409 resultados para Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)


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震旦-寒武交变期是地史上一个重大转折期,从隐生宙向显生宙过渡,海、陆、空发生了显著不同的变化,是一个具有特殊意义的过渡时期。中国扬子地区广泛发育的海相沉积层序有效地记录了震旦一寒武交变期重要的地质事件,因此为研究该时期大气圈、生物圈、岩石圈和水圈的相互联系提供了独一无二的场所。在前寒武纪一寒武纪地质研究中,由于缺少标志性生物化石,行之有效的生物地层学方法在上前寒武系的划分和对比中受到很大限制,沉积有机,质干酪根和相应碳酸盐的稳定碳同位素分析已经成为全球对比和划分的一个极为重要的的研究方法。尽管一些学者对扬子地台进行了多年的地球化学研究,使用碳酸盐和与之共生的有机质碳同位素组成对广泛的扬子地台变化的沉积环境进行研究还很欠缺、对分析和探讨该时期的生命演化过程和环境变化的关系研究方面还不足。本研究是以中国扬子地区为研究范围,用沉积碳酸盐和与之共生的有机质碳同位素组成对广泛的扬子地台变化的沉积环境(台地相、盆地相、过渡地带)进行分析,初步建立了一个地球化学模型,用于解释震旦一寒武交变期沉积地球化学记录,分析和探讨区域扬子地台碳循环和环境变化与地质事件之间的内在和外在联系:(1)南沱期:有机碳同位素组成(瓮安剖面平均值在-35.0‰左右)表现为较强负异常。地球被称为雪球(Snow-ball)或部分冰雪覆盖球体(Slush-ball),水体滞留和水动力不强,原始产率较低,物源以深源为主;生物不发育,主要是细菌和低等的真核细胞生物;空气和海水的气体通过冰裂缝进行交换,促进了碳酸盐的溶解;有机碳循环主要通过厌氧过程,比如细菌硫酸盐还原作用进行。(2)陡山沱期和灯影期:南沱晚期一陡山沱早期,海水的碳酸盐碳同位素组成短期仍然较负(瓮安剖面的δl3Ccarb-avg为-2.8‰ 松桃剖面1、2的δ13Ccarb-avg分别是-3.5%0和-8.6%。);有机质的碳同位素组成总体呈现正漂移(瓮安护3Corg-avg:-26.3‰;南明剖面的δ13Corg-avg高达-26.7‰),这正是全球分布的“帽”碳酸盐出现的时期:接近地表的火山去气作用释放出较之现代350倍的CO2,导致地球迅速变暖,冰雪融化,大陆风化作用加强,海平面上升,“雪球,,转化为“温室,大气中大量的CO2快速转化为碳酸钙沉入海水中。全球可能处于一个异常高的海洋沉积速率时期。随后陡山沱组的护3Ccarb值显著上升,暗示了这一时期生物作用加强,有机碳埋藏速率明显提高,有机碳和还原硫埋藏的增加,导致上层海水345的富集,硫同位素组成较高。