926 resultados para Vegetation regeneration
Ferruginous "campos rupestres" are a particular type of vegetation growing on iron-rich primary soils. We investigated the influence of soil properties on plant species abundance at two sites of ferruginous "campos rupestres" and one site of quartzitic "campo rupestre", all of them in "Quadrilátero Ferrífero", in Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. In each site, 30 quadrats were sampled to assess plant species composition and abundance, and soil samples were taken to perform chemical and physical analyses. The analyzed soils are strongly acidic and presented low fertility and high levels of metallic cations; a principal component analysis of soil data showed a clear segregation among sites due mainly to fertility and heavy metals content, especially Cu, Zn, and Pb. The canonical correspondence analysis indicated a strong correlation between plant species abundance and soil properties, also segregating the sites.
A floristic and structural survey of a natural grassland community was conducted on Morro do Osso, a granitic hill in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Structural data were surveyed in 39 one square meter plots placed over two major grassland areas. An accidental fire has occurred in one of the areas approximately one year prior to our survey, leading to further analysis of parameters differences between sites. The floristic list contains 282 species, whereas the structural survey has found 161 species. Families with highest accumulated importance values were Poaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae. The diversity and evenness indexes were 4.51 nats ind-1 and 0.86, respectively. Cluster analysis denoted two groups coinciding with the areas distinguished by the fire disturbance. A similarity analysis between our data and two other data sets from nearby granitic hills resulted in 28% to 35% similarity, with equivalent species-family distribution and many common dominant species, corroborating the concept of a continuous flora along the South Brazilian granitic hills.
The present article reviews studies (some unpublished) of the vegetation of coastal sandy soils (restinga) along the coast of Pará State, northern Brazil. A total of 411 higher plant species are reported; Fabaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Rubiaceae and Myrtaceae are the most species-rich families. Nearly half of the restinga species (48%) are terrestrial herbs; palms, trees and shrubs account for 39% of the species, the remainder being lianas and epiphytes. Species are frequently wide-spread and occur in coastal areas of Southeastern Brazil as well as at inland sites in the Amazon region. Only two species appear to be exclusively coastal; whereas other species appear to exhibit a preference for sandy soils. Plant assemblages are commonly classified by means of "formations" associated with certain habitats but current data do not allow the description of well-defined plant associations. The species composition at different sites along the Pará coast does not show any clear regional grouping pattern. Seasonal changes in the composition of restinga vegetation are most probably linked to variation in ground water level. Restinga forest is mostly low and open; among the dominant tree species are Humiria balsamifera Aubl., Pouteria ramiflora (Mart.) Radlk., Anacardium occidentale L., Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth, and Tapirira guianensis Aubl.
We investigated the reproductive biology of Protium spruceanum (Benth.) Engler in vegetation corridors of secondary Atlantic forest in Lavras, southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The reproductive phenology was investigated fortnightly over a one year period. Floral biology studies involved pollen viability analysis, nectar production, stigmatic receptivity, pollen tube growth, visiting insect species and visit rates. The small, pale yellowish flowers (0.3-0.4 cm diameter) are functionally unisexual and organized in dense inflorescences (ca. 45 flowers). P. spruceanum presented annual flowering between September and November. Staminate flowers supplied a high percentage of viable pollen (90.6%) and relatively abundant nectar (x = 4.5 μL). Pistillate flowers produced only nectar to flower visitors (x = 4.0 μL). The effective pollinators were Apis mellifera and Trigona sp. (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Pollen tubes of cross-pollinated flowers were observed entering the ovaries 48 h after pollination. The fruiting season is from October to March, with a peak in November, coinciding with the rainfall peak. Ecological implications of these findings, and alternative arguments to explain the high genetic diversity at regional landscape are discussed.
