. The thermal analytical techniques have also shown that the SAIB antioxidant is the most resistant to oxidative action, and it can be a useful choice in the thermal decomposition prevention of edible oils, improving stability regarding oxidative processes.


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The production and commercialization of Brazilian grape juice is increasing annually, mainly due to its typicality, quality, and nutritional value. The present research was carried out in view of the great significance of Brazilian grape juice for the grape and wine industry. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to assess its composition as well as the discrimination between grape juice and other beverages. Twenty four samples of whole, sweetened, and reprocessed grape juices, grape nectar, and grape beverage were evaluated. Classical variables were analyzed by means of physicochemical methods; tartaric and malic acids, by HPLC; methanol, by gas chromatography; minerals, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. These products were discriminated by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results show that whole and sweetened grape juices were discriminated from other grape products because they featured higher values of total soluble solids, tartaric and malic acids, most minerals, phenolic compounds, and K/Na ratio, whereas grape nectar and grape beverage presented higher values of ºBrix/titratable acidity ratio. Reprocessed juice was discriminated due to its higher concentrations of Li and Na and lower hue.


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Rare-earth based upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) have attracted much attention due to their unique luminescent properties. The ability to convert multiple photons of lower energy to ones with higher energy through an upconversion (UC) process offers a wide range of applications for UCNPs. The emission intensities and wavelengths of UCNPs are important performance characteristics, which determine the appropriate applications. However, insufficient intensities still limit the use of UCNPs; especially the efficient emission of blue and ultraviolet (UV) light via upconversion remains challenging, as these events require three or more near-infrared (NIR) photons. The aim of the study was to enhance the blue and UV upconversion emission intensities of Tm3+ doped NaYF4 nanoparticles and to demonstrate their utility in in vitro diagnostics. As the distance between the sensitizer and the activator significantly affect the energy transfer efficiency, different strategies were explored to change the local symmetry around the doped lanthanides. One important strategy is the intentional co-doping of active (participate in energy transfer) or passive (do not participate in energy transfer) impurities into the host matrix. The roles of doped passive impurities (K+ and Sc3+) in enhancing the blue and UV upconversions, as well as in influencing the intense UV upconversion emission through excess sensitization (active impurity) were studied. Additionally, the effects of both active and passive impurity doping on the morphological and optical performance of UCNPs were investigated. The applicability of UV emitting UCNPs as an internal light source for glucose sensing in a dry chemistry test strip was demonstrated. The measurements were in agreement with the traditional method based on reflectance measurements using an external UV light source. The use of UCNPs in the glucose test strip offers an alternative detection method with advantages such as control signals for minimizing errors and high penetration of the NIR excitation through the blood sample, which gives more freedom for designing the optical setup. In bioimaging, the excitation of the UCNPs in the transparent IR region of the tissue permits measurements, which are free of background fluorescence and have a high signal-to-background ratio. In addition, the narrow emission bandwidth of the UCNPs enables multiplexed detections. An array-in-well immunoassay was developed using two different UC emission colours. The differentiation between different viral infections and the classification of antibody responses were achieved based on both the position and colour of the signal. The study demonstrates the potential of spectral and spatial multiplexing in the imaging based array-in-well assays.


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Traduction de Wylie, rédigée par Li Shan lan ; préfaces Chinoises des deux traducteurs (1859) ; préface anglaise, écrite à Shang hai par A. Wylie (juillet 1859). Liste de termes techniques en anglais et en Chinois. Gravé à la maison Mo hai (1859).18 livres.


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The purpose of this meta-analytic investigation was to review the empirical evidence specific to the effect of physical activity context on social physique anxiety (SP A). English language studies were located from computer and manual literature searches. A total of 146 initial studies were coded. Studies included in the meta-analysis presented at least one empirical effect for SPA between physical activity participants (i.e., athletes or exercisers) and non-physical activity participants. The final sample included thirteen studies, yielding 14 effect sizes, with a total sample size of 2846. Studies were coded for mean SPA between physical activity participants and non-physical activity participants. Moderator variables related to demographic and study characteristics were also coded. Using Hunter and Schmidt's (2004) protocol, statistical artifacts were corrected. Results indicate that, practically speaking, those who were physically active reported lower levels of SPA than the comparison group (dcorr = -.12; SDeorr.-=-;22). Consideration of the magnitude of the ES, the SDeorr, and confidence interval suggests that this effect is not statistically significant. While most moderator analyses reiterated this trend, some differences were worth noting. Previous research has identified SPA to be especially salient for females compared to males, however, in the current investigation, the magnitude of the ES' s comparing physical activity participants to the comparison group was similar (deorr = -.24 for females and deorr = -.23 for males). Also, the type of physical activity was investigated, and results showed that athletes reported lower levels of SP A than the comparison group (deorr = -.19, SDeorr = .08), whereas exercisers reported higher levels of SPA than the comparison group (deorr = .13, SDeorr = .22). Results demonstrate support for the dispositional nature of SP A. Consideration of practical significance suggests that those who are involved in physical activity may experience slightly lower levels of SPA than those not reporting physical activity participation. Results potentially offer support for the bi-directionality of the relationship between physical activity and SP A; however, a causality may not be inferred. More information about the type of physical activity (i.e., frequency/nature of exercise behaviour, sport classificationllevel of athletes) may help clarify the role of physical activity contexts on SPA.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of increased soil moisture levels on the decomposition processes in a peat-extracted bog. Field experiments, in which soil moisture levels were manipulated, were conducted using 320 microcosms in the Wainfleet Bog from May 2002 to November 2004. Decomposition was measured using litter bags and monitoring the abundance of macro invertebrate decomposers known as Collembola. Litter bags containing wooden toothpicks (n=2240), filter paper (n=480) and Betula pendula leaves (n=40) were buried in the soil and removed at regular time intervals up to one year. The results of the litter bag studies demonstrated a significant reduction of the decomposition of toothpicks (p<0.001), filter paper (p<0.001), and Betula pendula leaves (pdecomposition can be obtained by restoring the soil moisture levels near those of undisturbed conditions.


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This project is focussed on the thermsLl decomposition of t-butyl hydroperoxide and sec-butyl hydroperoxide at 120°C to 160°C in three alcohol solvents. These are methanol, ethajiol and isopropyl alcohol. The aim of the project was to examine the process of induced decomposition. Thermal decomposition of t-hutyl hydroperoxide and sec-butyl hydroperoxide indicate that these reactions have first-order kinetics with activation energies on the order of 20 to 28 K cal/mole, Styrene was used as a free radical trap to inhibit the induced decomposition. The results permitted calculation of how much induced decomposition occurred in its absence. The experimental resvilts indicate that the induced decomposition is important for t-butyl hydroperoxide in alcohol solvents, as shown by both the reaction rate suid product studies. But sec-butyl hydroperoxide results show that the concerted mechanism for the interaction of two sec-butylperoxy radicals occurs in addition to the induced decomposition. Di-sodium E.D,T.A. was added to reduce possible effects of trace transition metal ion .impurities. The result of this experiment were not as expected. The rate of hydroperoxide decomposition was about the same but was zero-order in hydroperoxide concentration.