热液作用和上升洋流作用促成了瓮安磷矿的形成和瓮安生物群的繁盛。在南沱冰期后的陡山沱期和灯影期,高的别3c的出现主要是由于进行光合作用的海洋植物群体产率的迅速增加、海洋沉积速率的升高、海洋深部水柱中缺氧层的存在、热液活动、上升洋流作用、海水分层结构引起的,而短期同位素组成的负漂移和生物产率的变化则可能是区域事件所造成。明显的碳同位素组成负漂移出现在前寒武/寒武界线附近,这反映了碳短期变化的翻覆,与震旦纪末生物绝灭、环境变化的地质事件相符合。(3)牛蹄塘期:本研究结果发现,在牛蹄塘组/郭家坝组底部黑色岩系中,有机碳、无机碳、有机硫、黄铁矿硫同位素组成值相对较低,有机碳和黄铁矿含量相对较高。δ3Corg-avg和δ3Ccarb-avg分别是-33.9士0.7‰和-2.5=0.4‰;TOC>0.5;黄铁矿平均含量为0.96%间变化;黄铁矿(δ4ScRs)和有机硫同位素组成(δ34SOBS)平均值分别为0.3士7.5‰和3.4土7.1‰。由于牛蹄塘初期的环境变化频繁和不稳定,扬子区处于一段特殊的时期,碳、硫同位素组成延续上震旦统的负漂移现象,海侵事件、还原环境、缺氧事件、裂谷作用火山喷发、、气液喷溢、热水作用等造成海水相刘较深,有机碳埋藏量增大,多金属富集成矿。在牛蹄塘中晚期碳同位素组成趋于稳定,碳同位素组成重化,有机碳和黄铁矿含量降低:碳酸盐和有机质的碳同位素组成平均值分别是0.31±1.0‰和-31.41.3%。(沙滩),呈现稳定的正漂移;TOC平均值是0.8%;沙滩剖面郭家坝组中上部样品的黄铁矿平均含量0.5%;δ34SCRS-avg和δ34SOBS-avg为17.8士2.0‰和16.9±1.8‰。在牛蹄塘中期,随着大气圈和水圈中CO2含量降低、环境稳定,促使寒武纪生物繁盛,可能与增加的寒武系生物产量和微生物作用有关。对牛蹄塘期的环境情况有如下分析:随着全球变暖、海平面迅速上升,上升洋流活跃,由于分层海水的存在,海水在氧化带附近及其上部具有较高的有机物生成率,使寒武纪初期成为形成植物繁衍和带壳动物爆发的重要时期。碳同位素组成由震旦一寒武交变期的不稳定负漂移变化到稳定正漂移,这与世界其它地区的变化相一致。下寒武统富有机碳和黄铁矿的黑色页岩沉积,暗示了早寒武世缺氧环境的存在。(4)凯里期:早中寒武世交变期有机碳和无机碳同位素组成规律的变化,出现在扬子地台台江剖面上。有机质埋藏的变化,与生物从下寒武到中寒武统的变化相联系。碳酸盐和有机碳同位素组成的变化规律,反映了震旦一寒武交变期沉积环境的多变和震旦一寒武交变期碳循环的波动,这与变化的古环境背景、环境条件和生物演化的变化相互联系。碳酸盐碳同位素组成反映了海水最初的同位素信息;海底热液作用和上升一洋流作用可能成为影响碳同位素组成的重要因素。然而,各一地区在同一时期存在相似性,也有很大的不同,所以针对区域和局部事件,还需要进一步研究和探讨。