The Cactaceae have morphological and physiological adaptations associated with their life histories that are reflected in different modes of reproduction and multiplication. The reproductive phenology, preferential reproductive mode, and the sexual and asexual multiplication of Opuntia monacantha were investigated between 2003 and 2006 in two restinga (sandy coastal) environment in Southern Brazil to determine the adaptive values of its reproduction modes. Flowering was annual and occurred continuous for approximately 100 days between the months of September and January, with a few flowers opening per day per individual (but many in the whole population). Facultative xenogamy was identified as the preferential sexual system, with the highest levels of fruit and seed formation following natural pollination. The seeds are recalcitrant and have high germinative capacities under laboratory conditions. Seedling recruitment and establishment in the field was extremely reduced. The skins of the fruits and the cladodes have high capacities for regeneration and clonal multiplication because of their areolas.
There is an important pioneer vegetation formation along the Xingu River in the area where the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam is being constructed that is highly adapted to a seasonally fluctuating water levels. The aim of this study was to examine the habitat and flora of the pioneer formations in the Belo Monte area. The area was divided in three sections for study purposes (Reservoir, Low Flow, and Control) that were expected to experience different degrees of impact from the dam project. The calculations of habitat losses were based on satellite imagery classifications, and a total of 111 plots were established in the three areas for vegetation sampling. Habitat losses of the pioneer formations will total 89.7% when the project is fully functional. Forty-five of the 72 recorded species are restricted to single areas. Species richness and diversity were significantly lower in the control area. The completion of the Belo Monte reservoir will result in habitat reductions and will consequently reduce the richness and diversity of pioneer formations. Studies suggest monitoring the populations located in the reduced flow area to determine possible impacts resulting from changes in the regional hydrological cycle caused by the Xingu River dam.
The present study analyzed the influence of edaphic variables on the floristic compositions and structures of the arboreal and shrub vegetation of typical cerrado (TC) and rocky outcrop cerrado (RC) communities in the Serra Negra mountain range in Piranhas Municipality, Goiás State, Brazil. Ten 20×50m plots were established in each community, and all individuals with minimum diameters ³5cm measured at 30cm above soil level were sampled. Composite soil samples were collected at 0-20cm depths in each plot for physical and chemical analyses. The proportions of above-ground rock cover work also estimated in each RC plot. A total of 2,009 individuals (83 species, 69 genera, and 34 families) were recorded. Qualea parviflora was the only species consistently among the 10 most structurally important taxa in both communities, and was considered a generalist species. The observed and estimated species richnesses were greater in RC than in TC, although plant basal areas and heights did not differ between them. There were positive correlations between rock cover×plant density and rock cover×basal areas. TWINSPAN and PCA analysis separated the TC and RC plots, and three RC habitat specialist species (Wunderlichia mirabilis, Norantea guianensis, and Tibouchina papyrus) were identified. Soil variables were found to have greater effects on the species compositions of the TC and RC sites than the geographic distances between sampling plots. According to CCA analysis, the exclusive (or more abundant species) of each community were correlated with soil variables, and these variables therefore determined the selection of some species and influenced the differentiation of the vegetation structures of the communities studied.
We describe the floristic composition of the tree-shrub vegetation in 10 areas of rocky outcrop cerrado in Goiás State, Brazil. Ten 20×50m plots (totaling 1ha) were established and all of the individuals with diameters at 30cm above soil level (DB30) ³5cm were included in the sampling. Comparative analyses of the flora were realized using similarity indices (Sørensen and Czekanowski), classification analysis (TWINSPAN), and the Mantel test. A total of 13,041 tree-shrub individuals were sampled, distributed among 219 species, 129 genera and 55 families. Fabaceae was the most well-represented family, followed by Myrtaceae, Melastomataceae, Vochysiaceae, Malphigiaceae, and Rubiaceae. Fully 42.3% of the comparisons evaluated by the Sørensen index were >0.50, while all the values were <0.50 for the Czekanowski index, with the exception of Jaraguá and Mara Rosa areas. The TWINSPAN classification generated four divisions and, in general, only the differences in the size of the population were responsible for the groupings. The Mantel test indicated that there was no relationship between floristic similarity and the distances between the areas (r=0.32, P=0.05). It therefore appears that the areas of rocky outcrop cerrado in Goiás State are relatively floristically homogeneous and that they are principally distinguished by the differences in the sizes of the populations of their dominant species, and the presence of exclusive species in certain areas.
