692 resultados para Zwitterionic micelles


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Le 21e siècle est le berceau d’une conscientisation grandissante sur les impacts environnementaux des processus utilisés pour synthétiser des molécules cibles. Parmi les avancées qui ont marqué ces dernières décennies, il est également question de réduction de déchets, de conservation de l’énergie et de durabilité des innovations. Ces aspects constituent les lignes directrices de la chimie verte. De ce fait, il est impératif de développer des stratégies de synthèse dont les impacts environnementaux sont bénins. Dans ce mémoire nous présentons la synthèse, la caractérisation et l’étude des propriétés catalytiques en milieu aqueux d’un ligand composé d’une unité -cyclodextrine native, d’une unité imidazolium et d’une chaine alkyle à 12 carbones. Ce ligand hybride s’auto-assemble dans l’eau sous forme de micelles, permettant ainsi d’effectuer en sa présence des couplages de Suzuki-Miyaura dans l’eau, avec de bons rendements. La fonctionnalisation de la face primaire de la -cyclodextrine par un noyau alkyl-imidazolium, précurseur de ligand de type carbène N-hétérocyclique, a permis le développement d’un système catalytique vert et hautement recyclable. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présentons l’utilisation du même ligand hybride dans des couplages de Heck dans l’eau, démontrant ainsi la versatilité du ligand.


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Cette thèse concerne l’étude de phase de séparation de deux polymères thermosensibles connus-poly(N-isopropylacylamide) (PNIPAM) et poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) (PIPOZ). Parmi des études variées sur ces deux polymères, il y a encore deux parties de leurs propriétés thermiques inexplicites à être étudiées. Une partie concerne l’effet de consolvant de PNIPAM dans l’eau et un autre solvant hydromiscible. L’autre est l’effet de propriétés de groupes terminaux de chaînes sur la séparation de phase de PIPOZ. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord étudié l’effet de l’architecture de chaînes sur l’effet de cosolvant de PNIPAMs dans le mélange de méthanol/eau en utilisant un PNIPAM en étoile avec 4 branches et un PNIPAM cyclique comme modèles. Avec PNIPAM en étoile, l’adhérence de branches PNIPAM de à un cœur hydrophobique provoque une réduction de Tc (la température du point de turbidité) et une enthalpie plus faible de la transition de phase. En revanche, la Tc de PNIPAM en étoile dépend de la masse molaire de polymère. La coopérativité de déhydratation diminue pour PNIPAM en étoile et PNIPAM cyclique à cause de la limite topologique. Une étude sur l’influence de concentration en polymère sur l’effet de cosolvant de PNIPAM dans le mélange méthanol/eau a montré qu’une séparation de phase liquide-liquide macroscopique (MLLPS) a lieu pour une solution de PNIPAM dans le mélange méthanol/eau avec la fraction molaire de méthanol entre 0.127 et 0.421 et la concentration en PNIPAM est constante à 10 g.L-1. Après deux jours d’équilibration à température ambiante, la suspension turbide de PNIPAM dans le mélange méthanol/eau se sépare en deux phases dont une phase possède beaucoup plus de PNIPAM que l’autre. Un diagramme de phase qui montre la MLLPS pour le mélange PNIPAM/eau/méthanol a été établi à base de données expérimentales. La taille et la morphologie de gouttelettes dans la phase riche en polymère condensée dépendent de la fraction molaire de méthanol. Parce que la présence de méthanol influence la tension de surface des gouttelettes liquides, un équilibre lent de la séparation de phase pour PNIPAM/eau/méthanol système a été accéléré et une séparation de phase liquide-liquide macroscopique apparait. Afin d’étudier l’effet de groupes terminaux sur les propriétés de solution de PIPOZ, deux PIPOZs téléchéliques avec groupe perfluorodécanyle (FPIPOZ) ou groupe octadécyle (C18PIPOZ) comme extrémités de chaîne ont été synthétisés. Les valeurs de Tc des polymères téléchéliques ont beaucoup diminué par rapport à celle de PIPOZ. Des micelles stables se forment dans des solutions aqueuses de polymères téléchéliques. La micellization et la séparation de phase de ces polymères dans l’eau ont été étudiées. La séparation de phase de PIPOZs téléchéliques suit le mécanisme de MLLPS. Des différences en tailles de gouttelettes formées à l’intérieur de solutions de deux polymères ont été observées. Pour étudier profondément les différences dans le comportement d’association entre deux polymères téléchéliques, les intensités des signaux de polymères correspondants et les temps de relaxation T1, T2 ont été mesurés. Des valeurs de T2 de protons correspondants aux IPOZs sont plus hautes.


