1000 resultados para Zanetti, Susana


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Recent epidemiologic studies clearly outline the link between fungal sensibilization and exarcebations of asthma, leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Amongst the filamentous fungi, Aspergillus scpecies have been strongly linked with exarcebations of asthma and other respiratory allergic diseases. Particles of approximately 1 to 4 pm are deposited in the lower respiratory tract. Therefore, conidia of A. fumigatus are small enough to traverse the terminal respiratory airways and reach the pulmonary alveoli, whereas the larger conidia of some other Aspergillus species, such as A. flavus and A. niger, tend to be deposited in the paranasal sinuses and upper airways. Exposute to environmental fungal spores has been associated with worsening asthma symptoms, lung function, hospital admissions and asthma-related deaths.


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Aflatoxins were first isolated about 40 years ago afier outbreaks of disease and death in turkeys and cancer in rainbow trout fed with rations formulated from peanut and cottonseed meals. These toxins are secondary metabolites produced under certain conditions of temperature, p14 and humidity predominantiy by Aspergilius flavus and Aspergilius parasiticus fungi species. Among 18 different types of aflatoxins identified, major members are aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is normaily predominant in cultures as well as in food products. AFB1 was shown to be genotoxic and a potent hepatocarcinogen. This mycotoxin is metabolized by the mixed function oxidase system to a number of hydroxylated metabolites including the 8,9-epoxide. The latter is considered to be the ultimate carcinogen that reacts with cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins to form covalent adducts.


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Several studies have shown that human exposures to airbome dust and microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, can cause respiratory diseases. Agricultural workers have been found to be at high risk of exposures to airborne particles. From a human health perspective dust exposure in pig farming is the most important risk because of the large number of workers needed in pig production and the increasing number of working hours inside enclosed buildings. In the pig buildings, particulate matters like dust play a role in not only deteriorating indoor air quality but also can cause an adverse health effect on workers. Generally, dust is recognized to adsorb and transport odorous compounds and biological agents. The aim of this study was to determine particles contamination in 7 swine farms located in Lisbon district, Portugal.


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Biological factors associated with airbome dust are the most important hazards in pig buildings and include allergenic and/or toxic compounds, as well as infectious agents such as fungi and their metabolites, like mycotoxins. Inhalation of such agents can be a potential occupationai treat. Exposure of workers from swine confinement buildings to respiratory hazards has been reported elsewhere in Europe, Asia and America. Analogous data has not been reported for Portugal and this omission has hindered the development of policies in the area of occupational health and farm safety. Aspergilius versicolor is known as being the major producer of the hepatotoxic and carcinogenic mycotoxin sterigmatocystin. The toxicity of this mycotoxin is manifested primarily in liver and kidney. This study aimed to determine occupational exposure treat due to fungal contamination caused by A. versicolor in seven Portuguese swine.


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Agricultural workers especially poultry farmers, are at increased risk of occupational respiratory diseases. In poultry production besides fungi microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) are also present due to compounds released during fungal metabolism. Dust is also one of the risk factors present in animal housing and is comprised by poultry residues, fungi and feathers. A study was developed aiming to assess occupational exposure to fungi, MVOCs and dust in seven poultry units located in Portugal.


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Anaemia is known to have an impact on child development and mortality and is a severe public health problem in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. We investigated the consistency between ecological and individual-level approaches to anaemia mapping by building spatial anaemia models for children aged ≤15 years using different modelling approaches. We aimed to (i) quantify the role of malnutrition, malaria, Schistosoma haematobium and soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) in anaemia endemicity; and (ii) develop a high resolution predictive risk map of anaemia for the municipality of Dande in northern Angola. We used parasitological survey data for children aged ≤15 years to build Bayesian geostatistical models of malaria (PfPR≤15), S. haematobium, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura and predict small-scale spatial variations in these infections. Malnutrition, PfPR≤15, and S. haematobium infections were significantly associated with anaemia risk. An estimated 12.5%, 15.6% and 9.8% of anaemia cases could be averted by treating malnutrition, malaria and S. haematobium, respectively. Spatial clusters of high risk of anaemia (>86%) were identified. Using an individual-level approach to anaemia mapping at a small spatial scale, we found that anaemia in children aged ≤15 years is highly heterogeneous and that malnutrition and parasitic infections are important contributors to the spatial variation in anaemia risk. The results presented in this study can help inform the integration of the current provincial malaria control programme with ancillary micronutrient supplementation and control of neglected tropical diseases such as urogenital schistosomiasis and STH infections.


