1000 resultados para Via de acesso
We have developed a software application to enable interactive rehabilitation via the Internet. The reliability of the telemedicine application was examined by comparing it with face-to-face assessment. The physical outcome measures assessed were knee range of motion, quadriceps muscle strength, limb girth and an assessment of gait. One therapist performed both in-person and Internet-based measurements of all outcome measures on 20 normal subjects. There was good agreement between the two techniques (the 95% limits of agreement included zero for all the variables studied). Internet assessments were conducted at two bandwidths: ISDN at 128 kbit/s and the telephone network at 17 kbit/s. Bandwidth had no significant influence on any of the measures. This study suggests that Internet-based physiotherapy interventions delivered to the home are suitable for further development.
Endocytosis of cell-surface proteins via specific pathways is critical for their function. We show that multiple glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) are endocytosed to the recycling endosomal compartment but not to the Golgi via a nonclathrin, noncaveolae mediated pathway. GPI anchoring is a positive signal for internalization into rab5-independent tubular-vesicular endosomes also responsible for a major fraction of fluid-phase uptake; molecules merely lacking cytoplasmic extensions are not included. Unlike the internalization of detergent-resistant membrane (DRM)-associated interleukin 2 receptor, endocytosis of DRM-associated GPI-APs is unaffected by inhibition of RhoA or dynamin 2 activity. Inhibition of Rho family GTPase cdc42, but not Rac1, reduces fluid-phase uptake and redistributes GPI-APs to the clathrin-mediated pathway. These results describe a distinct constitutive pinocytic pathway, specifically regulated by cdc42.
First isolated in the fly and now characterised in vertebrates, the Slit proteins have emerged as pivotal components controlling the guidance of axonal growth cones and the directional migration of neuronal precursors. As well as extensive expression during development of the central nervous system (CNS), the Slit proteins exhibit a striking array of expression sites in non-neuronal tissues, including the urogenital system, limb primordia and developing eye. Zebrafish Slit has been shown to mediate mesodermal migration during gastrulation, while Drosophila slit guides the migration of mesodermal cells during myogenesis. This suggests that the actions of these secreted molecules are not simply confined to the sphere of CNS development, but rather act in a more general fashion during development and throughout the lifetime of an organism. This review focuses on the non-neuronal activities of Slit proteins, highlighting a common role for the Slit family in cellular migration.
Proteinase-activated receptor (PAR) type 2 (PAR-2) has been shown to mediate ion secretion in cultured epithelial cells and rat jejunum. With the use of a microUssing chamber, we demonstrate the role of PAR-2 for ion transport in native human colonic mucosa obtained from 30 normal individuals and 11 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Trypsin induced Cl- secretion when added to the basolateral but not luminal side of normal epithelia. Activation of Cl- secretion by trypsin was inhibited by indomethacin and was further increased by cAMP in normal tissues but was not present in CF colon, indicating the requirement of luminal CF transmembrane conductance regulator. Effects of trypsin were largely reduced by low Cl-,by basolateral bumetanide, and in the presence of barium or clotrimazole, but not by tetrodotoxin. Furthermore, trypsin-induced secretion was inhibited by the Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid and in low-Ca2+ buffer. The effects of trypsin were almost abolished by trypsin inhibitor. Thrombin, an activator of PAR types 1, 3, and 4, had no effects on equivalent short-circuit currents. The presence of PAR-2 in human colon epithelium was confirmed by RT-PCR and additional experiments with PAR-2-activating peptide. PAR-2-mediated intestinal electrolyte secretion by release of mast cell tryptase and potentiation of PAR-2 expression by tumor necrosis factor-alpha may contribute to the hypersecretion observed in inflammatory processes such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