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La technique de trempage («dip-coating») est un procédé rapide et efficace pour former des films minces de copolymères à blocs (CPB) d’épaisseur et de nano-morphologies variées. Très peu d’études ont toutefois porté sur le trempage des CPB supramoléculaires et/ou photosensibles. Le trempage du CPB poly(styrène-b-4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) a premièrement été étudié avec des petites molécules (PM) d’acide 1-naphtoïque (NCOOH) et de 1-naphtol (NOH) capables de former des ponts hydrogène (ponts H) avec le bloc P4VP dans 4 solvants (tétrahydrofurane (THF), p-dioxane, toluène et chloroforme). Le ratio d’incorporation (RI) molaire PM/VP dans les films trempés augmente avec la vitesse de retrait mais sa variation dépend fortement du solvant et de la PM utilisés. Le RI et la morphologie des films minces dépendent de la possibilité (ou non) du solvant à former des ponts H avec la PM et de sa sélectivité au bloc de PS menant (ou non) à des micelles de P4VP/PM en solution dont la rigidité influence l’état cinétique du système en film mince. La dépendance en une courbe en V de l’épaisseur des films en fonction la vitesse de retrait définit deux régimes, nommés régimes capillaire et de drainage. Ces régimes influencent différemment le RI et la morphologie finale. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés aux complexes de PS-P4VP avec des azobenzènes (AB) photosensibles, le 4-hydroxy-4’-butyl-azobenzène (BHAB) et le 4-hydroxy-4’-cyano-azobenzène (CHAB). Ces AB peuvent non seulement former des ponts H avec le bloc P4VP mais aussi s'isomériser entre les formes trans et cis sous illumination. Les expériences avec PS-P4VP/BHAB dans le THF et le toluène ont révélé que l'irradiation pendant le trempage permet de provoquer une transition entre les morphologies sphérique et cylindrique à basses vitesses de retrait. Ces transitions sont expliquées par l’augmentation du ratio molaire BHAB/VP pris dans les films sous illumination et par le plus grand volume des isomères BHAB-cis par rapport aux BHAB-trans. L'irradiation permet également de moduler l'épaisseur des films sans égard à la présence des AB. Finalement, des solutions de PS-P4VP/CHAB et PS-P4VP/BHAB dans le THF avec un CPB de masse molaire plus élevée ont été étudiées afin de comprendre l’effet d'un temps de demi-vie plus court de l’AB et de la présence de micelles en solution. Le photocontrôle morphologique perd de son efficacité avec le CHAB car l’augmentation du RI de CHAB dans les films illuminés par rapport aux films non irradiés est moins prononcée que pour les complexes de BHAB. Le choix du PS-P4VP est également important puisque la présence de micelles dans les solutions de THF du PS-P4VP(36,5k-16k), même si elle n’influence pas les RI BHAB/VP, fige davantage la morphologie sphérique en solution par rapport à une solution non-micellaire de PS-P4VP(24k-9,5k), limitant les possibilités de transition morphologique.


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The influence of the chemical composition and silylation of mesoporous MCM-41 materials on the photochromic behaviour of adsorbed spiropyran (BIPS) and 6-nitrospiropyran was studied. Upon incorporation, the spiropyrans underwent ring opening to form either zwitterionic merocyanine or its corresponding O-protonated form. In all silica MCM-41 or in the MCM-41 containing aluminium, the O-protonated merocyanine was predominantly formed. In the case of MCM-41 modified by silylation of the OH groups, a mixture of zwitterionic merocyanine and spiropyran was present. The photochromic response was studied by means of steady-state irradiation and by laser flash photolysis. Steady-state irradiation (λ > 450 nm) of the solid samples gives rise in all cases to an intensity decrease of the absorption bands corresponding to either the protonated or the unprotonated merocyanine form (reverse photochromism). In contrast, laser flash photolysis at 308 nm of spiropyrans supported on silylated MCM-41 allows observation of the photochemical ring opening of residual spiropyran to the corresponding zwitterionic form (normal photochromism).