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Introdução: O uso das TIC, nomeadamente dos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, são uma possibilidade pedagógica promissora e atractiva pois permitem a construção de conhecimento e a interacção entre alunos, professores e tutores. Na perspectiva do estudante, compreende-se que, em contextos virtuais de aprendizagem a tendência é a de se valorizar cada vez mais a sua participação no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. No entanto, para que seja possível a implementação de educação a distância é necessário que os estudantes, para além da motivação e da responsabilidade acrescida, possuam um conjunto de competências específicas para participar, efectivamente, num contexto virtual de aprendizagem. Nesse contexto, e para verificar se o uso das tecnologias no processo educacional é exequível, é necessário conhecer as competências digitais dos alunos da Licenciatura em Farmácia da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto. Métodos: O estudo é descritivo-transversal e permitiu a recolha de dados através do inquérito por questionário, previamente validado. A amostra em estudo foi retirada da população formada pelos 230 estudantes da Licenciatura de Farmácia, por um processo de amostragem não probabilística por conveniência, perfazendo um total de 52 indivíduos que frequentam o 2º ano. Apresentação de Resultados e Discussão: Os resultados permitiram concluir que os estudantes utilizam as TIC de forma variada mas normalmente em actividades de lazer. Em relação ao conhecimento e utilização das ferramentas da Web 2.0 concluí-se que, na generalidade, os estudantes não conhecem e não dominam a maioria das ferramentas da Web 2.0.Ou seja, os estudantes, mesmo com as suas habilidades e conhecimentos sobre tecnologia, principalmente em relação ao uso de computadores e da Internet, e conhecendo a importância destes recursos como simplificadores nos estudos, continuam a apresentar limitações, provavelmente devido a falta de informação ou a informações duvidosas provenientes de uma utilização incorrecta dos recursos. Estes resultados representam também um desafio, uma vez que caberá à Escola capacitar os estudantes na utilização de novas tecnologias, uma vez que, estas capacidades são cada vez mais solicitadas no mercado de trabalho, e serão primordiais para o sucesso do estudante numa formação a distância mediada por computador.


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The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified formaldehyde as carcinogenic to humans because there is “sufficient epidemiological evidence that it causes nasopharyngeal cancer in humans”. Genes involved in DNA repair and maintenance of genome integrity are critically involved in protecting against mutations that lead to cancer and/or inherited genetic disease. Association studies have recently provided evidence for a link between DNA repair polymorphisms and micronucleus (MN) induction. We used the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN assay) in peripheral lymphocytes and MN test in buccal cells to investigate the effects of XRCC3 Thr241Met, ADH5 Val309Ile, and Asp353Glu polymorphisms on the frequency of genotoxicity biomarkers in individuals occupationally exposed to formaldehyde (n = 54) and unexposed workers (n = 82). XRCC3 participates in DNA double-strand break/recombination repair, while ADH5 is an important component of cellular metabolism for the elimination of formaldehyde. Exposed workers had significantly higher frequencies (P < 0.01) than controls for all genotoxicity biomarkers evaluated in this study. Moreover, there were significant associations between XRCC3 genotypes and nuclear buds, namely XRCC3 Met/Met (OR = 3.975, CI 1.053–14.998, P = 0.042) and XRCC3 Thr/Met (OR = 5.632, CI 1.673–18.961, P = 0.005) in comparison with XRCC3 Thr/Thr. ADH5 polymorphisms did not show significant effects. This study highlights the importance of integrating genotoxicity biomarkers and genetic polymorphisms in human biomonitoring studies.