Recent laboratory studies have demonstrated that Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) (family Bromoviridae) can be readily transmitted when thrips and virus-bearing pollen are placed together on to test plants. For this transmission mechanism to result in stonefruit tree infection in the field, PNRSV-bearing pollen must be deposited onto surfaces of stonefruit trees on which thrips also occur. In a previous paper, we demonstrated that almost all pollen in a PNRSV-infected Japanese plum orchard in southeastern Queensland was deposited onto flowers, whereas few grains occurred on leaves and none on stems. Here, we present results of our investigation of thrips species composition, distribution and abundance on stonefruit trees in the same study area as our previous pollen deposition study. We collected a total of 2010 adult thrips from 13 orchards during the 1989, 1991 and 1992 flowering seasons of which all but 14 were in the suborder Terebrantia. Most (97.4%) terebrantian thrips were of three species, Thrips imaginis, Thrips australis and Thrips tabaci. Thrips tabaci as well as species mixtures that included T imaginis, T australis and T tabaci have been shown to transmit PNRSV via infected pollen in laboratory tests. Adult thrips were frequently collected from flowers but rarely from leaves and never from stems. Large and significant differences in numbers of T imaginis, T australis and T tabaci adults in flowers occurred among orchards and between seasons. No factor was conclusively related to thrips numbers but flowers of late-flowering stonefruit varieties tended to hold more thrips than those of early-flowering varieties. Our results indicate that the common thrips species present on stonefruit trees in the Granite Belt are also ones previously shown to transmit PNRSV via infected pollen in the laboratory and that these thrips are concentrated in stonefruit flowers where most stonefruit pollen is deposited. These results contribute to mounting circumstantial evidence that stonefruit flowers may be inoculated with PNRSV via an interaction of thrips with virus-bearing pollen and that this transmission mechanism may be an important cause of new tree infections in the field.
Insulin stimulates glucose transport in fat and muscle cells by triggering exocytosis of the glucose transporter GLUT4. To define the intracellular trafficking of GLUT4, we have studied the internalization of an epitope-tagged version of GLUT4 from the cell surface. GLUT4 rapidly traversed the endosomal system en route to a perinuclear location. This perinuclear GLUT4 compartment did not colocalize with endosomal markers (endosomal antigen I protein, transferrin) or TGN38, but showed significant overlap with the TGN target (t)-soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) Syntaxins 6 and 16. These results were confirmed by vesicle immunoisolation. Consistent with a role for Syntaxins 6 and 16 in GLUT4 trafficking we found that their expression was up-regulated significantly during adipocyte differentiation and insulin stimulated their movement to the cell surface. GLUT4 trafficking between endosomes and trans-Golgi network was regulated via an acidic targeting motif in the carboxy terminus of GLUT4, because a mutant lacking this motif was retained in endosomes. We conclude that GLUT4 is rapidly transported from the cell surface to a subdomain of the trans-Golgi network that is enriched in the t-SNAREs Syntaxins 6 and 16 and that an acidic targeting motif in the C-terminal tail of GLUT4 plays an important role in this process.
A Lei de Acesso ?? Informa????o (n??12.527/2011) entra em vigor hoje, dia 16 de maio, e traz importantes mudan??as para a administra????o p??blica. A nova legisla????o proporciona, ao cidad??o brasileiro, o acesso amplo ??s informa????es e a documentos p??blicos sob a guarda do Estado. A partir dessa data, todo cidad??o poder??, a qualquer momento, solicitar informa????es diversas, sem necessidade de motiva????o para seu uso, garantindo, assim, o exerc??cio de seu direito constitucional ao acesso ?? informa????o p??blica. A Lei estabelece que o acesso seja a regra e o sigilo, a exce????o. Diante desse cen??rio, o 5?? Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema ???Acesso ?? informa????o???, com indica????es de publica????es pertencentes ao acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos/ENAP. O intuito ?? divulgar obras que auxiliem servidores p??blicos na compreens??o dos princ??pios da nova Lei e na mudan??a da cultura do sigilo, ainda presente na gest??o da informa????o p??blica.
