989 resultados para Water-table Fluctuations
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In boreal bogs plant species are low in number, but they differ greatly in their growth forms and photosynthetic properties. We assessed how ecosystem carbon (C) sink dynamics were affected by seasonal variations in photosynthetic rate and leaf area of different species. Photosynthetic properties (light-response parameters), leaf area development and areal cover (abundance) of the species were used to quantify species-specific net and gross photosynthesis rates (PN and PG, respectively), which were summed to express ecosystem-level PN and PG. The ecosystem-level PG was compared with a gross primary production (GPP) estimate derived from eddy covariance measurements (EC). Species areal cover rather than differences in photosynthetic properties determined the species with the highest PG of both vascular plants and Sphagna. Species-specific contributions to the ecosystem PG varied over the growing season, which in turn determined the seasonal variation in ecosystem PG. The upscaled growing-season PG estimate, 230 g C/m**2, agreed well with the GPP estimated by the EC, 243 g C/m**2. Sphagna were superior to vascular plants in ecosystem-level PG throughout the growing season but had a lower PN. PN results indicated that areal cover of the species together with their differences in photosynthetic parameters shape the ecosystem-level C balance. Species with low areal cover but high photosynthetic efficiency appear to be potentially important for the ecosystem C sink. Results imply that functional diversity may increase the stability of C sink of boreal bogs.
This study is aimed at determining the spatial distribution, physical properties, and groundwater conditions of the Vashon advance outwash (Qva) in the Mountlake Terrace, WA area. The Qva is correlative with the Esperance Sand, as defined at its type section; however, local variations in the Qva are not well-characterized (Mullineaux, 1965). While the Qva is a dense glacial unit with low compressibility and high frictional shear strength (Gurtowski and Boirum, 1989), the strength of this unit can be reduced when it becomes saturated (Tubbs, 1974). This can lead to caving or flowing in excavations, and on a larger scale, can lead to slope failures and mass-wasting when intersected by steep slopes. By studying the Qva, we can better predict how it will behave under certain conditions, which will be beneficial to geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, and environmental scientists during site assessments and early phases of project planning. In this study, I use data from 27 geotechnical borings from previous field investigations and C-Tech Corporation’s EnterVol software to create three-dimensional models of the subsurface geology in the study area. These models made it possible to visualize the spatial distribution of the Qva in relation to other geologic units. I also conducted a comparative study between data from the borings and generalized published data on the spatial distribution, relative density, soil classification, grain-size distribution, moisture content, groundwater conditions, and aquifer properties of the Qva. I found that the elevation of the top of the Qva ranges from 247 to 477 ft. I found that the Qva is thickest where the modern topography is high, and is thinnest where the topography is low. The thickness of the Qva ranges from absent to 242 ft. Along the northern, east-west trending transect, the Qva thins to the east as it rises above a ridge composed of Pre- Vashon glacial deposits. Along the southern, east-west trending transect, the Qva pinches out against a ridge composed of pre-Vashon interglacial deposits. Two plausible explanations for this ridge are paleotopography and active faulting associated with the Southern Whidbey Fault Zone. Further investigations should be done using geophysical methods and the modeling methods described in this study to determine the nature of this ridge. The relative density of the Qva in the study area ranges from loose to very dense, with the loose end of the spectrum probably relating to heave in saturated sands. I found subtle correlations between density and depth. Volumetric analysis of the soil groups listed in the boring logs indicate that the Qva in the study area is composed of approximately 9.5% gravel, 89.3% sand, and 1.2% silt and clay. The natural moisture content ranges from 3.0 to 35.4% in select samples from the Qva. The moisture content appears to increase with depth and fines content. The water table in the study area ranges in elevation from 231.9 to 458 ft, based on observations and measurements recorded in the boring logs. The results from rising-head and falling-head slug tests done at a single well in the study area indicate that the geometric mean of hydraulic conductivity is 15.93 ft/d (5.62 x 10-03 cm/s), the storativity is 3.28x10-03, and the estimated transmissivity is 738.58 ft2/d in the vicinity of this observation well. At this location, there was 1.73 ft of seasonal variation in groundwater elevation between August 2014 and March 2015.