In order to determine the in vitro behavior of Brazilian triticale, 16 triticale genotypes, and three wheat genotypes used as checks, were sown in June 1994. The explants used were immature embryos. In addition to the genotype tests, two culture media for callus induction were also evaluated, i.e., MS (Murashige and Skoog, Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-497, 1962) medium containing 2.0 mg 2,4D/l, and MS medium containing 4.0 mg 2,4D/l. The plant regeneration protocol used was the one employed at the Laboratório de Cultura de Tecidos, Departamento de Plantas de Lavoura, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, for wheat. Differences in plant regeneration were observed both among triticale and wheat genotypes, with triticale usually showing better regeneration than wheat. No differences were observed between the callus induction media.
Peripheral axonal regeneration was investigated in adult male mice of the C57BL/6J (C), BALB/cJ (B) and A/J (A) strains and in their F1 descendants using a predegenerated nerve transplantation model. Four types of transplants were performed: 1) isotransplants between animals of the C, B and A strains; 2) donors of the C strain and recipients of the C x B and C x A breeding; 3) donors of the B strain and recipients of the C x B breeding, and 4) donors of the A strain and recipients of the C x A breeding. Donors had the left sciatic nerve transected and two weeks later a segment of the distal stump was transplanted into the recipient. Four weeks after transplantation the regenerated nerves were used to determine the total number of regenerated myelinated fibers (TMF), diameter of myelinated fibers (FD) and myelin thickness (MT). The highest TMF values were obtained in the groups where C57BL/6J mice were the donors (C to F1 (C x B) = 4658 ± 304; C to F1 (C x A) = 3899 ± 198). Also, A/J grafts led to a significantly higher TMF (A to F1 (C x A) = 3933 ± 565). Additionally, isotransplant experiments showed that when the nerve is previously degenerated, C57BL/6J mice display the largest number of myelinated fibers (C to C = 3136 ± 287; B to B = 2759 ± 170, and A to A = 2835 ± 239). We also observed that when C57BL/6J was the graft donor, FD was the highest and MT did not differ significantly when compared with the other groups. These morphometric results reinforce the idea that Schwann cells and the nerve environment of C57BL/6J provide enough support to the regenerative process. In this respect, the present results support the hypothesis that the non-neuronal cells, mainly Schwann cells, present in the sciatic nerve of C57BL/6J mice are not the main limiting factor responsible for low axonal regeneration.
Bradykinin has been reported to act as a growth factor for fibroblasts, mesangial cells and keratinocytes. Recently, we reported that bradykinin augments liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rats. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is also a powerful bradykinin-degrading enzyme. We have investigated the effect of ACE inhibition by lisinopril on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Adult male Wistar rats underwent 70% partial hepatectomy (PH). The animals received lisinopril at a dose of 1 mg kg body weight-1 day-1, or saline solution, intraperitoneally, for 5 days before hepatectomy, and daily after surgery. Four to six animals from the lisinopril and saline groups were sacrificed at 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 120 h after PH. Liver regeneration was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen using the PC-10 monoclonal antibody. The value for the lisinopril-treated group was three-fold above the corresponding control at 12 h after PH (P<0.001), remaining elevated at approximately two-fold above control values at 24, 36, 48 (P<0.001), and at 72 h (P<0.01) after PH, but values did not reach statistical difference at 120 h after PH. Plasma ACE activity measured by radioenzymatic assay was significantly higher in the saline group than in the lisinopril-treated group (P<0.001), with 81% ACE inhibition. The present study shows that plasma ACE inhibition enhances liver regeneration after PH in rats. Since it was reported that bradykinin also augments liver regeneration after PH, this may explain the liver growth stimulating effect of ACE inhibitors.