419 resultados para VERTICES


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rnThis thesis is on the flavor problem of Randall Sundrum modelsrnand their strongly coupled dual theories. These models are particularly wellrnmotivated extensions of the Standard Model, because they simultaneously address rntherngauge hierarchy problem and the hierarchies in the quarkrnmasses and mixings. In order to put this into context, special attention is given to concepts underlying therntheories which can explain the hierarchy problem and the flavor structure of the Standard Model (SM). ThernAdS/CFTrnduality is introduced and its implications for the Randall Sundrum model withrnfermions in the bulk andrngeneral bulk gauge groups is investigated. It will be shown that the differentrnterms in the general 5D propagator of a bulk gauge field can be related tornthe corresponding diagrams of the strongly coupled dual, which allows for arndeeperrnunderstanding of the origin of flavor changing neutral currents generated by thernexchange of the Kaluza Klein excitations of these bulk fields.rnIn the numerical analysis, different observables which are sensitive torncorrections from therntree-levelrnexchange of these resonances will be presented on the basis of updatedrnexperimental data from the Tevatron and LHC experiments. This includesrnelectroweak precision observables, namely corrections to the S and Trnparameters followed by corrections to the Zbb vertex, flavor changingrnobservables with flavor changes at one vertex, viz. BR (Bd -> mu+mu-) and BR (Bs -> mu+mu-), and two vertices,rn viz. S_psiphi and |eps_K|, as well as bounds from direct detectionrnexperiments. rnThe analysis will show that all of these bounds can be brought in agreement withrna new physics scale Lambda_NP in the TeV range, except for the CPrnviolating quantity |eps_K|, which requires Lambda_NP= Ord(10) TeVrnin the absencernof fine-tuning. The numerous modifications of the Randall Sundrum modelrnin the literature, which try to attenuate this bound are reviewed andrncategorized.rnrnSubsequently, a novel solution to this flavor problem, based on an extendedrncolor gauge group in the bulk and its thorough implementation inrnthe RS model, will be presented, as well as an analysis of the observablesrnmentioned above in the extended model. This solution is especially motivatedrnfromrnthe point of view of the strongly coupled dual theory and the implications forrnstrongly coupled models of new physics, which do not possess a holographic dual,rnare examined.rnFinally, the top quark plays a special role in models with a geometric explanation ofrnflavor hierarchies and the predictions in the Randall-Sundrum model with andrnwithout the proposed extension for the forward-backward asymmetryrnA_FB^trnin top pair production are computed.


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Die Produktion von Hyperkernen wurde in peripheren Schwerionenreaktionen untersucht, bei denen eine Kohlenstofffolie mit $^6$Li Projektilen mit einer Strahlenergie von $2 A$~GeV bestrahlt wurde. Es konnten klare Signale f{"{u}}r $Lambda$, $^3_{Lambda}$H, $^4_{Lambda}$H in deren jeweiligen invarianten Massenverteilungen aus Mesonenzerfall beobachtet werden.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wird eine unabh{"{a}}ngige Datenauswertung vorgelegt, die eine Verifizierung fr"{u}herer Ergebnisse der HypHI Kollaboration zum Ziel hatte. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine neue Track-Rekonstruktion, basierend auf einem Kalman-Filter-Ansatz, und zwei unterschiedliche Algorithmen zur Rekonstruktion sekund"{a}rer Vertices entwickelt.rn%-Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen .rnrnDie invarianten Massen des $Lambda$-Hyperon und der $^3_{Lambda}$H- und $^4_{Lambda}$H-Hyperkerne wurden mit $1109.6 pm 0.4$, $2981.0 pm 0.3$ und $3898.1 pm 0.7$~MeV$/c^2$ und statistischen Signifikanzen von $9.8sigma$, $12.8sigma$ beziehungsweise $7.3sigma$ bestimmt. Die in dieser Arbeit erhaltenen Ergebnisse stimmen mit der fr{"{u}}heren Auswertung {"{u}}berein.rnrnDas Ausbeutenverh{"{a}}ltnis der beiden Hyperkerne wurde als $N(^3_{Lambda}$H)/$N(^4_{Lambda}$H)$ sim 3$ bestimmt. Das deutet darauf hin, dass der Produktionsmechanismus f{"{u}}r Hyperkerne in Schwerionen-induzierten Reaktionen im Projektil-Rapidit{"{a}}tsbereich nicht allein durch einen Koaleszenzmechanismus beschrieben werden kann, sondern dass auch sekund{"{a}}re Pion-/Kaon-induzierte Reaktionen und Fermi-Aufbruch involviert sind.rn