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Este texto sintetiza o último capítulo da investigação de doutoramento – Objetos feitos de cancro: a cultura material como pedaço de doença em histórias de mulheres contadas pela arte. Através de uma reflexão em torno dos objetos e materialidades que ganham forma e relevo em projetos artísticos referentes à experiência feminina do cancro, esta tese propõe conceitos alternativos de cultura material e de doença oncológica. Rejeita-se uma separação ou diferenciação entre dimensões materiais e intangíveis na doença, entendendo-se os objetos de cultura material como pedaços de cancro, ou seja, enquanto partes constitutivas das ideias, sensações, emoções e gestos que fazem a experiência do corpo doente. Objetos hospitalares, domésticos e pessoais, de uso coletivo ou individual, onde se incluem materialidades descartáveis, vestuário, mobiliário, equipamento e máquinas, compõem uma lista de realidades que se encastram nas experiências do corpo em diagnóstico, internamento, tratamento, reconstrução, remissão, recorrência, metastização e morte. Dando nome a esta continuidade indivisa, propus os conceitos “objeto nosoencastrável” e “doença modular”, pretendendo, na forma como defino as coisas, os mesmos encaixes que existem na realidade vivida. Para compreender a ação, os usos e os sentidos dos objetos que fazem e são pedaços de cancro(s), o campo de trabalho desta investigação abrangeu as imagens e os textos explicativos de cento e cinquenta projetos artísticos produzidos por ou com mulheres que viveram a experiência desta doença. Expostos na Internet, os exercícios criativos, amadores ou profissionais, de fotografia comercial e artística, pintura, desenho, colagem, modelagem, escultura, costura e tricô serviram de terreno narrativo e visual, permitindo-me encontrar a versão émica dos encaixes entre cultura material e doença. Tocar a continuidade entre objetos e cancros, juntando os saberes do corpo, da arte e da antropologia, assentou numa abordagem teórica e metodológica onde ensaiei o potencial heurístico daquilo a que chamo a “terceira metade das coisas e do conhecimento”.


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A Administração Pública, em sentido orgânico ou subjectivo, pode ser definida como o conjunto de órgãos, serviços e agentes do Estados e demais pessoas colectivas públicas e seus funcionários, que asseguram, em nome da colectividade, a satisfação regular e contínua das necessidades colectivas de segurança, cultura, bem estar e progresso.


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The aim of this article is to present the results of an action research project, which has been put into practice in Primary Education. This project was intended to develop students’ textual competence, considering both comprehension and textual production. Our starting hypothesis was that teaching the schematisation of text types, focusing on linguistic devices that underlie text production, would promote the development of textual competence, leading to the production of more coherent and cohesive texts. In order to test this hypothesis we implemented the project in three phases. First, before the intervention, we collected texts produced by the students. Secondly, we implemented a didactic program designed to develop students’ textual competence. Lastly, after the intervention, we collected students’ texts once again. Data was analyzed according to categories that confer cohesion and coherence to different types of texts. Narrative, descriptive, and explanatory texts were assessed in terms of 1) building an autonomous text; 2) hierarchisation of information, and 3) textual organisation. Overall, results indicate that students developed their text conceptualisations, their understanding of the different structures of texts, and produced better writing. Indeed, their written work shows a marked progression from the beginning of the intervention program to the end of the program.


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Existe uma grande diversidade de planos administrativos, como os planos económicos ou os planos de desenvolvimento económico e social. Os planos territoriais, objecto do presente trabalho, disciplinam as regras de ocupação, uso e transformação dos solos e constituem factor de previsibilidade das decisões administrativas.


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"O Estado actua através dos titulares dos seus órgãos, dos seus funcionários e dos seus agentes. Quando estes últimos, no exercício das suas funções e por causa desse exercício, lesam outras pessoas, a lei prevê que o Estado, sozinho ou solidariamente com os autores das acções e das omissões causadoras dos danos, possa ser condenado a indemnizar os lesados"


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A tutela administrativa consiste no conjunto de poderes de intervenção de uma pessoa colectiva na gestão de outra pessoa colectiva pública, a fim de assegurar a legalidade ou o mérito da sua actuação.