739 resultados para albrights hereditary osteodistrophy
The relative importance of molecular biology in clinical practice is often underestimated. However, numerous procedures in clinical diagnosis and new therapeutic drugs have resulted from basic molecular research. Furthermore, understanding of the physiological and physiopathological mechanisms underlying several human diseases has been improved by the results of basic molecular research. For example, cloning of the gene encoding leptin has provided spectacular insights into the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the control of food intake and body weight maintenance in man. In cystic fibrosis, the cloning and identification of several mutations in the gene encoding the chloride channel transmembrane regulator (CFTR) have resolved several important issues in clinical practice: cystic fibrosis constitutes a molecular defect of a single gene. There is a strong correlation between the clinical manifestations or the severity of the disease (phenotype) with the type of mutations present in the CFTR gene (genotype). More recently, identification of mutations in the gene encoding a subunit of the renal sodium channel in the Liddle syndrome has provided important insight into the physiopathological understanding of mechanisms involved in this form of hereditary hypertension. Salt retention and secondary high blood pressure are the result of constitutive activation of the renal sodium channel by mutations in the gene encoding the renal sodium channel. It is speculated that less severe mutations in this channel could result in a less severe form of hypertension which may correspond to patients suffering from high blood pressure with low plasma renin activity. Several tools, most notably PCR, are derived from molecular research and are used in everyday practice, i.e. in prenatal diagnosis and in the diagnosis of several infectious diseases including tuberculosis and hepatitis. Finally, the production of recombinant proteins at lower cost and with fewer side effects is used in everyday clinical practice. Gene therapy remains an extraordinary challenge in correcting severe hereditary or acquired diseases. The use of genetically modified animal cell lines producing growth factors, insulin or erythropoetin, which are subsequently encapsulated and transferred to man, represents an attractive approach for gene therapy.
Proteins PRPF31, PRPF3 and PRPF8 (RP-PRPFs) are ubiquitously expressed components of the spliceosome, a macromolecular complex that processes nearly all pre-mRNAs. Although these spliceosomal proteins are conserved in eukaryotes and are essential for survival, heterozygous mutations in human RP-PRPF genes lead to retinitis pigmentosa, a hereditary disease restricted to the eye. Using cells from patients with 10 different mutations, we show that all clinically relevant RP-PRPF defects affect the stoichiometry of spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), the protein composition of tri-small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and the kinetics of spliceosome assembly. These mutations cause inefficient splicing in vitro and affect constitutive splicing ex-vivo by impairing the removal of at least 9% of endogenously expressed introns. Alternative splicing choices are also affected when RP-PRPF defects are present. Furthermore, we show that the steady-state levels of snRNAs and processed pre-mRNAs are highest in the retina, indicating a particularly elevated splicing activity. Our results suggest a role for PRPFs defects in the etiology of PRPF-linked retinitis pigmentosa, which appears to be a truly systemic splicing disease. Although these mutations cause widespread and important splicing defects, they are likely tolerated by the majority of human tissues but are critical for retinal cell survival.
Background:Microcystic macular edema can occur after optic neuropathies of various etiologies, and is easily demonstrated by OCT. We report a cohort of patients with microcystic macular edema. Patients and Methods: All patients with optic neuropathy and microcystic macular edema were enrolled. Demographics, visual function, retinal angiographies and OCT parameters were studied. Results: Nineteen patients (23 eyes) exhibited microcystic macular edema: 10 men/9 women, aged 17-91 years. Etiologies of optic nerve atrophy were compressive (5), inflammatory (4), glaucoma (3), ischemic (3), trauma (2), degenerative (1), and hereditary (1). Median visual acuity was 4/10 (NLP-12/10). Fluorescein angiography showed no leakage. Topography of the microcystic macular edema correlated with near infrared images but with visual field defects in only 26 %. OCT parameters were all abnormal. Conclusions: Microcystic macular edema is a non-specific manifestation from an optic neuropathy of any etiology. The precise mechanism leading to microcystic macular edema remains unknown but trans-synaptic retrograde degeneration with Müller cells dysfunction is likely.
Absorption, transport and storage of iron are tightly regulated, as expected for an element, which is both essential and potentially toxic. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anaemia, and it also compromises immune function and cognitive development. Iron overload damages the liver and other organs in hereditary hemochromatosis, and in thalassaemia patients with both transfusion and non-transfusionrelated iron accumulation. Excess iron has harmful effects in chronic liver diseases caused by excessive alcohol, obesity or viruses. There is evidence for involvement of iron in neurodegenerative diseases and in Type 2 diabetes. Variation in transferrin saturation, a biomarker of iron status, has been associated with mortality in patients with diabetes and in the general population13. All these associations between iron and either clinical disease or pathological processes make it important to understand the causes of variation in iron status. Importantly, information on genetic causes of variation can be used in Mendelian randomization studies to test whether variation in iron status is a cause or consequence of disease. We have used biomarkers of iron status (serum iron, transferrin, transferrin saturation and ferritin), which are commonly used clinically and readily measurable in thousands of individuals, and carried out a meta-analysis of human genomewide association study (GWAS) data from 11 discovery and eight replication cohorts. Our aims were to identify additional loci affecting markers of iron status in the general population and to relate the significant loci to information on gene expression to identify relevant genes. We also made an initial assessment of whether any such loci affect iron status in HFE C282Y homozygotes, who are at genetic risk of HFE-related iron overload (hereditary hemochromatosis type 1, OMIM #235200)
El objetivo del trabajo es el de analizar las posibilidades que ofrecen las actas de conciliación de los juzgados de paz municipales como fuente privilegiada para el estudio de la conflictividad rural durante el siglo XX. Pretende mostrar cómo las actas permiten (todo y siendo muy difícil una aproximación cuantitativa exhaustiva) un análisis cualitativo que proporciona una imagen distinta y complementaria del impacto de las coyunturas económicas y las políticas agrarias sobre las unidades de producción domésticas: una imagen donde la lucha cotidiana por la propiedad y tenencia de la tierra, el endeudamiento y el incumplimiento de las obligaciones hereditarias, entre otros muchos, son aspectos que emergen a la superficie. En la medida en que, además, dicho análisis empírico se inscribe en un contexto (el de las tierras de Lleida durante los años de la autarquía económica) que ya empezamos a conocer con bastante minuciosidad, los resultados obtenidos adquieren una nueva dimensión y permiten calibrar de un modo más preciso los costos sociales que supuso, para la mayor parte de la población rural de la Cataluña interior, la puesta en funcionamiento del programa económico del régimen del general Franco. PALABRAS CLAVE: Conflictividad, franquismo, juicios, Cataluña, Lleida.
Background:Microcystic macular edema can occur after optic neuropathies of various etiologies, and is easily demonstrated by OCT. We report a cohort of patients with microcystic macular edema. Patients and Methods: All patients with optic neuropathy and microcystic macular edema were enrolled. Demographics, visual function, retinal angiographies and OCT parameters were studied. Results: Nineteen patients (23 eyes) exhibited microcystic macular edema: 10 men/9 women, aged 17-91 years. Etiologies of optic nerve atrophy were compressive (5), inflammatory (4), glaucoma (3), ischemic (3), trauma (2), degenerative (1), and hereditary (1). Median visual acuity was 4/10 (NLP-12/10). Fluorescein angiography showed no leakage. Topography of the microcystic macular edema correlated with near infrared images but with visual field defects in only 26 %. OCT parameters were all abnormal. Conclusions: Microcystic macular edema is a non-specific manifestation from an optic neuropathy of any etiology. The precise mechanism leading to microcystic macular edema remains unknown but trans-synaptic retrograde degeneration with Müller cells dysfunction is likely. Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Das mikrozystische Makulaödem kann im Rahmen einer Optikusatrophie jeglicher Ätiologie auftreten und ist leicht mit dem OCT zu erkennen. Wir berichten über eine Patientenkohorte mit mikrozystischem Makulaödem. Patienten und Methoden: Alle Patienten mit einer Optikusneuropathie und einem mikrozystischen Makulaödem wurden in diese Studie eingeschlossen. Die Demografie, die Sehfunktion, die Netzhautangiografie und die OCT-Parameter wurden untersucht. Ergebnisse: Neunzehn Patienten (23 Augen) hatten ein mikrozystisches Makulaödem: 10 Männer/9 Frauen im Alter von 17 bis 91 Jahren. Die Ursachen der Optikusatrophie waren Kompressionen (5), Entzündungen (4), Glaukom (3), Ischämien (3), Traumata (2), Degenerationen (1) und genetisch (1). Der mittlere Visus war 0,4 (keine Lichtwahrnehmung 1,2). In der Fluoreszenzangiografie fand sich keine Leckage. Das OCT des mikrozystischen Makulaödems korrelierte immer mit den Infrarot-Bildern (Nahaufnahme), jedoch nur in 26 % mit den Gesichtsfelddefekten. Alle OCT-Parameter waren abnormal. Schlussfolgerungen: Das mikrozystische Makulaödem ist eine unspezifische Manifestation einer Optikusneuropathie jeglicher Ätiologie. Der genaue Mechanismus, der zu einem mikrozystischen Makulaödem führt, ist unbekannt, eine trans-synaptische retrograde Degeneration mit Dysfunktion der Müller-Zellen ist jedoch wahrscheinlich.
Nena de 10 anys d'edat que procedeix d'un deficient nivell sòcio-cultural, de la qual es desconeixen antecedents paterns. Els materns són anodins. La malaltia actual s'inicia deus dies abans de l'ingrés per un procés intercorrent amb febre i vòmits de tres dies de durada, seguit d'astènia progressiva, mareigs, vòmits i inestabilitat a la marxa. Consulta el nostre servei d'Urgències per agreujament de la simptomatologia i certa desconexió amb l'ambient....
Biomechanical forces, such as fluid shear stress, govern multiple aspects of endothelial cell biology. In blood vessels, disturbed flow is associated with vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, and promotes endothelial cell proliferation and apoptosis. Here, we identified an important role for disturbed flow in lymphatic vessels, in which it cooperates with the transcription factor FOXC2 to ensure lifelong stability of the lymphatic vasculature. In cultured lymphatic endothelial cells, FOXC2 inactivation conferred abnormal shear stress sensing, promoting junction disassembly and entry into the cell cycle. Loss of FOXC2-dependent quiescence was mediated by the Hippo pathway transcriptional coactivator TAZ and, ultimately, led to cell death. In murine models, inducible deletion of Foxc2 within the lymphatic vasculature led to cell-cell junction defects, regression of valves, and focal vascular lumen collapse, which triggered generalized lymphatic vascular dysfunction and lethality. Together, our work describes a fundamental mechanism by which FOXC2 and oscillatory shear stress maintain lymphatic endothelial cell quiescence through intercellular junction and cytoskeleton stabilization and provides an essential link between biomechanical forces and endothelial cell identity that is necessary for postnatal vessel homeostasis. As FOXC2 is mutated in lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome, our data also underscore the role of impaired mechanotransduction in the pathology of this hereditary human disease.
Oxalate is a highly insoluble metabolic waste excreted by the kidneys. Disturbances of oxalate metabolism are encountered in enteric hyperoxaluria (secondary to malabsorption, gastric bypass or in case of insufficient Oxalobacter colonization), in hereditary hyperoxaluria and in intoxication (ethylene glycol, vitamin C). Hyperoxaluria causes a large spectrum of diseases, from isolated hyperoxaluria to kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis formation, eventually leading to kidney failure and systemic oxalosis with life-threatening deposits in vital organs. New causes of hyperoxaluria are arising recently, in particular after gastric bypass surgery, which requires regular and preemptive monitoring. The treatment of hyperoxaluria involves reduction in oxalate intake and increase in calcium intake. Optimal urine dilution and supplementation with inhibitors of kidney stone formation (citrate) are required. Some conditions may need vitamin B6 supplementation, and the addition of probiotics might be useful in the future. Primary care physicians should identify cases of recurrent calcium oxalate stones and severe hyperoxaluria. Further management of hyperoxaluria requires specialized care.
IMPORTANCE: The 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 duplication is the copy number variant most frequently associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, and comorbidities such as decreased body mass index (BMI). OBJECTIVES: To characterize the effects of the 16p11.2 duplication on cognitive, behavioral, medical, and anthropometric traits and to understand the specificity of these effects by systematically comparing results in duplication carriers and reciprocal deletion carriers, who are also at risk for ASD. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This international cohort study of 1006 study participants compared 270 duplication carriers with their 102 intrafamilial control individuals, 390 reciprocal deletion carriers, and 244 deletion controls from European and North American cohorts. Data were collected from August 1, 2010, to May 31, 2015 and analyzed from January 1 to August 14, 2015. Linear mixed models were used to estimate the effect of the duplication and deletion on clinical traits by comparison with noncarrier relatives. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Findings on the Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ), Nonverbal IQ, and Verbal IQ; the presence of ASD or other DSM-IV diagnoses; BMI; head circumference; and medical data. RESULTS: Among the 1006 study participants, the duplication was associated with a mean FSIQ score that was lower by 26.3 points between proband carriers and noncarrier relatives and a lower mean FSIQ score (16.2-11.4 points) in nonproband carriers. The mean overall effect of the deletion was similar (-22.1 points; P < .001). However, broad variation in FSIQ was found, with a 19.4- and 2.0-fold increase in the proportion of FSIQ scores that were very low (≤40) and higher than the mean (>100) compared with the deletion group (P < .001). Parental FSIQ predicted part of this variation (approximately 36.0% in hereditary probands). Although the frequency of ASD was similar in deletion and duplication proband carriers (16.0% and 20.0%, respectively), the FSIQ was significantly lower (by 26.3 points) in the duplication probands with ASD. There also were lower head circumference and BMI measurements among duplication carriers, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: The mean effect of the duplication on cognition is similar to that of the reciprocal deletion, but the variance in the duplication is significantly higher, with severe and mild subgroups not observed with the deletion. These results suggest that additional genetic and familial factors contribute to this variability. Additional studies will be necessary to characterize the predictors of cognitive deficits.
Defects in FAM161A, a protein of unknown function localized at the cilium of retinal photoreceptor cells, cause retinitis pigmentosa, a form of hereditary blindness. By using different fragments of this protein as baits to screen cDNA libraries of human and bovine retinas, we defined a yeast two-hybrid-based FAM161A interactome, identifying 53 bona fide partners. In addition to statistically significant enrichment in ciliary proteins, as expected, this interactome revealed a substantial bias towards proteins from the Golgi apparatus, the centrosome and the microtubule network. Validation of interaction with key partners by co-immunoprecipitation and proximity ligation assay confirmed that FAM161A is a member of the recently recognized Golgi-centrosomal interactome, a network of proteins interconnecting Golgi maintenance, intracellular transport and centrosome organization. Notable FAM161A interactors included AKAP9, FIP3, GOLGA3, KIFC3, KLC2, PDE4DIP, NIN and TRIP11. Furthermore, analysis of FAM161A localization during the cell cycle revealed that this protein followed the centrosome during all stages of mitosis, likely reflecting a specific compartmentalization related to its role at the ciliary basal body during the G0 phase. Altogether, these findings suggest that FAM161A's activities are probably not limited to ciliary tasks but also extend to more general cellular functions, highlighting possible novel mechanisms for the molecular pathology of retinal disease.
This study examined the effect of optic nerve disease, hence retinal ganglion cell loss, on non-visual functions related to melanopsin signalling. Test subjects were patients with bilateral visual loss and optic atrophy from either hereditary optic neuropathy (n = 11) or glaucoma (n = 11). We measured melatonin suppression, subjective sleepiness and cognitive functions in response to bright light exposure in the evening. We also quantified the post-illumination pupil response to a blue light stimulus. All results were compared to age-matched controls (n = 22). Both groups of patients showed similar melatonin suppression when compared to their controls. Greater melatonin suppression was intra-individually correlated to larger post-illumination pupil response in patients and controls. Only the glaucoma patients demonstrated a relative attenuation of their pupil response. In addition, they were sleepier with slower reaction times during nocturnal light exposure. In conclusion, glaucomatous, but not hereditary, optic neuropathy is associated with reduced acute light effects. At mild to moderate stages of disease, this is detected only in the pupil function and not in responses conveyed via the retinohypothalamic tract such as melatonin suppression.
Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is an autosomal dominant vascular disease involving multiple systems whose main pathological change is the presence of abnormal arteriovenous communications. Most common symptoms include skin and mucosal telangiectasias, epistaxis, gastrointestinal, pulmonary and intracerebral bleeding. The key imaging finding is the presence of visceral arteriovenous malformations. The diagnosis is based on clinical criteria and can be confirmed by molecular biology techniques. Treatment includes measures for management of epistaxis, as well as surgical excision, radiotherapy and embolization of arteriovenous malformations, with emphasis on endovascular treatment. The present pictorial essay includes a report of three typical cases of this entity and a literature review.
CBS domains are ~60 amino acid tandemly repeated regulatory modules forming a widely distributed domain superfamily. Found in thousands of proteins from all kingdoms of life, CBS domains have adopted a variety of functions during evolution, one of which is regulation of enzyme activity through binding of adenylate-containing compounds in a hydrophobic cavity. Mutations in human CBS domain-containing proteins cause hereditary diseases. Inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases) are ubiquitous enzymes, which pull pyrophosphate (PPi) producing reactions forward by hydrolyzing PPi into phosphate. Of the two nonhomologous soluble PPases, dimeric family II PPases, belonging to the DHH family of phosphoesterases, require a transition metal and magnesium for maximal activity. A quarter of the almost 500 family II PPases, found in bacteria and archaea, contain a 120-250 amino acid N-terminal insertion, comprised of two CBS domains separated in sequence by a DRTGG domain. These enzymes are thus named CBS-PPases. The function of the DRTGG domain in proteins is unknown. The aim of this PhD thesis was to elucidate the structural and functional differences of CBS-PPases in comparison to family II PPases lacking the regulatory insert. To this end, we expressed, purified and characterized the CBS-PPases from Clostridium perfringens (cpCBS-PPase) and Moorella thermoacetica (mtCBS-PPase), the latter lacking a DRTGG domain. Both enzymes are homodimers in solution and display maximal activity against PPi in the presence of Co2+ and Mg2+. Uniquely, the DRTGG domain was found to enable tripolyphosphate hydrolysis at rates similar to that of PPi. Additionally, we found that AMP and ADP inhibit, while ATP and AP4A activate CBSPPases, thus enabling regulation in response to changes in cellular energy status. We then observed substrate- and nucleotide-induced conformational transitions in mtCBS-PPase and found that the enzyme exists in two differentially active conformations, interconverted through substrate binding and resulting in a 2.5-fold enzyme activation. AMP binding was shown to produce an alternate conformation, which is reached through a different pathway than the substrate-induced conformation. We solved the structure of the regulatory insert from cpCBS-PPase in complex with AMP and AP4A and proposed that conformational changes in the loops connecting the catalytic and regulatory domains enable activity regulation. We examined the effects of mutations in the CBS domains of mtCBS-PPase on catalytic activity, as well as, nucleotide binding and inhibition.