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the thesis entitled “STUDIES ON DEVELOPING A FACILE ROUTE FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF HIGHLY SUBSTITUTED QUINOLINE AND INDOLE DERIVATIVES” portrays our attempt to revisit the mechanism of 1,3- dipolar additions with a view to establishing whether it follows a concerted pathway or a stepwise reaction sequence through the formation of a zwitterionic intermediate, which will definitely contribute to the better use of this technique. Furthermore, we propose to develop novel routes for the synthesis of quinoline and indole derivatives with predefined substitution pattern. The thesis is devided into four chapters


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Biotinylated and non-biotinylated copolymers of ethylene oxide (EO) and 2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DEAEMA) were synthesized by the atom transfer radical polymerization technique (ATRP). The chemical compositions of the copolymers as determined by NMR are represented by PEO₁₁₃PDEAEMA₇₀ and biotin-PEO₁₀₄PDEAEMA₉₃ respectively. The aggregation behavior of these polymers in aqueous solutions at different pHs and ionic strengths was studied using a combination of potentiometric titration, dynamic light scattering (DLS), static light scattering (SLS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Both PEO-b-PDEAEMA and biotin-PEO-b-PDEAEMA diblock copolymers form micelles at high pH with hydrodynamic radii (Rh) of about 19 and 23 nm, respectively. At low pH, the copolymers are dispersed as unimers in solution with Rh of about 6-7 nm. However, at a physiological salt concentration (cs) of about 0.16M NaCl and a pH of 7-8, the copolymers form large loosely packed Guassian chains, which were not present at the low cs of 0.001M NaCl. The critical micelle concentrations (CMC) and the cytotoxicity of the copolymers were investigated to determine a suitable polymer concentration range for future biological applications. Both PEO-b-PDEAEMA and biotin-PEO-b-PDEAEMA diblock copolymers possess identical CMC values of about 0.0023 mg/g, while the cytotoxicity test indicated that the copolymers are not toxic up to 0.05mg/g (> 83% cell survival at this concentration).


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Well-defined, water-soluble, pH and temperature stimuli-responsive [60]fullerene (C₆₀) containing ampholytic block copolymer of poly((methacrylic acid)-block-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate))-block–C₆₀ (P(MAA-b-DMAEMA)-b-C₆₀) was synthesized by the atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) technique. The self-assembly behaviour of the C₆₀ containing polyampholyte in aqueous solution was characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), and transmission electron microscopy. This amphiphilic mono-C₆₀ end-capped block copolymer shows enhanced solubility in aqueous medium at room and elevated temperatures and at low and high pH but phase-separates at intermediate pH of between 5.4 and 8.8. The self assembly of the copolymer is different from that of P(MAA-b-DMAEMA). Examination of the association behavior using DLS revealed the co-existence of unimers and aggregates at low pH at all temperatures studied, with the association being driven by the balance of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Unimers and aggregates of different microstructures are also observed at high pH and at temperatures below the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of PDMAEMA. At high pH and at temperatures above the LCST of PDMAEMA, the formation of micelles and aggregates co-existing in solution is driven by the combination of hydrophobic, electrostatic, and charge-transfer interactions.


