988 resultados para VSG expression site
Using genetically engineered glomerular mesangial cells, an in vivo gene transfer approach was developed that specifically targets the renal glomerulus. By combining this system with a tetracycline (Tc)-responsive promoter, the present study aimed to create a reversible on/off system for site-specific in vivo control of exogenous gene activity within the glomerulus. In the Tc regulatory system, a Tc-controlled transactivator (tTA) encoded by a regulator plasmid induces target gene transcription by binding to a tTA-responsive promoter located in a response plasmid. Tc inhibits this tTA-dependent transactivation via its affinity for tTA. In double-transfected cells, therefore, the activity of a transgene can be controlled by Tc. Cultured rat mesangial cells were cotransfected with a regulator plasmid and a response plasmid that introduces a beta-galactosidase gene. In vitro, stable double-transfectant MtTAG cells exhibited no beta-galactosidase activity in the presence of Tc. However, following withdrawal of Tc from culture media, expression of beta-galactosidase was induced within 24 h. When Tc was again added, the expression was rapidly resuppressed. Low concentrations of Tc were sufficient to maintain the silent state of tTA-dependent promoter. MtTAG cells were then transferred into the rat glomeruli via renal artery injection. In the isolated chimeric glomeruli, expression of beta-galactosidase was induced ex vivo in the absence of Tc, whereas it was repressed in its presence. When Tc-pretreated MtTAG cells were transferred into the glomeruli of untreated rats, beta-galactosidase expression was induced in vivo within 3 days. Oral administration of Tc dramatically suppressed this induction. These data demonstrate the feasibility of using mesangial cell vectors combined with the Tc regulatory system for site-specific in vivo control of exogenous gene expression in the glomerulus.
The expression of the jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) in plants was analyzed by transient expression in protoplasts from Nicotiana tabacum, Arabidopsis thaliana, Hordeum vulgare, and Zea mays. Expression of GFP was only observed with a mutated cDNA, from which a recently described cryptic splice site had been removed. However, detectable levels of green fluorescence were only emitted from a small number of protoplasts. Therefore, other mutations in the GFP cDNA leading to single-amino acid exchanges in the chromophore region, which had been previously studied in Escherichia coli, were tested in order to improve the sensitivity of this marker protein. Of the mutations tested so far, the exchange of GFP amino acid tyrosine 66 to histidine (Y66H) led to detection of blue fluorescence in plant protoplasts, while the exchange of amino acid serine 65 to cysteine (S65C) and threonine (S65T) increased the intensity of green fluorescence drastically, thereby significantly raising the detection level for GFP. For GFP S65C, the detectable number of green fluorescing tobacco (BY-2) protoplasts was raised up to 19-fold, while the fluorimetricly determined fluorescence was raised by at least 2 orders of magnitude.
Gene disruptions and deletions of up to 20kb have been generated by homologous recombination with appropriate targeting vectors in murine embryonic stem (ES) cells. Because we could not obtain a deletion of about 200 kb in the mouse amyloid precursor protein gene by the classical technique, we employed strategies involving the insertion of loxP sites upstream and downstream of the region to be deleted by homologous recombination and elicited excision of the loxP-flanked region by introduction of a Cre expression vector into the ES cells. In the first approach, the loxP sequences were inserted in two successive steps and after each step, ES cell clones were isolated and characterized. Deletion of the loxP-flanked sequence was accomplished by introducing the cre gene in a third step. In the second approach, ES cells containing the upstream loxP cassette were electroporated simultaneously with the downstream loxP targeting vector and the Cre expression plasmid. ES cells were obtained that gave rise to chimeric mice capable of germ-line transmission of the deleted amyloid precursor protein allele.
Site-specific recombinases are being developed as tools for "in vivo" genetic engineering because they can catalyze precise excisions, integrations, inversions, or translocations of DNA between their distinct recognition target sites. Here it is demonstrated that Flp recombinase can effectively mediate site-specific excisional recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells, in differentiating embryonal carcinoma cells, and in transgenic mice. Broad Flp expression is compatible with normal development, suggesting that Flp can be used to catalyze recombination in most cell types. These properties indicate that Flp can be exploited to make prescribed alterations in the mouse genome.
A spontaneous mutator strain of Escherichia coli (fpg mutY) was used to clone the OGG1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which encodes a DNA glycosylase activity that excises 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-OxoG). E. coli (fpg mutY) was transformed by a yeast DNA library, and clones that showed a reduced spontaneous mutagenesis were selected. The antimutator activity was associated with pYSB10, an 11-kbp recombinant plasmid. Cell-free extracts of E. coli (fpg mutY) harboring pYSB10 possess an enzymatic activity that cleaves a 34-mer oligonucleotide containing a single 8-oxoG opposite a cytosine (8-OxoG/C). The yeast DNA fragment of 1.7 kbp that suppresses spontaneous mutagenesis and overproduces the 8-OxoG/C cleavage activity was sequenced and mapped to chromosome XIII. DNA sequencing identified an open reading frame, designated OGG1, which encodes a protein of 376 amino acids with a molecular mass of 43 kDa. The OGG1 gene was inserted in plasmid pUC19, yielding pYSB110. E. coli (fpg) harboring pYSB110 was used to purify the Ogg1 protein of S. cerevisiae to apparent homogeneity. The Ogg1 protein possesses a DNA glycosylase activity that releases 8-OxoG and 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-N-methylformamidopyrimidine. The Ogg1 protein preferentially incises DNA that contains 8-OxoG opposite cytosine (8-OxoG/C) or thymine (8-OxoG/T). In contrast, Ogg1 protein does not incise the duplex where an adenine is placed opposite 8-OxoG (8-OxoG/A). The mechanism of strand cleavage by Ogg1 protein is probably due to the excision of 8-OxoG followed by a beta-elimination at the resulting apurinic/apyrimidinic site.
The ob gene product, leptin, apparently exclusively expressed in adipose tissue, is a signaling factor regulating body weight homeostasis and energy balance. ob gene expression is increased in obese rodents and regulated by feeding, insulin, and glucocorticoids, which supports the concept that ob gene expression is under hormonal control, which is expected for a key factor controlling body weight homeostasis and energy balance. In humans, ob mRNA expression is increased in gross obesity; however, the effects of the above factors on human ob expression are unknown. We describe the structure of the human ob gene and initial functional analysis of its promoter. The human ob gene's three exons cover approximately 15 kb of genomic DNA. The entire coding region is contained in exons 2 and 3, which are separated by a 2-kb intron. The first small 30-bp untranslated exon is located >10.5 kb upstream of the initiator ATG codon. Three kilobases of DNA upstream of the transcription start site has been cloned and characterized. Only 217 bp of 5' sequence are required for basal adipose tissue-specific expression of the ob gene as well as enhanced expression by C/EBPalpha. Mutation of the single C/EBPalpha site in this region abolished inducibility of the promoter by C/EBPalpha in cotransfection assays. The gene structure will facilitate our analysis of ob mutations in human obesity, whereas knowledge of sequence elements and factors regulating ob gene expression should be of major importance in the prevention and treatment of obesity.
MEF2 (myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2) is a MADS box transcription factor that is thought to be a key regulator of myogenesis in vertebrates. Mutations in the Drosophila homologue of the mef2 gene indicate that it plays a key role in regulating myogenesis in Drosophila. We show here that the Drosophila tropomyosin I (TmI) gene is a target gene for mef2 regulation. The TmI gene contains a proximal and a distal muscle enhancer within the first intron of the gene. We show that both enhancers contain a MEF2 binding site and that a mutation in the MEF2 binding site of either enhancer significantly reduces reporter gene expression in embryonic, larval, and adult somatic body wall muscles of transgenic flies. We also show that a high level of proximal enhancer-directed reporter gene expression in somatic muscles requires the cooperative activity of MEF2 and a cis-acting muscle activator region located within the enhancer. Thus, mef2 null mutant embryos show a significant reduction but not an elimination of TmI expression in the body wall myoblasts and muscle fibers that are present. Surprisingly, there is little effect in these mutants on TmI expression in developing visceral muscles and dorsal vessel (heart), despite the fact that MEF2 is expressed in these muscles in wild-type embryos, indicating that TmI expression is regulated differently in these muscles. Taken together, our results show that mef2 is a positive regulator of tropomyosin gene transcription that is necessary but not sufficient for high level expression in somatic muscle of the embryo, larva, and adult.