[1] The profiles for the water table height h(x, t) in a shallow sloping aquifer are reexamined with a solution of the nonlinear Boussinesq equation. We demonstrate that the previous anomaly first reported by Brutsaert [1994] that the point at which the water table h first becomes zero at x = L at time t = t(c) remains fixed at this point for all times t > t(c) is actually a result of the linearization of the Boussinesq equation and not, as previously suggested [Brutsaert, 1994; Verhoest and Troch, 2000], a result of the Dupuit assumption. Rather, by examination of the nonlinear Boussinesq equation the drying front, i.e., the point x(f) at which h is zero for times t greater than or equal to t(c), actually recedes downslope as physically expected. This points out that the linear Boussinesq equation should be used carefully when a zero depth is obtained as the concept of an average'' depth loses meaning at that time.
(U-Th)/He dating of late-stage authigenic goethite, combined with corrections for diffusive loss of He-4 by the He-4/He-3 methodology, reveals strong correlation between a sample's age and its depth in ferruginized channel sediments from the Yandicoogina deposit, Western Australia. Corrected ages, ranging from ca. 18 Ma near the surface to ca. 5 Ma at the bottom of the profile, indicate that ferruginization of the aggraded channels becomes progressively younger with depth. This trend is consistent with goethite precipitation at the groundwater-atmosphere interface during water table drawdown driven by the aridification of Western Australia during the Neogene. The results demonstrate that the (U-Th)/He system is ideal for dating goethite if diffusive loss corrections are applied. The approach is suitable for dating weathering reactions on Earth and should also be suitable for dating Fe oxyhydroxides in the Martian regolith.
The suction profile of a desiccating soil is dependent on the water table depth, the soil-water retention characteristics, and the climatic conditions. In this paper, an unsaturated flow model, which simulates both liquid and vapour flow, was used to investigate the effects of varying the water table depth and the evaporation rate on the evaporative fluxes from a desiccating tailings deposit under steady-state conditions. Results obtained showed that at a critical evaporation rate, beyond which evaporation is no longer dictated by climatic conditions, the matric suction profiles remain basically unchanged. The critical evaporation rate varies inversely with the water table depth. It is associated with the maximum evaporative flux that might be extracted from a soil at steady-state conditions. The time required to establish steady-state conditions is directly proportional to the water table depth, and it acquires a maximum value at the critical evaporation rate. A detailed investigation of the movement of the drying front demonstrated the significance of attaining a matric suction of about 3000 kPa on the contribution to flow in the vapour phase.
A study of information available on the settlement characteristics of backfill in restored opencast coal mining sites and other similar earthworks projects has been undertaken. In addition, the methods of opencast mining, compaction controls, monitoring and test methods have been reviewed. To consider and develop the methods of predicting the settlement of fill, three sites in the West Midlands have been examined; at each, the backfill had been placed in a controlled manner. In addition, use has been made of a finite element computer program to compare a simple two-dimensional linear elastic analysis with field observations of surface settlements in the vicinity of buried highwalls. On controlled backfill sites, settlement predictions have been accurately made, based on a linear relationship between settlement (expressed as a percentage of fill height) against logarithm of time. This `creep' settlement was found to be effectively complete within 18 months of restoration. A decrease of this percentage settlement was observed with increasing fill thickness; this is believed to be related to the speed with which the backfill is placed. A rising water table within the backfill is indicated to cause additional gradual settlement. A prediction method, based on settlement monitoring, has been developed and used to determine the pattern of settlement across highwalls and buried highwalls. The zone of appreciable differential settlement was found to be mainly limited to the highwall area, the magnitude was dictated by the highwall inclination. With a backfill cover of about 15 metres over a buried highwall the magnitude of differential settlement was negligible. Use has been made of the proposed settlement prediction method and monitoring to control the re-development of restored opencase sites. The specifications, tests and monitoring techniques developed in recent years have been used to aid this. Such techniques have been valuable in restoring land previously derelict due to past underground mining.