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is one of the most devastating myopathies. Muscle fibers undergo necrosis and lose their ability to regenerate, and this may be related to increased interstitial fibrosis or the exhaustion of satellite cells. In this study, we used mdx mice, an animal model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, to assess whether muscle fibers lose their ability to regenerate after repeated cycles of degeneration-regeneration and to establish the role of interstitial fibrosis or exhaustion of satellite cells in this process. Repeated degenerative-regenerative cycles were induced by the injection of bupivacaine (33 mg/kg), a myotoxic agent. Bupivacaine was injected weekly into the right tibialis anterior muscle of male, 8-week-old mdx (N = 20) and C57Bl/10 (control, N = 10) mice for 20 and 50 weeks. Three weeks after the last injection, the mice were killed and the proportion of regenerated fibers was counted and reported as a fibrosis index. Twenty weekly bupivacaine injections did not change the ability of mdx muscle to regenerate. However, after 50 weekly bupivacaine injections, there was a significant decrease in the regenerative response. There was no correlation between the inability to regenerate and the increase in interstitial fibrosis. These results show that after prolonged repeated cycles of degeneration-regeneration, mdx muscle loses its ability to regenerate because of the exhaustion of satellite cells, rather than because of an increase in interstitial fibrosis. This finding may be relevant to cell and gene therapy in the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of cellulose on intestinal iron absorption in rats during recovery from iron deficiency anemia. Twenty-one-day-old male Wistar-EPM rats were fed an iron-free ration for two weeks to induce anemia. At 5 weeks of age, the rats were divided into two groups (both groups receiving 35 mg of elemental iron per kg diet): cellulose group (N = 12), receiving a diet containing 100 g of cellulose/kg and control (N = 12), receiving a diet containing no cellulose. The fresh weight of the feces collected over a 3-day period between the 15th and 18th day of dietary treatment was 10.7 ± 3.5 g in the group receiving cellulose and 1.9 ± 1.2 g in the control group (P<0.001). Total food intake was higher in the cellulose group (343.4 ± 22.0 g) than in the control (322.1 ± 13.1 g, P = 0.009) during the 3 weeks of dietary treatment. No significant difference was observed in weight gain (cellulose group = 132.8 ± 19.2, control = 128.0 ± 16.3 g), hemoglobin increment (cellulose group = 8.0 ± 0.8, control = 8.0 ± 1.0 g/dl), hemoglobin level (cellulose group = 12.3 ± 1.2, control = 12.1 ± 1.3 g/dl) or in hepatic iron levels (cellulose group = 333.6 ± 112.4, control = 398.4 ± 168.0 µg/g dry tissue). We conclude that cellulose does not adversely affect the regeneration of hemoglobin, hepatic iron level or the growth of rats during recovery from iron deficiency anemia.
The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on rat liver regeneration before and after partial hepatectomy. Rats were sacrificed 54 h after 15% hepatectomy, liver and body weights were measured, and serum alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) activity and albumin levels were determined. The lipid peroxide level, as indicated by malondialdehyde production in the remnant liver was measured, and liver sections were analyzed by light microscopy. Five groups of 10 rats in each group were studied. The preHBO and pre-hyperbaric pressure (preHB) groups were treated before partial hepatectomy with 100% O2 and 21% O2, respectively, at 202,650 pascals, daily for 3 days (45 min/day). The control group was not treated before partial hepatectomy and recovered under normal ambient conditions after the procedure. Groups postHBO and postHB were treated after partial hepatectomy with HBO and HB, respectively, three times (45 min/day). The preHBO group presented a significant increase in the initiation of the regeneration process of the liver 54 h postoperatively. The liver/body weight ratio was 0.0618 ± 0.0084 in the preHBO compared to 0.0517 ± 0016 g/g in the control animals (P = 0.016). In addition, the preHBO group showed significant better liver function (evaluated by the lowest serum ALT and AST activities, P = 0.002 and P = 0.008, respectively) and showed a significant decrease in serum albumin levels compared to control (P < 0.001). Liver lipid peroxide concentration was lowest in the preHBO group (P < 0.001 vs control and postHBO group) and light microscopy revealed that the composition of liver lobules in the preHBO group was the closest to normal histological features. These results suggest that HBO pretreatment was beneficial for rat liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy.