573 resultados para Wavelet de noising
Cancer treatment is most effective when it is detected early and the progress in treatment will be closely related to the ability to reduce the proportion of misses in the cancer detection task. The effectiveness of algorithms for detecting cancers can be greatly increased if these algorithms work synergistically with those for characterizing normal mammograms. This research work combines computerized image analysis techniques and neural networks to separate out some fraction of the normal mammograms with extremely high reliability, based on normal tissue identification and removal. The presence of clustered microcalcifications is one of the most important and sometimes the only sign of cancer on a mammogram. 60% to 70% of non-palpable breast carcinoma demonstrates microcalcifications on mammograms [44], [45], [46].WT based techniques are applied on the remaining mammograms, those are obviously abnormal, to detect possible microcalcifications. The goal of this work is to improve the detection performance and throughput of screening-mammography, thus providing a ‘second opinion ‘ to the radiologists. The state-of- the- art DWT computation algorithms are not suitable for practical applications with memory and delay constraints, as it is not a block transfonn. Hence in this work, the development of a Block DWT (BDWT) computational structure having low processing memory requirement has also been taken up.
In this paper, a new directionally adaptive, learning based, single image super resolution method using multiple direction wavelet transform, called Directionlets is presented. This method uses directionlets to effectively capture directional features and to extract edge information along different directions of a set of available high resolution images .This information is used as the training set for super resolving a low resolution input image and the Directionlet coefficients at finer scales of its high-resolution image are learned locally from this training set and the inverse Directionlet transform recovers the super-resolved high resolution image. The simulation results showed that the proposed approach outperforms standard interpolation techniques like Cubic spline interpolation as well as standard Wavelet-based learning, both visually and in terms of the mean squared error (mse) values. This method gives good result with aliased images also.
The basic concepts of digital signal processing are taught to the students in engineering and science. The focus of the course is on linear, time invariant systems. The question as to what happens when the system is governed by a quadratic or cubic equation remains unanswered in the vast majority of literature on signal processing. Light has been shed on this problem when John V Mathews and Giovanni L Sicuranza published the book Polynomial Signal Processing. This book opened up an unseen vista of polynomial systems for signal and image processing. The book presented the theory and implementations of both adaptive and non-adaptive FIR and IIR quadratic systems which offer improved performance than conventional linear systems. The theory of quadratic systems presents a pristine and virgin area of research that offers computationally intensive work. Once the area of research is selected, the next issue is the choice of the software tool to carry out the work. Conventional languages like C and C++ are easily eliminated as they are not interpreted and lack good quality plotting libraries. MATLAB is proved to be very slow and so do SCILAB and Octave. The search for a language for scientific computing that was as fast as C, but with a good quality plotting library, ended up in Python, a distant relative of LISP. It proved to be ideal for scientific computing. An account of the use of Python, its scientific computing package scipy and the plotting library pylab is given in the appendix Initially, work is focused on designing predictors that exploit the polynomial nonlinearities inherent in speech generation mechanisms. Soon, the work got diverted into medical image processing which offered more potential to exploit by the use of quadratic methods. The major focus in this area is on quadratic edge detection methods for retinal images and fingerprints as well as de-noising raw MRI signals
Super Resolution problem is an inverse problem and refers to the process of producing a High resolution (HR) image, making use of one or more Low Resolution (LR) observations. It includes up sampling the image, thereby, increasing the maximum spatial frequency and removing degradations that arise during the image capture namely aliasing and blurring. The work presented in this thesis is based on learning based single image super-resolution. In learning based super-resolution algorithms, a training set or database of available HR images are used to construct the HR image of an image captured using a LR camera. In the training set, images are stored as patches or coefficients of feature representations like wavelet transform, DCT, etc. Single frame image super-resolution can be used in applications where database of HR images are available. The advantage of this method is that by skilfully creating a database of suitable training images, one can improve the quality of the super-resolved image. A new super resolution method based on wavelet transform is developed and it is better than conventional wavelet transform based methods and standard interpolation methods. Super-resolution techniques based on skewed anisotropic transform called directionlet transform are developed to convert a low resolution image which is of small size into a high resolution image of large size. Super-resolution algorithm not only increases the size, but also reduces the degradations occurred during the process of capturing image. This method outperforms the standard interpolation methods and the wavelet methods, both visually and in terms of SNR values. Artifacts like aliasing and ringing effects are also eliminated in this method. The super-resolution methods are implemented using, both critically sampled and over sampled directionlets. The conventional directionlet transform is computationally complex. Hence lifting scheme is used for implementation of directionlets. The new single image super-resolution method based on lifting scheme reduces computational complexity and thereby reduces computation time. The quality of the super resolved image depends on the type of wavelet basis used. A study is conducted to find the effect of different wavelets on the single image super-resolution method. Finally this new method implemented on grey images is extended to colour images and noisy images
The thesis explores the area of still image compression. The image compression techniques can be broadly classified into lossless and lossy compression. The most common lossy compression techniques are based on Transform coding, Vector Quantization and Fractals. Transform coding is the simplest of the above and generally employs reversible transforms like, DCT, DWT, etc. Mapped Real Transform (MRT) is an evolving integer transform, based on real additions alone. The present research work aims at developing new image compression techniques based on MRT. Most of the transform coding techniques employ fixed block size image segmentation, usually 8×8. Hence, a fixed block size transform coding is implemented using MRT and the merits and demerits are analyzed for both 8×8 and 4×4 blocks. The N2 unique MRT coefficients, for each block, are computed using templates. Considering the merits and demerits of fixed block size transform coding techniques, a hybrid form of these techniques is implemented to improve the performance of compression. The performance of the hybrid coder is found to be better compared to the fixed block size coders. Thus, if the block size is made adaptive, the performance can be further improved. In adaptive block size coding, the block size may vary from the size of the image to 2×2. Hence, the computation of MRT using templates is impractical due to memory requirements. So, an adaptive transform coder based on Unique MRT (UMRT), a compact form of MRT, is implemented to get better performance in terms of PSNR and HVS The suitability of MRT in vector quantization of images is then experimented. The UMRT based Classified Vector Quantization (CVQ) is implemented subsequently. The edges in the images are identified and classified by employing a UMRT based criteria. Based on the above experiments, a new technique named “MRT based Adaptive Transform Coder with Classified Vector Quantization (MATC-CVQ)”is developed. Its performance is evaluated and compared against existing techniques. A comparison with standard JPEG & the well-known Shapiro’s Embedded Zero-tree Wavelet (EZW) is done and found that the proposed technique gives better performance for majority of images
The aim of the thesis was to design and develop spatially adaptive denoising techniques with edge and feature preservation, for images corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise and SAR images affected with speckle noise. Image denoising is a well researched topic. It has found multifaceted applications in our day to day life. Image denoising based on multi resolution analysis using wavelet transform has received considerable attention in recent years. The directionlet based denoising schemes presented in this thesis are effective in preserving the image specific features like edges and contours in denoising. Scope of this research is still open in areas like further optimization in terms of speed and extension of the techniques to other related areas like colour and video image denoising. Such studies would further augment the practical use of these techniques.
Spätestens seit der Formulierung der modernen Portfoliotheorie durch Harry Markowitz (1952) wird den aktiven Portfoliomanagementstrategien besondere Aufmerksamkeit in Wissenschaft und Anlagepraxis gewidmet. Diese Arbeit ist im Schnittstellenbereich zwischen neoklassischer Kapitalmarkttheorie und technischer Analyse angesiedelt. Es wird untersucht, inwieweit eine passive Buy&Hold-Strategie, die als einzige im Einklang mit der Effizienzmarkthypothese nach Fama (1970) steht, durch Verwendung von aktiven Strategien geschlagen werden kann. Der Autor präsentiert einen Wavelet-basierten Ansatz für die Analyse der Finanzzeitreihen. Die Wavelet-Transformation wird als ein mathematisches Datenaufbereitungstool herangezogen und ermöglicht eine Multiskalendarstellung einer Datenreihe, durch das Aufspalten dieser in eine Approximationszeitreihe und eine Detailszeitreihe, ohne dass dadurch Informationen verloren gehen. Diese Arbeit beschränkt sich auf die Verwendung der Daubechies Wavelets. Die Multiskalendarstellung dient als Grundlage für die Entwicklung von zwei technischen Indikatoren. Der Wavelet Stochastik Indikator greift auf die Idee des bekannten Stochastik-Indikators zurück und verwendet nicht mehr die Kurszeitreihe, sondern die Approximationszeitreihe als Input. Eine auf diesem Indikator basierende Investmentstrategie wird umfangreicher Sensitivitätsanalyse unterworfen, die aufzeigt, dass eine Buy&Hold-Strategie durchaus outperformt werden kann. Die Idee des Momentum-Indikators wird durch den Wavelet Momentum Indikator aufgegriffen, welcher die Detailszeitreihen als Input heranzieht. Im Rahmen der Sensitivitätsanalyse einer Wavelet Momentum Strategie wird jedoch die Buy&Hold -Strategie nicht immer geschlagen. Ein Wavelet-basiertes Prognosemodell verwendet ähnlich wie die technischen Indikatoren die Multiskalendarstellung. Die Approximationszeitreihen werden dabei durch das Polynom 2. Grades und die Detailszeitreihen durch die Verwendung der Sinusregression extrapoliert. Die anschließende Aggregation der extrapolierten Zeitreihen führt zu prognostizierten Wertpapierkursen. Kombinierte Handelsstrategien zeigen auf, wie Wavelet Stochastik Indikator, Wavelet Momentum Indikator und das Wavelet-basierte Prognosemodell miteinander verknüpft werden können. Durch die Verknüpfung einzelner Strategien gelingt es, die Buy&Hold-Strategie zu schlagen. Der letzte Abschnitt der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Modellierung von Handelssystem-portfolios. Angestrebt wird eine gleichzeitige Diversifikation zwischen Anlagen und Strategien, die einer ständigen Optimierung unterworfen wird. Dieses Verfahren wird als ein systematischer, an bestimmte Optimierungskriterien gebundener Investmentprozess verstanden, mit welchem es gelingt, eine passive Buy&Hold-Strategie zu outperformen. Die Arbeit stellt eine systematische Verknüpfung zwischen der diskreten Wavelet Transformation und technisch quantitativen Investmentstrategien her. Es werden auch die Problemfelder der durchaus viel versprechenden Verwendung der Wavelet Transformation im Rahmen der technischen Analyse beleuchtet.
Die Strömung in Turboverdichtern ist geprägt von instationären Effekten. Ziel dieser experimentellen Arbeit ist die zeitlich aufgelöste Darstellung eines dieser Effekte: der rotierenden Instabilität. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Phänomen, das dem Auftreten von rotierender Ablösung vorausgeht und bereits im stabilen Arbeitsbereich auftritt. Das bessere Verständnis der rotierenden Instabilität bietet somit auch einen Ansatz zur Klärung der Ursachen, die zu rotierender Ablösung führen. Zur Durchführung der zeitlich aufgelösten Untersuchung wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Messmethodik vorgestellt, welche erstmals bei der Strömungsuntersuchung in Turbomaschinen Anwendung findet. Die Methodik basiert auf simultanen Messungen mittels konventionellem PIV und zeitlich hochaufgelöster Hitzdrahtanemometrie. Über die Frequenzanalyse des Hitzdrahtsignals ist es im Postprocessing möglich, die einzelnen PIV-Bilder gemäß ihres Phasenwinkel zu ordnen. Dieser statistische Ansatz ermöglicht die Darstellung und Analyse der zeitlichen Entwicklung von rotierender Instabilität über einer Schwingungsperiode.
Humans distinguish materials such as metal, plastic, and paper effortlessly at a glance. Traditional computer vision systems cannot solve this problem at all. Recognizing surface reflectance properties from a single photograph is difficult because the observed image depends heavily on the amount of light incident from every direction. A mirrored sphere, for example, produces a different image in every environment. To make matters worse, two surfaces with different reflectance properties could produce identical images. The mirrored sphere simply reflects its surroundings, so in the right artificial setting, it could mimic the appearance of a matte ping-pong ball. Yet, humans possess an intuitive sense of what materials typically "look like" in the real world. This thesis develops computational algorithms with a similar ability to recognize reflectance properties from photographs under unknown, real-world illumination conditions. Real-world illumination is complex, with light typically incident on a surface from every direction. We find, however, that real-world illumination patterns are not arbitrary. They exhibit highly predictable spatial structure, which we describe largely in the wavelet domain. Although they differ in several respects from the typical photographs, illumination patterns share much of the regularity described in the natural image statistics literature. These properties of real-world illumination lead to predictable image statistics for a surface with given reflectance properties. We construct a system that classifies a surface according to its reflectance from a single photograph under unknown illuminination. Our algorithm learns relationships between surface reflectance and certain statistics computed from the observed image. Like the human visual system, we solve the otherwise underconstrained inverse problem of reflectance estimation by taking advantage of the statistical regularity of illumination. For surfaces with homogeneous reflectance properties and known geometry, our system rivals human performance.
In previous work (Olshausen & Field 1996), an algorithm was described for learning linear sparse codes which, when trained on natural images, produces a set of basis functions that are spatially localized, oriented, and bandpass (i.e., wavelet-like). This note shows how the algorithm may be interpreted within a maximum-likelihood framework. Several useful insights emerge from this connection: it makes explicit the relation to statistical independence (i.e., factorial coding), it shows a formal relationship to the algorithm of Bell and Sejnowski (1995), and it suggests how to adapt parameters that were previously fixed.