Pax3 is a transcription factor whose expression has been used as a marker of myogenic precursor cells arising in the lateral somite destined to migrate to and populate the limb musculature. Accruing evidence indicates that the embryologic origins of axial and appendicular muscles are distinct, and limb muscle abnormalities in both mice and humans harboring Pax3 mutations support this distinction. The mechanisms by which Pax3 affects limb muscle development are unknown. The tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor encoded by the c-met protooncogene is also expressed in limb muscle progenitors and, like Pax-3, is required in the mouse for limb muscle development. Here, we show that c-met expression is markedly reduced in the lateral dermomyotome of Splotch embryos lacking Pax3. We show that Pax3 can stimulate c-met expression in cultured cells, and we identify a potential Pax3 binding site in the human c-MET promoter that may contribute to direct transcriptional regulation. In addition, we have found that several cell lines derived from patients with rhabdomyosarcomas caused by a t(2;13) chromosomal translocation activating PAX3 express c-MET, whereas those rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines examined without the translocation do not. These results are consistent with a model in which Pax3 modulates c-met expression in the lateral dermomyotome, a function that is required for the appropriate migration of these myogenic precursors to the limb where the ligand for c-met (hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor) is expressed at high levels.
Promoter and silencer elements of the immediate 5' flanking region of the gene coding for human factor VII were identified and characterized. The major transcription start site, designated as +1, was determined by RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) analysis of human liver cDNA and was found to be located 50 bp upstream from the translation start site. Two minor transcription start sites were found at bp +32 bp and +37. Progressive deletions of the 5' flanking region were fused to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene and transient expression in HepG2 and HeLa cells was measured. Two promoter elements that were essential for hepatocyte-specific transcription were identified. The first site, FVIIP1, located at bp -19 to +1, functioned independently of orientation or position and contributed about one-third of the promoter activity of the factor VII gene. Electrophoretic mobility-shift, competition, and anti-hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF4) antibody supershift experiments demonstrated that this site contained an HNF-4 binding element homologous to the promoters in the genes coding for factor IX and factor X. The second site, FVIIP2, located at bp -50 to -26, also functioned independent of orientation or position and contributed about two thirds of the promoter activity in the gene for factor VII. Functional assays with mutant sequences demonstrated that a 10-bp G + C-rich core sequence which shares 90% sequence identity with the prothrombin gene enhancer was essential for the function of the second site. Mobility-shift and competition assays suggested that this site also binds hepatic-specific factors as well as the transcription factor Sp1. Two silencer elements located upstream of the promoter region spanning bp -130 to -103 (FVIIS1 site) and bp -202 to -130 (FVIIS2) were also identified by reporter gene assays.
The process of RNA chain initiation by RNA polymerases plays a central role in the regulation of transcription. In this complex phase of transcription, short oligomers are synthesized and released from the enzyme-promoter complex in a reaction termed abortive initiation. The polymerase undergoes many cycles of abortive initiation prior to completion of the initiation process, which is signaled by the translocation of the enzyme away from the promoter, release of sigma factor, and formation of an elongation complex in which the RNA is stably bound. We have studied the parameters that affect escape from the promoter by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase for the phage T7 A1 promoter, the phage T5 N25 promoter, and the chimeric promoter T5 N25antiDSR. The latter site contains a synthetic initial transcribed region that reduces its ability to synthesize RNA both in vivo and in vitro. Clearance from T5 N25antiDSR can be stimulated up to 10-fold in vitro by addition of the E. coli transcript cleavage factor GreA or GreB, but these factors have little effect on transcription from the normal T7 A1 or T5 N25 promoters. Using an E. coli strain lacking GreA and GreB, we were also able to show stimulation of transcription by the Gre factors from the T5 N25antiDSR promotor in vivo. The stimulation of RNA chain initiation by Gre factors, together with their known biochemical properties in the transcription elongation reaction, suggests some specific models for steps in the transcription initiation reaction.
GATA-1 is a zinc-finger transcription factor that plays a critical role in the normal development of hematopoietic cell lineages. In human and murine erythroid cells a previously undescribed 40-kDa protein is detected with GATA-1-specific antibodies. We show that the 40-kDa GATA-1 (GATA-1s) is produced by the use of an internal AUG initiation codon in the GATA-1 transcript. The GATA-1 proteins share identical binding activity and form heterodimers in erythroleukemic cells but differ in their transactivation potential and in their expression in developing mouse embryos.
Activation of individual CD4+ T cells results in differential lymphokine expression: interleukin 2 (IL-2) is preferentially produced by T helper type 1 (TH1) cells, which are involved in cell-mediated immune responses, whereas IL-4 is synthesized by TH2 cells, which are essential for humoral immunity. The Ca(2+)-dependent factor NF-ATp plays a key role in the inducible transcription of both these lymphokine genes. However, while IL2 expression requires the contribution of Ca(2+)- and protein kinase C-dependent signals, we report that activation of human IL4 transcription through the Ca(2+)-dependent pathway is diminished by protein kinase C stimulation in Jurkat T cells. This phenomenon is due to mutually exclusive binding of NF-ATp and NF-kappa B to the P sequence, an element located 69 bp upstream of the IL4 transcription initiation site. Human IL4 promoter-mediated transcription is downregulated in Jurkat cells stimulated with the NF-kappa B-activating cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha and suppressed in RelA-overexpressing cells. In contrast, protein kinase C stimulation or RelA overexpression does not affect the activity of a human IL4 promoter containing a mouse P sequence, which is a higher-affinity site for NF-ATp and a lower-affinity site for RelA. Thus, competition between two general transcriptional activators, RelA and NF-ATp, mediates the inhibitory effect of protein kinase C stimulation on IL4 expression and may contribute to differential gene expression in TH cells.
A family of interferon (IFN) regulatory factors (IRFs) have been shown to play a role in transcription of IFN genes as well as IFN-stimulated genes. We report the identification of a member of the IRF family which we have named IRF-3. The IRF-3 gene is present in a single copy in human genomic DNA. It is expressed constitutively in a variety of tissues and no increase in the relative steady-state levels of IRF-3 mRNA was observed in virus-infected or IFN-treated cells. The IRF-3 gene encodes a 50-kDa protein that binds specifically to the IFN-stimulated response element (ISRE) but not to the IRF-1 binding site PRD-I. Overexpression of IRF-3 stimulates expression of the IFN-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) promoter, an ISRE-containing promoter. The murine IFNA4 promoter, which can be induced by IRF-1 or viral infection, is not induced by IRF-3. Expression of IRF-3 as a Gal4 fusion protein does not activate expression of a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene containing repeats of the Gal4 binding sites, indicating that this protein does not contain the transcription transactivation domain. The high amino acid homology between IRF-3 and ISG factor 3 gamma polypeptide (ISGF3 gamma) and their similar binding properties indicate that, like ISGF3 gamma, IRF-3 may activate transcription by complex formation with other transcriptional factors, possibly members of the Stat family. Identification of this ISRE-binding protein may help us to understand the specificity in the various Stat pathways.
Cyclin A is involved in the control of S phase and mitosis in mammalian cells. Expression of the cyclin A gene in nontransformed cells is characterized by repression of its promoter during the G1 phase of the cell cycle and its induction at S-phase entry. We show that this mode of regulation is mediated by the transcription factor E2F, which binds to a specific site in the cyclin A promoter. It differs from the prototype E2F site in nucleotide sequence and protein binding; it is bound by E2F complexes containing cyclin E and p107 but not pRB. Ectopic expression of cyclin D1 triggers premature activation of the cyclin A promoter by E2F, and this effect is blocked by the tumor suppressor protein p16INK4.
The Epstein-Barr virus-encoded nuclear antigen EBNA-1 gene promoter for the restricted Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latency program operating in group I Burkitt lymphoma (BL) cell lines was previously identified incorrectly. Here we present evidence from RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) cloning, reverse transcription-PCR, and S1 nuclease analyses, which demonstrates that the EBNA-1 gene promoter in group I BL cell lines is located in the viral BamHI Q fragment, immediately upstream of two low-affinity EBNA-1 binding sites. Transcripts initiated from this promoter, referred to as Qp, have the previously reported Q/U/K exon splicing pattern. Qp is active in group I BL cell lines but not in group III BL cell lines or in EBV immortalized B-lymphoblastoid cell lines. In addition, transient transfection of Qp-driven reporter constructs into both an EBV-negative BL cell line and a group I BL cell line gave rise to correctly initiated transcripts. Inspection of Qp revealed that it is a TATA-less promoter whose architecture is similar to the promoters of housekeeping genes, suggesting that Qp may be a default promoter which ensures EBNA-1 expression in cells that cannot run the full viral latency program. Elucidation of the genetic mechanism responsible for the EBNA-1-restricted program of EBV latency is an essential step in understanding control of viral latency in EBV-associated tumors.