Horizontal Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetlands (HSSF TWs) are used by Severn Trent Water as a low-cost tertiary wastewater treatment for rural locations. Experience has shown that clogging is a major operational problem that reduces HSSF TW lifetime. Clogging is caused by an accumulation of secondary wastewater solids from upstream processes and decomposing leaf litter. Clogging occurs as a sludge layer where wastewater is loaded on the surface of the bed at the inlet. Severn Trent systems receive relatively high hydraulic loading rates, which causes overland flow and reduces the ability to mineralise surface sludge accumulations. A novel apparatus and method, the Aston Permeameter, was created to measure hydraulic conductivity in situ. Accuracy is ±30 %, which was considered adequate given that conductivity in clogged systems varies by several orders of magnitude. The Aston Permeameter was used to perform 20 separate tests on 13 different HSSF TWs in the UK and the US. The minimum conductivity measured was 0.03 m/d at Fenny Compton (compared with 5,000 m/d clean conductivity), which was caused by an accumulation of construction fines in one part of the bed. Most systems displayed a 2 to 3 order of magnitude variation in conductivity in each dimension. Statistically significant transverse variations in conductivity were found in 70% of the systems. Clogging at the inlet and outlet was generally highest where flow enters the influent distribution and exits the effluent collection system, respectively. Surface conductivity was lower in systems with dense vegetation because plant canopies reduce surface evapotranspiration and decelerate sludge mineralisation. An equation was derived to describe how the water table profile is influenced by overland flow, spatial variations in conductivity and clogging. The equation is calibrated using a single parameter, the Clog Factor (CF), which represents the equivalent loss of porosity that would reproduce measured conductivity according to the Kozeny-Carman Equation. The CF varies from 0 for ideal conditions to 1 for completely clogged conditions. Minimum CF was 0.54 for a system that had recently been refurbished, which represents the deviation from ideal conditions due to characteristics of non-ideal media such as particle size distribution and morphology. Maximum CF was 0.90 for a 15 year old system that exhibited sludge accumulation and overland flow across the majority of the bed. A Finite Element Model of a 15 m long HSSF TW was used to indicate how hydraulics and hydrodynamics vary as CF increases. It was found that as CF increases from 0.55 to 0.65 the subsurface wetted area increases, which causes mean hydraulic residence time to increase from 0.16 days to 0.18 days. As CF increases from 0.65 to 0.90, the extent of overland flow increases from 1.8 m to 13.1 m, which reduces hydraulic efficiency from 37 % to 12 % and reduces mean residence time to 0.08 days.
A Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model is used to explore the relationship between clogging and hydraulics that occurs in Horizontal Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetlands (HSSF TWs) in the United Kingdom (UK). Clogging is assumed to be caused by particle transport and an existing single collector efficiency model is implemented to describe this behaviour. The flow model was validated against HSSF TW survey results obtained from the literature. The model successfully simulated the influence of overland flow on hydrodynamics, and the interaction between vertical flow through the low permeability surface layer and the horizontal flow of the saturated water table. The clogging model described the development of clogging within the system but under-predicted the extent of clogging which occurred over 15 years. This is because important clogging mechanisms were not considered by the model, such as biomass growth and vegetation establishment. The model showed the usefulness of FEA for linking hydraulic and clogging phenomenon in HSSF TWs and could be extended to include treatment processes. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Lake Annie is a small (37 ha), relatively deep (21 m) sinkhole lake on the Lake Wales Ridge (LWR) of central Florida with a long history of study, including monthly limnological monitoring since June, 1983. The record shows high variability in Secchi disc transparency, which ranged from < 1 to 15 m with a trend toward decreasing values over the latter decade of record. We examined available regional meteorological, groundwater and limnological data to determine the drivers and thermal consequences of variability in water transparency. While total nutrient concentrations and chlorophyll-a were highest during years of low transparency, stepwise regression showed that none of these had a signifi cant effect on transparency after water color was taken into account. Repeated years of high precipitation between 1993–2005 caused an increase in water table height, increasing the transport of dissolved substances from the vegetated watershed into the lake. Groundwater stage explained 73 % of the interannual variability in water transparency. Transparency, in turn, explained 85 % of the interannual variability in the heat budget for the lake, which ranged from 1.8 × 108 to 4.1 × 108 Joules m–2 yr–1, encompassing the range reported across Florida lakes. While surface water temperature was not affected by transparency, depths below 5 m warmed faster during the stratifi ed period during years having a lower rate of light extinction. We show that an increase in precipitation of 20 cm per year reduces the depth of the summer euphotic zone and thermocline by 1.9 and 1.6 m, respectively, and causes a 1-month reduction in the duration of winter mixing in this monomictic lake. Because biota have been shown to respond to shifts in light and heat distribution of much smaller magnitude than exhibited here, our work suggests that subtle changes in precipitation linked to climate fl uctuations may have signifi cant physical as well as biotic consequences.