We derive a new representation for a function as a linear combination of local correlation kernels at optimal sparse locations and discuss its relation to PCA, regularization, sparsity principles and Support Vector Machines. We first review previous results for the approximation of a function from discrete data (Girosi, 1998) in the context of Vapnik"s feature space and dual representation (Vapnik, 1995). We apply them to show 1) that a standard regularization functional with a stabilizer defined in terms of the correlation function induces a regression function in the span of the feature space of classical Principal Components and 2) that there exist a dual representations of the regression function in terms of a regularization network with a kernel equal to a generalized correlation function. We then describe the main observation of the paper: the dual representation in terms of the correlation function can be sparsified using the Support Vector Machines (Vapnik, 1982) technique and this operation is equivalent to sparsify a large dictionary of basis functions adapted to the task, using a variation of Basis Pursuit De-Noising (Chen, Donoho and Saunders, 1995; see also related work by Donahue and Geiger, 1994; Olshausen and Field, 1995; Lewicki and Sejnowski, 1998). In addition to extending the close relations between regularization, Support Vector Machines and sparsity, our work also illuminates and formalizes the LFA concept of Penev and Atick (1996). We discuss the relation between our results, which are about regression, and the different problem of pattern classification.
This paper presents a new paradigm for signal reconstruction and superresolution, Correlation Kernel Analysis (CKA), that is based on the selection of a sparse set of bases from a large dictionary of class- specific basis functions. The basis functions that we use are the correlation functions of the class of signals we are analyzing. To choose the appropriate features from this large dictionary, we use Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression and compare this to traditional Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the tasks of signal reconstruction, superresolution, and compression. The testbed we use in this paper is a set of images of pedestrians. This paper also presents results of experiments in which we use a dictionary of multiscale basis functions and then use Basis Pursuit De-Noising to obtain a sparse, multiscale approximation of a signal. The results are analyzed and we conclude that 1) when used with a sparse representation technique, the correlation function is an effective kernel for image reconstruction and superresolution, 2) for image compression, PCA and SVM have different tradeoffs, depending on the particular metric that is used to evaluate the results, 3) in sparse representation techniques, L_1 is not a good proxy for the true measure of sparsity, L_0, and 4) the L_epsilon norm may be a better error metric for image reconstruction and compression than the L_2 norm, though the exact psychophysical metric should take into account high order structure in images.
In the first part of this paper we show a similarity between the principle of Structural Risk Minimization Principle (SRM) (Vapnik, 1982) and the idea of Sparse Approximation, as defined in (Chen, Donoho and Saunders, 1995) and Olshausen and Field (1996). Then we focus on two specific (approximate) implementations of SRM and Sparse Approximation, which have been used to solve the problem of function approximation. For SRM we consider the Support Vector Machine technique proposed by V. Vapnik and his team at AT&T Bell Labs, and for Sparse Approximation we consider a modification of the Basis Pursuit De-Noising algorithm proposed by Chen, Donoho and Saunders (1995). We show that, under certain conditions, these two techniques are equivalent: they give the same solution and they require the solution of the same quadratic programming problem.
Analisa-se se os funcionamentos inferenciais têm uma estrutura própria dos sistemas dinâmicos não lineais, estudados a partir de quatro gráficas humorísticas. Os primeiros resultados com o tratamento estadístico lineal de K-medias projetam a presencia de perfis de diferentes funcionamentos inferenciais em função das diferentes piadas. Os resultados com a técnica da wavelet, proveniente dos sistemas dinâmicos não lineais, mostram patrões dos funcionamentos inferenciais que dão conta de sua natureza multifractal, sem uma sequencialidade fixa e sem uma organização aparente. Isto implica que é necessário revisar a concepção de estádios sequenciais fixos como os que dominam os estudos de desenvolvimento cognitivo.
Two wavelet-based control variable transform schemes are described and are used to model some important features of forecast error statistics for use in variational data assimilation. The first is a conventional wavelet scheme and the other is an approximation of it. Their ability to capture the position and scale-dependent aspects of covariance structures is tested in a two-dimensional latitude-height context. This is done by comparing the covariance structures implied by the wavelet schemes with those found from the explicit forecast error covariance matrix, and with a non-wavelet- based covariance scheme used currently in an operational assimilation scheme. Qualitatively, the wavelet-based schemes show potential at modeling forecast error statistics well without giving preference to either position or scale-dependent aspects. The degree of spectral representation can be controlled by changing the number of spectral bands in the schemes, and the least number of bands that achieves adequate results is found for the model domain used. Evidence is found of a trade-off between the localization of features in positional and spectral spaces when the number of bands is changed. By examining implied covariance diagnostics, the wavelet-based schemes are found, on the whole, to give results that are closer to diagnostics found from the explicit matrix than from the nonwavelet scheme. Even though the nature of the covariances has the right qualities in spectral space, variances are found to be too low at some wavenumbers and vertical correlation length scales are found to be too long at most scales. The wavelet schemes are found to be good at resolving variations in position and scale-dependent horizontal length scales, although the length scales reproduced are usually too short. The second of the wavelet-based schemes is often found to be better than the first in some important respects, but, unlike the first, it has no exact inverse transform.