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在自然界中存在一套由硅质岩、泥质岩/页岩或板岩、碳酸盐岩和粉砂岩组成的沉积建造,并以富含有机质和菌藻微生物等为特征,沉积厚度较大,岩石类型以硅岩为主,称之为“硅岩建造”。硅岩建造中的硅质岩不仅是许多重要矿种(如金、硒、铀、钒、磷、锰、铂族元素、重晶石和黄铁矿等)的赋存层和含矿岩系的重要岩类,而且由于它形成于特定的地球化学条件下,能够反映出某些沉积相带特殊的地质背景,另外,硅质岩本身就是一种生物岩,对探讨生物成岩、成矿作用有重要意义。所以对硅岩建造及其内硅质岩研究具有十分重要的理论意义和实用价值。因此,本论文选择扬子地块周边寒武系(南秦岭紫阳硒富集区)、二叠系(湖北恩施双河渔塘坝硒矿床)富硒硅岩建造为研究对象。通过岩石地球化学、同位素地球化学、矿物学以及流体包裹体等方法从含硒规律、岩石成因、沉积环境、成矿流体性质等方面,分别对对两个不同时代或不同层位的富硒硅岩建造开展了系统的地球化学对比研究;并从矿物学、包裹体成分及物理化学条件等方面对渔塘坝硒矿床的成因作了探讨。通过研究,取得了以下主要认识:1渔塘坝硒矿区和紫阳硒富集区富硒硅岩建造岩石以硅质岩为主,硅质岩中5102含量范围分别为64.2%-95.84%和63.62%-95.24%。同时包括部分碳质硅质岩丫碳质页岩 和碳、硅板岩及含腐泥层的石煤;渔塘坝硒矿床硅质岩中Se含量大于80ug/g的样品均采自下二叠统茅口组的硅质岩段内,紫阳下寒武统硒富集体中硅质岩中硒的含量最高(可达278ppm)。2微量元素研究表明,两地区富硒硅质岩中均含有较高的Cu,Ni、V、As、Sb、Cr,且U/Th>1。在U-Th、Zr-Cr和P2O5-Y相关图以及Fe-Mn-(Cu+Co+Ni)三角图上,两研究区内硅质岩样品点均落于热水沉积区。渔塘坝硒矿区硅质岩的REE总量较低,平均为38.9×10-6,紫阳硒富集区硅质岩REE总量除个别较高(达110×10-6以上)外,总体也较低(12.0-37.6)×l0-6;另外,从稀土元素配分模式看,两地区硅质岩均有较明显的Ce负异常,且Eu从无明显Eu异常到出现正Eu异常。都反映出热水沉积硅质岩的特征。从si和O同位素组成来看,两个地区硅质岩的δ3051和δ18O值也总体位于热水成因硅质岩区域内。根据隧石一水的氧同位素分馏方程计算得知,两研究区硅质岩的形成温度分别为46℃-72℃和78.6℃-126.20℃。地球化学特征表明,两地区富硒硅质岩均来自热水沉积作用。另外,渔塘坝硒矿区硅质岩中Cr含量较高,且存在腕足类生物化石;紫阳硒富集区硅质岩中Ba及有机质含量较高,且存在叶琳生物标志化合物。结合两地区碳同位素组成特征(渔塘坝地区δ13c为正值,可能和上扬子区早、晚二叠世之间多期次喷发的火山活动,造成地球史上二叠纪生物大灭绝有关;紫阳地区δ13C为负值,说明碳同位素来源于沉积有机物质),暗示两地区硅质岩的成因可能与火山沉积作用有关,且在成岩过程中有部分生物的参与。3渔塘坝赋矿硅质岩硫同位素组成具有较高的负值,表明矿床形成于缺氧的海盆内:紫阳硒富集区形成黄铁矿的硫主要来自海水硫酸盐。4系统研究了渔塘坝硒矿区硒的矿物学,显示硒以自然硒、独立矿物、类质同像及有机吸附四种形式赋存于矿床中。废弃石煤堆中的自然硒矿物,是自然因素和人为活动共同干预的结果,并非石煤的缓慢自燃的结果。5对研究区成矿流体中包裹体均一温度、盐度和密度进行了系统研究,结果显示:两地区的流体包裹体以原生包裹体为主,数量较多且形态复杂;研究区(渔塘坝硒矿和紫阳硒富集区)成矿流体处于中一低温( 190-250)℃和(120-155)℃条件。渔塘坝硒矿区石英和方解石包裹体内的流体盐度分别为(5.9-10.l)B%和(3.9-4.5)WB%,紫阳硒富集区流体盐度为(1.2-2.8)WB%,后者流体盐度明显低于前者。流体密度经计算分别为0.79-0.79/cm3和0.69-0.969/cm3。重点对渔塘坝硒矿区的石英和方解石包裹体进行了拉曼光谱成分测试,结果显示:包裹体成分以H2O和N2为主,含少量 CH4、C2H4、C2H6、C3H5、C4H6、C4H4和C6H6等成分,说明成矿溶液介质主要为具有还原性质的水溶液,其成矿条件具还原性的特点。6渔塘坝硒矿区成矿物理化学条件的研究表明,即富硒成矿流体为中低温(190-250)℃、压力平均为60Mpa。成矿早期02、eZ相对较低,乃较高,且fS2/fSe2>l,有利于硫化物沉淀在成矿主阶段,随着硫化物的沉淀,fS2和fSe2相应增大,且fO2较高。高的fO2阻止了硒进入硫化物,而有利于硒化物的形成。 7系统研究了富硒硅岩建造的沉积环境和构造环境特征,认为渔塘坝硒矿床中富硒硅质岩主要形成于浅海滞留的盆地沉积环境,紫阳下寒武统硅质岩沉积环境属于深水滞留沉积环境;渔塘坝硒矿床主要形成于拉张的断陷盆地中,紫阳硒富集体则形成于拉张的裂谷环境。