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Chapter 1 is used to introduce the basic tools and mechanics used within this thesis. Most of the definitions used in the thesis will be defined, and we provide a basic survey of topics in graph theory and design theory pertinent to the topics studied in this thesis. In Chapter 2, we are concerned with the study of fixed block configuration group divisible designs, GDD(n; m; k; λ1; λ2). We study those GDDs in which each block has configuration (s; t), that is, GDDs in which each block has exactly s points from one of the two groups and t points from the other. Chapter 2 begins with an overview of previous results and constructions for small group size and block sizes 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 2 is largely devoted to presenting constructions and results about GDDs with two groups and block size 6. We show the necessary conditions are sufficient for the existence of GDD(n, 2, 6; λ1, λ2) with fixed block configuration (3; 3). For configuration (1; 5), we give minimal or nearminimal index constructions for all group sizes n ≥ 5 except n = 10, 15, 160, or 190. For configuration (2, 4), we provide constructions for several families ofGDD(n, 2, 6; λ1, λ2)s. Chapter 3 addresses characterizing (3, r)-regular graphs. We begin with providing previous results on the well studied class of (2, r)-regular graphs and some results on the structure of large (t; r)-regular graphs. In Chapter 3, we completely characterize all (3, 1)-regular and (3, 2)-regular graphs, as well has sharpen existing bounds on the order of large (3, r)- regular graphs of a certain form for r ≥ 3. Finally, the appendix gives computational data resulting from Sage and C programs used to generate (3, 3)-regular graphs on less than 10 vertices.


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A k-cycle decomposition of order n is a partition of the edges of the complete graph on n vertices into k-cycles. In this report a backtracking algorithm is developed to count the number of inequivalent k-cycle decompositions of order n.


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Fuzzy community detection is to identify fuzzy communities in a network, which are groups of vertices in the network such that the membership of a vertex in one community is in [0,1] and that the sum of memberships of vertices in all communities equals to 1. Fuzzy communities are pervasive in social networks, but only a few works have been done for fuzzy community detection. Recently, a one-step forward extension of Newman’s Modularity, the most popular quality function for disjoint community detection, results into the Generalized Modularity (GM) that demonstrates good performance in finding well-known fuzzy communities. Thus, GMis chosen as the quality function in our research. We first propose a generalized fuzzy t-norm modularity to investigate the effect of different fuzzy intersection operators on fuzzy community detection, since the introduction of a fuzzy intersection operation is made feasible by GM. The experimental results show that the Yager operator with a proper parameter value performs better than the product operator in revealing community structure. Then, we focus on how to find optimal fuzzy communities in a network by directly maximizing GM, which we call it Fuzzy Modularity Maximization (FMM) problem. The effort on FMM problem results into the major contribution of this thesis, an efficient and effective GM-based fuzzy community detection method that could automatically discover a fuzzy partition of a network when it is appropriate, which is much better than fuzzy partitions found by existing fuzzy community detection methods, and a crisp partition of a network when appropriate, which is competitive with partitions resulted from the best disjoint community detections up to now. We address FMM problem by iteratively solving a sub-problem called One-Step Modularity Maximization (OSMM). We present two approaches for solving this iterative procedure: a tree-based global optimizer called Find Best Leaf Node (FBLN) and a heuristic-based local optimizer. The OSMM problem is based on a simplified quadratic knapsack problem that can be solved in linear time; thus, a solution of OSMM can be found in linear time. Since the OSMM algorithm is called within FBLN recursively and the structure of the search tree is non-deterministic, we can see that the FMM/FBLN algorithm runs in a time complexity of at least O (n2). So, we also propose several highly efficient and very effective heuristic algorithms namely FMM/H algorithms. We compared our proposed FMM/H algorithms with two state-of-the-art community detection methods, modified MULTICUT Spectral Fuzzy c-Means (MSFCM) and Genetic Algorithm with a Local Search strategy (GALS), on 10 real-world data sets. The experimental results suggest that the H2 variant of FMM/H is the best performing version. The H2 algorithm is very competitive with GALS in producing maximum modularity partitions and performs much better than MSFCM. On all the 10 data sets, H2 is also 2-3 orders of magnitude faster than GALS. Furthermore, by adopting a simply modified version of the H2 algorithm as a mutation operator, we designed a genetic algorithm for fuzzy community detection, namely GAFCD, where elite selection and early termination are applied. The crossover operator is designed to make GAFCD converge fast and to enhance GAFCD’s ability of jumping out of local minimums. Experimental results on all the data sets show that GAFCD uncovers better community structure than GALS.