A iniciativa, implementada em Minas Gerais, ?? considerada uma das maiores experi??ncias de teleassist??ncia sustent??vel no mundo, servindo de modelo para outras a????es similares no Brasil e na Am??rica Latina. Sua cria????o representa uma nova atividade econ??mica, gerando um novo campo de trabalho e uma nova ??rea de pesquisa, tanto na sa??de quanto na ??rea de TI. Os resultados alcan??ados impactaram positivamente a melhoria do acesso da popula????o a servi??os especializados e a fixa????o de profissionais em localidades remotas
O Portal de Peri??dicos da Capes disponibiliza ??s institui????es de ensino superior e de pesquisa, conte??do atualizado e de alta qualidade permitindo consultas e acesso aos textos completos de artigos publicados em 23.925 revistas internacionais, nacionais e estrangeiras e mais de 124 bases de dados com resumos de documentos em todas as ??reas do conhecimento. Tem como finalidade oferecer ??s universidades, institutos de pesquisa e organiza????es governamentais, n??o governamentais e particulares, onde se desenvolve a p??sgradua????o e a pesquisa do pa??s, informa????o cient??fica necess??ria ?? forma????o de recursos humanos de alto n??vel e desenvolvimento do conhecimento, tecnologia e inova????o. O acesso ?? biblioteca eletr??nica se d?? via internet, por meio do site www.periodicos.capes.gov.br, de forma gratuita ??s organiza????es autorizadas. Em 2009, foram baixados mais de 65 milh??es de documentos, entre textos completos e abstracts
O caso relata o processo de concess??o de licenciamento ambiental para a constru????o de Santo Ant??nio e Jirau, duas usinas hidrel??tricas no estado de Rond??nia. A proposta foi apresentada em um contexto no qual d??ficits energ??ticos colocavam o pa??s em estado de alerta, o que ampliou a press??o para projetos de aproveitamento hidrel??trico de grande porte. Era um dos projetos do Programa de Acelera????o do Crescimento (PAC), o que lhe confere car??ter priorit??rio. A concess??o de licen??a de viabilidade ambiental (licen??a pr??via) constitui pr??-requisito para ser iniciada a licita????o das obras das usinas. Iniciado em 2002, o processo de licenciamento estendeu-se at?? agosto de 2007, quando foi aprovado com medidas de controle da fauna, flora e subst??ncias t??xicas, e a prote????o das popula????es locais. O tema foi escolhido para estudo de caso por envolver m??ltiplos atores e interesses e enfocar um amplo e demorado processo de media????es e negocia????es multilaterais. O caso foi desenhado para ser aplicado em oficina de negocia????es, para alunos com conhecimentos pr??vios sobre teoria das negocia????es, permitindo articular aspectos te??ricos com a dimens??o pr??tica relatada pela experi??ncia. O caso tamb??m fornece elementos para an??lise da participa????o dos atores pol??ticos, conflitos, gera????o de alian??as e consensos e para discuss??es sobre tomada de decis??o
O Sistema Radar Comercial ?? uma ferramenta in??dita de intelig??ncia comercial, que permite a identifica????o de oportunidades comerciais no mercado externo, em n??vel de seis d??gitos do Sistema Harmonizado (SH6). As informa????es e an??lises oferecidas pelo Sistema cont??m elementos b??sicos para a formula????o de estrat??gias de promo????o comercial, tanto do governo como da iniciativa privada, para o direcionamento dos fluxos de investimentos voltados para a amplia????o das exporta????es brasileiras e para o balizamento dos interesses do Brasil em negocia????es internacionais. A partir de um c??digo SH, ou de uma palavra chave que identifique determinado produto, o usu??rio do Sistema pode acessar, via internet, uma gama de an??lises sobre o produto desejado, em diferentes mercados. Al??m disso, o sistema possibilita a sele????o dos ???produtos priorit??rios???, para o Brasil ou para cada Estado da Federa????o
Projetos premiados no 5?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal. As iniciativas representam contribui????es para a melhoria da gest??o p??blica
O Sistema de Informa????o de Legisla????o (Silab) ?? destinado a processar e disponibilizar os atos legislativos produzidos pelo Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o (MP), visando ?? agiliza????o na recupera????o da informa????o. Inicialmente atendia ??s unidades de biblioteca, mas, devido a um elevado n??mero de pesquisas, sua atua????o passou a ser descentralizada, estendendo tamb??m os benef??cios aos servidores do minist??rio, via Intranet, e, posteriormente, ao p??blico em geral, via Internet. O resultado obtido foi a aprova????o e o crescimento vertiginoso das consultas. O Silab encontra-se ?? disposi????o do p??blico em geral, no seguinte endere??o eletr??nico: http://silab.planejamento.gov.br