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El acoso escolar es un fenómeno más común de lo que nos parece hoy en día. Con este trabajo fin de grado se pretende analizar el bullying en una aula concreta utilizando como método de análisis la observación y la encuesta. Posteriormente, se analizan los datos resultantes de la encuesta intentado relacionarlos con otros estudios y con mi propio conocimiento sobre el aula. Cada caso de bullying es diferente y por eso necesita un modo de actuación distinto. Debido a los resultados de la encuesta, desarrollo un apartado centrado en cómo trabajar el bullying en el aula reforzando ciertas características del niño mediante la inteligencia emocional. Este trabajo pretende ser útil para todos aquellos profesores o profesoras que quieran aumentar sus conocimientos acerca del bullying.


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Understanding the role of marine mammals in specific ecosystems and their interactions with fisheries involves, inter alia, an understanding of their diet and dietary requirements. In this thesis, the foraging ecology of seven marine mammal species that regularly occur in Irish waters was investigated by reconstructing diet using hard parts from digestive tracts and scats. Of the species examined, two (striped and Atlantic white-sided dolphin) can be considered offshore species or species inhabiting neritic waters, while five others usually inhabit more coastal areas (white-beaked dolphin, harbour porpoise, harbour seal and grey seal); the last species studied was the bottlenose dolphin whose population structure is more complex, with coastal and offshore populations. A total of 13,028 prey items from at least 81 different species (62 fish species, 14 cephalopods, four crustaceans, and a tunicate) were identified. 28% of the fish species were identified using bones other than otoliths, highlighting the importance of using all identifiable structures to reconstruct diet. Individually, each species of marine mammal presented a high diversity of prey taxa, but the locally abundant Trisopterus spp. were found to be the most important prey item for all species, indicating that Trisopterus spp. is probably a key species in understanding the role of these predators in Irish waters. In the coastal marine mammals, other Gadiformes species (haddock, pollack, saithe, whiting) also contributed substantially to the diet; in contrast, in pelagic or less coastal marine mammals, prey was largely comprised of planktivorous fish, such as Atlantic mackerel, horse mackerel, blue whiting, and mesopelagic prey. Striped dolphins and Atlantic white-sided dolphins are offshore small cetaceans foraging in neritic waters. Differences between the diet of striped dolphins collected in drift nets targeting tuna and stranded on Irish coasts showed a complex foraging behaviour; the diet information shows that although this dolphin forages mainly in oceanic waters it may occasionally forage on the continental shelf, feeding on available prey. The Atlantic white-sided dolphin diet showed that this species prefers to feed over the continental edge, where planktivorous fish are abundant. Some resource partitioning was found in bottlenose dolphins in Irish waters consistent with previous genetic and stable isotope analysis studies. Bottlenose dolphins in Irish waters appears to be generalist feeders consuming more than 30 prey species, however most of the diet comprised a few locally abundant species, especially gadoid fish including haddock/pollack/saithe group and Trisopterus spp., but the contribution of Atlantic hake, conger eels and the pelagic planktivorous horse mackerel were also important. Stomach content information suggests that three different feeding behaviours might occur in bottlenose dolphin populations in Irish waters; firstly a coastal behaviour, with animals feeding on prey that mainly inhabit areas close to the coast; secondly an offshore behaviour where dolphins feed on offshore species such as squid or mesopelagic fish; and a third more complex behaviour that involves movements over the continental shelf and close to the shelf edge. The other three coastal marine mammal species (harbour porpoise, harbour seal and grey seal) were found to be feeding on similar prey and competition for food resources among these sympatric species might occur. Both species of seals were found to have a high overlap (more than 80%) in their diet composition, but while grey seals feed on large fish (>110mm), harbour seals feed mostly on smaller fish (<110mm), suggesting some spatial segregation in foraging. Harbour porpoises and grey seals are potentially competing for the same food resource but some differences in prey species were found and some habitat partitioning might occur. Direct interaction (by catch) between dolphins and fisheries was detected in all species. Most of the prey found in the stomach contents from both stranded and by catch dolphins were smaller sizes than those targeted by commercial fisheries. In fact, the total annual food consumption of the species studied was found to be very small (225,160 tonnes) in comparison to fishery landings for the same area (~2 million tonnes). However, marine mammal species might be indirectly interacting with fisheries, removing forage fish. Incorporating the dietary information obtained from the four coastal species, an ECOPATH food web model was established for the Irish Sea, based on data from 2004. Five trophic levels were found, with bottlenose dolphins and grey and harbour seals occurring at the highest trophic level. A comparison with a previous model based on 1973 data suggests that while the overall Irish Sea ecosystem appears to be “maturing”, some indices indicate that the 2004 fishery was less efficient and was targeting fish at higher trophic levels than in 1973, which is reflected in the mean trophic level of the catch. Depletion or substantial decrease of some of the Irish Sea fish stocks has resulted in a significant decline in landings in this area. The integration of diet information in mass-balance models to construct ecosystem food-webs will help to understand the trophic role of these apex predators within the ecosystem.