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Amphiphilic polymers are a class of polymers that self-assemble into different types of microstructure, depending on the solvent environment and external stimuli. Self assembly structures can exist in many different forms, such as spherical micelles, rod-like micelles, bi-layers, vesicles, bi-continuous structure etc. Most biological systems are basically comprised of many of these organised structures arranged in an intelligent manner, which impart functions and life to the system. We have adopted the atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) technique to synthesize various types of block copolymer systems that self-assemble into different microstructure when subject to an external stimuli, such as pH or temperature. The systems that we have studied are: (1) pH responsive fullerene (C60) containing poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA-b-C60); (2) pH and temperature responsive fullerene containing poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate] (C₆₀-b-PDMAEMA); (3) other responsive water-soluble fullerene systems. By varying temperature, pH and salt concentration, different types microstructure can be produced. In the presence of inorganic salts, fractal patterns at nano- to microscopic dimension were observed for negatively charged PMAA-b-C60, while such structure was not observed for positively charged PDMAEMA-b-C60. We demonstrated that negatively charged fullerene containing polymeric systems can serve as excellent nano-templates for the controlled growth of inorganic crystals at the nano- to micrometer length scale and the possible mechanism was proposed. The physical properties and the characteristics of their self-assembly properties will be discussed, and their implications to chemical and biomedical applications will be highlighted.


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Surfactin is a bacterial lipopeptide produced by Bacillus subtilis and is a powerful surfactant, having also antiviral, antibacterial and antitumor properties. The recovery and purification of surfactin from complex fermentation broths is a major obstacle to its commercialization; therefore, a two-step membrane filtration process was developed using a lab scale tangential flow filtration (TFF) unit with 10 kDa MWCO regenerated cellulose (RC) and polyethersulfone (PES)membranes at three different transmembrane pressure (TMP) of 1.5 bar, 2.0 bar and 2.5 bar. Two modes of filtrations were studied, with and without cleaning of membranes prior to UF-2. In a first step of ultrafiltration (UF-1), surfactin was retained effectively by membranes at above its critical micelle concentration (CMC); subsequently in UF-2, the retentate micelles were disrupted by addition of 50% (v/v) methanol solution to allow recovery of surfactin in the permeate. Main protein contaminants were effectively retained by the membrane in UF-2. Flux of permeates, rejection coefficient (R) of surfactin and proteinwere measured during the filtrations. Overall the three different TMPs applied have no significant effect in the filtrations and PES is the more suitable membrane to selectively separate surfactin from fermentation broth, achieving high recovery and level of purity. In addition this two-step UF process is scalable for larger volume of samples without affecting the original functionality of surfactin, although membranes permeability can be affected due to exposure to methanolic solution used in UF-2.


