468 resultados para ads


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We revise the SU(3)-invariant sector of N  = 8 supergravity with dyonic SO(8) gaugings. By using the embedding tensor formalism, analytic expressions for the scalar potential, superpotential(s) and fermion mass terms are obtained as a function of the electromagnetic phase ω and the scalars in the theory. Equipped with these results, we explore non-supersymmetric AdS critical points at ω ≠ 0 for which perturbative stability could not be analysed before. The ω-dependent superpotential is then used to derive first-order flow equations and obtain new BPS domain-wall solutions at ω ≠ 0. We numerically look at steepest-descent paths motivated by the (conjectured) RG flows.


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While electromagnetic duality is a symmetry of many supergravity theories, this is not the case for the N = 8 gauged theory. It was recently shown that this rotation leads to a one-parameter family of SO(8) supergravities. It is an open question what the period of this parameter is. This issue is investigated in the SO(4) invariant sectors of the theory. We classify such critical points and find a novel branch of non-supersymmetric and unstable solutions, whose embedding is related via triality to the two known ones. Secondly, we show that the three branches of solutions lead to a π/4 periodicity of the vacuum structure. The general interrelations between triality and periodicity are discussed. Finally, we comment on the connection to other gauge groups as well as the possibility to achieve (non-)perturbative stability around AdS/Mkw/dS transitions.


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Lifshitz space–times with critical exponent z = 2 can be obtained by dimensional reduction of Schrödinger space–times with critical exponent z = 0. The latter space–times are asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) solutions of AdS gravity coupled to an axion–dilaton system (or even just a massless scalar field). This basic observation is used to perform holographic renormalization for four-dimensional asymptotically locally Lifshitz space–times by dimensional reduction of the corresponding problem of holographic renormalization for five-dimensional asymptotically AdS space–times coupled to an axion–dilaton system. In this setup the four-dimensional structure of the Lifshitz – Fefferman-Graham expansion and the structure of the counterterm action, including the scale anomaly, will be summarized.


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We construct and analyze thermal spinning giant gravitons in type II/M-theory based on spherically wrapped black branes, using the method of thermal probe branes originating from the blackfold approach. These solutions generalize in different directions recent work in which the case of thermal (non-spinning) D3-brane giant gravitons was considered, and reveal a rich phase structure with various new properties. First of all, we extend the construction to M-theory, by constructing thermal giant graviton solutions using spherically wrapped M2- and M5-branes. More importantly, we switch on new quantum numbers, namely internal spins on the sphere, which are not present in the usual extremal limit for which the brane world volume stress tensor is Lorentz invariant. We examine the effect of this new type of excitation and in particular analyze the physical quantities in various regimes, including that of small temperatures as well as low/high spin. As a byproduct we find new stationary dipole-charged black hole solutions in AdS m × S n backgrounds of type II/M-theory. We finally show, via a double scaling extremal limit, that our spinning thermal giant graviton solutions lead to a novel null-wave zero-temperature giant graviton solution with a BPS spectrum, which does not have an analogue in terms of the conventional weakly coupled world volume theory.


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Research has shown that gender references in job advertisements play an important role for gender (in)equality in personnel selection. In advertisements gender is referred to in different ways, for instance, by using grammatically masculine and feminine human nouns (e.g., German Mechaniker/Mechanikerin 'mechanic, masc./fem.'), by mentioning typically feminine or typically masculine traits (e.g., kind and friendly versus determined and independent) as well as by showing pictures of women and men. The present study addresses the questions which forms of gender references occur in job advertisements, how these forms are distributed across different lines of business and across different countries. We collected job advertisements published online in four countries with different rankings of gender equality (i.e., Switzerland, Austria, Poland, and Czech Republic; World Economic Forum, 2011). We randomly selected 100 advertisements per country from four lines of business that are characterized by different proportions of female and male employees: (1) steels/metals, (2) science, (3) restaurants/food services, and (4) health care. The advertisements were analyzed with regard to the linguistic form of the job title and of the remaining text as well as reference to gender-typical traits. We also examined indicators of job status and other information (e.g., equal opportunity policies) which might be related to the use of gender references in job advertisements. The results show that, in general, gender-fair language occurs much more often in job ads from Switzerland and Austria than in those from Poland and the Czech Republic, where job titles are mostly masculine. While exclusive use of feminine forms are almost never used in Switzerland and Austria, they are more frequently used in Poland and Czech Republic. In general, gender-fair forms are more common when there are many women in a line of business, whereas more masculine forms are used where the proportion of women is low. In Switzerland and Austria, masculine forms are mostly combined with the supplement m/f to indicate that both women and men are addressed. The present data provide a sound basis for future studies on gender references in job advertisements. Furthermore it sheds a light on how companies comply with national guidelines of gender equality.