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Members of the morbillivirus genus, canine distemper (CDV), phocine distemper virus (PDV), and the cetacean viruses of dolphins and porpoises exhibit high levels of CNS infection in their natural hosts. CNS complications are rare for measles virus (MV) and are not associated with rinderpest virus (RPV) and peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) infection. However, it is possible that all morbilliviruses infect the CNS but in some hosts are rapidly cleared by the immune response. In this study, we assessed whether RPV and PPRV have the potential to be neurovirulent. We describe the outcome of infection, of selected mouse strains, with isolates of RPV, PPRV, PDV, porpoise morbillivirus (PMV), dolphin morbillivirus (DMV), and a wild-type strain of MV. In the case of RPV virus, strains with different passage histories have been examined. The results of experiments with these viruses were compared with those using neuroadapted and vaccine strains of MV, which acted as positive and negative controls respectively. Intracerebral inoculation with RPV (Saudi/81) and PPRV (Nigeria75/1) strains produced infection in Balb/C and Cd1, but not C57 suckling mice, whereas the CAM/RB rodent-adapted strain of MV infected all three strains of mice. Weanling mice were only infected by CAM/RB. Intranasal and intraperitoneal inoculation failed to produce infection with any virus strains. We have shown that, both RPV and PPRV, in common with other morbilliviruses are neurovirulent in a permissive system. Transient infection of the CNS of cattle and goats with RPV and PPRV, respectively, remains a possibility, which could provide relevant models for the initial stages of MV infection in humans.


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The rate of city growth in China today correlates well with an overall loss of the most fertile agricultural areas of the country. A consequence of this growth includes the rapid reshaping of peri-urban livelihoods in their densely populated fringe. The policy response from central government has focused on containing city growth and pursuing modern rural development. Both policy directions have failed, in part, to acknowledge the intrinsic nature of the urban fringe in China. This paper explores the features of the fringe of Suzhou, a fast growing city in the Yangtze River Delta. The aim is to outline potential social costs of this current policy framework, through analysing the case study of Jinshi Village. The paper advocates a different regionalist approach to policy implementation.


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La infraestructura colombiana es uno de los mayores problemas a los cuales se enfrenta el comercio en el país, debido a la situación en que se encuentran las carreteras, la falta de vías fluviales, férreas y las condiciones geográficas que se presentan. Es por esto que el gobierno plantea dentro del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (PND), inversiones en infraestructura para mejorar las condiciones de esta, permitiendo atender las demandas de comercio. Uno de los mayores proyectos a los que se enfrenta el país es la “recuperación de la navegabilidad del río Magdalena” con el cual se pretenden ahorrar costos de transporte, optimizar las cantidades trasladadas y hacer efectivo y eficiente el comercio en Colombia. El presente trabajo, destaca la importancia que tiene esta vía fluvial, las ventajas que se obtendrán al recuperar el río y las obras a realizar para mejorar sus condiciones actuales.


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Resumen basado parcialmente en el de la autora


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Ireland’s waters constitute one of the richest habitats for cetaceans in Europe. Marine mammals, particularly cetaceans, are known to be definitive hosts of digestive parasites from the Fm.Anisakidae. The main aim of this study is to collect and compile all the information available out there regarding parasites of the Fm. Anisakidae and their definitive hosts. Secondary objectives are to relate the presence of cetacean species with the presence of parasites of the Fm. Anisakidae and to determine whether this greater number of cetaceans relates to a greater level of parasitism. Prevalence and burdens of anisakids in definitive hosts vary widely with host species, geographic location, and season. Results from several post-mortem exams are given. However, they cannot be compared due to differences in collecting techniques. Anisakis simplex is the most commonly and widespread parasite found in the majority of the samples and in a major number of hosts, which include harbour porpoise, short-beaked common dolphin and bottlenose dolphin. Studies on harbour porpoise obtained prevalences of Anisakis spp. of 46% (n=26) and of 100% (n= 12). Another study in common dolphin reported a prevalence of 68% (n=25). Several reasons could influence the variations in the presence of Anisakis. Studies on commercially exploited fish have reported prevalences of Anisakis simplex ranging from 65-100% in wild Atlantic salmon and from 42-53.4% in Atlantic cod


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Phenotypic and phylogenetic studies were performed on four Campylobacter-like organisms recovered from three seals and a porpoise. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies demonstrated that the organisms represent a hitherto unknown subline within the genus Campylobacter, associated with a subcluster containing Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari. DNA-DNA hybridization studies confirmed that the bacteria belonged to a single species, for which the name Campylobacter insulaenigrae sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Campylobacter insulaenigrae sp. nov. is NCTC 12927(T) (= CCUG 48653(T)).


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Three strains of a previously undescribed Actinomyces-like bacterium were isolated from samples taken from two dead seals and a porpoise. Biochemical testing and PAGE analysis of whole-cell proteins indicated the strains were phenotypically similar to each other but different from previously described Actinomyces and Arcanobacterium species. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies showed the organisms from marine animals were genetically closely related and represent a hitherto unknown subline within the genus Actinomyces (sequence divergence values > 6% with recognized species). Based on phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence it is proposed that the unknown bacterium from the seals and a porpoise should be classified as Actinomyces marimammalium sp. nov. The type strain is CCUG 41710T.


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Chongqing is the largest directly-controlled municipality in China, which is now undergoing a rapid urbanization. The urbanization rate increased from 35.6% in 2000 to 48.3% in 2007, and it is estimated to reach at least 70% by 2020. The question remains open: What are the consequences of such rapid urbanization in Chongqing in terms of urban microclimate? Furthermore, Chongqing is located within the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) region and the upper Yangtze River, where the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) project started in 1993 and was completed in 2010. As one of the biggest construction projects in the world with a rising water level of 175m and water storage capacity of about 39.3 billion m3, it would be interesting to investigate how such a gigantic project impacts the surrounding micro-environment, especially in Chongqing. Different research approaches are adopted in the study. Our literature review indicates present studies on the urban climate in Chongqing are mainly confined within the historical trend analysis of several weather stations operated by the Chongqing government, little is known about the spatial distribution of urban air temperature and how the local land cover influences the air temperature, especially when there are rivers running through the Chongqing urban area. To contribute to the present knowledge, a series of field measurement campaigns and numerical simulations were carried out. Two complementary types of field measurements are included: fixed weather stations and mobile transverse measurement. Numerical simulations using a house-developed program are able to predict the urban air temperature in Chongqing.


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A new genus and species, Linshuichonetes elfinis, belonging to the Rugosochonetidae, is described from the Early Permian (Late Artinskian or early Kungurian) Liangshan Formation of the Yangtze block. The new genus is defined externally by the presence of fine, but delayed, capillation and a weak or absent median sulcus and fold and by the presence of a distinct posteromedian sinus on the ventral umbo; and internally by a lack of median, lateral and accessory septa in the dorsal interior; absence of vascular trunks in the ventral interior and the presence of distinct radiating rows of papillae in the interior of both valves, particularly an unusual clustered arrangement of papillae on the posteromedian portion of the dorsal interior. The local environment during the deposition of the Liangshan Formation appears to have been a restricted tidal flat or lagoon which experienced frequent sealevel fluctuations associated with the onset of the Yanghsingian transgression. The new species, L. elfinis, appears to have several morphological adaptations enabling successful exploitation of this environment. It was typically a very small and thin-valved species with a high surface area to volume ratio, an advantage in an oxygen restricted environment. The small size and numerous body spinules would have aided individuals to remain suspended at the top of the fine, soft substrate. It also dominated the brachiopod assemblage in the Liangshan Formation, comprising up to 94%of specimens within a bed. These factors indicate that the new species appears to be an opportunistic species.


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Eased on field observations and compilation of data, a new stratigraphic concept, herein named the Permian-Triassic boundary stratigraphic set (PTBST), is proposed. The PTBST consists of, in ascending order, beds of claystone, limestone (or marl) and claystone. This boundary stratigraphic
set has been recognized at many sections in the Yangtze region of South China, with laterally stable lithological characters, the same or comparable biotas, comparable radiometric ages, and identical or similar magnetostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic signals. Therefore, the PTBST marks an isochronous unit and can serve as an important and effective marker set for regional and global correlations.
The important index fossils for the lowermost Triassic, Hindeodus parvus or Claraia, may be diachronous in their first occurrences with respect to the base of the PTBST and, therefore, should not be used as an exclusive indicator for the beginning of the Triassic. Rather more attention should
be paid to events, succession of events and/or event surfaces, which would potentially provide a more precise tool for high-resolution stratigraphic division and correlation.


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Competition may occur when two species with similar feeding ecologies exploit the same limited resources in time and space. In recent years, the Eastern Tundra Bean Goose Anser fabalis serrirostris and Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons frontalis have increased in wintering numbers at Shengjin Lake, China. To examine the potential for coexistence and possible avoidance strategies, we studied (1) their habitat use, (2) foraging behaviours and (3) diets of birds foraging in mixed- and single-species flocks. Both species extensively exploited sedge meadows, where they showed considerable overlap in spatial distribution and diet. The percentage feeding time and diet of both species were unaffected by the presence of the other. Greater White-fronted Geese appeared diurnal sedge meadow specialists, almost never feeding in other habitats. Eastern Tundra Bean Geese were less selective, exploiting other habitats, which they increasingly exploited at night in mid-winter. The use of alternative habitats and night feeding may have avoided interspecific competition. While the specialised feeding ecology of Greater White-fronted Geese may make them particularly vulnerable to loss of sedge meadow habitat, Eastern Tundra Bean Geese may be able to adjust because of their use of alternative habitats and a less restricted diet.