998 resultados para Warren County (N.J.)--Maps.


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In this paper we use the mixture of topological and measure-theoretic dynamical approaches to consider riddling of invariant sets for some discontinuous maps of compact regions of the plane that preserve two-dimensional Lebesgue measure. We consider maps that are piecewise continuous and with invertible except on a closed zero measure set. We show that riddling is an invariant property that can be used to characterize invariant sets, and prove results that give a non-trivial decomposion of what we call partially riddled invariant sets into smaller invariant sets. For a particular example, a piecewise isometry that arises in signal processing (the overflow oscillation map), we present evidence that the closure of the set of trajectories that accumulate on the discontinuity is fully riddled. This supports a conjecture that there are typically an infinite number of periodic orbits for this system.


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In the present study we addressed the issue of somatosensory representation and plasticity in a nonmammalian species, the barn owl. Multiunit mapping techniques were used to examine the representation of the specialized receptor surface of the claw in the anterior Wulst. We found dual somatotopic mirror image representations of the skin surface of the contralateral claw. In addition, we examined both representations 2 weeks after denervation of the distal skin surface of a single digit. In both representations, the denervated digital representation became responsive to stimulation of the adjacent, mutually functional, digit. The mutability and multiple representations indicates that the Wulst provides the owl with sensory processing capabilities analogous to those in mammals.


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Over the past 20 years, the incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) has increased dramatically worldwide. A positive family history of the disease is among the most established risk factors for CMM; it is estimated that 10% of CMM cases result from an inherited predisposition. Although mutations in two genes, CDKN2A and CDK4, have been shown to confer an increased risk of CMM, they account for only 20%-25% of families with multiple cases of CMM. Therefore, to localize additional loci involved in melanoma susceptibility, we have performed a genomewide scan for linkage in 49 Australian pedigrees containing at least three CMM cases, in which CDKN2A and CDK4 involvement has been excluded. The highest two-point parametric LOD score (1.82; recombination fraction [theta] 0.2) was obtained at D1S2726, which maps to the short arm of chromosome 1 (1p22). A parametric LOD score of 4.65 (theta = 0) and a nonparametric LOD score of 4.19 were found at D1S2779 in nine families selected for early age at onset. Additional typing yielded seven adjacent markers with LOD scores 13 in this subset, with the highest parametric LOD score, 4.95 (theta = 0) ( nonparametric LOD score 5.37), at D1S2776. Analysis of 33 additional multiplex families with CMM from several continents provided further evidence for linkage to the 1p22 region, again strongest in families with the earliest mean age at diagnosis. A nonparametric ordered sequential analysis was used, based on the average age at diagnosis in each family. The highest LOD score, 6.43, was obtained at D1S2779 and occurred when the 15 families with the earliest ages at onset were included. These data provide significant evidence of a novel susceptibility gene for CMM located within chromosome band 1p22.


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We analyze the sequences of round-off errors of the orbits of a discretized planar rotation, from a probabilistic angle. It was shown [Bosio & Vivaldi, 2000] that for a dense set of parameters, the discretized map can be embedded into an expanding p-adic dynamical system, which serves as a source of deterministic randomness. For each parameter value, these systems can generate infinitely many distinct pseudo-random sequences over a finite alphabet, whose average period is conjectured to grow exponentially with the bit-length of the initial condition (the seed). We study some properties of these symbolic sequences, deriving a central limit theorem for the deviations between round-off and exact orbits, and obtain bounds concerning repetitions of words. We also explore some asymptotic problems computationally, verifying, among other things, that the occurrence of words of a given length is consistent with that of an abstract Bernoulli sequence.


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Este estudo investiga se a política de distribuição de resultados seria capaz de alterar os preços das ações de uma empresa. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir os impactos do pagamento de proventos sobre os preços das ações, na data ex direito, de empresas maduras e de empresas em expansão, considerando-se ainda o efeito da classe da ação (ordinária ou preferencial) sobre os resultados. Para tal, adotou-se a metodologia de dados em painel, segmentando a amostra a partir dos Mapas Auto-organizáveis de Kohonen. Os resultados revelam que a estratégia de curto prazo de comprar ações na última data com, vender na primeira data ex e embolsar os dividendos é capaz de gerar perdas de capital que superam em até quatro vezes o ganho líquido decorrente do provento embolsado.


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In this paper is presented a relationship between the synchronization and the topological entropy. We obtain the values for the coupling parameter, in terms of the topological entropy, to achieve synchronization of two unidirectional and bidirectional coupled piecewise linear maps. In addition, we prove a result that relates the synchronizability of two m-modal maps with the synchronizability of two conjugated piecewise linear maps. An application to the unidirectional and bidirectional coupled identical chaotic Duffing equations is given. We discuss the complete synchronization of two identical double-well Duffing oscillators, from the point of view of symbolic dynamics. Working with Poincare cross-sections and the return maps associated, the synchronization of the two oscillators, in terms of the coupling strength, is characterized.