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Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen mit und ohne Hyperaktivität (AHDS/ ADS) gehören zu den häufigsten neuropsychiatrischen Diagnosen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Stimulantien haben einen hohen Stellenwert bei konventioneller multimodaler Behandlung und unerwünschte Auswirkungen, die nach anderen Therapieoptionen rufen. Es interessiert das Behandlungsergebnis einer einheitlich rekrutierten mit AD(H)S diagnostizierten Kohorte unter verschiedenen Therapieformen. Die Kinder, die nicht am Doppelblind-Versuch der Berner ADHSStudie (Frei H 2005) teilnahmen, werden in 3 diagnostische Gruppen klassifiziert: (A) AD(H)S-Diagnose und homöopathische Therapie (n = 12), (B) AD(H)S-Diagnose und vorwiegend andere Therapien (n = 13), (C) nicht eindeutige AD(H)S-Diagnose und verschiedene Therapieformen (n = 14). Der Behandlungsverlauf wird mit dem Conners’ Global Index (CGI) und offenen Fragen per Fragebogen oder Telefoninterview dokumentiert und überwiegend deskriptiv ausgewertet. Nach 10 Jahren gibt es CGI-Datensätze von 35/39 Personen (90%; 5 weiblich, 30 männlich). Die CGI-Differenz zwischen Diagnose (19.5, Bereich 14–28 Punkte) und Nachuntersuchung (8.7, 1–19) betrug für alle Patienten 10.8 Punkte (56%): in Gruppe A 61%, in den Gruppen B und C je 53%. Von den seit Rekrutierung einmal mit Methylphenidat (MPH, n = 22/39, 56%) behandelten Patienten waren 18 Patienten (82%), von den mit individueller Homöopathie Behandelten (n = 29/39, 75%) waren 17 Patienten (59%) im CGI mehr als 50% verbessert; je 7 Patienten bekamen beide Therapien. Bei 23/39 Patienten (60%) sind die MPHoder homöopathische Therapie abgeschlossen. Zwölf (12) Patienten sind noch in Behandlung: 9 mit MPH, 2 mit Homöopathie und 1 Patient mit beiden Therapien. Bei je drei Patienten waren homöopathische oder MPH-Medikamente nicht genügend erfolgreich, ein Patient erhielt ein Antidepressivum. In Übereinstimmung mit den CGI-Werten bezeichnen 25/35 Patienten (80%) ihr Befinden als besser. Sieben (7) Patienten (20%) bezeichnen ihr Befinden als gleich, obwohl die Differenz zum Ausgangswert mehr als 9 (10–14) Punkte (ca. 50% Besserung) beträgt. Der aktuelle CGI-Wert ist bei 4 dieser Patienten grösser als 14 Punkte und zeigt die Behandlungsbedürftigkeit an. Je 3 dieser 7 Patienten hatten oder haben noch MPH-Therapie mit einer Besserung von derzeit 40%. Die individuelle homöopathische Behandlung des AD(H)S scheint qualitativ der Stimulantientherapie ebenbürtig zu sein und kann deren Nebenwirkungen vermeiden.


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We provide the dictionary between four-dimensional gauged supergravity and type II compactifications on T6 with metric and gauge fluxes in the absence of supersymmetry breaking sources, such as branes and orientifold planes. Secondly, we prove that there is a unique isotropic compactification allowing for critical points. It corresponds to a type IIA background given by a product of two 3-tori with SO(3) twists and results in a unique theory (gauging) with a non-semisimple gauge algebra. Besides the known four AdS solutions surviving the orientifold projection to N = 4 induced by O6-planes, this theory contains a novel AdS solution that requires non-trivial orientifold-odd fluxes, hence being a genuine critical point of the N = 8 theory.


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In many languages, masculine generics are the traditional way of referring to women and men. However, gender-fair forms (e.g., feminine-masculine word pairs) can enhance gender equality: for instance, they counteract male biases in mental associations (Stahlberg et al., 2007) and evoke more neutral perceptions of gender-stereotypical professions (Merkel et al., 2013). Compared to masculine forms, use of gender-fair language in advertisements for leadership positions also helps to achieve gender equality in hiring decisions (e.g., use of German Geschäftsführerin/Geschäftsführer 'CEO fem/masc' instead of Geschäftsführer 'CEO masc', cf. Horvath & Sczesny, 2012). The present research investigates how potential applicants react to the use of gender-fair vs. masculine forms in German job ads for leadership positions (Study 1) and how the respective organization is perceived in response to these forms (Study 2). In Study 1, 251 participants showed higher intentions to apply for a leadership position when it was advertised with a feminine-masculine word pair instead of a masculine form; this was mediated by job appeal and organizational attraction. In Study 2, 154 participants perceived the organization as more discriminatory when masculine forms were used. This was mediated by the organizational image of gender equality. Thus, gender-fair language affects the social perception of a job and the respective organization and can impact social behavior in an organizational context.


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Linguistic forms which refer to individuals impact mental representations of these individuals: When masculine generics are used, women tend to be cognitively underrepresented, whereas feminine–masculine word pairs are associated with a higher cognitive inclusion of women. The present research investigates whether linguistic forms affect women’s perceived lack of fit with leadership positions, which is particularly pronounced for high-status leadership positions. In a hiring-simulation experiment (N = 363), we tested the effects of different linguistic forms used in German-language job advertisements: (1) masculine forms (e.g., Geschäftsführer, ‘CEO, masc.’); (2) masculine forms with (m/f) (e.g., Geschäftsführer (m/w), ‘CEO, masc. (m/f)’); and (3) word pairs (e.g., Geschäftsführerin/Geschäftsführer, ‘CEO, fem./CEO, masc.’). The job ads announced either a high- or low-status leadership position. Results showed that female applicants were perceived to fit less well with the high-status position than male applicants when either the masculine or the masculine form with (m/f) was used––even though they were perceived to be equally competent. However, female and male applicants were perceived as fitting the high-status leadership position similarly well when word pairs were used.


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This research note examines parties’ campaign strategies in the 2015 Swiss elections. We base our analyses on a collection of more than 5000 party advertisements, which were published in the forefront of the national elections in more than 50 daily and weekly national and cantonal print media. By comparing the amount of party and candidate ads, as well as the content and nature of the political advertisements, we explore the degree of professionalization of electoral campaigns in the most recent federal elections in terms of nationalization, coordination and personalization. First results show that although national campaign coordination exists, Swiss elections are to a considerable extent still cantonal and personal affairs.


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Las empleadas administrativas, representadas en la figura de la dactilógrafa, integraron el mundo del trabajo femenino en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, a lo largo de las décadas de 1920 y 1930. Por entonces, el sector administrativo de la economía se había expandido como consecuencia de un conjunto de procesos de modernización iniciados a fines del siglo XIX. Otro tanto había ocurrido con el trabajo asalariado femenino en las tareas administrativas. Si bien el imaginario social hegemónico, moldeado por los principios de la ideología de la domesticidad, concibió el trabajo asalariado como una actividad adversa para las mujeres, los empleos administrativos portaron un cierto prestigio como tareas asalariadas femeninas. Este escrito se propone dos objetivos. Por un lado, realizar una aproximación a la reconstrucción de los perfiles laborales de las empleadas administrativas a través de la indagación de las tareas realizadas, las habilidades requeridas y las remuneraciones percibidas. Por otro lado, confrontar ciertas representaciones que la cultura de masas elaboró en torno a la figura de las mencionadas empleadas. Para lo primero se analizarán avisos clasificados; para lo segundo se acudirá a crónicas periodísticas y poemas que problematizan la figura de las dactilógrafas.


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Las empleadas administrativas, representadas en la figura de la dactilógrafa, integraron el mundo del trabajo femenino en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, a lo largo de las décadas de 1920 y 1930. Por entonces, el sector administrativo de la economía se había expandido como consecuencia de un conjunto de procesos de modernización iniciados a fines del siglo XIX. Otro tanto había ocurrido con el trabajo asalariado femenino en las tareas administrativas. Si bien el imaginario social hegemónico, moldeado por los principios de la ideología de la domesticidad, concibió el trabajo asalariado como una actividad adversa para las mujeres, los empleos administrativos portaron un cierto prestigio como tareas asalariadas femeninas. Este escrito se propone dos objetivos. Por un lado, realizar una aproximación a la reconstrucción de los perfiles laborales de las empleadas administrativas a través de la indagación de las tareas realizadas, las habilidades requeridas y las remuneraciones percibidas. Por otro lado, confrontar ciertas representaciones que la cultura de masas elaboró en torno a la figura de las mencionadas empleadas. Para lo primero se analizarán avisos clasificados; para lo segundo se acudirá a crónicas periodísticas y poemas que problematizan la figura de las dactilógrafas.


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Las empleadas administrativas, representadas en la figura de la dactilógrafa, integraron el mundo del trabajo femenino en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, a lo largo de las décadas de 1920 y 1930. Por entonces, el sector administrativo de la economía se había expandido como consecuencia de un conjunto de procesos de modernización iniciados a fines del siglo XIX. Otro tanto había ocurrido con el trabajo asalariado femenino en las tareas administrativas. Si bien el imaginario social hegemónico, moldeado por los principios de la ideología de la domesticidad, concibió el trabajo asalariado como una actividad adversa para las mujeres, los empleos administrativos portaron un cierto prestigio como tareas asalariadas femeninas. Este escrito se propone dos objetivos. Por un lado, realizar una aproximación a la reconstrucción de los perfiles laborales de las empleadas administrativas a través de la indagación de las tareas realizadas, las habilidades requeridas y las remuneraciones percibidas. Por otro lado, confrontar ciertas representaciones que la cultura de masas elaboró en torno a la figura de las mencionadas empleadas. Para lo primero se analizarán avisos clasificados; para lo segundo se acudirá a crónicas periodísticas y poemas que problematizan la figura de las dactilógrafas.


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