Small-bodied fishes constitute an important assemblage in many wetlands. In wetlands that dry periodically except for small permanent waterbodies, these fishes are quick to respond to change and can undergo large fluctuations in numbers and biomasses. An important aspect of landscapes that are mixtures of marsh and permanent waterbodies is that high rates of biomass production occur in the marshes during flooding phases, while the permanent waterbodies serve as refuges for many biotic components during the dry phases. The temporal and spatial dynamics of the small fishes are ecologically important, as these fishes provide a crucial food base for higher trophic levels, such as wading birds. We develop a simple model that is analytically tractable, describing the main processes of the spatio-temporal dynamics of a population of small-bodied fish in a seasonal wetland environment, consisting of marsh and permanent waterbodies. The population expands into newly flooded areas during the wet season and contracts during declining water levels in the dry season. If the marsh dries completely during these times (a drydown), the fish need refuge in permanent waterbodies. At least three new and general conclusions arise from the model: (1) there is an optimal rate at which fish should expand into a newly flooding area to maximize population production; (2) there is also a fluctuation amplitude of water level that maximizes fish production, and (3) there is an upper limit on the number of fish that can reach a permanent waterbody during a drydown, no matter how large the marsh surface area is that drains into the waterbody. Because water levels can be manipulated in many wetlands, it is useful to have an understanding of the role of these fluctuations.
Coastal ecosystems lie at the forefront of sea level rise. We posit that before the onset of actual inundation, sea level rise will influence the species composition of coastal hardwood hammocks and buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus L.) forests of the Everglades National Park based on tolerance to drought and salinity. Precipitation is the major water source in coastal hammocks and is stored in the soil vadose zone, but vadose water will diminish with the rising water table as a consequence of sea level rise, thereby subjecting plants to salt water stress. A model is used to demonstrate that the constraining effect of salinity on transpiration limits the distribution of freshwater-dependent communities. Field data collected in hardwood hammocks and coastal buttonwood forests over 11 years show that halophytes have replaced glycophytes. We establish that sea level rise threatens 21 rare coastal species in Everglades National Park and estimate the relative risk to each species using basic life history and population traits. We review salinity conditions in the estuarine region over 1999–2009 and associate wide variability in the extent of the annual seawater intrusion to variation in freshwater inflows and precipitation. We also examine species composition in coastal and inland hammocks in connection with distance from the coast, depth to water table, and groundwater salinity. Though this study focuses on coastal forests and rare species of South Florida, it has implications for coastal forests threatened by saltwater intrusion across the globe.
Belowground biomass is a critical factor regulating ecosystem functions of coastal marshes, including soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation and the ability of these systems to keep pace with sea-level rise. Nevertheless, belowground biomass responses to environmental and vegetation changes have been given little emphasis marsh studies. Here we present a method using stable carbon isotopes and color to identify root and rhizomes of Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volk. ex Schinz and R. Keller (C3) and Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl. (C4) occurring in C3− and C4-dominated communities in a Chesapeake Bay brackish marsh. The functional significance of the biomass classes we identified is underscored by differences in their chemistry, depth profiles, and variation in biomass and profiles relative to abiotic and biotic factors. C3 rhizomes had the lowest concentrations of cellulose (29.19%) and lignin (14.43%) and the lowest C:N (46.97) and lignin:N (0.16) ratios. We distinguished two types of C3 roots, and of these, the dark red C3 roots had anomalously high C:N (195.35) and lignin:N (1.14) ratios, compared with other root and rhizome classes examined here and with previously published values. The C4-dominated community had significantly greater belowground biomass (4119.1 g m−2) than the C3-dominated community (3256.9 g m−2), due to greater total root biomass and a 3.6-fold higher C3-root:rhizome ratio in the C4-dominated community. C3 rhizomes were distributed significantly shallower in the C4-dominated community, while C3 roots were significantly deeper. Variability in C3 rhizome depth distributions was explained primarily by C4 biomass, and C3 roots were explained primarily by water table height. Our results suggest that belowground biomass in this system is sensitive to slight variations in water table height (across an 8 cm range), and that the reduced overlap between C3 and C4 root profiles in the C4-dominated community may account for the greater total root biomass observed in that community. Given that future elevated atmospheric CO2 and accelerated sea-level rise are likely to increase C3 abundance in Atlantic and Gulf coast marshes, investigations that quantify how patterns of C3 and C4 belowground biomass respond to environmental and biological factors stand to improve our understanding of ecosystem-wide impacts of global changes on coastal wetlands.