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Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto


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We describe the Lorenz links generated by renormalizable Lorenz maps with reducible kneading invariant (K(f)(-), = K(f)(+)) = (X, Y) * (S, W) in terms of the links corresponding to each factor. This gives one new kind of operation that permits us to generate new knots and links from the ones corresponding to the factors of the *-product. Using this result we obtain explicit formulas for the genus and the braid index of this renormalizable Lorenz knots and links. Then we obtain explicit formulas for sequences of these invariants, associated to sequences of renormalizable Lorenz maps with kneading invariant (X, Y) * (S,W)*(n), concluding that both grow exponentially. This is specially relevant, since it is known that topological entropy is constant on the archipelagoes of renormalization.


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In memory of our beloved Professor José Rodrigues Santos de Sousa Ramos (1948-2007), who João Cabral, one of the authors of this paper, had the honor of being his student between 2000 and 2006, we wrote this paper following the research by experimentation, using the new technologies to capture a new insight about a problem, as him so much love to do it. His passion was to create new relations between different fields of mathematics. He was a builder of bridges of knowledge, encouraging the birth of new ways to understand this science. One of the areas that Sousa Ramos researched was the iteration of maps and the description of its behavior, using the symbolic dynamics. So, in this issue of this journal, honoring his memory, we use experimental results to find some stable regions of a specific family of real rational maps, the ones that he worked with João Cabral. In this paper we describe a parameter space (a,b) to the real rational maps fa,b(x) = (x2 −a)/(x2 −b), using some tools of dynamical systems, as the study of the critical point orbit and Lyapunov exponents. We give some results regarding the stability of these family of maps when we iterate it, specially the ones connected to the order 3 of iteration. We hope that our results would help to understand better the behavior of these maps, preparing the ground to a more efficient use of the Kneading Theory on these family of maps, using symbolic dynamics.


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Microarray allow to monitoring simultaneously thousands of genes, where the abundance of the transcripts under a same experimental condition at the same time can be quantified. Among various available array technologies, double channel cDNA microarray experiments have arisen in numerous technical protocols associated to genomic studies, which is the focus of this work. Microarray experiments involve many steps and each one can affect the quality of raw data. Background correction and normalization are preprocessing techniques to clean and correct the raw data when undesirable fluctuations arise from technical factors. Several recent studies showed that there is no preprocessing strategy that outperforms others in all circumstances and thus it seems difficult to provide general recommendations. In this work, it is proposed to use exploratory techniques to visualize the effects of preprocessing methods on statistical analysis of cancer two-channel microarray data sets, where the cancer types (classes) are known. For selecting differential expressed genes the arrow plot was used and the graph of profiles resultant from the correspondence analysis for visualizing the results. It was used 6 background methods and 6 normalization methods, performing 36 pre-processing methods and it was analyzed in a published cDNA microarray database (Liver) available at http://genome-www5.stanford.edu/ which microarrays were already classified by cancer type. All statistical analyses were performed using the R statistical software.


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This paper is devoted to the synchronization of a dynamical system defined by two different coupling versions of two identical piecewise linear bimodal maps. We consider both local and global studies, using different tools as natural transversal Lyapunov exponent, Lyapunov functions, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and numerical simulations. We obtain theoretical results for the existence of synchronization on coupling parameter range. We characterize the synchronization manifold as an attractor and measure the synchronization speed. In one coupling version, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the synchronization. We study the basins of synchronization and show that, depending upon the type of coupling, they can have very different shapes and are not necessarily constituted by the whole phase space; in some cases, they can be riddled.


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Thesis submitted for assessment with a view to obtaining the degree of Doctor in History and Civilisation from the European University Institute


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The study of transient dynamical phenomena near bifurcation thresholds has attracted the interest of many researchers due to the relevance of bifurcations in different physical or biological systems. In the context of saddle-node bifurcations, where two or more fixed points collide annihilating each other, it is known that the dynamics can suffer the so-called delayed transition. This phenomenon emerges when the system spends a lot of time before reaching the remaining stable equilibrium, found after the bifurcation, because of the presence of a saddle-remnant in phase space. Some works have analytically tackled this phenomenon, especially in time-continuous dynamical systems, showing that the time delay, tau, scales according to an inverse square-root power law, tau similar to (mu-mu (c) )(-1/2), as the bifurcation parameter mu, is driven further away from its critical value, mu (c) . In this work, we first characterize analytically this scaling law using complex variable techniques for a family of one-dimensional maps, called the normal form for the saddle-node bifurcation. We then apply our general analytic results to a single-species ecological model with harvesting given by a unimodal map, characterizing the delayed transition and the scaling law arising due to the constant of harvesting. For both analyzed systems, we show that the numerical results are in perfect agreement with the analytical solutions we are providing. The procedure presented in this work can be used to characterize the scaling laws of one-dimensional discrete dynamical systems with saddle-node bifurcations.