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An algorithm, based on ‘vertex priority values’ has been proposed to uniquely sequence and represent connectivity matrix of chemical structures of cyclic/ acyclic functionalized achiral hydrocarbons and their derivatives. In this method ‘vertex priority values’ have been assigned in terms of atomic weights, subgraph lengths, loops, and heteroatom contents. Subsequently the terminal vertices have been considered upon completing the sequencing of the core vertices. This approach provides a multilayered connectivity graph, which can be put to use in comparing two or more structures or parts thereof for any given purpose. Furthermore the basic vertex connection tables generated here are useful in the computation of characteristic matrices/ topological indices, automorphism groups, and in storing, sorting and retrieving of chemical structures from databases.


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We consider the problem of approximating the 3D scan of a real object through an affine combination of examples. Common approaches depend either on the explicit estimation of point-to-point correspondences or on 2-dimensional projections of the target mesh; both present drawbacks. We follow an approach similar to [IF03] by representing the target via an implicit function, whose values at the vertices of the approximation are used to define a robust cost function. The problem is approached in two steps, by approximating first a coarse implicit representation of the whole target, and then finer, local ones; the local approximations are then merged together with a Poisson-based method. We report the results of applying our method on a subset of 3D scans from the Face Recognition Grand Challenge v.1.0.


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This paper proposes a new compression algorithm for dynamic 3d meshes. In such a sequence of meshes, neighboring vertices have a strong tendency to behave similarly and the degree of dependencies between their locations in two successive frames is very large which can be efficiently exploited using a combination of Predictive and DCT coders (PDCT). Our strategy gathers mesh vertices of similar motions into clusters, establish a local coordinate frame (LCF) for each cluster and encodes frame by frame and each cluster separately. The vertices of each cluster have small variation over a time relative to the LCF. Therefore, the location of each new vertex is well predicted from its location in the previous frame relative to the LCF of its cluster. The difference between the original and the predicted local coordinates are then transformed into frequency domain using DCT. The resulting DCT coefficients are quantized and compressed with entropy coding. The original sequence of meshes can be reconstructed from only a few non-zero DCT coefficients without significant loss in visual quality. Experimental results show that our strategy outperforms or comes close to other coders.


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We solve two inverse spectral problems for star graphs of Stieltjes strings with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, respectively, at a selected vertex called root. The root is either the central vertex or, in the more challenging problem, a pendant vertex of the star graph. At all other pendant vertices Dirichlet conditions are imposed; at the central vertex, at which a mass may be placed, continuity and Kirchhoff conditions are assumed. We derive conditions on two sets of real numbers to be the spectra of the above Dirichlet and Neumann problems. Our solution for the inverse problems is constructive: we establish algorithms to recover the mass distribution on the star graph (i.e. the point masses and lengths of subintervals between them) from these two spectra and from the lengths of the separate strings. If the root is a pendant vertex, the two spectra uniquely determine the parameters on the main string (i.e. the string incident to the root) if the length of the main string is known. The mass distribution on the other edges need not be unique; the reason for this is the non-uniqueness caused by the non-strict interlacing of the given data in the case when the root is the central vertex. Finally, we relate of our results to tree-patterned matrix inverse problems.


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The discovery of grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) permits the characterization of hippocampal computation in much greater detail than previously possible. The present study addresses how an integrate-and-fire unit driven by grid-cell spike trains may transform the multipeaked, spatial firing pattern of grid cells into the single-peaked activity that is typical of hippocampal place cells. Previous studies have shown that in the absence of network interactions, this transformation can succeed only if the place cell receives inputs from grids with overlapping vertices at the location of the place cell's firing field. In our simulations, the selection of these inputs was accomplished by fast Hebbian plasticity alone. The resulting nonlinear process was acutely sensitive to small input variations. Simulations differing only in the exact spike timing of grid cells produced different field locations for the same place cells. Place fields became concentrated in areas that correlated with the initial trajectory of the animal; the introduction of feedback inhibitory cells reduced this bias. These results suggest distinct roles for plasticity of the perforant path synapses and for competition via feedback inhibition in the formation of place fields in a novel environment. Furthermore, they imply that variability in MEC spiking patterns or in the rat's trajectory is sufficient for generating a distinct population code in a novel environment and suggest that recalling this code in a familiar environment involves additional inputs and/or a different mode of operation of the network.


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A dedicated reconstruction algorithm to find decay vertices in the ATLAS muon spectrometer is presented. The algorithm searches the region just upstream of or inside the muon spectrometer volume for multi-particle vertices that originate from the decay of particles with long decay paths. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using both a sample of simulated Higgs boson events, in which the Higgs boson decays to long-lived neutral particles that in turn decay to b final states, and pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011.


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This paper describes a measurement of the flavour composition of dijet events produced in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. The measurement uses the full 2010 data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 39 pb(-1). Six possible combinations of light, charm and bottom jets are identified in the dijet events, where the jet flavour is defined by the presence of bottom, charm or solely light flavour hadrons in the jet. Kinematic variables, based on the properties of displaced decay vertices and optimised for jet flavour identification, are used in a multidimensional template fit to measure the fractions of these dijet flavour states as functions of the leading jet transverse momentum in the range 40 GeV to 500 GeV and jet rapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 2.1. The fit results agree with the predictions of leading-and next-to-leading-order calculations, with the exception of the dijet fraction composed of bottom and light flavour jets, which is underestimated by all models at large transverse jet momenta. The ability to identify jets containing two b-hadrons, originating from e. g. gluon splitting, is demonstrated. The difference between bottom jet production rates in leading and subleading jets is consistent with the next-to-leading-order predictions.


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Mathematical models of disease progression predict disease outcomes and are useful epidemiological tools for planners and evaluators of health interventions. The R package gems is a tool that simulates disease progression in patients and predicts the effect of different interventions on patient outcome. Disease progression is represented by a series of events (e.g., diagnosis, treatment and death), displayed in a directed acyclic graph. The vertices correspond to disease states and the directed edges represent events. The package gems allows simulations based on a generalized multistate model that can be described by a directed acyclic graph with continuous transition-specific hazard functions. The user can specify an arbitrary hazard function and its parameters. The model includes parameter uncertainty, does not need to be a Markov model, and may take the history of previous events into account. Applications are not limited to the medical field and extend to other areas where multistate simulation is of interest. We provide a technical explanation of the multistate models used by gems, explain the functions of gems and their arguments, and show a sample application.


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Antihydrogen holds the promise to test, for the first time, the universality of freefall with a system composed entirely of antiparticles. The AEgIS experiment at CERN’s antiproton decelerator aims to measure the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter by measuring the deflection of a beam of antihydrogen in the Earths gravitational field (g). The principle of the experiment is as follows: cold antihydrogen atoms are synthesized in a Penning-Malberg trap and are Stark accelerated towards a moir´e deflectometer, the classical counterpart of an atom interferometer, and annihilate on a position sensitive detector. Crucial to the success of the experiment is the spatial precision of the position sensitive detector.We propose a novel free-fall detector based on a hybrid of two technologies: emulsion detectors, which have an intrinsic spatial resolution of 50 nm but no temporal information, and a silicon strip / scintillating fiber tracker to provide timing and positional information. In 2012 we tested emulsion films in vacuum with antiprotons from CERN’s antiproton decelerator. The annihilation vertices could be observed directly on the emulsion surface using the microscope facility available at the University of Bern. The annihilation vertices were successfully reconstructed with a resolution of 1–2 μmon the impact parameter. If such a precision can be realized in the final detector, Monte Carlo simulations suggest of order 500 antihydrogen annihilations will be sufficient to determine gwith a 1 % accuracy. This paper presents current research towards the development of this technology for use in the AEgIS apparatus and prospects for the realization of the final detector.


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We report the first measurement of the neutrino-oxygen neutral-current quasielastic (NCQE) cross section. It is obtained by observing nuclear deexcitation γ rays which follow neutrino-oxygen interactions at the Super-Kamiokande water Cherenkov detector. We use T2K data corresponding to 3.01 × 1020 protons on target. By selecting only events during the T2K beam window and with well-reconstructed vertices in the fiducial volume, the large background rate from natural radioactivity is dramatically reduced. We observe 43 events in the 4–30 MeV reconstructed energy window, compared with an expectation of 51.0, which includes an estimated 16.2 background events. The background is primarily nonquasielastic neutral-current interactions and has only 1.2 events from natural radioactivity. The flux-averaged NCQE cross section we measure is 1.55 × 10−38 cm2 with a 68% confidence interval of ð1.22; 2.20Þ × 10−38 cm2 at a median neutrino energy of 630 MeV, compared with the theoretical prediction of 2.01 × 10−38 cm2.