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External reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ER-FTIR) spectroscopy and surface pressure measurements have been used to characterize the interaction of wild-type puroindoline-b (Pin-b) and two mutant forms featuring single residue substitutions-namely, Gly-46 to Ser-46 (Pin-bH) and Trp-44 to Arg-44 (Pin-bS)-with condensed-phase monolayers of zwitterionic (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC) and anionic (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dl-glycerol, DPPG) phospholipids. The interaction with anionic DPPG monolayers, monitored by surface pressure isotherms, was influenced significantly by mutations in Pin-b (p < 0.05); wild-type Pin-b showed the highest surface pressure change of 10.6 +/- 1.0 mN m(-1), followed by Pin-bH (7.9 +/- 1.6 mN m(-1)) and Pin-bS (6.3 +/- 1.0 mN m(-1)), and the surface pressure isotherm kinetics were also different in each case. Integrated Amide I peak areas from corresponding ER-FTIR spectra confirmed the differences in adsorption kinetics, but also showed that differences in adsorbed amount were less significant, suggesting that mutations influence the degree of penetration into DPPG films. All Pin-b types showed evidence of interaction with DPPC films, detected as changes in surface pressure (5.6 +/- 1.1 mN m(-1)); however, no protein peaks were detected in the ER-FTIR spectra, which indicated that the interaction was via penetration with limited adsorption at the lipid/water interface. The expression of Pin-b mutants is linked to wheat endosperm hardness; therefore, the data presented here suggest that the lipid binding properties may be pivotal within the mechanism for this quality trait. In addition, the data suggest antimicrobial activities of Pin-b mutants would be lower than those of the wild-type Pin-b, because of decreased selectivity toward anionic phospholipids.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 296 and at 339 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied over the pressure range 10-200 Torr with SF6 as bath gas. The second-order rate constants obtained were pressure dependent, indicating that the reaction is a third-body assisted association process. Rate constants at 339 K were about half those at 296 K. Isotope effects, k(H)/k(D), were small averaging 1.076 0.080, suggesting no involvement of H- (or D-) atom transfer in the rate determining step. RRKM modeling was undertaken based on a transition state appropriate to formation of the expected zwitterionic donoracceptor complex, H2Si...OH2. Because the reaction is close to the low pressure (third order) region, it is difficult to be definitive about the activated complex structure. Various structures were tried, both with and without the incorporation of rotational modes, leading to values for the high-pressure limiting (i.e., true secondorder) rate constant in the range 9.5 x 10(-11) to 5 x 10(-10) cm(3) molecule' s(-1). The RRKM modeling and mechanistic interpretation is supported by ab initio quantum calculations carried out at the G2 and G3 levels. The results are compared and contrasted with the previous studies.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, generated by laser flash photolysis of both silacyclopent-3-ene and phenylsilane, have been carried out to obtain second-order rate constants for its reaction with CH3Cl. The reaction was studied in the gas phase at six temperatures in the range 294-606 K. The second-order rate constants gave a curved Arrhenius plot with a minimum value at T approximate to 370 K. The reaction showed no pressure dependence in the presence of up to 100 Torr SF6. The rate constants, however, showed a weak dependence on laser pulse energy. This suggests an interpretation requiring more than one contributing reaction pathway to SiH2 removal. Apart from a direct reaction of SiH2 with CH3Cl, reaction of SiH2 with CH3 (formed by photodissociation of CH3Cl) seems probable, with contributions of up to 30% to the rates. Ab initio calculations (G3 level) show that the initial step of reaction of SiH2 with CH3Cl is formation of a zwitterionic complex (ylid), but a high-energy barrier rules out the subsequent insertion step. On the other hand, the Cl-abstraction reaction leading to CH3 + ClSiH2 has a low barrier, and therefore, this seems the most likely candidate for the main reaction pathway of SiH2 with CH3Cl. RRKM calculations on the abstraction pathway show that this process alone cannot account for the observed temperature dependence of the rate constants. The data are discussed in light of studies of other silylene reactions with haloalkanes.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 297 K and at 345 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied independently as a function of H2O (or D2O) and SF6 (bath gas) pressures. At a fixed pressure of SF6 (5 Torr), [SiH2] decay constants, k(obs), showed a quadratic dependence on [H2O] or [D2O]. At a fixed pressure of H2O or D2O, k(obs) Values were strongly dependent on [SF6]. The combined rate expression is consistent with a mechanism involving the reversible formation of a vibrationally excited zwitterionic donor-acceptor complex, H2Si...OH2 (or H2Si...OD2). This complex can then either be stabilized by SF6 or it reacts with a further molecule of H2O (or D2O) in the rate-determining step. Isotope effects are in the range 1.0-1.5 and are broadly consistent with this mechanism. The mechanism is further supported by RRKM theory, which shows the association reaction to be close to its third-order region of pressure (SF6) dependence. Ab initio quantum calculations, carried out at the G3 level, support the existence of a hydrated zwitterion H2Si...(OH2)(2), which can rearrange to hydrated silanol, with an energy barrier below the reaction energy threshold. This is the first example of a gas-phase-catalyzed silylene reaction.


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The structure and shear flow behaviour of aqueous micellar solutions and gels formed by an amphiphilic poly(oxybutylene)-poly(oxyethylene)-poly(oxybutylene) triblock copolymer with a lengthy hydrophilic poly(oxyethylene) block has been investigated by rheology, small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SANS revealed that bridging of chains between micelles introduces, in the micellar solution, an attractive long-range component which can be described through a potential of interaction corresponding to sticky soft spheres. The strength of the attractive interaction increases with increasing concentration. Rheology showed that the dependence of the storage modulus with temperature can be explained as a function of the micellar bridging, micellisation and phase morphology. SAXS studies showed that the orientation adopted by the system in the get phase under shear is similar to that previously observed by us for the gel phase of a poly(oxyethylene)-poly(oxybutylene) diblock copolymer with a long poly(oxyethylene) chain, suggesting that the micellar corona/core length ratio and not the architecture of the block copolymer influences the alignment of the gel phase under shear.